ELIZABETH, MAL AND EVIE walked to carlos and jay's dorm. they opened the door and went inside. carlos was playing a game while jay was going through his haul of stuff. "jay, what are you doing ?" mal asked, walking towards him with evie following behind her. elizabeth took off her cloak and set it on one of the chairs at the table. "it's called stealing." he answered "okay, whats the point ?"
"well, mal, its like buying whatever i want." he said, pulling out a laptop from behind his back "except it's free." mal chuckled lightly "okay. so, you can do that" she said. elizabeth walked over to carlos's bed and sat down next to evie. "or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." "you sound just like your mom !" said evie "she really does, doesn't she !" said elizabeth.
"thank you !" mal said with a smile and her hand over her heart. "you do it your way and i'll do it mine." jay said, dropping the laptop on the bed and walking behind mal. "die suckers !" carlos said suddenly, causing elizabeth to look in his direction. "jay, come check this thing out, man its awesome !" the white-haired boy said excitedly. jay took the controllers from his hands before stepping onto the platform.
elizabeth looked over her shoulder to watch him play the game. She tilted her head slightly. "guys !" mal raised her voice "do i have to remind you what we're all here for ?" "fairy godmother. blah, blah, blah. magic wand, blah, blah blah." he joked. evie and elizabeth laughed. "this is our one chance." she raised her voice again. "to prove ourselves to our parents."
everyone stopped what they were doing to pay attention to her "to prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel." ?" she questioned "yeah" the others said in agreement."evie, mirror me" she gestured before pulling out a chair. they moved to join her at the table.
"mirror mirror on the...in my hand where is fairy godmother's magic wand stand" evie asked the mirror. an image started forming, revealing the magic wand in some sort of building. elizabeth leaned over the table slightly to get a better look. "there it is !" mal exclaimed.
"zoom out." carlos said. "magic mirror, not so close" the mirror zoomed out so far they could see the earth. "closer, closer, closer." it zoomed in little by little. "can i go back to my game ?" carlos asked. "im on level three" he pointed to the tv before turning towards it. "stop !" jay yelled when it finally focused on where the wand was.
"its an a musuem ? do we know where that is ?" the purple haired girl asked. carlos looked it up on the laptop before answering "2.3 miles from here" he said, turning the laptop to face them. "well thats good to know, so now we just have to get it successfully" elizabeth said, crossing her arms. carlos went back to his game in the meantime.
"it shouldn't be too hard" mal said as she got up from the table. she made her way towards the door. she opened it and stepped out before looking both ways to check for people "c'mon !" she said. mal, evie, jay and elizabeth started making their way down the hallway.
elizbeth stopped when she realized carlos wasn't following "carlos !" she whisper-shouted. "coming !" he said back. he put on his jacket before looking over and seeing the red cloak hanging off one of the chairs. he grabbed it quickly before running to catch up with the others.
"oh, elizabeth !" he said. she slowed down and turned to look at him. he wrapped the cloak around her shoulders before buttoning it. "oh, thank you, love" they smiled at each other. carlos pulled the hood over her head "c'mon, lets go !" he grabbed elizabeth's hand before starting to run, pulling her along with hin to meet up with the group.
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