โบ(]--[ ๐ฆ๐๐ฆ๐ฆ๐๐ข๐ก ๐ญ ๐ก ๐ฃ๐๐ฅ๐ง ๐ญ ]--[)โ
MIKEXD: Hello once again, readers!! Welcome.. to Season 2 of 3rd Life... Well, That's not actually the title...ย
Welcome.. To Last Life!! In this season, Things are gonna be different than the last season.. The original Last Life was hosted by Grian with 16 other Minecrafters.. So go support and watch THAT season because they deserve it!! Anyways.. let's get in to the rules..
There are now 17 Characters.. staying on a Very Small Map.. 700 blocks long, to be exact.. and their goal is to be the last one standing, There's going to be alliances, friendships, conflicts, and most importantly.. war.
At the beginning of the season, each player randomly assigned either 2-6 Lives.. And this time, In my version of Last Life.. The Life Color is gonna be different..
[๐] The maximum 6 Lives, have a Purple Name..[๐งก] Orange Names indicates 5 Lives, [๐] Blue Names indicates having 4 Lives, [๐] Green indicates 3 Lives, [๐] Yellow indicates 2, and If you're on your LAST LIFE... Get it? Ok, I'm gonna stop... [โค๏ธ] If you're on your last life, Then your name turns red...
Now, Here's why lives are the most important thing... In this season, You can now give your own lives to another player.. Making the Lives an important currency in this season.. So, If your on Yellow Life, You might as well start to bargain the Purple and possibly Orange Names..
And lastly, The most important mechanic in this season.. One of the non-red players will be.. The BOOGEYMAN.. Now this is where it gets interesting.. Because if your the Boogeyman, Your job is to kill a Yellow, Green or Blue Name.. in order to be cured, And if you didn't kill a person at the end of the session.. You are IMMEDIATELY.. set.. to your Last Life and turn.. red.. And also, traps set up by the Boogeyman will be counted as a kill..
Now.. There is only ONE enchanting table.. since last season, All of the alliances made their own enchantment tables.. and in my opinion, makes things easier.. So I decided to place one myself.. and disable some additional enchanting tables.. So if any one of the alliances is trying to craft their own.. It will not work.. The ONLY enchanting table is at Spawn..
Now.. Let's get.. into Last Life and ALL of the character's POV's!
โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โยฐโยฐโ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
โ๐ง (UK): Aight, so.. Welcome all of you that I don't know.. It feels weird to be in a server with a bunch of people that I don't know.. well.. except Sweden..
๐๐ฆ (SWEDEN): Yeah, I know right..? But.. These people look kind of nice.. am I right?
๐๐ (FRISK): ...
๐๐ค (V): Yeah.. I don't know about that. >:/
๐ (LEAFY): Well.. I'm excited to meet you all! And look who has joined with me?! :o
๐ฅ (FIREY): Oh, Hi Leafy! Didn't know you're part of this season! :D
๐: Yeah, same to you!
โ๏ธ (ACID): Wait a minute... ANIMATIC?! YOU'RE HERE TOO?!?! >:O
โฌ (ANIMATIC): Yeah! Aren't you happy to see me? =)
โ๏ธ: Heck no!! You've been killing us in you're show!! >:(
โฌ: I know.. and I'll do it again in this season if I'm ever the Boogeyman.. =)
โ๏ธ: ... Oh my gosh.. Why is The Boogeyman even a thing?
๐๐ค: It's just to spice things up a bit.. Which I like.. I love killing people.. But.. I'll still follow the rules anyway.. If I'm ever Green or Blue, I'm gonna be Nicey Nice Nice V this time..
๐๐ค (UZI): Good for you, V! and were also here.. Surprisingly, All 3 of us last season!
๐๐ (N): Wow.. What a coincidence! :O
๐งก๐ (DOLL): ... Crazy. :/
๐๐ค: Well.. I'd rather just be working by myself..
๐๐: Wait.. Aren't their mobs out there that would actually kill you..? This is Minecraft, Not Real Life, V...
๐๐ค: ... Fine!! Fine... Just.. I rather be in an alliance with people that I don't know.. so I can learn from them.
๐๐ค: Umm.. ok, V.. Bye!
๐๐ค: Bye, I guess..
๐ฅ: Oh! I think were just gonna go and get started now, Leafy!
๐: Oh ok! Let's go!!
And there, Firey, Leafy, V, Doll, and Acid all left and get started!!
๐ต (FOUR): Well.. The two already got started.. Since I'm not evil anymore.. I should probably get going too and find.. structures or something.. That's how this game works, right?
โ๐ง: Pretty much, bud.
๐ (PAPER FROM O.I): Wait.. that's the first step of this.. Minecraft Game? I thought the first step is to eat pies..
๐๐ค: Pies are not a thing in Minecraft!!! >:(
๐: Well.. I don't know.. I'm just gonna explore this very small land and try to figure out a plan, ok?
๐๐ค: Umm.. ok, You.. have fun, I guess.
๐: Ok, bye!! *runs very very silly*
๐๐: He seems nice! :D
๐ฅค (CUP FROM O.I): Yeah... very nice, indeed.. Anyways.. This might be really hard for me to play since I don't have arms for this..
๐๐: ...?
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ (TANJIRO): Umm... Are you moving your character with your leg or something?
๐ฅค: Well yeah.. It's a lot uncomfortable than you think..
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ: You have a point there.. I.. hope you don't die first! Anyways, Bye! Gotta punch wood somewhere! *walked away*
๐ฅค: Ok, bye.. *walks away*
โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โยฐโยฐโ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
After everyone left spawn.. The Random Lives of 2-6 began!
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ: Ooooh.. I really hope I get a high amount of lives here!
๐ฅ: Oh! Were about to randomly assigned our lives!! What do I get?
๐๐: ...
And so, The randomizer stopped and THESE ARE THE LIVES:
โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ
[๐] 6 LIVES:
- Swedenย ๐๐ฆ
- Fourย ๐ต
- Dollย ๐งก๐
[๐งก] 5 LIVES:
- UKย โ๐ง
[๐] 4 LIVES:
- Vย ๐๐ค
- Acidย โ๏ธ
- Paperย ๐
- Nย ๐๐
- Leafyย ๐
[๐] 3 LIVES:
- Cupย ๐ฅค
- Uziย ๐๐ค
- Animaticย โฌ
[๐] 2 LIVES:
- Fireyย ๐ฅ
- Spongyย ๐งฝ
- Tanjiroย ๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ
- Friskย ๐๐
- Miss Delightย ๐ซ๐ค
โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ
๐๐ฆย [๐พ]: SIX?! Very amazing!! What did you get, UK?
โ๐งย [๐]: Five.. I'll take that, Five is a gentleman's favorite number.
๐๐ฆย [๐พ]: Umm.. is that true?
โ๐งย [๐]: It's really true.
๐๐ฆย [๐พ]: Umm.. ok!
โ๐งย [๐]: Well anyways, Sweden.. Do you have some strategies on how to play this game, exactly?
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Oh, definitely!! So basically.. You just.. punch that wood over there and craft it to Oak Planks.. and basically craft a CRAFT-ing table.. Get it?
โ๐ง [๐]: :/
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Ok sorry.. Yeah, You need to craft your planks into a Crafting Table.. and basically Crafting Tables is the source, basically.
โ๐ง [๐]: Hmm.. ok, chap.. I'm gonna punch some wood now.
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Alright! I'll punch too! :D
๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธย [๐ค]: ... *sighs* I.. have two.. Lives, What the heck.. This is my first time in this series and now I'm almost to Red.. If I die once, I'm done.. So, Might as well just get started immediately and try to be cautious around the cave.. and It feels weird to be playing this with NONE of my friends.. It's just a bunch of strangers.. But it's fine! New friends, Am I right?
Tanjiro got started immediately by punching some trees, making some planks, and a Crafting Table.. and made some wooden tools and mines for stone..
๐ฅย [๐ค]: WHAT?! D:
๐ย [๐]: Oh? What is it, Firey? How many lives do you have?!
๐ฅ [๐ค]: Just two.. :(
๐ [๐]: Oh.. It's fine! I'm sure you're incapable of dying!
๐ฅ [๐ค]: I mean.. yeah but, Don't you want to give me a life or something?
๐ [๐]: Well.. I want to but at the same time, I.. kind of.. want to keep my lives.
๐ฅ [๐ค]: Oh.. It's fine, I guess.. So umm.. Where should we go?
๐ [๐]: :OO I see a snow biome! Let's build our base there!
๐ฅ [๐ค]: Umm.. I don't know about that.. Since I'm Fire, Snow is basically water..
๐ [๐]: Oh.. Well It's fine! Let's build a roof outside our base so that you don't die, ok?
๐ฅ [๐ค]: Oh, great idea! Alright!
Both Firey and Leafy plan out their base which is a small snow biome in the north-east of the map..
๐ซ๐คย [๐ค]: UuUuUgh... I'm Yellow.. The WORST lives to have.. is 2, And I exactly got that.. Well, hmm.. What should I do? ....... Maybe, I should find a Purple Name to give me a life.. Yeah, I'll dDdDdo that!!
Miss Delight explored the map, trying to find some Purple Names.. And luckily, She found Four with a Purple Nametag just mining for some stone under a very tall mountain..
๐ซ๐ค [๐ค]: HhHhHello Four!
๐ตย [๐พ]: Oh umm.. Hello! What do you need?
๐ซ๐ค [๐ค]: Well.. I was kKkKkind of curious about this.. whole "giving a life to another player" thing so... Mind if we test out this mechanic?
๐ต [๐พ]: Hmm... sure, why not?
๐ซ๐ค [๐ค]: Cool, cool! So.. I think you need to type.. /givelife Miss Delight or something.. I think I might be wrong..
๐ต [๐พ]: Ok.. Hold on...
Four typed out the command "/givelife Miss Delight ", After he typed out the command.. Four officially gave a life to Miss Delight.. gaining her to 3 Lives!
๐ตย [๐]: Wow.. That's cool!! It has some sparklies around you when I gave you a life! You can keep that life if you want, You're at 2 Lives so your in just in the touch of Boiling Water.. So you can keep that life!
๐ซ๐คย [๐ฅฌ]: Wait.. really? You really do that for mMmMme?
๐ต [๐]: Yeah! I have 6 lives and I'm really good at this game so I thought I would give you life since you're kind of in a struggle right now..
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Oh.. well thank you, I originally thought that you're gonna be mad when you gave me a life.. I would run away and never give it back but.. You decided to keep your life to me? Thank you so much, Four!
๐ต [๐]: You're welcome, Miss Delight! *continues to mine for Coal*
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: Oh alright, Say... Can we be allies? You are surprisingly rRrRreally nice to me.
๐ต [๐]: Sure thing! I was planning to build my base up in the Dark Oak Forest over there.. Wanna go?
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: SsSsSure thing! Let's go!!
And so, Miss Delight and Four both went into the Dark Oak Forest since Four was planning his base in The Dark Oak Forest.. And possibly.. making an alliance there...
Sweden and UK were exploring the land, getting some stone tools, mined up some coal, and a few minutes later.. They stumbled upon a very tall mountain.. The same mountain that Four dug some coal under it.. and Sweden thought of something..
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Ooooh... UK, I think this is gonna be our base!
โ๐ง [๐]: Really..? But.. this mountain looks so filthy...
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Well It kind of looks like it but.. I think we have to set our base here.. This looks like a great spot!
โ๐ง [๐]: Well, I would like to be UNDER the mountain.. I'll just go to that cave over there where the mountain is..
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Oooh.. ok! And I'll be at top!
โ๐ง [๐]: ... That is... so wrong to say, chap.
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Oh... umm... Ignore that, Anyway.. Let's go to the mountain!
โ๐ง [๐]: Alright, alright..
Sweden climbed the mountain while UK was going to the cave to call their place.. "Home".. And.. they decided to form a two-person alliance in the mountain! They were called... "Political Mountain"! Sweden decided to dig up A LOT of dirt to build.. a Dirt House.. wow.
โ๐ง [๐]: *looks up and saw the house* Wow.. what a fantastic.. dirt house, Sweden.
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Thank you! I manage toย grab some sand to make Glass.. What a fantastic day! :D
โ๐ง [๐]: I mean.. yeah, it is.. I think uhh.. This cave is gonna be my home.. Because.. I don't know how to build.. I'm just a gentleman.
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Well.. You can try.
โ๐ง [๐]: Eh, I don't know.. Maybe I'll do it later..
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Umm.. ok, I'm just gonna organize my stuff in my dirt house up here!
โ๐ง [๐]: Alright, chap.. Just gonna chill in the cave for a while..
Uzi and N decided to split up since... It's a new start, It's not gonna be the same alliance.. So, N eventually ran into Paper..
๐๐ย [๐]: Oh.. Hello Paper! Are you.. still trying to figure out Minecraft?
๐ย [๐]: Oh.. Hello! Yeah, I figured out how to mine coal and Iron!
๐๐ [๐]: Nice, Proud of ya, Paper!
๐ [๐]: Thank you.. Now what do I do next?
๐๐ [๐]: Oh.. You need a furnace to smelt the Iron that you got..
ย ๐ [๐]: Huh? How do you make that?
๐๐ [๐]: Well.. You have to.. get 8 Cobblestone and then do this recipe.. It's in the Recipe Book by the way when you open a crafting table..
ย ๐ [๐]: Oh, alright! Can we mine together for a while?
๐๐ [๐]: Oh.. sure thing! I can teach you what Uzi has teached me last season! Let's go!
ย ๐ [๐]: :D
And.. They spent MAJORITY of the session mining for Iron.. and eventually found diamonds and shared them! :D
โ๐ง [๐]: Sweden.. I'm gonna explore the land a bit.. ok? I wanna see where these chaps bases are..
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Oh ok, sure! Just... make sure that you don't die..
โ๐ง [๐]: Don't worry, I won't die.. Ok, Farewell!
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Goodbye!
UK explored all over the land.. He went to Firey and Leafy in The Snow Biome..
โ๐ง [๐]: Ello, ello!
๐ฅ [๐ค]: Oh, hello, UK!
๐ [๐]: Hi!
โ๐ง [๐]: So.. Is this you're home, in the snow?
๐ [๐]: That's right! I was thinking of building our houses and then make a wall to prevent some mobs from entering.. and The Boogeyman, of course!
โ๐ง [๐]: Ok, ok, cheers.. Well, I'm just here to explore everythin' around here..
๐ฅ [๐ค]: Oh, okay! Hope you enjoy the rest of you're adventure!
โ๐ง [๐]: Thank you, Thank you.. Farewell, you two!
๐ [๐]: Bye bye!! :D
Next, UK went to the Dark Oak Forest.. where Four and Miss Delight are at..
โ๐ง [๐]: Woah.. I feel like magic here..
๐ต [๐]: Oooh, a visitor! Hello! Welcome to the... "The Northern Magical Forest"!!
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: YyYyYeah!!
โ๐ง [๐]: Cool, cool! Cheers.. What makes this place very magical?
๐ต [๐]: Well, look at this tree.. It's VERY magical.. Because were about to build our bas over on this spot..
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: YyYyYeah! We jJjJjust build our base over here! And if you ever want to be in here, join uUuUus!
โ๐ง [๐]: Oh.. well, I'm already in an alliance with my other country friend..
๐ต [๐]: Ooooh.. Of course, you would team with them.. I don't blame you though!
โ๐ง [๐]: Yeah, yeah.. anyways, Hope you're basse is gonna be magnicifent!
๐ซ๐ค [๐ฅฌ]: TtTtThank you! Bye bye, UK!
โ๐ง [๐]: Farewell!
After exploring the whole land, He went back and decided to mine in his cave..
โ๐ง [๐]: Hey, Sweden.. I'm back, chap!
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Oh, hey, welcome back! How's your adventure?
โ๐ง [๐]: It's been amazing.. I met Firey & Leafy in that Snow Biome over there, and I met Four and Miss Delight on The Dark Oak Forest.. The rest are probably somewhere else or underground.. And speaking of underground, I'm going mining in my cave for a while!
๐๐ฆ [๐พ]: Oh alright, Happy mining.. I'm gonna grab an animal to make a pen, real quick!
โ๐ง [๐]: Alright, good luck!
UK went down to his cave for mining, and Sweden went off to try and lure some animals to a boat..
๐งก๐ย [๐พ]: Ok.. Last time, I kind of did.. very bad, But this time.. I'm gonna try to join a bigger alliance.. But where?
Doll looked around, and eventually found a Snow Biome.. Where Firey and Leafy are at!
๐งก๐ [๐พ]: Oh, hello, you two.. or..ย ะัะธะฒะตั, ะฒั ะดะฒะพะต.
๐ [๐]: Oh umm.. hi? Why are you talking so.. strangely?
๐ฅ [๐ค]: Are you speaking gibberish? I can't tell..
๐งก๐ [๐พ]: It's Russian.. Anyways, I am looking for an alliance to join since I learnt my lesson of slaughtering animals.. and I didn't even realize that animals don't naturally spawn anymore.. So can I join you two in this snow world?
๐ฅ [๐ค]: Hmm... Should we let her join, Leafy?
๐ [๐]: Of course! You can join us! You can build you're house here and were planning that if we complete our houses.. We just build a wall around it, Very simple to understand!
๐งก๐ [๐พ]: Alright, I'll try my best.
โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โยฐโยฐโ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
โข Fireyย ๐ฅ
โข Leafyย ๐
โข Dollย ๐งก๐
โข UKย โ๐ง
โข Swedenย ๐๐ฆ
โข Fourย ๐ต
โข Miss Delightย ๐ซ๐ค
โข Nย ๐๐
โข Paperย ๐
โข Vย ๐๐ค
โข Acidย โ๏ธ
โข Cupย ๐ฅค
โข Uziย ๐๐ค
โข Animaticย โฌ
โข Spongyย ๐งฝ
โข Tanjiroย ๐ก๏ธ๐ฉธ
โข Friskย ๐๐
โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โยฐโยฐโ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
Ok, bye bye.. Splitting it to 2 parts LOL, Cliffhanger moment.
Bแบกn ฤang ฤแปc truyแปn trรชn: Truyen247.Pro