Chapter Six: Draught of Living Death
Two days passed after the incident with the Slytherin Quidditch captain where Orion punched him and broke his hand and the captains nose. Orion walks with Ace to their lunchtime detention as Ace mentions "That was one swing you gave him Star, he deserved it, hes always been a prick, he has been a prick to Ron and Ginny." Orion looks at Ace and asks "He's been picking on Ron and Ginny, why?" Ace shrugs as he kicks a stone, looking down at his shoes.
Orion notices as he asks "Need me to hex him for you?" Ace sighs as he explains "You know how people are about my family, because we're 'poor blood-traitors', i don't even get how you are friends with me" Orion gives Ace a double take as he points out "Ace, are you crazy, you are always going to be my best friend, i don't care about bloodstatus, yeah okay I'm part of the Noble house of Blackwood who are shitty purebloods but you are always going to be my best friend, always"
Ace smiles a little, his freckles glistening in autumn sun as he mumbles "Thanks Orion." Orion slings his arm over Ace's shoulder as he ruffles Ace's flaming red hair, pulling him into a side hug. Ace swats Orion's hand away, laughing as they carry on walking to McGonagall's classroom. Once they turned the corner, Orion's heart dropped, his 'girlfriend' Sora, making out with Cormac McLaggen. Ace looks at Orion then at the pair in front of them. Sora looks at Orion, her eyes widening "Orion! You wasn't suppose to see this, please lis-" Orion cuts her off and exclaims "How long has this been happening?" Cormac smirks as he explains "Beginning of the year." Orion felt tears welling in his eyes as he stammers "T-thats two months. Two fucking months!" He looks at Sora as he adds on, his tone filled with hurt that was slowly turning into hatred, "You have been seeing fucking Cormac McLaggen for two months, behind my back!" Ace grabs Orion's hand and whispers "Come on, dude, we gotta get to detention." Orion nods as he walks away with Ace, letting the tears stray down his cheeks.
Once they got the McGonagall's classroom, Orion sits down in the back of the room, Ace sighs a little as he sits a few rows in front of him. McGonagall looks up from the papers she was grading as she notices Orion's tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. She looks at Ace as he mouths "He just found out he got cheated on, so he doesn't want to speak" McGonagall nods as she walks over to Orion and asks "Do you want to write or sign?" Orion shrugs, he trusts McGonagall, she was the first person Orion came out as transgender to when he was thirteen. McGonagall nods as she proceeded "You don't have to do this detention today but it will be at the same time tomorrow, okay?" Orion nods as Ace gasps and exclaims "Minnie you are showing favouritism over there" Orion giggles a little as he stands up, slinging his bag over his shoulder and points out "Says the one who got out of detention five times in our second year as their brother was the prefect." Ace automatically shuts up as Orion waves goodbye and walks to his dorm.
The next day rolls around as Orion had a free first period, so he spent it in the library. Sora, his now ex-girlfriend, walks over to him and giggled "Hey Orion" Orion rolls his eyes as he ignores her, Sora groans a little as she asks "Are you going to stop sulking over how I've been seeing Cormac?" Orion mentions as he looks at her "Why should i? You was going out with Cormac McLaggen for two months and you didn't even bother to tell me!" Sora holds her hands up in a mock surrender and grumbles "Geez, don't need to snap at me." Orion sighs as he takes a shaky deep breath, trying to calm himself down. Sora smirks as she asks, her tone full with mokery "What does the little Hufflepuff need to calm down?" Orion looks up as he sees his twin sister, Fallon Blackwood, a Ravenclaw seventh year, behind Sora with her wand pointed to the back of Sora's head. Orion smiles as he chuckled "I suggest you turn around."
Sora turns around as her eyes widen, Fallon smirks as she stated "Hello, Sora" Sora turns back to Orion and asks "Whose this?" He smiles as he explains "Thats my twin, Fallon Blackwood, she's scary, very scary" Fallon nods and smirks. Then she asks, her tone cold "So what will it be, Sora, you leave my brother alone or i can hex you so you will wake up in the hospital wing" Orion looks around as Theodore Nott, Fallon's boyfriend, leans on a bookcase with his arms crossed. Orion smiles as he walks over to Theo as he pointed out "I'm guessing you aren't stopping her" Theo shakes his head as he replies "Hell nah, shes scary when shes angry." Orion nods. Then there was a flash, Fallon hexed Sora. Orion's eyes widen as Theodore smirks. Fallon walks over, her wand spinning between her fingers as she explains "That was easy" Theodore walks over to her and wraps an arm around her waist, kissing her temple, whispering "That was hot" Orion fake gags as he mumbles "Really, do you need to be all lovey-dovey in front of me?" Fallon looks at Orion as she ruffles his hair, smirking. Orion swats her hand away as he checks the time, saying "Shit, I'm going to be late for potions and i don't really fancy getting another detention, see ya sis!" As he slings his bag over his shoulder and heads down to the dungeons to the potions classroom. Fallon and Theodore waves at him as Orion catches up with Ace.
Ace smiles at him as he asks "Where have you been?" Orion smiles as he explains "The library, Fallon hexed Sora for me" Ace gives Orion a double take as he asks "Wait, as in your twin sister, Fallon, HEXED Sora?!" Orion nods as he walks down the three sets of stairs and to the potions classroom. Ace catches up as he asks "You better be joking, right? ...Right?" Orion looks at Ace as he remarked "If i was joking i wouldn't have said it Weasley, would i?" Ace shrugs, he doesn't bother asking more questions. Orion looks at Ace and mentions "You do know our dad's was in love when they was at Hogwarts?" Ace looks back at Orion, then asks, his tone full of surprise "What!?" Then he adds on "Orion what the fuck do you mean my dad was in love with your dad?"
Orion nods as he pulls out a small leather book and explains "My father gave me this on my fifteenth birthday, its his old diary, and look-" then he flicks through the pages and shows him a diary entry from 1965, Sebastian Blackwood's fifth year at Hogwarts.
~Start of diary~
Seventeenth of October 1965
Dear Diary
Today, me and Arthur went down to the Black Lake during our free period. The water was silent while the wind blew through my hair as Arthur's red hair covered his face. I moved his hair out of his face while our hands was intertwined with each other, i knew my parents wouldn't approve that I'm dating a 'bloodtraitor' but i love him. He made me feel whole again. We sat down near the edge of the lake as Arthur put his head in my lap. I carded my hands through the fire red locks. The world went silent as our eyes met, all that cared was me and him against a world of hatred. There is one question that lingers in my head 'Why do people hate on people just because of who they love?' But that's a question for another day.
As i played with Arthur's hair he started to kiss my hand. His lips was so soft, it's one of my favourite part about him. He trailed his kissing up to my cheek, slowly inching towards my lips. I carefully cupped his face as we kissed. The kissed was filled with passion and love. We slowly broke the kiss as Arthur looked in my eyes, i could see the love in his eyes.
I want to spend my whole life with him.
~End of diary~
Ace looks at Orion then at the diary, then back at Orion and exclaims, his tone filled with question "Our dad's kissed?!" he thinks for a second and adds on "No wonder your sister fell for my brother" Orion snorts as he explains "I don't think that's how it works Ace" Ace shrugs as he walks into the potions classroom, Orion following him. Professor Slughorn then announced "Right, class, there will be a new seating plan" The class groans as Slughorn starts putting the class into their new seats, leaving just Orion and Blaise sitting in the back, alone. Orion sits down next to Blaise as Blaise says "Well, I'm guessing I get to sit next to you the rest of this term, Orion" Orion shrugs as he puts his glasses on, grabbing his notebook and quill. Blaise asks "You wear glasses?" Orion looks at Blaise and explains "Yeah, my grandma had to wear glasses, and i do aswell" Blaise nods as him and Orion start whispering, getting to know each other.
As the lesson went on, Professor Slughorn started talking about the practical, where they will be making the draught of living death, in pairs. Orion looks at Blaise as Blaise looks at Orion and nods. Blaise started setting up the cauldron while Orion goes and gets the ingredients for the draught. Within the next thirty minutes, Orion and Blaise started to brew the draught, following the instructions carefully. As Professor Slughorn starts walking around, Orion and Blaise had finished the draught. Slughorn peered over Orion's shoulder and asks "Are you done boys?" The pair nods as Professor Slughorn drops a small leaf into the draught. When the leaf hit the green/grey substance, it burns and vanishes into a crisp. Professor Slughorn looks at the two boys and addressed "Twenty points to both Hufflepuff and Slytherin, good job boys."
Blaise and Orion look at each other as Blaise spoke "Well done, Blackwood, never took you for the one to be good a potions" Orion shrugs as he explains "Its a hidden talent i have, Zabini, and it was joint effort."
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