A feeling of incitement surged my veins, my senses coming to life as I ran a hand across the rifle atop my thighs. I've been looking forward to this day, the day that retribution will be given to our fellow men who fell in the hands of those brainless government pawns.
My hand curled to a fist as the memory flashed in my head. A death for each death; this is how justice truly looks like, and if the so-called Leaders of the Nation will not take it to their hands, then we will.
Democracy is a lie, it is a false deception brought about by those driven by capitalist greed, it brings people to hopes which will never come to pass. In reality, humans are just naturally wicked, always wanting to satisfy their own self even at the expense of others - those who are weak, easily manipulated.
I returned my gaze towards the gun in my grip, securing the chain of bullets that hung on my torso. Without the use of force, no amount of effort can bring about change.
"Captain," The voice of Javier tore me from my thoughts, "It is all confirmed. The people are already gathered down there. We must leave now,"
I gave a nod of approval, my gaze unaltered as I saw him leave. This should teach those bastards a lesson.
I stood to my feet at the thought, lifting the tent's flap as I stepped out. The day has now passed its peak, a few more hours and the sun will hide away. Then we will strike.
"Eli," I turned my head, recognizing the voice. "Are you sure about this?" Cresilda stepped beside me, a rifle upon her shoulder.
"Haven't you asked me that already?" I pulled a cigarette from my pocket, "My answer remains."
"But Eli, must innocent people be involved? Why in a church of all places? Don't you fear God-"
"God?" I scoffed, shaking my head as I spoke, "Their God will provide them no protection from us. We will be the gods once they beg for their lives at our feet. "
She hung her head in defeat, distraught as she heard my words. I turned away nonchalantly. I regret none of it. God. How can people still believe in that nonsense? And had we not warned those lunatics? Their belief in God would only cause them harm.
"You must watch yourself, Hilda," I glanced towards her, "Your weakness can easily be taken advantage of," I took a step and probed the camp with my gaze.
"Captain," My vision was occupied with Javier as he approached, "All is prepared."
"Good," I took in a breath and signaled the watchers beside me. "Go on ahead, make sure we are not hindered by anything as we walk down the mountain."
"Yes, Captain!" The men replied in unison and rushed away.
"Everyone!" I lifted my voice, "Move!"
My gaze remained upon the wooden building in the midst of the clearing, the sound of crickets fillings my ears. Finally, the people had all gathered inside the room, the sound of their voices eminent even at our distance. The windows shone their light out from the building, and all the more brightly it glowed as the sky dimmed.
A few minutes ticked by and with a nod of confirmation, we advanced towards the building.
At my word, the men before me kicked the door open, pulling the peoples' gaze towards us at the loud sound. Immediately screams of panic echoed in the air, terror, and trepidation marking their faces.
My men dispersed around the room, their weapons before them as they advanced. The people knelt in fear, whilst others sought to run away. None of them succeeded. Begging voices resounded in the room. The corners of my lips lifted in satisfaction at the sound of it.
"No!" A woman screamed, her face painted with horror as she watched a young girl gripped by the hair by one of my men, "Please! Please spare her!" She begged. I lifted the rifle in my hand, deaf of the sobs that escaped her lips. The first gunshot filled the air as I pulled the trigger, and upon this many more were heard.
I allowed the fury to take over as I released each bullet, blood staining the wooden floor with each shot. Lifeless bodies draped the flooring, a few struggling as life slowly slipped away from their being.
I scattered my gaze around the room once more. It is done. I signaled my men with a nod, but just as I was to command our departure, a wooden door swung open from the side of the church, revealing a young woman in its midst. For a moment I was taken aback, held captive as I beheld her familiar face. Memories of my childhood flashed before my eyes, and all the more I felt mystified.
A lone tear slid down her cheek, her gaze wide as she probed the place. She doesn't belong to this village, if she had, I'd have seen her in one way or another.
"Daddy!" Was the first word that slipped out her tongue, and immediately she ran towards the man whom I knew was the pastor of the church. "Daddy... Daddy you're-" Her jet black hair concealed her face as she knelt down, the long strands cascading to her side as she wept.
The wounded man opened his mouth, speaking of words only they seemed to hear, and upon his cessation, the woman broke into tears, sobbing away as she buried her face in the man's bloodied chest.
I raised my arm, prohibiting Javier as he pointed his gun towards her. Wonder gleamed in his eyes at my gesture.
"No," I ordered, "Wait."
"I didn't know the pastor had a daughter," I heard one of my men, "And a beauty too!" The men laughed.
"Captain," Javier stepped beside me, causing me to lift my gaze. "Are you sure we shouldn't kill her?"
I returned my gaze to the woman, surprised as she pierced me with a sharp glare.
"You murderers!" She screamed, and with this she stood to her feet, her very form shuddering in rage. "You heartless animals! You- aaaarghh!" I could only watch as she seemed to charge towards me like a bolt of thunder, and before I knew it I felt a sharp scratching across my cheeks.
Wench!" Javier abrasively pulled her away, raising his hands against her, "How dare you!"
I traced the mark with my fingers, feeling the sodden nature of blood upon contact. Feisty, huh?
"Stop," I shot the man a glance, "Take her. She will pay dearly back in the camp."
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