"Y/N, be careful." Jirou said worriedly, "We all know you can get... carried away when it comes to Bakugo."
"For real, you could get seriously injured!" Toru agreed.
You raised an eyebrow, "What? You guys don't think I can beat him?"
Momo took a moment to compose herself.
"No, that's not what we're saying."
All Might's loud voice sounded through the speakers, announcing the seventh fight to commence.
"Gotta go." you grinned reassuringly, before walking away to the city arena where you were supposed to be combatting against Bakugo.
"Scared, dumbass?" you heard the blonde's voice behind you, "You should be."
You scoffed and wheeled around, adjusting your earpiece.
"In your dreams."
"Remember: Try not to cause collateral damage to the area and don't do anything that could lead to serious injuries."
Bakugo grinned maniacally, "How much can we hurt the other person?"
You rolled your eyes.
"3, 2, 1, Start!"
Bakugo shouted and ran towards you, jumping as he readied his gauntlets to fire. You dodged his explosion and rolled onto the ground. This was just the beginning.
Blasting harsh black flames from your palms in his direction, you used to the moment to get up and run. If you could maneuver your way between the narrow alleyways, Bakugo would be at a disadvantage because of his quirk and its hazardous properties.
In short, your quirk was exactly what it was. Black Flame: The ability to create strong black fires which are harder to put out.
You heard Bakugo running after you, forcing you to make a right turn. His voice echoed through the walls of the buildings.
"I wanna hurt you so bad they'll have to stop the fight!"
You smirked and turned around, using your quirk to light the ground and buildings within half a kilometer on fire. Some of the smaller flames caught onto your costume, giving you the appearance of burning alive.
Bakugo's reaction time was too fast; He jumped and flew toward you, exploding through the air. His eyes widened when he was met with a sky-high fire wall.
"Likewise!" you shouted through the flames, proud of your handy work.
How was he supposed to get through that?
It would surely burn him alive.
"Fuck it," he thought as he angrily blasted through the wall and swung his leg to kick you in the face.
You dodged again and he went crashing into the brick building, his explosion wasted. Bakugo turned his head to look at you, pure hatred in his eyes as he suddenly jumped at you, grabbing your wrists and forcefully lifting your arms above your head. You were pinned against the wall, Bakugo panting against you.
His red eyes stared into yours, making you swallow nervously. At this moment he could do anything he wanted to you. Hurt you however he pleased. You were physically at his disposal, and that made a shiver run down your spine.
Your face heated up as you looked at him.
What. The. Hell. Is. Happening?
Why were you seeing him in a whole different light? Why were you getting flustered in the middle of a fight?
Bakugo's eyes widened when a light blush appeared on his own cheeks.
The fuck?
He was no doubt starting to see you differently too.
Time seemed to slow down just for the two of you as you stayed in that position, not breaking eye contact as you felt his hot breath fanning over your face.
Then something snapped in you, forcing you back to reality as you uttered those two words he despised, your voice cracking as you did so.
"Kill yourself."
Now it was time to run.
You shoved him away and sprinted as fast as you could. So what if it seemed like you were running from the fight? You had a strategy, but you also weren't planning on dying at seventeen.
"Get back here, dumbass!"
You ignored his shout and kept running, trying to think of a plan in your head. You could send a fire tunnel his way; How bad would that hurt him?
You turned right, then left, then left, then right, then left, then right, then right, then right, and then left again to make sure you had completely lost him.
You panted, gripping the wall you were leaning on as the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. Were you... scared? No way.
You could hear him stomping through the alleys, causing small explosions to intimidate you.
Torching your hands, you took a deep breath and walked in the direction of his voice. Bakugo's gauntlets shone orange briefly as he lifted them domineeringly.
"I'm all loaded up," he smirked, "Get over here and show me what you're really made of!"
"If I was you I'd go get those burns checked out." you distracted coolly, referring to the burn marks on his arms that you had caused.
He gritted his teeth, but then his mouth curled up into a grin.
"Since you're such a nerd, by now you already know how my quirk Explosion works. I secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from my hands and make it blow up. Imagine what I could do if I had a ton of it!"
You stepped back fearfully as he pointed one of his gauntlets at you and took hold of the trigger.
He nodded crazily and confirmed your thoughts, "That's right, these gauntlets aren't just for show. They've been storing up my sweat inside for one monster blast!"
You froze.
How was your quirk meant to deflect that?
Bakugo pulled the trigger slowly, his eyes wide and the most shit-eating grin on his face.
"Katsuki- I know we've had our differences, but-"
"Young Bakugo! Stop now! You'll kill her!" All Might shouted through both your earpieces.
"She'll be fine as long as she dodges!"
And before you could get your ass out of there, he let go and a giant force of heat flew towards you, making you scream as it scorched your body and sent you to the ground. His explosion managed to destroy almost all the buildings around you.
"Come in! Come in, L/N!"
You winced, throwing the debris off your chest as you lay on the ground weakly.
"Is that even allowed?" you hissed in pain as you sat up, unable to see Bakugo through the dark mist.
You flinched as you saw him emerge, the same scary smile on his face.
He laughed like he belonged in a mental asylum, "These are awesome! The more nitro-sweat that's stored in these gauntlets, the stronger the explosion is!"
The blonde walked over to your weak form on the ground and crouched, leaning down to your eye level with his gauntlets shining on either side of him.
"You see?" he grinned widely as his piercing red eyes bored down into yours, "Even if you give me everything you've got, you'll never beat me!"
"Stop lying to yourself." you said hoarsely, glaring at him.
"Get up then," Bakugo smirked, stepping back, "You dodged the attack so you can still fight, can't you? Come and get me!"
His eye twitched, "You're using my lines as well?"
"Bakugo," All Might spoke, "Use that stored-up power again and I'll stop this fight."
Bakugo looked at you angrily, annoyed that you weren't making an attempt to retaliate. All he wanted to do was fight someone on his level.
You stood up and limped a little; You were going to have to get yourself together.
"Ignoring me again? Then we'll fight head to head!" he yelled, soaring towards you and blasting your back as he flew over you.
You groaned in pain as you felt the explosion hit your skin, tearing your costume even more.
"Fight me like you were going to yesterday!" he shouted, swinging his gauntlet and hitting your arm.
Letting out a scream, you doubled over, rubbing your elbow. He must have broken it.
"Don't you ever forget where you stand!" Bakugo yelled as he grabbed your injured arm and threw you upwards and crashing into the ground again, "You're beneath me!"
You gasped, the wind getting knocked out of your lungs as you stared up at the sky. Your whole body was burning in pain. How much longer could you take this for?
The air would not come into your system.
You couldn't breathe.
Now you were really scared. Frantically, hitting your chest as tears formed in your eyes, you finally managed to regain your breathing after what felt like an eternity. Panting haphazardly, you used all your willpower to stand up.
Bakugo was advancing on you, the look in his eyes enough to kill you right there and then.
"Why won't you use your damn quirk against me?"
You gritted your teeth, "Maybe- it's because you keep blowing me up like we're in fucking Clash Royale or something!"
He grinned again, "Come at me!"
You both broke into sprints, shouting and flying at each other with your hands bared. You put your whole heart and soul into that flame, as did Bakugo with the explosion bubbling in his palms. This was it.
The moment.
You aimed your hand at his face, hoping to burn it off, as he clenched his own hand into a punch, ready to blast the living daylight out of you.
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