to new beginnings
March 2021
Clear skies, that's what the forecast projected for today. Perfect weather for a new start of a new life. Or the turn of a new leaf, however the saying goes. But one thing's for sure, Alina Alonzo was feeling rather anxious. Today's an important day for her.
It was her interview for a production assistant position for a new movie. She didn't quite have the details for it yet, so she didn't know what kind of movie it was or who was going to be in it.
That didn't really matter to her, as long as she got the job in the end.
Giving herself a little pep talk, she quickly grabbed a granola bar and headed out. Getting in her 1965 Red Mustang, she took a deep breath, and began her way to the production offices.
Arriving at the gate, Alina gave the security guard her I.D. and was eventually let through. Already forgetting the directions that were given to her, she made her own route.
And after almost running over a few cones and dirty looks from other security guards for almost doing so, she found her destination.
Warner Productions Offices
Parking her car in an empty slot, she headed inside where she encountered a lady in glasses on the phone. "Just a second," she told the person on the other end before glancing up at Alina.
"Can I help you, dear?"
Smiling at the older woman, Alina responded, "Yes, I have an interview with Sofia Ramos?"
Raising her eyebrows in thought. "Go ahead and go to her office. It will be the third door on your right."
With a small, thank you, Alina headed to the office.
Knocking on the door, she heard a, Come in.
Taking another deep breath, she opened the door to find a woman sitting behind a desk along with another person accompanying her. "Alina Alonzo?"
Alina nodded. "Yes."
"Great! I'm Sofia and this is my assistant, Darcy," the woman behind the desk motioned to the person beside her, Alina receiving a wave. "Darcy, go ahead and deliver the Polaroids to the costume department and then go get Olivia a coffee."
Nodding her head, Darcy left, gently shutting the door behind her.
"Please, have a seat." A close mouthed smiled pointed at Alina, Sofia walked towards the smaller table in the office.
Letting out a small, thank you, Alina was then watched by Sofia. "I've seen your resume, it's pretty impressive."
"Thank you, I appreciate it."
"Hm." That was all Sofia said as she studied Alina. For what seemed like forever, she spoke again. "You're hired."
Speechless, Alina looked confused. "I-I, I mean thank you, but may I ask why?"
Laughing at her response, Sofia clarified it up for her. "You want to enter this industry?"
"What's stopping you?" Squinting her eyes, Sofia asked another question.
"Being hired, I guess." Looking at the ground, Alina furrowed her eyebrows.
Scoffing, Sofia was amused. "Well obviously, but you need to believe in yourself first. I'm hiring you because I used to be like you. And I believe that this position could change your life sooner than my did."
"I don't mean to sound rude, but you don't know me well enough."
"Sweetie, I have connections. Your professors told me all about you."
After receiving and going over some paperwork about the movie, Alina exited the offices beginning to read over some of the other information she needed to know.
As far as she knew, the movie is about a woman being trapped in a simulation, but has no knowledge of it. But then she starts to realize the odd behavior from another character, where she then begins to question her reality.
Alina was about to read the cast list when she opened the door to hear distant footsteps. Looking up from the papers, she looked at her surroundings. She shrugged her shoulders when she didn't spot anyone and returned to looking over the page she was on.
Florence Pugh... Alice
Turning the corner, to get to her car, she dropped her paperwork after bumping into a someone. Almost immediately, she bent down to grab the papers before apologizing.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."
The other person began helping her gather the papers and started laughing. "It's okay, you didn't mean to."
His weird clothes. For a second thinking she was transported to the 50's. His accent, British?
Those were the first couple of things she noticed about him. He definitely looked familiar though. Until the two of them stood up, she recognized who he was.
Her mouth hung agape. He laughed.
"Hi, I'm Harry. What's your name?" Putting out his hand, Alina was shocked.
With a few seconds going by, Alina snaps out of her daze and shakes his hand, "I'm Alina."
"Nice to meet you. Here are your things," smirking, Harry was evidently amused.
As he handed Alina back her things, she was still trying not to freak out on the inside, since she already failed, physically.
Rushing to her car that was only a few feet away from where they both stood, Alina hurriedly unlocked the car, putting her things in.
"This is your car?" Gasping, Harry walked over to her car.
His voice surprised her, as she had her head in the car, creating a thump sound.
"Mierda!" Alina held her head as she stood by the car door.
"Are you alright, love?" Harry rushed towards her.
"May I?" Motioning to her head, Harry began inspecting it after receiving consent.
"Good or bad news first?" He takes his time to look at her head in his hands.
"Give it to me straight," Alina replied.
"Good news, I think you'll be okay. Bad news, you're going to have to ice it before a bump starts to form."
"Well it's a good thing I'll be going home right now. Again I'm sorry about bumping into you, it was never my intention to do so, Harry," repeating herself over, Alina got into her car.
"Are you sure you have to leave?" Frowning, Harry held the door for her.
"It was nice meeting you, Mr. Styles." Turning the car on, Alina smiled looking up at him before backing out.
"I forgot to tell you, I like your car." His voice drowning out when the engine's sound bounced off the buildings.
Shaking his head, Harry smirked and walked to his initial destination.
After she arrived at home, Alina iced her head like Harry mentioned. In the meantime, she had watched an episode of Gossip Girl before calling her best friends, Conan and Liv.
She met the two after they had become frequent customers at the combined coffee and record shop Linda, her mother owned, Just For The Record. The three were inseparable. Although there were a few exceptions when it came to work.
Conan was currently recording his third album at the studio. Meanwhile, Liv was currently in Utah wrapping up filming for a show, preparing to release her first album.
The two had answered after the third ring. And after going into detail about her encounter with the English singer, they were shocked.
"Harry Styles? As in the one you were obsessed over when you were little?" Conan slowly questioned.
"You mean the one my mom was obsessed with when I was little?"
"That's not how I remembered the story," Olivia started laughing.
Alina started to blush, then quickly recovered when she started to clear her throat. "Guess you guys don't want to hear about my new job then."
"Holy shit, I knew you would get it!"
"I'm proud of you, now I won't have to worry about you going broke," Conan added.
Scoffing, Alina rolled her eyes. "Thanks, you guys."
On the other side, all that was heard was Olivia yawning. "Alright, I'm going to bed. I have an early call time tomorrow. Get some sleep Lina, you're going to need it."
Looking at the clock where it read, 8pm, Alina was surprised. "This early?"
"Mhm. Well good luck Co with the album and Lina, with the job."
There was high pitched scream on Conan's side.
"What the hell was that?" Alina started laughing.
"I just saw a cockroach. Now I'm standing on the table, I'll talk to you guys later," Conan replied and then hung up.
"Since when did he scream like a girl? Anyway, talk to you soon, Liv."
"Yep. Love you!" Olivia said through her laugh.
"Love you, too!" Alina responded and then hung up herself.
Getting off the couch, she made herself a small dinner. After about an hour, she got ready for bed and set a timer for early morning.
kami speaks!
- chapter one complete!
- 07/10/24 (edited):
re-do of the plot,
i'm hoping this is better
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