twenty-three ── father-son bonding
"𝕵eez, how are you so slow?" Luke called, glaring back at Hermes, who was meandering along behind him. "Could you go any slower?"
"Yes." Hermes nodded, deliberately slowing down more, as Luke growled and double back to shove his father in the back, trying to get him to go faster. Hermes just laughed. "Our seats aren't going anywhere."
"That's not the point. Hurry up!" Luke huffed, as Hermes finally started walking a little faster. "Aren't you the god of moving fast? Move faster!"
"Luke, we're an hour early. We're gonna get there on time."
"I want to watch warm ups and you're eating into that time." Luke scowled, as Hermes ruffled his hair. They were approaching Madison Square Garden, New York Rangers home arena, to watch a home game. This had been Hermes' early birthday treat to the boy, knowing that Luke wanted to go and see them again.
Luke's birthday was late March, pretty close to April Fool's day (which Hermes didn't think was a coincidence) but Hermes was taking Luke to the game towards the start of March, knowing that he would be busy later on.
Over the past few months, Hermes had been taking the whole therapy thing seriously. He had been attending a mortal one, not wanting the other gods to know and latch onto this information, worried about how they would twist it. It had been a long process, including the fact that Hermes had to change all of his siblings and parent's names so that no one would get suspicious.
They'd talked a lot about why Hermes was doing what he had, and the god was a little surprised to find that he had, in fact, learnt something. It had also miraculously helped his relationship with Luke, though his son would rather die than admit that he got on pretty well with his dad now.
"Okay, tickets?" Hermes questioned, latching onto the back of Luke's Ranger's jersey before he could disappear into the arena. The teenager scowled, holding the tickets up, as Hermes steered him towards the snacks stand. "I want a drink, what do you want, bud?"
"Got it." The pair got in line, before Hermes brought the pair drinks and food, managing to get to their seats. Hermes sank down, both of them watching the New York Rangers and Toronto Maple Leafs warm up as they ate their hot dogs. "Who do you thinks gonna win, bud?"
"Well, Rangers, obviously." Luke rolled his eyes, as Hermes chuckled. "They've had a two game win streak against the Capitals and the Bruins, so I think that this game they're gonna do pretty well."
"Good roster?"
"Yeah, it's super good." Luke nodded, before going in depth and explaining it to Hermes, who was nodding and asking questions when he could get a word in edgeways, though Luke was just excited to be able to talk about his passions with his dad. The players skated off the ice, getting ready to actually start the game, as Luke went quiet.
The lights were dimming, and Luke was practically on the edge of his seat, watching it all with wide eyes as Hermes texted Eden to tell her that they were both still alive, and getting along perfectly fine.
"Are you excited, dad?" Hermes turned, looking down at his son, who had an eyebrow cocked.
"Yeah, course I am, bud. Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know. You're a god, do god's actually like watching these things?"
"Yes, we definitely do." Hermes chuckled, ruffling Luke's hair. "I promise, I am excited. You?"
"Yeah." Luke nodded. "Ma doesn't really get ice hockey rules, so I guess it's nice to come with you. Sometimes, you are fun to be around."
"Almost sounded like a compliment?"
"Definitely wasn't."
"Uh, I'm not so sure."
"Really was not a compliment." Luke scowled, turning back to the game as the players started to be introduced. Hermes and he grew silent, whistling and cheering when the other Rangers supporters did. "You know, sometimes, you're a pretty good dad on occasions."
Luke turned away before Hermes could say anything, and the man just settled for humming in agreement and handing Luke the popcorn.
"But did you see?" Luke was practically bouncing around Hermes as they walked to where Hermes' car was parked. "That shot, and then he just faked the goalie and then scored and like, woah it was so cool and then I got the puck!"
Hermes laughed, chuckling in agreement, as he watched his excited son, who was holding onto the puck like it was his lifeline. The Rangers had won in overtime, and one of the players had flicked the puck over the glass to Luke, who had grinned so wide at the sight of it.
"I want to do that celebration when I score at my match next week! It's going to be epic." Luke went a little quieter, as Hermes turned to look down at him. "Will you be there?"
"Be where?" Hermes questioned, cocking an eyebrow as he opened the car for the pair. Jumping in, he turned back to Luke, who was still fiddling with the puck.
"At my next ice hockey game, will you come?" Hermes grinned and nodded.
"Sure thing, bud." Luke beamed at that, both of them driving off as Hermes celebrated the achievement that this signified. Three months earlier, Luke would barely smile at him and now he was inviting him to come to watch his ice hockey game. "I'll get your mom to text me the details."
"Sure, sure."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You could just ask me." Luke rolled his eyes. "I'm the one playing, but no, text ma."
"Luke, when's your match?"
"Ask ma! You're looking for an excuse to text her."
"Am not."
"Are too." Luke shot back. "You want to text ma and be sneaky to ask when I'm playing hockey but also to ask if she's going to be there because you're in love."
"I am not in love with your mom."
"You so are." Luke snorted. "You literally turned up today, said hi to me and then ma appeared, and you seemed to forget how to talk. How do you have kids with people again?"
"You and your mom have really got to stop bringing that up." Luke pulled a face as Hermes rolled his eyes. "I'm not in love with your mom."
"You are." Luke nodded, before grinning. "You should ask her out."
"Ask ma out on a date, because you like her and she likes you, and both of you are being stupid." Luke rolled his eyes. "I don't understand why you haven't already asked her out."
"Because you hated me for a portion of time."
"Who says I don't still hate you?"
"You literally just asked me to come to your ice hockey match, bud. Your hating days are over."
"They can come back real quick, so watch it." Luke warned. "Also, what is it with you and falling in love with my moms?"
"What?" Luke ignored his warning tone. "First, it's May and you fall in love with her and then she goes insane and that ruins everything for me. Then, it's Eden and that's worse, because she punched you and forced you in a contract on the River Styx, and you're still in love with her."
"For the record, you little shit, your mom kissed me first." Hermes shot back, as Luke gagged.
"Disgusting, disturbing. Horrifying slander."
"Ma has standards."
"Ha ha." Hermes rolled his eyes. "You're the one who said ask her out."
"Yeah, ask her out but not in front of me." Luke shot back. "Or actually, don't because then you'll run off again because you're scared of commitment."
"I'm not scared of commitment."
"All those kids who have never met their dad beg to differ."
"Really, how many kids do you think I have?"
"Too many for your commitment fearing self." Hermes rubbed his forehead, glaring at his son from the corner of his eyes as the boy cackled to himself. "Oh wait, you also are unable to talk to people, so you couldn't even ask her out!"
"How long have you been thinking of telling me this?" Hermes cried, as Luke continued to laugh hysterically. "By the gods, you've been spending too much time with your mom!"
"You're just jealous." Luke replied, grinning. "That I get to spend time with her and you don't because you're a wimp."
"Am not."
"Are too!" Luke chuckled. "You're not even able to ask her out!"
"I'm perfectly capable of doing that."
"Then why haven't you?"
"Because of you." Hermes rolled his eyes as the car went quieter. Luke was watching him with narrowed eyes, as Hermes sighed. "We didn't want to upset you, or make you uncomfortable."
"When have you ever taken my feelings into account?"
"Ouch, okay, bit mean." Hermes rolled his eyes. "I want you to have a good life, with your mom, and I don't want to cause an issue there. She agrees, you come first. For both of us."
The car went quiet, as Hermes hoped that he hadn't made Luke too uncomfortable. Looking at his son from the corner of his eyes, he found that the teenager was watching him.
"Yeah, bud?"
"Ask ma out." Was Luke's final words on the matter, before he tuned back into ice hockey and continued to talk about the match. Hermes chuckled, before nodding in agreement with his son as the boy continued to talk about the game.
"Luke, how was the game!" Eden opened the door, embracing her son as he quickly showed her the puck and began to give her a quick rundown of what had happened at the game. Eden nodded, a grin on her face as she ruffled his hair and sent him to the kitchen, where there were fresh cookies on the hob. The woman turned back to Hermes, who was hovering in the doorway, stroking Bradley's head as the golden retriever panted. "How was it?"
"It was good. Luke and I had fun. It was a really good game."
"And you guys got along alright?"
"Yeah, we were fine together. Luke's invited me to his ice hockey game next week."
"Really?" Eden's eyes went wide. "I'll text you the details about it. You sure you can make it?"
"I'll make time." Hermes responded, patting the dog a few more times, before standing up. "I'll leave you two alone."
"I'm glad that the two of you had fun, Hermes, and that the two of you are getting along so well." Eden grinned up at the tall god, who was nodding gently. "I'll see you soon."
"See you soon, Eden." Hermes waved, before stepping back out the door as Eden closed it behind it. She turned to walk off, before there was a knock at the door again. "Hi again."
"When are you free?"
"What?" Eden was confused, as Hermes seemed to muster his courage.
"When are you free? To go out."
"Hermes, we talked about this.
"Luke says its fine." Hermes muttered, his confidence falling at Eden's response. He gulped. "I promise he did. So, when are you free, if you're free that is?"
Eden's smile turned softer, turning back to stare at the kitchen door, where Luke was munching on cookies and flicking through the papers she had left there. Turning back to Hermes, she laughed.
"Haven't you asked loads of women on dates before?" Hermes' nerves fell away as he glared at her.
"You and Luke have really got to stop assuming that I sleep around a lot."
"I never said that." Eden grinned. "Three weeks, Friday work for you?"
"Yeah, that sounds good." Hermes nodded, before beaming at her. "I'll see you next week for ice hockey."
"I'll see you then, Hermes." Eden nodded.
"Bye dad! Please leave." Luke called, as Hermes rolled his eyes.
"Bye Luke!"
So, Hermes and Luke are just really funny, and poor Hermes gets bullied so much in this household, which we love. Also, Luke and Hermes going to an ice hockey game is adorable, as is Hermes calling Luke 'bud'. Your honour, I love them.
Let me know what you think,
Love Li xx
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