Missing Angel (part 1)
Angel goes to work.....but something happens...
Enjoy~ 💕💕💕
The hotel was running normal like always, Charlie talking about the idea of redemption, Alastor still having a smile on his face, Vaggie being grumpy, Husk drinking like always, Niffty trying to kill bugs and Angel....well...just being Angel.
"Angel? Can't you stay here and not go to work?" Charlie asked Angel.
"Listen toots, I can't, okay? I just can't" Angel replied as he looked down at his phone looking at the text message that his boss, Valentino, send him to come to the studio for something important.
Angel sighed and got up from the chair and walked to the door.
"I gotta go....I'll see ya guys in a few hours" Angel muttered. "And no one follow me" He turned his head and walked out of the hotel.
Vaggie rolled her eyes and sighed. "He is never gonna get redeemed if he keeps doing all this shit" Vaggie told Charlie.
"Cheer up, Vaggie....everything will work out.......I hope" Charlie's smile faded as she finished talking and sat back down on the couch.
Husk finished drinking his bottle and sighed. "You know? I agree with your girlfriend, Charlie" Husk grumbled. "That slutty-whore ain't even showing any signs of wanting to improve"
Charlie muttered some things and sighed. "Maybe you're right"
*Few minutes hours later
Angel arrived at the studio where no one was even there.
The workers weren't anywhere to be seen, it was quiet and felt deserted.
"Hello?" Angel called out to anyone "Hello? Val? Where the fuck is everyone?"
No one answered.
Angel kept walking around the place to see if anyone was there, but there wasn't any demon to be seen.
Then all of a sudden, Angel smelt smoke coming from a room. It smelt just like the smoke that Val takes.
He then opened the door where the smoke is coming from and found no one there, but there was only a cigarette that still had smoke coming out of it.
Looked like someone was just here.
As Angel walked in the room and bag was over his head and handcuffs now on both of his four arms.
Angel screamed, but no one could hear him from outside the studio.
Angel was panicking and tried to take the bag off, but the one who had him surrounded was strong.
Then he heard someone say....
"I'll make sure those fuckers never see you again~"
"Va-AHH!!!" Angel felt a taser on his neck, making him pass out on the ground....
Oh, my gosh
Wth just happened? 😨😨😨
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