𝒄𝒉. 38
chapter thirty-eight;
━━━━━━ "I WILL NOT BE OF ASSISTANCE until shigaraki tomura can tame gigantomachia", ujiko daruma (garaki kyudai's alias)—one of all for one's loyal subordinates—stated.
kisa hummed in response as shigaraki just gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.
"tell me, what is it that you want? what's your goal?", dr. ujiko asked shigaraki, who huffed while responding.
"I want to destroy anything and everything I don't like", shigaraki stated, to which dr. ujiko had found it quite amusing.
"I must admit, as childish as it sounds, I'm especially impressed with your ambition to destroy society. it's just a pity that kurogiri has spoiled you, and now her", dr. ujiko sighed, glancing over at kisa, who had found herself in shigaraki's embrace.
"and with all the support that all for one has been giving, I'm quite disappointed that you've yet to accomplish anything", the man reminded, to which shigaraki had just frowned even more.
"tomura's just been a bit occupied, and I'll take responsibility for it", kisa intercepted. "but if gigantomachia's what it takes for you to give us your full aide, then I suppose we should head out now".
dr. ujiko was a bit surprised, having to have teleported the league here but only to have seen shigaraki and kisa.
not only that, but there seemed to be no others going along with them.
"will you two be going alone with no backup?", ujiko asked.
"the others will be helping you test out the high-end nomus", kisa declared.
the mad scientist raised his brow in interest. "you know about my masterpieces?"
"obviously. and I must say, your quirk singularity theory is quite veracious", kisa complimented, to which even shigaraki was quite surprised on how kisa had obtained such information.
the eccentric old man was very pleased. other than all for one and himself, no one had believed his theory and even outcasted him for such a "outlandish" idea.
"why thank you. I'm very honored", the doctor replied, making kisa grin.
"and I'm sure that with your intelligence, it won't be hard for you to replicate something would it?", kisa asked, to which ujiko's interest had peaked.
"what's this something that you speak of?"
kisa searched her pocket as she opened up a small black box, giving it to dr. ujiko as he examined it.
"a quirk-canceling bullet", kisa answered. "it'd be much appreciated if you could mass produce these...as you see, they'll come handy in the future".
dr. ujiko held one up to the artificial lighting produced by the large tubes that contained the nomus.
the old man then sighed. "once again, I will not give my full support until machia's subdued", ujiko said, to which kisa had nodded.
"teleport us there then", the girl demanded.
since kurogiri was captured a few days ago—to which kisa had thought that it was somewhat of a revenge for hawks' death—they had to rely on technological transportation, which wasn't always the most convenient.
dr. ujiko had called for a tiny nomu with a skinny long tube attacked to the back of its spine.
"johnny, teleport them to machia would you?", ujiko asked as the little nomu made a weird babbling sound and spat out some black gunk.
immediately, kisa and shigaraki had reappeared at a field, where the grass and trees swayed alongside the unthreatening breeze. a relatively small mountain—at least compared to the ones beside it—stood peacefully in front of the two.
everything was too serene, too quiet.
"the hell is the power that kurogiri went searching for?", shigaraki impatiently growled, about to scratch his neck before kisa gave the male a warning glance.
"tomura, this is going to be a long fight", kisa sighed, taking off her red coat as she let it fall onto the floor.
chisaki would've grimaced at how the girl had dirtied the junya watanabe jacket that he had gotten her, but kisa already had the same brand, just in different colors.
"we have three more days of just us together, so let's cut this fight to a maximum of two", kisa grinned, walking around in her high heel boots as she aggressively stomped on the ground, making shigaraki utterly confused.
suddenly, the area that the couple were standing on started shaking, and the tiny mountain—compared to others—began moving and uncurling itself.
an enormous individual with brown spiky hair and jagged body parts stood up, facing the two as his lower canines protruded out his mouth from either side.
kisa marveled at the large creature, to which she definitely felt that he'd be a great addition to shigaraki's rising army.
"the future king is here", shigaraki announced, to which gigantomachia was quite bemused.
"a king should inspire dread, be admired, and be strong...however, you...you have yet to prove to me any of those qualities", the giant creature pointed out.
kisa rubbed the back of shigaraki's hand, calming him down as he clicked his tongue.
"then please allow tomura to show you...", kisa smiled. "just how much he has improved".
without another second, the couple had separated, jumping up into the air as they readied to attack.
though gigantomachia wasn't easy to subjugate. the creature itself was injected with many quirks, enhancing his speed, strength, durability, stamina, breath, and senses.
the creature itself could most definitely rival the entire meta liberation army and squash them without breaking a sweat.
with kisa sending flames every which way, shigaraki had to make sure that he didn't get caught in it, meanwhile machia had found the fire quite obnoxious.
at the three hour mark, shigaraki was already starting to get quite tired, having to have not been able to eat or drink anything.
by the ten hour mark, the sun had already set and the three were still fighting, not taking a single break, as gigantomachia didn't allow them to.
it was hard for shigaraki to not use his quirk, as he didn't want to decay the giant, meanwhile machia wasn't even using his full capabilities.
and by the thirty-six hour mark, a day and half had already passed by without any stops.
kisa was starting to get annoyed.
the fox girl decided that she would spice things up a bit, make the process go a bit...quicker.
"COME ON MACHIA! IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO? I CAN'T BELIEVE ALL FOR ONE CHOSE YOU TO BE HIS BODYGUARD. ARE YOU EVEN WORTHY?!", kisa mocked as she swung from tree to tree, as the giant had angrily started swinging his fists at the girl.
though without doubt, gigantomachia had swiftly caught the girl in his hand, nearly squeezing the living breath out of her as she just crazily grinned.
shigaraki flinched as he watched kisa trapped in machia's hand, on the verge of passing out, and perhaps even getting a few bones crushed if it went on any longer.
the girl slowly turned her head towards shigaraki, who was avoiding all of machia's pissed off stomps, which created large craters in the ground.
"come on tomura...just a little more", kisa mumbled to herself as she felt machia's grip tighten, almost to the point of feeling her body snap in half.
witnessing the pain that kisa was going through, shigaraki's right hand suddenly flinched. to make it even worse, when the girl had passed out, gigantomachia had tossed her up into the air, with shigaraki hurrying to catch her.
huffing as shigaraki narrowly missed dropping kisa's wounded body, the male held tightly onto the girl's body as he examined kisa's pale and unconscious face.
"kisa..wake up...kisa", shigaraki softly repeated, not caring that gigantomachia was just laughing at the pathetic couple.
when kisa didn't respond, shigaraki felt mortified. after the imprisonment of all for one, shigaraki had nobody, nobody but kisa.
she was his rainbow after the storm, his paradise, his comfort and no one, was to hurt her.
no one.
as shiagaraki carefully held kisa's delicate body with his left arm, his right hand gracefully touched the ground that him and machia were standing on.
with only two fingers, the ground beneath them had started cracking, with the trees decaying into dust, making machia stumble back many steps.
it was by the thirty-seven hour mark that shigaraki tomura's decay quirk had unlocked a whole new level.
witnessing the instant improvement with shigaraki, gigantomachia nearly shed a tear as he felt a sense of proudness.
kneeling down, machia bowed to the future king.
shigaraki tomura has finally leveled up.
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