𝒄𝒉. 4
chapter four;
━━━━━━ "ARE YOU MAD OR JUST OUTRIGHT STUPID?", chisaki questioned, disgusted at the sight of kisa scarfing down her long awaited meal.
"slow down princess, you're going to choke", dabi chuckled, handing the girl a glass of water.
"so let her, she deserves it", shigaraki muttered, scratching his neck as kisa glanced at him, making him halt.
"was it worth it? being starved for the entire day?", inasa asked, having a tint of contentment watching the girl suffer.
"most definitely", kisa replied without hesitation.
the girl licked her chopsticks as she tilted her head back in satisfaction. running her hand through her hair as her eyes fluttered close.
"nee-chan", kaoru softly spoke, to which kisa had reopened her eyes and tilted her head back to the people in front of her.
"what is it?"
"u-umm...it's a letter", kaoru vaguely answered.
kisa sighed. "is it kimiko asking for chisaki again?"
chisaki coughed as kisa snatched the nice envelope from kaoru, who had promptly looked over his sister's shoulder, curious as to who it was from.
immediately upon opening the envelope, the two fox children pinched their noses in disgust, making the four men confused.
"goodness..the smell is unbearably strong", kisa spat in disgust.
"what are you talking about? I don't smell anything", dabi confusingly stated, taking the letter and smelling it up close for himself.
"our senses are extra sensitive, more so than humans", kisa reminded, taking the letter back as she quickly skimmed through it.
a wicked smile suddenly appeared on the girl's face, as an idea was also formed.
"kaoru, bring me some paper and a pen", kisa commanded, to which the boy had quickly reached for the items from the girl's desk.
"what does the letter say?", dabi inquired, to which the other three were intrigued too, but would never openly admit it.
"read it for yourself", kisa said as she handed dabi the letter, meanwhile still pinching her nose.
the scarred male then cleared his throat as he decided to read it out loud for the others to hear.
"dear kisa, blah blah blah...you're as beautiful as the moon and yeah yeah yeah...I've fallen for you the moment you stepped into the room. though this may be a bit forward, I was wondering if you'd like to take a walk around the gardens with me tomorrow before the feast?"
"love...kenji the daimyo, from the tengu region", dabi finished.
"burn it", kisa immediately commanded as dabi had swiftly done so with a palm of blue flames.
finally being able to breathe in fresh air again, kisa smiled, tapping her pen as she thought of a response.
"what are you gonna do nee-chan? are you gonna go?", kaoru asked, wondering if he should add a plate for the wedding.
"kaoru, don't you remember him and kasumi dating a while back", kisa stated rather than questioned.
"oh yeahhhh!! kenji...gross!! I should've remembered him and his suffocating cologne", kaoru fake gagged, sticking his tongue out.
"he had a history with the first princess?", chisaki inquired.
"indeed. if I remembered correctly, he cheated on her with some other tengu", kisa reminisced.
the girl's bored face then contorted into a delighted one. in fact, kisa had stared at the four men in front of her as she began writing.
"remember when I told you all condition one, the part where I said that you four will perform your husband duties?", kisa asked.
shigaraki simply clicked his tongue as dabi just gave a curt nod. inasa and chisaki just stared back at kisa, wondering what she was up to now.
"consider this your first task", kisa smiled, folding the letter and licking the envelope closed.
━━━━━━ • ✿ • ━━━━━━
"this is so fucking stupid", shigaraki scowled as he intensely scratched his neck, even more pissed since father wasn't on his face like usual and that he was forced to wear gloves that covered his pinkies.
"I actually kinda like it", dabi casually commented as he wore a loose dark purple yukata that showed his chest quite a bit like the rest of the guys.
chisaki huffed as he was obviously uncomfortable showing so much skin. though he was also forced to take off his mask, kisa allowed the man to keep the black one underneath, knowing how much of a germaphobe he was.
inasa was even more closed off, not showing any signs of vexation, though his tired-looking eye—that wasn't covered by the diving helmet—said different.
"are you all done?", inasa questioned, shedding off his gold watch and rings.
"and who do you think you are? I've never even heard of you", shigaraki mocked.
"what's it to you?", the unaffected male asked, making shigaraki even more triggered.
"watch your fucking mouth", shigaraki warned, about to slip off his glove before chisaki intervened.
"let's cut this meaningless banter and head towards the garden. I'm sure that woman's waiting for our arrival", chisaki interrupted, making shigaraki turn his glare over at him instead.
"tch! whatever", shigaraki spat as he kicked the door open, walking towards their destination alongside the others, with a servant that helped guide them there.
"I'm so glad that you've decided to meet up with me kisa...please, take a seat on the swing", kenji charmingly smiled as kisa just gave in.
"I must say, you're even more beautiful up close. never did I think that...", the tengu yōkai stopped himself.
"that I'd actually be pretty under that mask?", kisa completed, chuckling at the male's sudden tenseness.
"no worries, I don't take rumors to heart", kisa smiled, to which kenji had sighed a breath of relief.
"but I do hope you know that I've got four fiancées currently, so I'm afraid I cannot return your feelings", kisa sorrowfully sighed, lightly swinging her legs as kenji pushed her.
"please kisa, my love for you will stop at no ends", kenji proclaimed, to which kisa had stopped the swing with her feet, standing up in shock with a hand covering her mouth.
"r-really?? you'd do that for me?", kisa breathlessly asked.
"of course kisa! even if it means sharing you with all these humans", kenji smiled, pulling kisa into a hug, to which the girl almost suffocated from the strong scent of cologne.
the girl suddenly pushed away as she spotted her four fiancées.
"oh tomura!! kai! inasa and dabi!! my loves, I've missed you all so much!!", kisa exclaimed as she reached for shigaraki's face, placing a quick kiss on his chapped lips before placing another one on inasa's right cheek and another on dabi's half burnt ones.
"we missed you too princess", dabi replied, immediately falling into his role and pulling kisa into a hug.
kenji stood there a bit stunned, not only at the humans' appearances, but how well they all got along.
"yeah..same", shigaraki muttered, scratching his neck once more before kisa stopped him.
"don't hurt yourself tomura...it's hurts me when you do", kisa whispered, feigning sadness as she grabbed onto the male's hand and cupped her own face with it.
"oh chisaki, I've nearly forgotten how handsome you looked without your mask", kisa chuckled, obviously interrupting kenji on purpose.
"it's my bad princess. I'll keep that in mind", chisaki calmly replied.
"and inasa!! don't think I forgot about you. come give me a hug won't you?", kisa smiled, opening her arms up as the male begrudgingly complied.
meanwhile kisa stayed in inasa's unloving embrace, kenji spoke up once more.
"kisa, so..."
"oh kenji!! well, these four are my lovely fiancées that I mentioned earlier. if you meant what you said, you wouldn't mind being my fifth love would you?", kisa asked, fluttering her lashes.
"f-fifth??", the male stuttered, having to have thought that he would place first, above all those greedy humans.
"mhm! do you have a problem with that?", kisa asked, still clinging onto inasa.
"say..weren't you the one that said that you'd do everything for me? because you love me? or were you lying?", kisa pouted, even going as to sniffling a bit.
"t-that's not it kisa!! it's just...a bit humiliating", kenji mumbled.
"humiliating?? why's that?", kisa innocently asked, looking up at inasa, as if looking for an answer.
"at least I'm a yōkai! those four are just mere huma—"
a loud slap was heard from the garden, leaving a red mark across the tengu's face.
"you know what was humiliating? cheating on kasumi with that lowborn! you should be fucking honored I even offered you a seating in my harem", kisa sneered, immediately changing her attitude.
"y-you...YOU BITC—"
kisa then hastily kicked the man where the sun didn't shine, causing kenji to fall onto his knees as the four men simply observed in amusement.
"watch what you say dear. remember, you're a tengu and I'm a kitsune. in this scenario, you're the prey and I'm the predator", kisa lowly warned, staring right into the man's frightened eyes.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry!!!", kenji immediately apologized, to which kisa just chuckled.
"really?", kisa asked.
"r-really", the man shakily confirmed.
"then prove it to me".
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