Sumati left from there and nil came downstairs with sherya .
"Well binoy uncle, batuk if you both want to meet bondita you can "Karan said
"We are indeed her to meet her but let her mother meet her first we will meet here afterwards "binoy said before adjusting his specs
"Yes" batuk said
"So what you all were saying about.... punishment right , so can I know the reason why bondita will get punished" Karan asked
"Wow that bondita told you all everything but she didn't tell you about what she has done offcourse how will she tell she must be afraid that you all will leave so she didn't told you" som said smriking
"First of all bondita didn't hide anything second why should she be afraid when she has not done anything wrong "Karan said
"Oh really then why are you asking us about it "som said
"Because we want to listen it from your mouth "Priya said
"According to our rule She will get punished because she is a spy of Krishna nagar "som said
"Any proof that she is a spy "nil asked
"Proof... I knew you all will ask it so we also bought the proof" som said before holding the box
"Ohh you also have some brain thank you for bringing it "Priya said giggling
"Look at this bondita's bracelet which she left in our house when she came to hurt our sword fighters and this her letter in which she added some kind of medicine so that dada will feel dizziness in the ground and then taking the opportunity cc will win "som said before showing them the bracelet and letter
"Can I have a look at it "Karan said
Som looks at ksj while he nods and gives him the box . Karan looks at the bracelet and the letter properly , he indicates something to Priya while she runs inside a room and bought a box in her hand .
"Well Dr somnath let me ask you something that have you seen bondita's face clearly when she came in your house to hurt your sword fighters" Karan asked
"No it's dada who told that the bracelet is of bondita "som said
"Then barrister Babu have you seen her face "karan asked
"No i only saw her from behind her long hair was visible" Ani said
"Wow barrister Babu just by looking at the bracelet you said that she is Bondita amazing" Karan said clapping
"Bondita herself accepts that the bracelet is her's "ksj said
"Ohh in this world there are many girls who have long hair how can you say that the girl you saw was bondita" Karan said
"And as for the bracelet look at these , you are a zamindar right so you must know the best that everyone can be make duplicate jwellery so how can you say that the bracelet in your hand is of bondita di's "Priya said before showing them a bracelet which is exactly same to bon's
"Bondita herself accepted it" som said
"Oh really.... now tell can guess which one is of bondita and which one is mine "Priya said before mixing both the bracelet
While all of them were looking at her confusingly
"You can't right then how can you think that bondita didi will recognise it" Priya said
"And also barrister Babu himself told that he didn't saw her face then how can you say that it was bondita" neha said
"Barrister babu he is right you indeed didn't saw her face" the mukhiya said
"So your first evidence against Bondita is absolutely wrong , now it's time for second one this letter is not written by bondita "Karan said
"How can you say that" som asked
"Bcoz this is not bondita's handwriting , we were studying with bondita for 8years and we are very well aware about her handwriting "nil said
"How can we believe you all , you must be liying to save bondita "som said
"Fine you don't believe us ok then ask your Dada itself barrister Babu wasn't bondita's shikshak babu , he was the one who taught her to read and write so he must be well aware of her handwriting right" Karan said giving him the letter
Ani took the letter and read it carefully , he slowly looks at Karan
"What happened Anirudh "ksj asked
Ani looked at him
"This indeed isn't bondita's handwriting" Ani said
"How can you say that dada in these 8year her handwriting must have changed "som said
"Well we have more proof , we have her notes , her assignment and her files to prove her handwriting" Shreya said
Nil brings some paper in which bon's name were written , nil gave it to som , som tried to match it but it wasn't matching , whereas cc was sweating as he was afraid that his truth may come in front of everyone .
"What happened "neha asked
While som looks down
( Well i am cancelling the attack scene )
"Well now that i have proven bondita's innocence i think now you all will not punish her " Karan said
"If she is not spy then why did she came in rc haveli disguise as vaijayanti" som asked
"Because she wanted to meet her Sakha babu , her shikshak babu,her rakshak Babu , she went there for friendship but what did you all done with her , you all didn't even let her have proper food because of which she is now liying in bed unconscious" Karan said in anger
"You all are not even deserve to call as human , when she was in your house did she harm anyone no she didn't instead she made everyone laugh the great barrister Babu who never laughed in these 8year she made him laugh this is what her fault right "neha said in rage
"They all misunderstood bondita we can understand but you barrister Babu how can" Priya said
"You are a barrister right as a barrister you forgotten all the rules of barristery , you should burn your barrister certificate "nil said
"Dada don't need to burn it nil because bondita boudi already washed it when she was small thinking it as a cloth" batuk said laughing
"Wow my bondita new it that you aren't capable to become a barrister so she washed it "Karan said
Anirudh heart again ache when he heard Karan calling bondita as his .
"If you all are done with your debate then tell me Karan are you and bondita really engaged "thakuma asked
Karan was quite , although he accepted it but it was because he was anger now what will say he wasn't able to understand
So guys here is the chapter , very boring right 🤕🤕
Hope you all like it
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Till then bye bye
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