โบ(]--[ ๐ฆ๐๐ฆ๐ฆ๐๐ข๐ก ๐ฏ ]--[)โ
Everyone has joined back into the server for SESSION 3.. Let's just say, SESSION 3 is a lot less chaotic than the last session.. I'll show you!
๐ฅย [๐ฅฌ]: Hi Doll!
๐งก๐ย [๐]:ย ะัะธะฒะตั, ะคะฐะนัะธ..
๐ฅ [๐ฅฌ]: Umm... what?
๐งก๐ [๐]: Oh, sorry.. I said Hello, Firey.
๐ฅ [๐ฅฌ]: Oh okay, Hi! so... Last session was pretty chaotic, aren't it?
๐งก๐ [๐]: Yeah, Leafy turned to Red so fast like a Cheetah, I feel bad for her to get kicked out but.. The damage is now done, So.. She's officially exiled from THE FROSTY LANDS..
๐ฅ [๐ฅฌ]: That's sad.. But I get it, Reds are dangerous to us.. So Sorry Leafy if you're hearing this!
๐งก๐ [๐]: Yeah, I apologize too.. But it has to be done..
Leafy was in the background juts listening to the conversation, kind of.. tearing up a bit..
๐ [โ]: *sighs* It's fine, It's fine... I'm just sad that I'm not gonna be with my teammates anymore! And I don't want to kill anyone as a Red.. But.. you know what, whatever.. I don't want to kill.. I should probably build a house somewhere that's really isolated.. Bye guys.
๐ฅ [๐ฅฌ]: Oh, umm.. Did you hear something, Doll?
๐งก๐ [๐]: I think it's just the animals making noises.
๐ฅ [๐ฅฌ]: Oh ok.
โ๐งย [๐]: Oi! Good mornin', chap!
๐๐ฆย [๐]: Good morning! It has been.. QUITE the chaos last session, am I right?
โ๐ง [๐]: That is right, my friend! It's quite chaotic.. And.. we both have the most lives right now, well.. including N.
๐๐ฆ [๐]: Yeah, It's kind of a good thing! But... We might be obvious targets if we have the most lives, UK.
ย โ๐ง [๐]: Hm.. I guess you're right, mate.. I think it's best to just stay here in the whole session.. I'm just trying to improve my table in my cave, chap.
๐๐ฆ [๐]: Oh, are you now? That looks sick!
ย โ๐ง [๐]: Why thank you, Sweden.. I worked REALLY hard to make it perfect.. Anyways, Since your.. "game" is now finished.. What else are you gonna do?
๐๐ฆ [๐]: I guess I might as well just make some traps JUST incase if the Boogeyman in this session ever trap or kill one of us..
ย โ๐ง [๐]: I guess.. that's true, mate.. Go ahead and do that.. I'm gonna decorate the table.
๐๐ฆ [๐]: Alright! :D
๐ตย [๐ฅฌ]: Ow, You just hurt my non-existent ears there.
๐งฝย [๐ฅฌ]: I know but like.. You don't have to be super loud to wake us all up.
๐๐ [๐]: Oh.. well sorry!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: It's fine, so.. anyways, Hello alliance! What are we gonna do today?
๐๐ [๐]: I WANT A DOG!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: I mean.. I saw a lot of dogs over there outside..
๐๐ [๐]: REALLY?! Who has a bone?
๐ย [๐ค]: Oh! I have a bone! *gives bone to N* Here you go!
๐๐ [๐]: :OO Thank you!!
๐ [๐ค]: You are very welcome, alliance member of Team O.A.K!
ย ๐๐ [๐]: Time for me to get a dog, Bye bye! *goes outside of the walls*
๐ซ๐คย [๐ฅฌ]: BbBbBye! Oh and also, students! I have mMmMmade a MASSIVE wall for our base! Check it out!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: Wow! That looks great! You know... Do you guys know how to craft an end crystal?
๐ซ๐คย [๐ฅฌ]: Oh, I kKkKknow! We just need some a Ghast Tear, An Eye of Ender, and some Glass to make an End Crystal! And lucky for us, I digged out a LOT of sand for the walls but also for a bunch of glass! So.. We're good for that.. Now for The Eye of Ender and the Ghast Tear, They're all in The Nether so.. yeah!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: Well that's great.. But I don't really wanna go to The Nether because I LITERALLY died there by Piglin Brutes.. They are.. by the name, pretty BRUTAL enemies..
๐ [๐ค]: Nice joke!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: Thank you!
ย ๐งฝ [๐ฅฌ]: Well jokes aside, I'm just gonna build my own house but this time.. I'm gonna build it underground.. because a certain SOMEONE from last season BURNT down my house and killed someone inside my house.. Which is so annoying..
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Ooooh.. I know that..ย
ย ๐งฝ [๐ฅฌ]: Yeah, It was really disrespectful!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: I know right.. well anyways, Who wants to make a.. Ghast Farm or something.. Is that a thing?
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Yeah actually! We just need to go to The Bedrock Roof..
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: Ok, I'm not doing that.. Were just gonna find a bunch of ghasts that spawn normally.. Who wants to go to The Nether?
๐ [๐ค]: I wanna go!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: Paper, Your on Yellow.. If you die there, Your gonna get exiled from our alliance since your red..
๐ [๐ค]: Oh... then I don't want to go!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: Ok, so.. who wants to ACTUALLY go?
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: MmMmMe..
ย ๐๐ [๐]: WAIT, MEEE!!! *walks back in the base with a dog*
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: Oh, you have a dog!
ย ๐๐ [๐]: Yup, yup! I named him "Serial Sidekick M"!
๐ [๐ค]: What a fancy name!!!
ย ๐๐ [๐]: I know right! Anyways.. I WANNA GO TO THE NETHER AGAIN!!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: Ok, ok, fine! N and Miss Delight.. You two can go to The Nether.. The others.. You can do your own thing until The Boogeyman is about to be chosen..
ย ๐งฝ [๐ฅฌ]: Alright!
๐๐คย [๐ฅฌ]: Hello!
๐๐คย [๐ฅฌ]: Hi! Check out my build!! >:)
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Oh! I mean... It's a really cool build.
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Thanks, I guess.. anyways, Umm.. Last session was really.. something.
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธย [๐ค]: Yeah.. I'm still at 2 Lives.. But I know I'm not gonna die!
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Don't jinx it, Tanjiro.
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ [๐ค]: Oh.. right.
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Well.. We don't know what else were gonna do now.. Ever since I built my house and then got blown up by Leafy's Trap.. V has a house now, and Tanjiro.. Did you build your house yet?
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ [๐ค]: Not yet.. But I'm about to, this session!
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Oh alright, I guess we'll spend the rest of the session just mining and building and repairing our houses..
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ [๐ค]: Yep! That would be great!
๐๐ย [๐]: *waves*
โ๏ธย [๐ฅฌ]: Hello Frisk! How's it going?
๐๐ [๐]: ๐
โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: That's good! Where are the others though?
๐ฅคย [๐ค]: Don't worry, I'm here! I'm just back from grabbing some sheep and put them in a pen to make a sheep pen!
โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: Oh, that's cool, I guess.. Also we need some villagers.. I have a lot of emeralds now since last session.. and I got a life for it by Uzi!
๐๐ [๐]: :D
๐ฅค [๐ค]: Really now? Hmm.. I was thinking maybe we should buddy-buddy with Uzi's Alliance, you know?
โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: Oh! yeah definitely! That would be spectacular to team with!
โฌย [๐ฅฌ]: Very amazing, indeed! =)
โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: GAH- Oh gosh.. WHY DID YOU SNEAK UP BEHIND ME, ANIMATIC?! >:[
โฌ [๐ฅฌ]: Because it's fun! =)
โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: Oh my god.. I regret teaming up with you..
๐๐ [๐]: >:[ *slaps Animatic*
โฌ [๐ฅฌ]: Ow.. That's kind of rude there, Ms. Frisk! >=(
๐๐ [๐]: >:/
๐ฅค [๐ค]: So umm... I guess.. were just gonna wait for The Boogeyman to be chosen..?
โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: I guess, yeah.
๐ฅค [๐ค]: Alright.
โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโยฐโ ่ตคใ็ณธ โยฐโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
ย ๐งฝ [๐ฅฌ]: Uh oh.. Boogeyman is gonna be chosen soon.. Team O.A.K, let's just stare at each other when the Boogeyman Picking is gonna begin!
๐ย [๐ค]: Oh alright! I love staring at people! :D
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: .....wWwWwhat?
ย ๐งฝ [๐ฅฌ]: Anyways, Let's stare!
๐ต [๐ฅฌ]: Ok, I guess.
โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโยฐโ ่ตคใ็ณธ โยฐโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโย
๐๐คย [๐ฅฌ]: Oh no... *speaks quietly*
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ [๐ค]: Huh? Did you say something, Uzi?
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: No, nothing.. I didn't say anything.
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ [๐ค]: Umm.. ok, if you say so..
Miss Delight and N went to The Nether to try and shoot some Ghasts and Enderman to try and craft some End Crystals to prepare..
๐ซ๐คย [๐ฅฌ]: SsssSo N.. what make you want to go to The Nether so bBbBbad?
๐๐ย [๐]: Well.. because I want to see some cute mobs.. and possiblyย ๐โฅโฬธ๐โฅโฬธ๐โฅโฬธ๐โฅโฬธ them!
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Wait.. what dDdDdid you say?
๐๐ [๐]: Oh, nothing! nothing! Must've said something very blurry..
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Oh well.. ok, Come on, we need to find some ghasts to shoot!
๐๐ [๐]: Ok! *sees a tiny magma cube* OH MY GOD!! IT'S A CUTE MAGMA CUBE!!
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: WwWait what... NO TIME FOR THAT! We need to get the ghasts!
๐๐ [๐]: B-but.. Can I keep the magma cube?? Please...
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: .... Ok, ok, fFfFine.. You can have him, geez..
๐๐ [๐]: Yay, I have 2 Pets now!ย
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Cool, cool.. Anyways.. Let's just kill some ghasts already..
๐๐ [๐]: Oh yeah! Sorry! Come on, Magma! Let's go!
So N and Miss Delight walked and explored the Nether for a few minutes, until.. They stumbled upon some ghasts... So they just shot some Ghasts and managed to grab some Ghast Tears.. Once they've done that, They went to kill a bunch of Enderman for Pearls.. and once they did everything, They decided to leave the nether with N's Magma Cube Pet to go back to The Overworld!
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: *takes a deep breath* Ok.. Now that V and Tanjiro are busy right now.. I need to come up with a trap somehow.. But how can I do that? Hmm...
Uzi was thinking of a very solid plan for a while.. But she finally figured out a way!
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Oh! I have an idea.. Maybe I should go to Political Mountain.. I should probably get rid of UK.. since I haven't talked to him even once.. I wouldn't kill Sweden or N.. Sweden gave me a bunch of lives for winning the bet, and N is just... my best friend! Well.. kind of.. But whatever, I must trap UK's Cave.. Gotta go!
So Uzi crafted a bunch of Iron Pickaxes and headed to Political Mountain.. She had a plan where.. she would go to UK's Cave.. and digs a hole that's 100 blocks deep.. Deep enough to kill anybody when someone activates the trap.. so.. She went ahead and get to work.. While UK and Sweden were talking to THE DETERMINATORS.. Uzi went under UK's Cave.. dug out a huge hole! build back up.. places some signs and gravel.. and a hidden button.. to activate the trap.. Now.. she just needs to wait..
๐๐ฆย [๐]: Hello, Determinators!
โ๏ธย [๐ฅฌ]: Oh, hello! What brings you here in our base? Well... Our... medieval base, kind of.
๐ฅคย [๐ค]: I can't believe you spend most of this session building our base.. but... I guess it's worth it for you.
โฌย [๐ฅฌ]: Well.. I'm a very talented builder, ok?ย =)
๐ฅค [๐ค]: Whatever..
โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: Alright.. so, What do you need, Countryhumans?
๐๐ฆ [๐]: Well, were here because we have valuable items for sale!
โ๐งย [๐]: Yeah, chap! I managed to find a lot of materials in the cave and me and Sweden decided to run a trade shop for everyone on the server, mates!
โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: Oooh, really? That's amazing! What do you two have for sale?
โ๐ง [๐]: Well, mates! We have of course, some Diamonds, Redstone, Even a little bit of Emeralds, A lot of Iron, Obsidian, and basically everything that i found underground, chap! Any interested?
โฌ [๐ฅฌ]: Ooooh, I need some Redstone! =O
โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: Hmm.. Why do you need Redstone, Animatic?
๐๐ย [๐]: .. *gets suspicious of Animatic*
โฌ [๐ฅฌ]: Oh, nothing.. =)
๐๐ฆ [๐]: Well.. ok sure! But.. A lot of redstone would cost.... a life!
โฌ [๐ฅฌ]: Oh, really? Well.. I would take A LOT of redstone for that... I ACCEPT! =D
๐ฅค [๐ค]: Are you kidding me right now?
โฌ [๐ฅฌ]: Yeah! I REALLY need some Redstone! And I won't even die! =D
ย โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: You might jinx yourself there, Animatic.
โฌ [๐ฅฌ]: No I won't!
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐]: Well, what are you waiting for? If you want the Redstone so bad, Give me a life for it!
โฌ [๐ฅฌ]: Alright! =D
Animatic typed "/givelife Sweden" and Animatic is now down to 2 Lives.. and Sweden gained up to 6!
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Wow, thank you! The redstone is all yours! *gives Animatic 2 stacks of Redstone*
โฌ [๐ค]: Thank you! I know just to do with this redstone... =)))
ย โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: What are you gonna do to that?
โฌ [๐ค]: Well.. I would just set up traps to make us feel safe! =D
ย โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: Wait what.. Since when are you.. nice?
โฌ [๐ค]: Were allies, remember Acid? So.. If were allies, WERE ALLIES! =D
ย โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: Hmm.. ok, fine..
๐๐ [๐]: .... -_-
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Well, thank you for the trade, Animatic! We will go now, Let's go, UK! If you want to have more items! Visit us on Political Mountain! Goodbye!
๐ฅค [๐ค]: Ok, bye..
ย โ๏ธ [๐ฅฌ]: Alright, Goodbye!
โ๐ง [๐]: Cheers, mates!
Sweden and UK went back to Political Mountain and the both of them went to UK's Cave.. the same place where Uzi set a trap to kill UK.. But she needs to be careful to not kill Sweden as well..
โ๐ง [๐]: Wow, Sweden.. I wasn't expecting that to work, Your a smart innit!
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Thank you! Wanna go mine some more materials to refill?
โ๐ง [๐]: Sure, mate! Let's go!
UK and Sweden both went underground... but right as they were about to reach downstairs to the underground.. Uzi.. activated the trap..
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: there they are.... *presses the button that makes the Gravel fall*
โ๐ง [๐]: WOAH, WHAT THE-
๐ผ๐ฒ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: OH MY GOD, THAT WORKED!!
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: WAIT WHAT... UZI!! DID.. YOU DO THIS?!?!
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: YUP!! Sorry.. But I HAVE to do it.. I'm The Boogeyman and I need to trap someone! I just don't want to trap you since you were nice to me!
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Oh! Well.. I'm glad that you didn't get me.. But.. UK is my ally!!
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Well.. he has a lot of lives so...
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: I mean... I guess that's true.. Anyways, umm.. I guess your gonna go back now!
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Yup! I still can't believe that worked!
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Yeah, it REALLY REALLY worked.. Goodbye!ย
๐๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Bye!
as Uzi left, UK came back to the cave after respawning back in the center of the world..
โ๐ง [๐]: I... can't believe that just happened to me, mate.. Look how deep that hole is, geez..
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: I know right, Uzi's Hole is really deep...
โ๐ง [๐]: .... What.. did you just say, chap?
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Oh wait... THAT WAS SO WRONG TO SAY!! WHAT THE HECK!!
โ๐ง [๐]: PFFT... Are you serious right now?! OUT OF CONTEXT MOMENT!!
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: No, don't!
โ๐ง [๐]: Ok, ok, fine.. But still.. Think about what your gonna say before releasing what your gonna say.. Otherwise, You might say something wild, Sweden.
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Yeah, yeah... I'm kind of embarrassed now..
โ๐ง [๐]: You better be..
โ๐ง [๐]: Oh, what a great timing to end the session, mate!
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Yeah, it really is..
โ๐ง [๐]: I'm still kind of laughing a little bit from what you just said, chap.ย
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Be quiet! You heard nothing.. I'm just glad Uzi is not here, geez..
โ๐ง [๐]: Yeah.. Well anyways, see ya next week, mate!
ย ๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Ok, see ya!
And.. EVERYONE has left the server!
[๐] 6 LIVES:
- Sweden ๐๐ฆ
[๐งก] 5 LIVES:
- N ๐๐
[๐] 4 LIVES:
- Frisk ๐๐
- Doll ๐งก๐
- UK โ๐ง
[๐] 3 LIVES:
- Miss Delight ๐ซ๐ค
- Firey ๐ฅ
- V ๐๐ค
- Four ๐ต
- Acid โ๏ธ
- Uzi ๐๐ค
- Spongy ๐งฝ
[๐] 2 LIVES:
- Tanjiro ๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ
- Cup ๐ฅค
- Paper ๐
- Animatic โฌ
[โค๏ธ] 1 LIFE:
- Leafy ๐
[๐ฅถ] FROSTY LANDS [โ๏ธ]
โข Firey ๐ฅ
โข Doll ๐งก๐
โข UK โ๐ง
โข Sweden ๐๐ฆ
[๐ฎ] TEAM O.A.K [๐ฎ]
โข Four ๐ต
โข Miss Delight ๐ซ๐ค
โข N ๐๐
โข Paper ๐
โข Spongy ๐งฝ
โข Uzi ๐๐ค
โข Tanjiro ๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ
โข V ๐๐ค
โข Acid โ๏ธ
โข Cup ๐ฅค
โข Animatic โฌ
โข Frisk ๐๐
[๐ฅ] THE REDS [๐ฅ]
โข Leafy ๐
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