//So I'm gonna do at least 3-4 tags I've been involved in.
Cuz a shit ton of people tag me every time :/
Hahaha naaw I love the tags anyways so here we go!!
1. Home screen
2.Lock screen
3. 3 Fav TV Shows
Supernatural (duh), Sherlock Holmes BBC, and possibly Shameless/TWD for the third place XD
4. 2 Fav ships
Imma name many I don't care about what you think of them negatively so stfu
Destiel, Dean x most of the spn men ;), Johnlock, Gallavich, Septiplier, Phan, Pewdieplier, MarkiPat, Desus, Rickyl, BagginShield, Fili/Kili, & probably all the gay ships of the TV shows and movies I like XD
5. Theme song from TV Show
Carry On My Wayward Son~, and the one from Shameless' Season 8 Trailer!
6. Who's your fav?? Sam, Cas, Dean or Lucifer??
I would pick my husband Dean thank you very much!!
7. Fav season of the show??
1 cuz it's where it all started, 10, 11, and 13 cuz it's freaking awesome!!!
8. Least fav season of the show??
None tbh cuz they're all equally great -3-
//Next one goes for me and Dean hehehe
1. Do I like someone??
Yes, who doesn't these days??
(My supposed to be answer: I'm already married to Dean bishes!!!)
Dean: Yes, as all of you know I'm together with a few people but let's talk about a certain angel for this one ;)
2. Do they like me??
As for my crush...Not quite sure cuz I haven't asked him yet...
I think he does...all of my lovers do of course :D
4. Middle Name
I'm not gonna tell you the meaning of my middle initial but as for my middle name, it's Franchesca. So my name is Anna Franchesca!!
Fabulous..not even going to joke about it.
5. Single or taken??
Taken, it's obvious..but those who pretend to not know or those who want or still are curious *coughs* ladies *clears throat* I'm already in a relationship!!
6. Last song I listened to
Once Upon A Dream in Sleeping Beauty
Candy Shop... don't even dare to ask why!!
7. Battery percentage
Well what do you know?! 80% is really surprising lol
...Son of a b*tch!! Battery low?!?!
8. Girl best friend
Here it'll be @Meggos
Uh...Ty?? @Queenly- she's always been there for me so yeah. I consider that bitch..woops sorry, as my best friend!!
9. Guy best friend
@DemonsJim Edsheee!! You're transmale so it's serves ya right to be placed here I guess hahaha anyways, he's been a true and kind friend ever since we met and got to know each other!! No one friend lasted long enough like him, well at least here when I started this acc!! He would always make me laugh or smile even when I'm at the lowest points of my life. That's why he's my bff!! Love ya Edshee!!
Oh and Mal ! I love her dearly ! And the same things go for her :33
Leo?? I dunno, he probably doesn't consider me as his. But there's Cas , Balthazar, Gabriel , Ketch and many others! I'm grateful to have them in my life to help and support each other!!
10. Fav OTP
I think I answered that already xD
11. Why make this account??
Tbh...idfk hahaha jk!! I made this becuz I wanted to know how it feels to rp and be Dean Winchester even if you didn't have a fucking clue about who he is at the start just like my Deadpool account XD
12. Current lockscreen
Already answered.
13. Birthday
Feb 04, 2004 ;)
Here goes another one :p
1. Where were you 3 hours ago??
In bed sleeping :p
Watching something..then heading straight to the bathroom for Chuck knows what reason...
2. Confession
I'm a textrovert... One who actually likes being on social media more than IRL
Okay...what I did was masturbate..happy now?!
3. Bad habits
Sit on the couch most of the time on weekends doing stuff on my phone ignoring mom as she scolds me
Drinking, doing negative things and having negative thoughts..killing I suppose, banging people and a hundred more wrong deeds...
4. Fav color
Blue , Black , White , Red , Violet , Pastel
Green and Brown
5. Toothbrush color
Blue and white
Green and White
6. Can you drive??
I'm fucking 14 !
7. Birthday
Feb 04 , 2004
All who'd see this probably know that already -,-
8. Addiction
Food , Phone , Wattpad , Food , Couch , TV shows , Movies and more !
I think I answered that already :))
9. 3 Pet peeves
10. Last person you hugged
Uh , either my mom or my brother
Same , and maybe Cas
11. Zodiac sign
Both Aquarius
12. Something you miss
My old rp friends (50:50) and a lot more things :'(
The people who died for me . .
13. Song stuck in your head atm??
Once Upon a Dream in Sleeping Beauty
Sick Boy by Chainsmokers , yes I'm a big fan !
14. Country you live in
Philippines !
Lanf of the Freeeeeeee
15. Eye color
Dark Brown
Apple Green
16. Fav quote
I have many but I really like
❝ -- And get this man a shield ! ❞
❝ Try me , Beyonce . . . ❞
❝ You get killed , Walk it off . ❞
❝ I'm with you til the end of the line . ❞
❝ I'm Batman . . . ❞ (yes this is a cute one from Dean )
I started to watch Justice League and hell I loved it !
❝ So what's your superpower then ? ? ❞
❝ I'm rich . . . ❞
❝ Do you bleed ? ? ❞
❝ Oh yeah , something's definitely bleeding now . ❞
17. Somewhere you want to visit
Umm , America , Korea , and Japan I guess then other parts of my country .
18. Do you like your name
Well it's what's given to me so I don't have the right to complain since nothing can be actually done .
Of course ! I love it very much !
19. Fav season
All :))
Of what ?
20. Type of phone
I have a lot of phones I have like three *goes to find them*
Nuh-uh I'm embarrassed , not gonna tell !
21. Something you're excited for
Avengers Infinity War !
Sex with Cas !
22. How long does it take for you to get ready?
It depends on the occassion and how many garments I have to wear
Depends on my mood
23. Biggest fear
Being left alone with no one to stand by me , my grades and the dark .
Flying , cats , not being good enough :((
24. Fav band/ group
Set It Off , TØP , P!ATD , BOTDF , BTS , EXO , and many more K-pop groouuuppss
Chainsmokers and Air Supply , I don't really stan many bands , just songs .
25. Fav animal
Bunny , Cats , Dogs , Fish !
Moose , Squirrel , Panda !
26. Fav person
Too many sorry !
27. 1 food you hate
I eat anything . . .
28. Fav movie
Any Marvel/DC movies
Hmm , there's a lot to choose from , oh oh any movie starting Jensen Ackles !
29. Do you get grossed out easily??
Yes I do hehehe
It's part of my job , thoee gross things so no . . .
30. Relationship status??
Single -_-
//That's all ! Tbh I was gonna post this one two months earlier but meh I got bored
I can't remember those who tagged me but thanks !
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