task one and two
a kingdom lost at sea
(i am so proud of this aesthetic)
kin-breina is a rocky island kingdom, where their main industry is no doubt fishing. the kingdom itself is rocked with many plagues, from piracy to poverty, the lower class has always had many cards stacked against them. the king is rather oblivious to many of these issues, despite his soft-hearted wife being quite in touch with many of the impoverished as she too used to be quite poor.
the kingdom is entirely surrounded by rock and water, and many men die each year due to the water's strong currents. a small nook of calm and warm water on the west area of the large island is where the royal castle is located, and where many nobles rake their families to go swimming. this area is nearly the only calm swimming spot, and if the poor wish to go swimming, the only season to do it in calm waters is in the fall when the currents slow and there are hardly any waves. the water is quite cold by then, of course.
the island survives off of fish and imports from other kingdoms and counties. the marinas and markets are always packed full with vendors and witches and fairies and performers galore - one of the beautiful things about this kingdom. there is no shortage of fun people around the markets and alleyways.
kin-breina is prone to flooding, which is why you'll notice that many of the houses are built higher up. the castle is close to the water, mainly because the west side of the island has the calmest waters, but specifically the outer villages of kin-breina are at a reasonably high risk for flooding.
area: 3.82 million km^2
stork: the national bird, a bird that represents new life (adopted after the coronation of fourth king, king geiraar stenham the 2nd [approx. 423 years ago]) and a very common bird on the island, seen in all quadrants. the stork looks west to the castle.
sun: symbol of strength. the sun can always be viewed from the island due to it's extreme lack of vegetation and large mountains, thus many turn to it in times of need or loss.
blue: representation of the water surrounding the island.
orange: a commemoration of the beautiful sunsets seen on the island. a factor in the colonization of the island was the beautiful sunsets the noblemen could view from anywhere.
aqua enim multi: the motto of kin-breina. translates to "for there are many with water". a symbol of the unity of the kin-breinan colonies brought on by the fourth king.
jakk - the (super duper late) welcome ball
as i opened my eyes to the late sun, i realized. shit, overslept again.
it wasn't all that hard to remember what day it was. the welcome ball would be in a few hours, and of course i'd woken up late, but there was no way i would miss out on a party happening! there was also no way i wouldn't dress up for the occasion.
i always found white to be what got me to stand out more, so many of my princely outfits were alabaster, with sleek pale fabric and - for this particular event - lined with gold. the theme of gold was such a nice, flattering thing for me, because, well, what royal didn't look good draped in gold? my father always said that as a prince, it was important to show your status. now, i never really liked to flaunt my money or my family or my princeliness, but when you're now attending a school full of royals, it's hard not to feel a little intimidated. so, while my white sleeves were dressed with gold flowers and sigils and decorations galore, i packed the pins and gifts onto my chest. it was quite common in my kingdom to be gifted pins, mostly because we ran mostly off of imports and markets, but also because they just looked so... stylish! i've never cared much for style; i care so much more for making connections and good impressions, but once again, this ball was a first impression. instead of being intimidated, i sort of wanted to, well, intimidate.
needless to say, my outfit was definitely on par with the theme, and i knew i would make some wonderful friends, so what did i have to worry about? oh, yeah. my hair.
my hair tended to get quite... crazy when i slept. this day was no different, with little brown locks of my princely head sticking in every which way. now, this step took much more time, and sadly i had to rip out some of my hair in the process, but as i watched myself all dressed up in the mirror, i thought that i looked quite elegant, princely, and... rather very much like my brother. recoil in disgust, and off i go!
here's the stuff for the two tasks i missed! you'll definitely have to excuse some of the writing hahaha, i'm still tryna get back into the groove of things :)
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