Bling Blitz
Ten's P.O.V-
Ugh I'm bored, I don't know what to do just scrolling on the internet..
I lazily scroll trying to find something fun and I find this website for sugarbabies..?? I laugh clicking on it, already telling my friends about it.
10starsbby: Guess what?
Roseyblushty: What??
(HC)Cutebratzydoll: ??
Kittycat10: I found a website for sugar babies rofl
Taeyong: Um what? Lol No thanks
Haechansundoll: Is it legit?
Ten: You didn't even let me ask you!
Taeyong: Ten I know you, I already knew you were gonna ask and drag me into another mess like alway just like Haechannie.
(HC)bratzydoll: Hey!
Ten: and yet you still come along awe <3
Haechan: Exactly, what he said ;*
TaeyongLush: That's because we're bff's so of course I'm coming along whether it's stupid or not
Ten: So it's a yes now?
TaeyongErotic: Yes
Ten: Perfect now I already went ahead and checked if it's legit well sorta haven't talked to these men. I also looked at other websites and this one seems legit and better than the others so make y'alls account, it's time to find some sugar daddies and get our checks!
Here I'll share the link:
bratzydoll: brb!!
Taeyonglush: brb as well!
As they did that, I decided to go on ahead and try it out and see if I'm lucky on my first try.
I'm scrolling through usernames and profiles and they're all old men obvi but like there should be some who aren't old. Either way I'm getting my money no matter how old so I look through my messages and go start conversations with them. Someone already messaged, too quickly though so I don't know about that.
(HC)Bratzybby: I just thought of something!
(ty)Insxnelittlebunny: Like..?
(HC)Tropicalgoodness: What if we catfish a few?
Ten: I like it but I don't think that will be necessary
Tyxoxodoll: Catfish? I don't think we should..
(Hc)Summertime_peak: aw~~ DX
Can we keep that in mind tho? Like is there a possibility or a chance?
Kittycat10: Oh for sure yeah!
So have y'all gotten any messages yet?
I've gotten like a few :/
(Hc)Coconutlimecreamy: same
BimboficationTy:I've gotten a decent amount
Ten: Well let's just message them, we won't find any guys around our age at least for Haechan and myself, not now at least.
I already set up a "date" with a man, I know Haechan already did too as he just texted. I think I'm done for today, I let them know about it and log off.
A/N: You'll see different types of usernames since I'm not sure which one to choose for them also here's a mood playlist for this fic, if you can't click on it just search up the name of the fic.
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