(]--[ π¦ππ¦π¦ππ’π‘ π± ]--[)
ππ€: Hello Reds.
βοΈ: Hi, hi!
βοΈ: Hello.. I'm still kind of mad that you killed me..
ππ€: Well, I get it but hey.. At least were teaming up now since we are all reds.
βοΈ: I guess that makes sense.. Anyways, what's our plan for today's session?
βοΈ: Yeah, I wanna kill everything!! >:[
ππ€: Well.. I was thinking maybe we should.. kill my old ally, Miss Delight..
βοΈ: Huh, why?
ππ€: Well.. Because she is currently trying to find where the other greens are.. that means she is Outside, meaning that she is in the Danger Zone.. so.. We need to kill her before she finds another alliance to join..
βοΈ: Solid plan! Acid, didn't you have those potion of harming in your labhouse chests?
βοΈ: Yup! I was about to make a Potion Shop but Bon killed me before I even did it.. So, It's kind of unfair.. But at least the potions are gonna be useful now..
ππ€: Yes, Those potions of harming are very very powerful, Go to your labhouse, grab all of those potions, Harmless, Poison, Regen, Fire Resistance.. Any potion that can help us kill the other greens and yellows, The reds WILL rise!
βοΈ: Alright! Roger that. *runs*
ππ΅: Oh no.. I have to go to Uzi's Alliance.. I'm all alone in this Desert ever since Sun stupidly died by a ridiculous fall damage.. so, It's time for me to pack up..
While Neptune was picking up some stuff to prepare if he saw the Reds, Enchanted Diamond Swords, Bow and Arrows, some Ender Pearls, and of course.. Diamond Armor.. But then, Miss Delight came to Neptune's Lounge..
π«π€: Ummm.. HhHhHello! Am I iIiIintruding?!
ππ΅: Oh hello! No you're not, don't worry.. I'm just packing up my stuff to go on Uzi's Base! And.. I guess your ally is now red as well?
π«π€: YyYyYyYeah.. Bon is now being himself again when he's RrRrRed...
ππ΅: Alright, Here.. have some stuff! We need to go to Uzi's Base or else, we'll be ambushed by The Reds...
Neptune gave Miss Delight a Diamond Sword and Axe, and SOME enchanted diamond armor, with Iron Boots.. And a little bit of Ender Pearls..
π«π€: Oh, TtTtTtThank you so much, Neptune!!
ππ΅: You're welcome! Ok.. Let's go...
π«π€: AaAaAlright..
And so, Neptune and Miss Delight came out of the lounge, and started to run for it in The Forest... and after that, The both of them sneaked through the forest.. and eventually.. They stumbled upon Mono and Doll's Mountain.. so they slowly climbed... but...
ππ€: Wait guys, who are those two on the mountain?
βοΈ: :OOO NEPTUNE!! IT'S TIME TO DIE, BUDDY! >:) *shoots arrows*
ππ€: Wait, Acid has not come back yet.. But ok.. Come on over here, old allies! *shoots flaming arrows*
ππ΅: Oh my gosh.. Miss Delight, come on up quick! They're shooting arrows at us!
π«π€: I'm trying!! Hold on..
ππ€: Come on! Just fall!! >:(
βοΈ: You know what, I'm going in..
Sun was charging in and climbed the mountain while Bon was still shooting his flaming arrows, Some of them eventually hitting Miss Delight..
π«π€: Oh my GgGgGosh.. I'm burning!!
ππ΅: Oh shoot.. Wait, I DON'T HAVE A WATER BUCKET!! I'm supposed to be an ice planet.. How do I do not have water? This is so embarrassing..
π«π€: Oh NnNnNo.. I think I'm gonna die!! Mono, Doll, HhHhHhelp us!!
π«: !! *went over and shoots flaming arrows back at Bon*
π§‘π: Help is on the way. *shoots arrows*
ππ€: Uh oh... I might have to back up..
π«π€: GgGgGuys.. Sun is getting close!!
This was intense, Sun eventually made it Miss Delight and the both of them started to fight at the side of the mountain..
π«π€: JjJjJjust die!!
βοΈ: Not gonna happen..
π«: >:( *shoots arrows down at Sun*
π«π€: Wait.. Oh no..
βοΈ: Oh? What's wrong, huh?!
π«π€: WAIT, NO, OH GEE-
π΄πππ π«ππππππ πππ πππππ ππ πΊππ
[UZI]: No way!!
[N]: D: OH NO!
[ACID]: Great job! >:D
[BON]: I am very proud.
[BLITZ]: Uh oh, That's very bad..
βοΈ: YES! OK, I have to get out of here!! See ya, fellas! >:) *runs back down*
π§‘π: I apologize, We tried our best to save Miss Delight, and now she's at Yellow.
ππ΅: Aww man, I feel really bad..
π«: :((
π§‘π: So anyways, What do you need?
ππ΅: Well.. I was gonna go to Uzi's Place to be safe.. Is there any way to go there?
π§‘π: Yes indeed, Us and her alliance have built a tunnel that directly leads to her base.. You can use that tunnel under my house.
ππ΅: Oh ok, thank you!
π§‘π: You're welcome, We will be guarding this part of the map to prevent the Reds from killing anymore Greens and Yellows.
π«: *nods*
ππ΅: Oh alright, good luck!
Neptune went to Doll's House and eventually went down to the Tunnel and sprinted all the way to her base.. while the Reds are...
βοΈ: Hi, Bon.. I'm back from killing Miss Delight!
ππ€: Nice.. I just need to back up to heal myself with food.
βοΈ: Hi Reds, I'm back with the potions! *gives some potions to Both Sun and Bon*
ππ€: Okay, cool. Also, I have another person in mind to kill.. and also, burn...
βοΈ: Oooh, who is it?
ππ€: Well, first.. let's throw ourselves some Splash Potions of Fire Resistance *splashes themselves with Fire Resistance*
βοΈ: Ooooh amazing!! I feel powerful! >:D
ππ€: Alright everyone, follow me.
πͺπ©Έ: Oh my god, William.. I know there's 3 Reds right now.. but I'm also mad that I lost to a LAZY skeleton in Spleef!!! >=( I'm so mad right now..
π£πͺ: Yeah, I know.. But, At least I made one of Uzi's lackies on Yellow.. Now we just need to worry about the 3 Reds..
πͺπ©Έ: Alright..
ππ€: Ok guys, Here is Chara and William's House..
βοΈ: Oh, I think I know what you're gonna do..
ππ€: Yeah.. *holds the Flint & Steel* I'll let YOU have the honors, It's an.. apology for killing you.. now.. Burn the house to the ground..
βοΈ: With pleasure. >:) *burns the house down*
πͺπ©Έ: Wait what the.. WHY IS THEIR FIRE?! PUT IT OUT!!
ππ€: I think you know who it is.
πͺπ©Έ: Oh.. You filthy Reds! Why would you do this?! Oh gosh, I'm burning..
ππ€: Because this is revenge.. FOR KILLING ME WITH YOUR TRAP!! *went inside the burned down house*
βοΈ: Oh, I need some popcorn for this.
βοΈ: Yeah. >:)
πͺπ©Έ: OH GOSH, William, help me!! He's about to kill me!
π£πͺ: Ok, hold on!! Leave her alone!!
William and Bon had a 1v1 Fight inside the Burned Down House of Chara and William.. They had a long fight which lasted for 10 minutes... but then...
π£πͺ: Oh gosh... *eats some food*
πͺπ©Έ: Why am I still burning?!
ππ€: You must be low!! Time to strike!
π£πͺ: WAIT NO!!
πͺπ©Έ: Yup, this is the end of me.. THIS IS THE EN-
πͺππππ ππππ ππ ππ ππππππ ππππππ ππππππ ππ ππππππ π©ππ
[SANS]: oh wow, who is red now, huh?
[UZI]: Ohhh, another red!! Uh oh..
[BLITZ]: Wow..
[SUN]: YES!!
[BON]: The ULTIMATE revenge.. >:D
ππ€: YES! Well... Now Chara is now on our side.. so, Good luck being by yourself, William.
π£πͺ: I'm having Flashbacks right now of this.. burned house.
ππ€: Oh right, You have been in a situation like this before, haven't you?
π£πͺ: Yeah..
ππ€: Well good, anyways.. Goodbye for now. :) *walks outside*
π£πͺ: I have to get out of here... Geez.. *runs outside and ran away*
βοΈ: Well Bon, how did it go?
ππ€: It was amazing.. Anyways, Let's go to.. hmm.. Probably Uzi's Base.. Her alliance has too many Greens.. I think it's time for them to go.. Especially Spongy since he's at Yellow.. If we kill him, He can join us in the Red Army..
βοΈ: Yep, you're right! Let's go!
βοΈ: Wait hold on.. I'm gonna do something real quick, Be right back.
ππ€: Oh alright, be back soon on Uzi's House, ok?
βοΈ: Alright, see you later!
βοΈ: Bye!
π: Guys.. people are dying out there, We need to prepare!!
π§½: Ok..
ππΊ: spongy, you can't get killed.. because if you're red, we can't work with you anymore.. you have to work with other reds..
π§½: Oh, I don't want to though...
ππΊ: well, you have to.. unless... you can try to.. redeem your.. trust to us...
π§½: Hm? What do you mean by that?
ππΊ: i'll tell you in the next session.
π§½: Oh, alright.
ππ: Uzi, what are we gonna do?! People are dying left and right!!
π: Well, we need traps all around the base!! ASAP!!
ππ΅: Guys!!
π: Oh, Hi Neptune!
ππ: Oh, hello new friend!
ππ΅: Hi guys, look, I'm currently not safe right now because Sun is now red so I'm all alone..
π§½: Don't worry.. We will protect you at all cost!!
ππ΅: Thank you guys, But I do heard that the Reds might come here soon..
π: Oh ok, thank you for the info!! Let's set up some traps!
ππ: Ok!
π: Oh geez... There's chaos happening and I'm still in the corner of the border just chilling.. This is a really good spot!! I'm so happy with myself.. I'm really safe in here!
βοΈ: Or so you think? :)
π: What?! ACID?!
βοΈ: Hello, Blitz... Look at my nametag right now..
π: You're Red.. and that means you can kill anyone.
βοΈ: Well yeah.. and that's why I'm here.. to kill YOU.. in particular.
π: Oh great.. well.. hold on..
βοΈ: No holding on... I must burn your game.. and your office.. *holds the Flint & Steel*
βοΈ: Hm? What is it now?
π: Well.. How about this? I'll 1v1 you in my game.. Leaf or Leap.. and if you manage win, I'll... let you burn my hard work.. But if I win.. then.. you are OUT of the series.. because you're red.. and if you die, It's all over for you.. Is that a deal?
βοΈ: Hmm... very tempting... Fine.. Let's battle.
π: Perfect! Let's do it..
π: Ok.. I'll countdown.
βοΈ: Alright, and remember.. I'm not holding back.
π: Ugh ok, 3..... 2...... 1...... BEGIN!!
Round 3 has started, and both Blitz and Acid are trying their hardest to push each other off, It took a while for them to push one another.. but..
βοΈ: IT'S TIME TO DIE, BLITZ!! You can't beat me in Spleef! >:)
π: What?! *falls into lava* I got defeated by my own game?!
βοΈ: That was truly pathetic.. truly, truly pathetic..
π©ππππ πππππ
ππ ππππ ππ ππππ
[BON]: Ooooh interesting..
[DOLL]: What a surprise.. The "not involved" one has died.
[MONO]: !!! ???
βοΈ: Welp, time to burn the place down.. *burns down the entirety of Leaf or Leap and Blitz's Office*
π: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I can't believe it.. Oh no... Well, I guess I have to move somewhere else.. Maybe I should go to Mono and Doll's Mountain.. *ran over there*
Bon and Sun eventually made it to Uzi's Base... and.. War is about to happen between The Red Army... or Uzi's Alliance.. + Neptune LOL
π: HEY!! What are you Reds doing in our property?!
ππ€: Well.. Your.. alliance has too many Greens and Yellows.. So, We HAVE to kill some people in your alliance.. especially Yellow Names.. Because if we kill them.. they're on our side.. And they're not gonna work with you anymore.. I guarantee it.
π: I mean.. that's true but.. YOU'RE NOT GONNA KILL ANYONE, OK?!
ππΊ: yeah, were gonna win this or something.
ππ€: Well, let's see about that.. Because I added a new member to our group!
πͺπ©Έ: Hello, Sans. =)
ππΊ: oh no, you're on red.
πͺπ©Έ: Yup, and I am here to kill everyone now.. especially you, Sans.. I have been waiting for this moment... and now, it's time to die... STRIKE!!
The war has started, and Chara, Bon, Sun and eventually.. Acid came back, shot some arrows at some of Uzi's Allies on the walls, while Uzi's Allies was shooting arrows back..
ππ: *was shot by a flaming arrow* Ooooh, Spicy!!
π: Oh my god.. QUICK, go on the water down there!
ππ: Ok! *went down to the water*
π§½: *shoots arrows but misses every time* Gosh, My aim is so bad.. I don't have any arms to even aim!! >:(
ππΊ: don't worry, accuracy is on my side. *shoots arrows*
βοΈ: I NEED BLOOD!!!! *uses an ender pearl to go inside the base*
Sun teleported inside the base with an ender pearl, and started hitting everyone.. especially Neptune.. N and Uzi joined in and was trying to kill Sun.. But he's just too strong.. and eventually...
π΅ππππππ πππ πππππ ππ πΊππ
[DOLL]: What? Ok, were coming through the tunnel... Just wait.
βοΈ: YES!!!
π: No way!! Just die, Sun!!
βοΈ: Nuh uh!!
ππ€: Nice job, Sun! Time to kill someone else..
πͺπ©Έ: Agreed!! *shoots some flaming arrows*
π§½: Oh gosh, I'm low.. I need to go..
ππΊ: oh no, i'm going down as well.. *went down*
πͺπ©Έ: Just die!! Sun, do something!!
βοΈ: I'm trying to kill Spongy!
π§½: No, DON'T YOU DARE!!
π: Oh my gosh, Leave him alone!! >:(
π§½: Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, Oh no.. I think I'm about to die!! NOOOOO-
πΊπππππ πππ πππππ ππ πΊππ
[DOLL]: Welp, were too late.. The tunnel is just so long..
βοΈ: YES!! Just as the time is up..
π: NOOOOOOOO!!!!! We lost too many people, N..
ππ: Yeah...
ππ€: Well.. thank you for the kills. See you in the next session. :)
π: Whatever.
Eventually, everyone has left the server.. Some of them left early because they lost all their stuff and decided to leave...
- Was slain by Sun on Mono and Doll's Mountain
- was defeated by Acid in his own game
- was killed by Sun during the war
- Got killed by Sun during the war
- went up in flames while fighting Bon
- Uzi: πππ
- N: πππ
- Spongy:Β β€οΈ
- Sans: πππ
- Chara:Β β€οΈ
- William Afton: πππ
- Bon: β€οΈ
- Miss Delight:Β ππ
- Sun: β€οΈ
- Neptune:Β β€οΈ
- Mono: πππ
- Doll: πππ
- Blitz:Β ππ
- Acid: β€οΈ
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