{Magic cookies}
The Vks Were in the Kitchen, Baking cookies to be A vessel for The love spell, and Elizabeth was going around the kitchen looking for A snack, "All right, It says that we still need one Tear" Mal Read from her spell book, "And i Never cry." "Lets just chop up some onions" Carlos suggested, Grabbing an onion from A wooden crate, "No, It Says that we need one tear of Human sadness" Mal specified "And this love potion gets the best reviews, So we have to follow it exactly". "A tears A tear" Jay spoke up, "That's not true, Jay, they both have antibodies and enzymes, but An Emotional tear has more protein based hormones than A reflex tear"
"Yeah, I knew that" Jay chuckled slightly, "Did not." Carlos hit him in the Arm, "Yeah i did..". "So, if The type of Tear is at the uttermost importance, How do we get one?" Elizabeth asked, Pulling A pint of ice cream out of the Freezer as well as grabbing herself A spoon, Suddenly the Kitchen door opened, "There you are, Mal!, i was looking for you" Lonnie said as she entered the room "You know, all the girls want you to do their hair!"
"Midnight snack, Huh?, Whatcha guys making?" Lonnie asked, Looking into the bowl, "Nothing special, Just cookies" Lonnie dipped her finger in the Dough, "Oh. No, No!, Wait, wait, Wait!" Everyone jumped in attempt to stop her from eating the cookie dough, Staring at her in Shock, "What?, im not gonna double dip". "Feel anything?" Elizabeth asked tilting her head Slightly, "Yeah, Like maybe it might be missing something?" Mal Asked as well, Jay moved over from where he was, Leaning against A metal pole in
attempts of flirting, "Hey there" Elizabeth grimaced at Jays attempt to flirt with Lonnie, as she moved over to sit with Carlos and Dude, "It could you some chips" Lonnie began walking, Causing everyone to feel extremely relieved, "And those are?" Mal asked, "Chocolate chips, Just the most important food group" She walked back over with A small bowl in hand,
"Wait, Didn't your moms ever Make you guys, Like, Chocolate chip cookies?" Lonnie asked sprinkling the Chocolate chips into the dough, In response everyone looked at her, Confusion visible on their faces, "Like, when you're feeling sad, wnd they're fresh from the oven, with A big old glass of milk and she just makes you laugh, And puts everything into perspective and..." Lonnie stopped when she saw the look on Everyone's faces, "Why are you all looking at me like that?" She asked, "It's just different where we're from" Mal replied as she mixed the dough, "Yeah, i know, i just, you know, i thought...Even Villians love their kids"
She said with A smile which Quickly faded when she looked at everyone, Elizabeth was messing with her spoon that was inside her ice cream, Looking inside the container with A sad look in her eyes, I guess with the household that she grew up in there wasn't that much time for Cookies & Milk "How awful" A tear rolling down Lonnie's cheek,
Mal reached over swiping her Tear off of her cheek and putting it into the dough, "Yeah, Well, big bummer, but we have to get these into the oven, So thank you so much for coming by" Mal ushered Lonnie out of the kitchen, "Really, Really have A good night, i'll see you tomorrow"
"Evil dreams, Love" Elizabeth waved, "Goodnight, See you tomorrow" Lonnie said as she left, "Okay" Mal clapped her hands together, "boys, cookie sheet, Evie, oven" Mal instructed, "Elizabeth, can you see if there's any Baggies" Elizabeth nodded, Hopping off the counter, and setting her ice cream on the counter, Going to look for Some baggies.
This Chapter is absolute TRASH. I've been cleaning my room non stop because we're hosting A Christmas party this Saturday and later we're gonna be redoing my room, but I've been so busy that I didn't realize I had no prewritten chapters until this morning when I woke up, do I literally wrote this Basically falling asleep on my breakfast, Haha... oh my birthday is next Wednesday!, (the 22) So they'll probably be no chapter Next week and if there is it'll be very late, Okay, Bye!
dhmu, I'm so tired😭
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