ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯



[ Y / N ]'s been working in a record shop for a week and it happened to be more tiring than she thought. Her days looked the same. She had to wake up at 7 to get there at 8. Before opening the shop, she had to unwrap all the boxes and check if there is something that they're lacking on. If yes, she'd refill the shelves with books or albums and then open the shop. While she was doing all the store's work, Mark was ordering equipment and organizing everything, that [ Y / N ] had no idea about. She wasn't interested in business stuff. That was Mark's job.

The clients were nice. They mostly asked her if they can test some guitars or pedals. As Mark had told her, she's been keeping an eye on them and checked the equipment after. Luckily, if they disappeared it was because someone bought them.

She quickly learned the prices of certain things. She had experience with being a waitress. Comparing these two jobs, remembering people's orders, writing them quickly, and squeezing through small spaces with both hands holding plates was surely more stressful. She thought about her awkward moments such as messing someone's order, not writing everything on her little notes, tripping, food landing on a floor, and cringed at the memories. Not mentioning the consequences she received. [ Y / N ] shivered.

There is no need to think about them. Now I'm here and I have to make sure I'm doing my best the girl cleared her mind and went back to work.

Throughout the day she managed to do most of the things. [ Y / N ] cleaned the shop and organized everything. She checked their stuff and wrote down what they were missing on. The girl went to the storage to inform Mark about it. She knocked on the door.

"Come in." - the man answered.

[ Y / N ] pushed the door and stepped into a cold room. She saw Mark sitting in front of papers, reading them, and typing something on the computer.

"I made a list." - she put the paper on the side of his desk to make sure it won't go missing in other documents.

"Ok, thanks." - the manager answered and looked at the clock, hanging above the door. It was 10 minutes to 8 o'clock. "Are you done with everything?"

"Yes, I finished everything."

The man took his eyes from the computer and looked at the girl. He settled comfortably on his chair.

"Thank you for being so responsible. If you want, you can head home now."

The girl nodded and turned around. Being called responsible by your boss was certainly the thing that made her feel good about her work. Lakeshia would be proud of her.

"Goodbye, Mark. See you tomorrow." - she said as she was reaching for the doorknob, but retracted her hand when she heard his voice.

"Wait [ Y / N ]! I forgot to tell you." - the girl turned around to face him. - "Tomorrow you've got a day off. I won't be in town. I have to visit my family."

"Ok, thanks." - she said cheerfully. - "Have a nice time then."

"You too."

[ Y / N ] closed the door, went to take her bag, and stepped out of a store with a big grin on her face. Tomorrow was Saturday which meant that she would have a whole weekend to spend with the girls. For the past week, they haven't gotten much time to chat, because when [ Y / N ] arrived she was simply too exhausted to say something more than greetings.

She stepped out of the metro, walked out of the underground, and proceed to go through the streets. She was heading to their's home which happens to be on the 8th floor of a high-rise building. [ Y / N ] loved their flat. It was expensive and that's why all 4 of them had filed to pay for it. It wasn't always like that. They've been living together since Naomi finished high school. [ Y / N ] always dreamed to live with her best friends, so she got excited when they all agreed to Lakeshia's plan about sharing a house.

They've lived in numerous houses with bad and good conditions. They had cockroaches, mosquitoes, spiders in some of them, but also wonderful views of Toronto, big rooms in others. Finally, they settled in the west-north of Toronto and not planed moving anymore. They all had stable jobs with good pays. They could afford it.

All of them had different rooms styled however they wanted. They had enough space for each other and most importantly they felt comfortable. Their house was a bit elegant but also very cozy. It even had a fake fireplace. The girls liked to sit there at night, talk about their days, drink hot chocolate, tea, or sometimes alcohol, watch movies, and point on the screen whenever they've seen a hot actor. Sadly for the past weeks, they haven't had an opportunity to do that, because [ Y / N ] was trying so hard to find a job. She ignored their "girls' nights". She knew that she wouldn't enjoy it fully, because of the stress and lack of sleep. The girl missed it terribly, so she sped up her walk, wanting to get to her home already and talk to them.

[ Y / N ] turned the key and entered her house. As usual, she saw her best friends sitting on the sofa. Bianca raised her head.

"Hey, how was your day?" - she greeted her.

"Good actually. Yours?"

Bianca rolled her eyes to show her exhaustion.

"Well, since Mrs. Carson decided to throw a meeting on a weekend I had to clean up the whole house. The whole fucking house." - she groaned.

Bianca has been working as a maid for years. She worked for many people and Mrs. Carson and one of them. They're a wealthy family that can pay a lot. No surprise why Bianca found their offer appealing.

"But!" - her blue eyes suddenly glowed. - "Lakeshia had a perfect story to light up my mood." - she looked at the Black girl and giggled slightly.

"Share it then."

Lakeshia sat up more comfortably and began to tell her story that had a place today.

"So, in today's zoo full of kids one of them brought a bag full of those little ponies and animals."

Lakeshia's been working in a kindergarten for solid two years. Having a big family taught her how to take care of little kids. When she moved with her friends she realized how much she missed them. Even if they were annoying her, stealing her stuff, drawing wherever they could, and throwing tantrums without any reason, she still loved and felt attached to them. She took the offer to work in a kindergarten and since she's had basic first help course papers she got the job immediately.

"And if one of the kids has something, the others want it too. So they shared the toys, you know, playing with them, having fun. Suddenly I heard a loud cry. I turned my head and I saw it belonged to a boy. I asked him what happened and he said that the girl right there put his pony into her mouth and bit its head off. And she did. So I confronted her, took the toy cleaned it, and tried to fix it. But I couldn't so I just gave him the head and the body of his pony. And then he started screaming but calmed down soon. So yeah. Oh, also few kids ate some glue and paper but it's normal at this point, and I don't care."

All 4 of them laughed. [ Y / N ] thought it might be a good moment to share with them pleasant news.

"Well, my manager good me that tomorrow I've got a day off so I can spend it with you." - she smiled at them and their reactions didn't disappoint her.

"YES FINALLY!" - Naomi clapped her hands and jumped off the sofa to do her little victory dance.

"That's fantastic! We all have been waiting for this moment." - Lakeshia admitted.

"I know, and I'm extremely happy about it too. So I thought that maybe we could..."

"Bring some snacks and beer, make hot chocolate sit next to the fireplace, and watch movies?" - Binca interrupted her, and she was not wrong at all. They had a telepathic power for sure.

"Yes, you're reading my mind!" - [ Y / N ] giggled.

"I'm for it." - Naomi agreed.

"I'll grab some chips, make chocolate and we can start." - Lakeshia got up from a sofa and went to the kitchen.

[ Y / N ] couldn't stop smiling. She helped Naomi and Bianca making some kind of a pillow and blankets fort. They wanted it to be as cozy as possible. After that, the girl went to change her clothes from casual to comfortable ones. She joined them, sat next to a fireplace, and grabbed her mug filled with warm chocolate. Oh, she missed that so much. She missed being and relaxing with them. [ Y / N ] took a sip from a mug and they all started talking about whatever was in their minds. It all came naturally and after a while, you could only hear their laughter and quiet gasps when one of them shared gossip about their friends' colleagues. The girls took a few polaroids and then decided it's time to watch some movies. Bianca was scrolling on her phone reading them films' titles.

"6 Underground?" - the girl asked, but Naomi shook her head for a no.


"What is that? No, it's...just no." - Lakeshia followed her eyebrows.

"Oh, how about "King"?" - her voice raised slightly with excitement.

"Because of Timothee? Bianca, please..." - [ Y / N ] remarked sarcastically.

"Fine! But you're all so picky." - Bianca said irritated.

[ Y / N ] was aware that he was Bianca's celebrity crush and loved to tease her about it. She couldn't blame her, tho. Timothee Chalamet was a handsome man, with the face of a Greek God. He looked like a living statue. Perfectly symmetrical and defined. They would look sweet together.

"Let's about "365 days?"

"NO!" - all three of them yelled, leaving Bianca shook, her blue eyes open widely.

"Ugh...I don't know then." - she was clearly frustrated. - "Maybe you should be the one...wait HOLD UP!" - Bianca shushed them, waving her arm up and down.

I wonder what now...

"How about "Hidden By The Design"?" - she asked them, raising eyebrows.

"I've never heard of it. Neither watched it." - admitted Naomi.

"Same." - Lakeshia agreed.

"So we established. "Hidden By The Design" it is." - Binca said searching the movie and sharing it on the TV screen.

The title popped on a screen and then the directors' names.

"What is it about?" - [ Y / N ] turned her head to the friend.

"I'm not sure, some comedy I think. We'll see."

After the crew, it was time for the actors' names. The girl lazily read them, not completely paying attention, until Bianca pointed at the screen.

"He's there?!"

[ Y / N ] looked at the screen to see a name that popped on it.


Oh damn

"Ok, I can admit he's hot." - Naomi snorted.

"Oh, just be quiet!" - Lakeshia scolded.

[ Y / N ] sat silently glaring at the movie in front of her.

Finn Wolfhard.

Finn Wolfhard's been known for acting in an extremely popular Netflix show "Stranger Things" when he was a teen. He also had his debut in the films "It" that were based on Stephen King's book. These were his two common roles that most of the people mentioned.

Well, at least when he was a teenager.

He was 24 years old and played in many successful movies. He also directed some of them. He was a great, hardworking actor and, based on many people's opinions, a nice man.

In his free time, he was modeling. He had many stunning photoshoots and walked on fashion shows. With the body of his, he was perfect for this job.

He had an unusual beauty. Starting on his posture: very tall, thin, dark, curly hair and black eyebrows, deep, brown eyes, a characteristic nose that fit him well, plump rose lips, prominent cheekbones, and extremely defined jawline. His sharp look was smoothed with the addition of adorable freckles on his face. He had a lanky body, long arms, and legs. His hands were a little veiny with long fingers. His skin, pale as a ghost. You could tell his beauty was a little feminine, but that's exactly what made him handsome.

Yes, Finn Wolfhard was absolutely handsome.

And probably, absolutely rich.

The first time [ Y / N ]'s seen him was back when she was 13 years old and watched "It". Then she binge-watched a whole "Stranger Things" show in a few days. She followed him and his work. She knew he had a band with his friend and would make music whenever he felt like it.

That was basically him in a nutshell.

As [ Y / N ] was watching the film and stared at the man on a screen, she realized that he seemed familiar to her. Obviously, she knew him by looking him up on social media and watching films with him, but this feeling was different. Like, she saw him, or someone similar to him. Probably one of the customers, so she shrugged that thought off and focused on the movie.

It was a nice one. It had good humor and overall she was enjoying it. The "Hidden By The Design" was about a woman that worked in a museum. Till one day a man wanted to sell his painting to it. The woman couldn't accept it because it looked, well, a bit trashy. But the man hasn't given up and tried everything to make her accept his art. The problem was not about her not wanting to have it in the museum, but to take it, she had to explain to her boss why she'd want it. The painter told her that he can show her his word and how he views things. She accepted his offer and explored his mind. They were slowly falling in love with each other and in the end, her boss finally accepted the man's artwork making him a millionaire.

A funny and a bit romantic film. All four of them enjoyed it, but there was one specific part they liked more than others. A make out and then a slight sex encounter scene. Well, it wasn't explicit, but they knew what was going down. Besides they could see the man's actor bare chest. He wasn't buff but had enough muscles to hold a woman. In that moment, [ Y / N ] felt her cheeks heating up a little. Gladly they were in the dark, so her friends couldn't see her warm, red face.

The movie ended with a black screen and directors', writers', and actors' names once again. [ Y / N ] rubbed her eyes, feeling that they were dry and exhausted, just like her.

"I'm tired." - Lakeshia admitted.

"Me too." - the girl yawned.

"Let's go to sleep." - the Black-skinned woman decided and got off the pillow fort, the rest of the girls following her steps.

[ Y / N ] went to her bedroom and threw herself on the bed. She felt her eyes getting heavier and heavier by seconds and she finally let her body rest. Although, before she went to sleep she couldn't help but think if she has ever met Finn Wolfhard in her life. Normally the girl would think about it more but after all the work she couldn't bring her sleepy mind to think and gave up on the suspicion.


[ Y / N ] woke up much later than usual, but she didn't complain. She could finally rest her mind and body properly. The girl felt her stomach growling and got up to make some food. She didn't meet anyone in the living room, but it didn't matter to her. She was hungry and wanted the nauseous feeling of an empty stomach go away. She was eating breakfast when Bianca stepped into the kitchen from her room.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." - she welcomed her with a smile.

"Mornin'. - the girl answered looking at her friend fully dressed and ready to go.

'How does always she look so fresh. Especially in the morning?'

"Where are the others?" - [ Y / N ] questioned.

"Oh, they're at a grocery shop. We were running out of some food and they decided to get it. They should come soon."

The girl nodded and continued eating her oatmeal. It wasn't the most delicious breakfast but there wasn't anything better. When Bianca said that they were running out of some food, she meant that they had nothing to eat. Well, that's what happens when you're living with your flatmates. The words "my food" doesn't exist even if you purchased it with your money.

"Have you got any plans for today?" - her best friend raised an eyebrow at her and [ Y / N ] her head for a no. - "I thought that maybe we could go shopping? All of us. The stores are lowering their prices now and we can't let that opportunity slide. I've talked to the girls already and they've got nothing against it. How about you?"

[ Y / N ] thought for a moment. She just started a job and earned some money. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough of it to spend. Besides, she didn't feel a need to buy herself something new. She looked at her best friend's face and how her ocean eyes looked at her desperately. Bianca was the type of person who got upset when someone disagreed with her or changed her plans when she was certainly into them. The girl didn't want to make her sad or mad.

"Yeah, sure. No problem."

"Great!" - she clapped her hands enthusiastically.

The duo had waited till Naomi and Lakeshia came home. [ Y / N ] helped them unpack the groceries feeling guilty that they still had to buy things from their money. She could tell that they were slightly getting annoyed because of this situation. They were just too polite to say anything. The girl got dressed and all four of them went on the streets.

In a shop center, they walked through numerous stores, gave advice to one another, tried on clothes. All of them bought something, except for [ Y / N ]. She declined to buy everything, excusing herself with "I'm not sure...let's see what's in other stores." To be honest, she wasn't looking for any specific thing. She couldn't afford it anyway.

"C'mon [ Y / N ], you haven't bought anything!" - Bianca complained while holding two big, paper bags in her hands.

"Well, I think it's just not my day for shopping. Besides, I haven't seen anything that I'd like."

That was a lie. A big, fat lie. There was a few nice stuff that caught her attention but with her almost empty wallet, she pushed that want aside.

Bianca shrugged. The girl couldn't tell if her friend was disappointed because she heard Lakeshia's voice.

"How about we take coffee? Or something to drink?"

If I take the smallest cup, I might afford it

"Yeah sure, let's go."

They went to the 4th floor and stepped into the first cafe they saw. They sat slightly in the corner and looked through the menu. Soon, the waitress appeared smiling and politely asking for their orders. [ Y / N ] knew that her kindness was unreal. Back when she had served others she would put on a mask of a nice person to seem friendly but she felt nothing like it. She noted down their orders. [ Y / N ] took the cheapest coffee in the smallest cup. She didn't care about its taste until she got it and took a sip. It wasn't the best and tasted bad but she faked her expression and nodded when the waitress asked her if she likes it. At least she said some money.

While trying to enjoy her drink, she was listening to her friends. They were excited because of their brand new clothing, planning their outfits, and thinking about accessories that will match with what they bought. [ Y / N ] was listing to them but she sometimes lost the thread. She caught herself thinking about tomorrow and Monday. The girl sighed a little too loudly.

"[ Y / N ] are you ok?" - Naomi asked alarmed.

"Oh, yes I'm fine." - the girl smiled. It wasn't a forced one but definitely not as honest as normally.

Luckily her friends haven't noticed that. Maybe Bianca was a bit more concerned but she continued listening to Lakeshia. She glared from time to time at her best friend but didn't say anything.

[ Y / N ] took another sip of the extremely delicious coffee, hiding her disapproval of it. The girl gave her attention back to her best friends. After finishing and paying for their drinks the girls headed back to their flat. To get there they had to go underground to a metro. As they were moving vastly through tunnels Bianca shifted closer to [ Y / N ].

"Are you really fine?" - she whispered to her ear.

"Yes, I'm sure." - but after a few seconds, she added. - "I'm just a bit nostalgic."

"About what?" - her friend furrowed her eyebrows.

"About the fact that I won't have so much time for you. I don't know when we're going to have our "girls' nights" and going out shopping again. I going to miss it. I hate the thought of being distant."

Bianca nodded. Her pink lips pressed together and blue eyes concentrated on finding some good words to cheer her up.

"We get it, all of us. We know that's hard but you're not going to lose our friendship because of not talking to us after work, or saying that you're tired or not in the mood for us to hang out. Trust me and don't let these thoughts get into you."

[ Y / N ] smiled at the last sentence. It was her line that she always used while comforting someone. It seemed to calm others down and she realized that it is helpful.

"Thanks. I don't know why my mind has been thinking like that last days.

There was a moment of silence between them before Bianca grinned and poked her with an elbow.

"Isn't this because of this stranger on a plane? - she landed closer to her ear. - Mysterious, tall, curly-headed stranger, on a plane?

[ Y / N ] covered her mouth while laughing. But in full honesty, she's been thinking about him from time to time. The girl thought about his life and job. She wondered if he had someone, not that she seriously cared and needed to know but still she was curious. He was kind to her and the girl wanted to get to know him better.

Obviously, it's not going to happen. He had the nickname "stranger" for a reason. She didn't know him, completely random dude. She hasn't even asked for his name, because she panicked when the stewardess announced that they landed. She had a chance but she lost it. Silly situation.

Bianca saw that her comment made her friend better, she continued to tease her.

"A skater one. With a big dick. A random mysterious, tall, curly-headed on a plane with a big dick lives somewhere in Vancouver, and you can't help yourself but think about him skating and doing dangerous tricks while also playing instruments. Adventurous dude. I'm sure that he's adventurous with his dick too!"

"Oh, my god stop!" - [ Y / N ] smacked her arm lightly while giggling. - "I've never said anything about his dick."

"But isn't this obvious? Sis, you have to start romanticizing your life. You could write a fanfic about it. An adventurous and long one. Long one like his di-..."

"Bianca!" - she smacked her again. - "You're so dirty-minded!" - her friend only chuckled.

"What can I say? It is what it is."

The duo giggled a bit more and finally calmed down. They were quiet for a while until Bianca turned her head to the girl.

"Do you think that you might meet him again?"

[ Y / N ] stayed silent for a second.

"No, I don't think so."

Bianca nodded.

"Well, that would be unbelievable if you would."

"That's why I won't."

Yeah, that would be unbelievable.


Sunday went normally for [ Y / N ]. She didn't do much back then and before she realized it was Monday. The girl was back to her usual routine such as unpacking things and putting others in the right places. Mark visited his family showed her photos that he had taken there. The manager also offered her a small, sweet bread roll that his mother hacked and the girl happily accepted it.

[ Y / N ] was in a good mood, until this one customer.

It was a man in his 40's. Tall, muscular, and bald. He had many tattoos on his arms and the girl could tell they kept going to his torso. He wore a black, leather jacket, gloves, and trousers.

A motorcyclist for sure

The man was an aggressive-looking one. With his appearance, it wasn't hard to memorize him. [ Y / N ] recognized him. He's been here once.

The motorcyclist came to the counter and looked at the girl. She felt tiny under his cold gaze.

"I've come here to buy my guitar." - he announced with a harsh voice.

'He listens to heavy metal and probably screams a lot.' she thought to herself, trying not to lose her bravery. 'Also, he came here to buy his guitar? If he's buying it then technically it's not his yet.'

"Hello? I don't have a whole day." - his voice deepened dangerously.

"Um, which one sir." - she gulped.

"The one that I paid for." - he rolled his eyes. Now he made [ Y / N ] annoyed but also scared.

"I'm sorry sir, but daily we're selling many guitars and it might be troubling to memorize them all."

It was the first mistake she had made that day. The muscular man groaned.

"Well, I remember you. I came here a week ago, saying that I want a very specific guitar. There wasn't any and you noted the name down."

It was true. He came there and said some guitar's name she has never heard of. There wasn't anything like it so she wrote it down, booked it online, and told him it will be here in a week or so.

She reached down, put on the table, and opened a big book filled with guitars', pedals', records', books' names, and prizes. She went to the section GUITARS and scanned the pages. The girl found a small sticky note with two dates on it. The first was from a week ago and the next one was todays.

Jerry Garcia's "Tiger" $957.000 (NOT IN STOCK)

16.08. Damon Winchester ordered
26.08. should be here

[ Y / N ] stared in shock at the prize. She hasn't noticed the prize at first when she ordered it. Her shock turned into terror when she looked one line down.

20.08 SOLD


"Am I going to get this guitar today or no?" - the man snapped her out of her panic state with his voice.

[ Y / N ] raised her glare at him. She was terrified.

"I'm sorry sir but someone's already bought it."

That was the second mistake she had made.

"WHAT?! SOMEONE DID FUCKING WHAT?!" - the motorcyclist was screaming so loudly that it made Mark step out of his room.

"What's going on here?" - Mark looked at [ Y / N ], her eyes were desperately seeking for his help.

"Are you the manager?!" - the muscular man pointed at him and when he nodded he continued. - "I want my fucking money back!"

Mark stepped closer to the customer.

"I'm new to the situation. Can we talk about it in the storage?"

[ Y / N ] was surprised how calmly he handled him. The man groaned again but followed her manager.

Don't let yourself be killed, Mark.

The girl looked at the other customers that were staring at her uncomfortably. She signed and sit down carefully on a chair, face in her palms. She breathed deeply. Her thoughts went back to the time when she served at restaurants and bars and when she did something wrong. She remembered the screams of her managers and clients' disapproval. They shamelessly pointed at her picking up on her looks and just telling her horrible stuff. She didn't want to be fired. The girl couldn't let herself lose another job. Finding one now would be unbelievably tough for her.

"Um, excuse me."

The voice got her out of her thinking and she moved her hand a bit to saw a person's legs. She got up and walked to the counter.

"Yes?" - she asked politely. That's what serving taught her. No matter what, always keep a nice face for others. They don't know what happened.

"So um, I know this situation was very weird and I'm sorry for this dude. He was a dick." - she smiled at his fitting remark and raised her eyes to look at him.

And then it hit her.

And it hit him too.

"Hey, wait... - the man furrowed his eyebrows slightly. - "Haven't we met before?"

Yes. They did. At the begging of August on a plane to Toronto.

The man opposite her was wearing the same blue cap like he had back then. His dark curls under it still covering his left eye a bit more. His eyes, nose lips were still the same. He was wearing a white T-shirt and beige trousers. The man was holding a few records and one book.

"I think...I think we have." - she said finally. - "On a..."

"Yeah, on a plane." - he agreed. - "Hah, funny situation. Anyway, I wanted to donate some records."

"Symphony" accepted the records and books from other people that wanted to donate them. If everything was fine with them they took it and wrapped in foil to make it look like a brand new one.

"Yeah, of course." - The man pulled them out of his bag. She gladly accepted them and opened the package to see if they were unbroken.

"They're fine. No need to worry." - he assured her. - "Oh I also want to buy it." - the man put the records and a book on the counter.

[ Y / N ] scanned them and asked him.

"Do you have a shop card?"

"No, I don't. Is it worth it?."

"Well, normally you'd have to pay 95.68$, but we have a promotion. If you buy two jazz albums the third one in half of the prize, so with the shop card, it'd be about 64$."

"Oh hell yeah. I'll take it."

The girl nodded and grabbed a shop card, notebook, and pen.

"Ok, I need your name, sir."

"Is it necessary?" - he asked hesitantly.

"Yes, but your personal date is safe. We just need it to make sure you're actually our client."

The man sighed.

"So, can I have your name, sir?"

"Finn Wolfhard."

✰ ❀ ✰ ❀ ! AUTHOR'S NOTES ! ❀ ✰ ❀ ✰
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BαΊ‘n Δ‘ang đọc truyện trΓͺn: Truyen247.Pro