My problem with bases and copy+ paste "art"
Many artists use bases for their art when they're first starting out or are naive to the fact that they should be drawing their own art instead of relying on others to draw for them. Or some other artists copy and paste picture from the internet and paste them on backgrounds in ms paint and calling it art. (Maybe you could call it a "collage" but I certainly wouldn't. Especially when no effort was put in at all.)
But the worst thing of all is the people who say, "OhhHh It'S JUsT THeir ArT StYle! LEAVE theM ALoNE iF YoU DOn'T LiKE IT, DelIA!!!!!11!1!1!"
Okay, maybe it is their "art style", but It's defiantly not an "art style" I like. In fact, I strongly, strongly dislike it.
My point I'm trying to make here is to instead of using bases, please take the time and learn to draw on your own. If you truly want to draw well, you should take the time to draw on your own and learn anatomy and how to draw faces. (It's recommended to learn to draw realistically first, but it's not for everyone). That includes finding your own style and practicing rendering (shading, etc).
Those things take a long time to do, but with practice your art will be so much better!
I feel like SolarSands...
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