All of them just stood there, panting after the excruciating battle. Adrenaline, wearing out, making way for exhaustion to take over. Steve's knees buckled and he fell down on the ground, though he managed to fall on his back to avoid any extra injuries.
He just lay there, eyes opened, facing the sky, taking deep breaths. His face content. Everyone followed suit and soon they were all there, laying on the ground in a circle, star gazing in the middle of the day. The sunrays falling directly on them, but no one seemed to mind.
"Ouch" leo exclaimed after a few moments of silence, scratching every possible part of his body. It just happened to be the trigger and all of them started to scratch their skin, trying to soothe the itch and cool the burning of the poison.
Percy sighed in frustration and brought water from the only remaining water pool and drenched all of them in water.
Once again they fell in silence, though it didn't last long.
"How the Hades did that old man die on his own." Leo wondered, "he's next level clumsy, man. I bet he stepped over something that was too much for his frail body. That dude was already beyond expiry date."
Wanda chuckled and shook her head at his antiques.
"Leave it man. The point is, we're alive and we won." Tony replied, "I just hope that those creatures stay where they are or I'll fu-"
"Tony, language!"
"-zzily kill them?"
Percy laughed, a full blown laughter but it died when he saw some weird kind of light. Whatever it was, it was blindingly bright. So he did the only sensible thing.
He closed his eyes.
Even after closing his eyes he could feel the bright light beyond his eyelids, it was that bright.
As soon as he felt the brightness lessen he opened his eyes, bit by bit.
There, in all his glory, stood the mighty Thor, along with a very confused Magnus.
"I swear, Thor, if this is some prank I'll personally ask Alex to test her newly sharpened garrot on you" Magnus threatened, his eyes glued to his cousin, who was now standing up on her place.
"No, son of Frey. I do not lie. Earlier this day, we went to take your cousin from this young hero's house" he pointed at Percy and continued, "where he asked me to inform you that your cousin is in coma. I went to Asgard, had a supper, dragged you away from that red head, who was trying to paint your nails and explained you about the situation and told Heimdall to send us wherever your sister was."
One by one the whole team facepalmed.
"That was over a week ago Thor" Natasha sighed, exasperated.
Thor just shrugged his shoulders and replied, "not my fault that time runs different in each realm."
He then examined his teammates' appearance and frowned, "what happened to you, my friends?"
Clint groaned, "I'm out."
"Me too"
"No chance"
"No way in hell"
"Hades noooo"
They all went back to lay down the way they were before. Thalia decided to show Thor some mercy and said,
"Battle happened"
Thor nodded in understanding and to everyone's astonishment lay down and rolled in the mud.
He messed up his hair, slapped himself a few times and then scooted over to his friends.
Natasha propped herself on one elbow and asked, "what are you doing?"
"Making sure that the next headline in the news says 'THE MIGHTY THOR, YET AGAIN SAVES THE EARTH. ALL HAIL THOR!' "
She huffed in reply and went back to gazing at the sky.
Seconds turned into minutes. Percy was just enjoying the moment by closing his eyes and feeling the nature and it's wonders around him when he heard the sound of footsteps. He peeked through one eye to see a very worried Titan coming his way.
He sat up quickly, and asked, "what happened?"
At his question everyone else stirred up.
"I was just worried about you. I sensed there were no monsters, then too you did not come back. I thought you were badly injured." He explained, a frown etched on his face.
"We're fine. Just tired." Percy waved off but Annabeth seemed to think otherwise.
"Bob, around half an hour ago, only Geras was left and he faded even before we could kill him. Is that possible?"
Bob thought about it for a moment and then smiled wide.
"Percy" he addressed, "do you remember what were your last words before you left?"
"Yeah" Percy answered, not sure where this information was leading them. "I said, 'hang on there little sis. Your big bro needs to make sure that this world is safe for you.' "
"Well. You got your answer" Bob grinned, "the bane of God of old age is birth of a powerful and legendary being. A person whose aura is stronger than any being. Whose power got tripled when her brother vowed to keep her safe."
"Bob. My friend" Percy spoke as if coaxing a child, "you are making no sense."
Annabeth shook her head and muttered, "seaweed brain"
"Percy what Bob is trying to say is, Geras was killed by birth of a powerful person. In other words, your sister. Estelle Jackson Blowfis."
At this Percy jumped up, a crazed look in his eyes and without any word ran all the way to the headquarters, ignoring his protesting muscles.
Annabeth walked into the infirmary, in a new set of clothes with her hair damp from the shower she earlier had.
She shook her head with a small smile when she saw Percy all coiled up against his sister's crib, sleeping.
They all had gone after Percy after he had run away like a madman and by the time they reached the infirmary where both Sally and Gamora were admitted, they saw Percy fighting Bruce who was blocking him from coming closer to the baby.
Something along the lines of being clean before coming near a newborn. He had to grumbingly stomp over to the shower when everyone seemed to be agreeing with Bruce.
Within minutes he was back and Bruce handed over the bundle of happiness that was his sister to him. Sally was already passed out but Paul was wide awake and without informing, he clicked a picture of them from his camera.
Percy refused to move away from his sister so Bruce had to shift the crib near the couch so that Percy could lay near his sister and doze off to a much needed sleep.
By the evening the families had left the headquarters, now that the threat was eliminated, save for Sally, Paul and Estelle, who were to go after dinner.
Magnus had calmed down after Annabeth recounted the events of the past few weeks to him and after promising to keep in touch, he too left for Valhalla from one of the many portals on earth.
Everything was going on smoothly. Presently everyone was gathered in the dining room for dinner.
Speaking of dinner, she shook Percy's shoulders a bit, trying to wake him up all to no avail.
He must be really exhausted to be in such a deep slumber.
At that very moment, Leo walked in.
He placed a finger on his lips, in a silence gesture. He gently uncoiled Percy's arms from the crib and rolled it away from him.
He quietly came back and thrust his hand into his tool belt, looking for something.
That something turned out to be his Fruiter.
He closed his eyes for a moment and pulled the trigger. Fruits shot from it and got collected on other side of the couch.
Wordlessly, Annabeth picked up the fruits and placed them nest to Percy. Spread out, but not touching him. At last Leo produced a small jalapeno, broke it into 2 and handed it to Annabeth.
She further broke it until it was half an inch in size. She tip toed and placed the jalapeno on the side of his mouth, which was open and there was a bit of drool coming from it. She gently pushed the piece into his mouth and promptly ran away.
By the time she Annabeth and Leo reached the dining room, they were out of breath.
Natasha raised an eyebrow at the sight and Leo explained their prank. Just as he finished Percy barged into the room, madly furious.
Annabeth grinned shyly and others laughed at the sight. It was refreshing and they welcomed it.
"Come on Percy, your mom made some cookies earlier, it must be somewhere here" Wanda said, "aha, found it."
Still grumbling, Percy snatched the whole box of cookies from Wanda and started to munch on them.
Just as they were going to attack their food, a very furious Fury walked in.
"Why are there videos of avengers and some kids fighting some 'aliens' all over the internet and news?" He asked, more like demanded.
"Uh. Well. You see" Clint chuckled humourlessly, "there might be an army of monsters with three gods who might want to take over the world. For which they may or may not have held Gamora hostage and we possibly had to fight them."
Fury pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered, "I leave for a week and this happens."
Tony tried to convince Fury by saying that he would hack and delete every video but Fury just waved him off with a "I'll take care of it."
After that the dinner went smoothly and soon it was time to go.
Sally was discharged and left shortly, while the demigods and Titan decided it was way too late and they still were exhausted.
So with final goodbyes Sally went back home and others departed for the night.
There they stood outside the headquarters, saying their goodbyes.
"Where will you go?" Steve asked, concerned.
"Well, I have to join my sisters after visiting camp." Thalia said then nudged Leo, "this doofus has to go back to his girlfriend in camp."
"Percy has to complete the rest of the year at school along with making up for the time he lost in the war." Annabeth chimed, "and I'll see to it that he passed this year so that we can go to college in New Rome next year together."
"Now that I think about it", Annabeth wondered aloud. "Bob, Percy would be too busy to focus on his duties at camp. Would you mind taking his position as the swords master?" Her expression pleading with him to accept.
Bob smiled and nodded his head.
"Perfect. You know where to find us. It'll be no problem for you to see the camp." Leo added looking at the avengers. "Especially Natasha. You should come at the camp. If only for a few days. Chiron can explain you a lot more about this world."
She agreed and they turned around and left. Just as they were going to cross the barrier, Thalia turned around and ran back. She stopped in front of them and rummaged through her pockets. She then handed Gamora some kind of business card and left them be.
They were just a block away from Percy's apartment from where they had to pick up his books on the way to camp, where he would study in his cabin for the rest of the year when something caught their attention.
It was an electronics shop, with televisions lined up like books in shelves.
It wasn't odd, what was odd was the news playing on the channel. The volume was high enough for them to listen to it.
"Nick Fury, had just now confirmed that the videos streaming all over internet is indeed of an invasion which was yet again stopped by avengers. Though what is strange, is that some teenagers are seen fighting alongside avengers in these videos." The reporter reported. (Sorry couldn't resist) "Earlier this morning, Fury announced that these teenagers are second cousins of Natasha Romanoff and are retired agents of S.H.I.E.L.D"
The demigods grinned at each other and started walking so as to avoid people looking at them.
As soon as they reached Sally's apartment Leo turned to Percy and Annabeth and grinned mischievously, "does that make you siblings?"
The duo and Thalia groaned and spoke in unison,
"Shut up Valdez!"
And done!!
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