✧𝔓𝔦𝔠𝔫𝔦𝔠 𝔇𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰✧
REQUESTED BY Mizuki_Celeste.
Sayori x Monika \\ DOUBLE DATE// Yuri x Natsuki
HONESTLY: Kind of shit but we'll see i guess?
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Natsuki's hand extended upwards as she pushed a bunch of snacks and food off of the shelf and into the basket in her hands, The short pinkette doing this held a large grin tugged upright to her lips as she whispered food items she seemed to need. "Aaand finally some chips!" she paused as her eyes gazed up to the taller shelf and frowned. "...fuck-" her fingers curled around the backet's handles and gripped the plastic quite harshly as her lips curled down into an annoyed frown, A glare narrowed to her eyes.
"Hey, 'Suki? Did you get everything...?" A familiar voice rang through her eyes, Glazing over towards the familiar figure of her girlfriend; Yuri, A taller girl with quite the 'posh' stance and a quiet and mysterious yet calming aura surrounding the lady. Yuri's plum hair was let down and just looked so stunning as it clashed quite nicely with the outfit she wore.
"Oh, Right! Uhm.." Natsuki shifted her eyes from Yuri to the floor as she ran her free hand's fingers through her short, Pink and loose hair. Her face heating up as she noticed once again just how nice Yuri looked for the day.
While she would totally ask her girlfriend for some help, Natsuki thought that it would be embarrassing! She wouldn't want to be teased relentlessly throughout the day like the arcade incident.. Natsuki thought she would kill herself if anyone within that building ever saw her again.
Yuri tilted her head to the side slightly, Noticing the pinkett's flushed expression she raised a brow and smiled slightly. She hadn't even spoke to the shorter girl yet and she was already flustered, Yuri thought of it as adorable, Honestly.
"Uhm.. I need them-!" Natsuki peaked through her hair and noticed Yuri's lips begin to part so she had quickly admitted she needed help because she was too short to reach the right shelf, To of course distract Yuri from teasing her too much.
Yuri chuckled in a soft tone that had Natsuki's eyes soften as she bit her lower lip slightly, "Well why didn't you just say so, Cupcake?" Natsuki's cheeks flared as she stammered out some form of response before shaking her head as she crossed her arms over one another with a huff. "I told you not to call me that!!" She faced from Yuri and bit down on her inner cheek and she rolled her eyes, Although a 'cringey' nickname, Natsuki thought it was sweet.. Not that she would ever admit it though.
"Mmhuh, Well when you get all flared up and cute how could i not call you that?" Yuri laughed as she leaned over Natsuki, In which closing Natsuki between the shelf and Yuri's chest making her blush harder and dart her eyes away and back and away, Again and again. "Well it's-- It's stupid so--" Yuri raised a brow of hers slowly as she leaned back a bit after grabbing the correct bag.
"It's stupid, Mmh?" She tilted her head slightly, Putting the bag of chips into the basket as she kept the eyes contact with Natsuki going. The eye contact that made the shorter female more nervous. "Well.. U-uhm.." Yuri closed her eyes as she smiled and lightly kissed her girlfriend's forehead. "Aah~ You are just the most adorable person i know!~"
Natsuki frowned slightly seeing Yuri lean away so quickly before shaking her head and scoffing, "I'd say you're adorable sometimes.." she mumbled to herself as Yuri grabbed the basket from her and turned to walk off.
"We're done here correct?" Natsuki nodded at Yuri's question and quickly slapped her cheeks together as she groaned under her breath, Gaining her thoughts before rushing to catch up with her. "So... Ahem, We're still meeting with Sayori and Monika right?" Natsuki asked, Her eyes lingering on Yuri's free hand as she planned out what she would be making.
Yuri nodded slightly as she silently extended her free hand and took Natsuki's, Slowly swinging them together.
"That's right, Monika said she and Sayori would find the perfect spot and you and i would be in charge of the food and drinks." Yuri looked from in front to Natsuki for a quick moment as she held in her mind, Bringing the tea set the pinkette had bought Yuri for her birthday.
Natsuki nodded her head slightly, Although bringing normal already made snacks she had planned to bake a cake for the four of them! After all this double date of theirs would be perfect... Then again, She supposed anything was perfect as long as Yuri was around..
"Oh! Come on, Monika!" A petite girl with short coral pink hair shouted as she stepped through the cold water of a small pond in the floor, Holding her white shoes and the bottom of her dress as she turned her head over towards the back to a slightly taller girl with long brown hair styled into to braids by yours truly(Sayori). The brunette wore Brown trousers, A white shirt with a knitted brown vest over the top.
The brunette, Monika, Looked at the water for a moment with a cringed expression as she watched the coral haired girl walk through the water barefoot. "Sayori, I'd be careful if i were you! What if there's like.. Flesh eating bugs in there!?"
Sayori only chuckled slightly with a smile as she spun around and allowed her dress to fall and touch the water slightly, With a small laugh that sounded like a pure melody to Monika's ears, Sayori waved her girlfriend off with a psh. "Pluh-ease! I'm sure there's nothing~ Now, Hurry up!! I saw this wonderful hill and i want to get there before Natsuki and Yuri show up!" She smirked with a determined expression.
Monika sighed slightly as she hesitantly followed behind the girl, Stepping into the small pool of water and slowly walking closer to Sayori who made it to the end of the puddle and waited patiently for her girl. Monika mumbled under her breath about some things before tripping over her own two feet at the end, Resorting in Sayori quickly catching her.
"Haha! Look whose clumsy now!" Sayori laughed her ass off, Monika rolled her eyes with a loving smile as she scoffed and leaned onto Sayori a little further having the girl fall back with Monika into the grass; Their feet landing in the puddle of water. "Mmpf, Well i guess i fell for you just a little two hard, Haven't i?"
Sayori paused, Staring up towards Monika with a semi flushed expression as she laughed at the brunette's words. "OH MY GOD!! WAS THAT A PICK UP LINE??!!" She bursted out laughing and rubbed her eyes slightly as Monika laughed along with her, "IT WAS SO BAD!!" Monika shouted with a loud laugh as Sayori nodded in agreement and tried calming herself down.
"It was bad but.." Sayori took a deep breath as she managed to calm herself from laughing too hard and instead smiling brightly as she wrapped her arms around Monika's waist and kissed her nose. "It was sweet!"
Monika's body tensed slightly as she froze and chuckled slightly as if drunk before leaning onto Sayori a little more, Lifting the girl's chin before kissing her lips softly. Sayori burst with excitement as she happily kissed her girl back and wrapped her arms around the Brunette more.
With the summer's heat blazing from the sky above, A group of four girls sat on the top of a small hill; A pretty tall tree and it's shadow cascading over the girls and blocking too much heat to burn them. A lovely river and pond towards the bottom of the hill.
"Alright, I introduce you girls to the best damn sandwiches in the world!" Natsuki cheered with a proud grin as she adjusted her plaid dress and grabbed the picnic basket, Opening it up and grabbing four sandwiches and handing them to Yuri, Monika and Sayori. Along with some paper plates.
"Aah~ These look so good Nat'!!" Sayori grinned as she bit into her sandwich, The taste and flavours just melting onto her tongue as she happily ate away, Creating a mess around her lips. Natsuki smiled at Sayori's words and nodded slightly as she took a bite of her own sandwich and looked over to Yuri for her girlfriends thoughts.
Yuri put the plate on her lap as she hovered her head over the plate, As to not make as much of a mess as the others had as she began eating the sandwich with a short smile. Natsuki glanced off with a loving expression as she leaned onto Yuri's shoulder and continued eating the sandwich.
Monika ate her food like the others as Sayori finished and rubbed the access from her lips as she adjusted herself seeing Natsuki and Yuri so close. The girl shifted closer and behind Monika as she took the girl's hair from the two pigtails she had created earlier and redoing the brunette's hair. Not that Monika really minded, It was honestly really cute and nice to feel Sayori's fingers run through her hair.
"Ah, That's right.. I was thinking we could cool off in the pond later on?" Monika spoke up after a while, Breaking the previously calming and quiet silence throughout the four of them. Yuri and Natsuki looked to Monika with a small nod, With how hot it was out, Cooling off wouldn't be the worst plan.. Plus Natsuki could see Yuri all wet and swimming around with some ducks; The thought alone was nice and made her heat up as she leaned further into Yuri's arm.
As they all continued to eat and bathe in the sunlight they talked about their life and how one another was doing while also casting loving stares to their significant other and getting funnily jealous by the other couple seeming more 'in love' than the other. Eventually the four were seen laughing as the sun from above drifted down, The sky being an orange and pinkish colour as the heat cooled down.
"Ooh~! Remember when we were all fawning over MC?" Sayori laughed as she leaned onto Monika's back, Her hands around Monika's chest and falling onto the girls chest as she tilted her head so Yuri and Natsuki could see her. "Argh, Don't remind me.. Those times were so embarrassing!" Natsuki frowned as she covered her face with her hair with a groan.
Yuri wrapped her arm around Natsuki's waist and pulled the girl closer to her as she recalled on the memories, That was right, She and the other three were so in love with the guy and it turned out that he didn't like either of them and they liked one another;
Yuri adoring everything about Natsuki; The way she gets mad and flustered about her height and the way she acts, How the girl was simply too much for herself to handle.. How Natsuki tended to lean closer to Yuri when wanting attention without admitting it.. Everything about the shorter girl was just perfect to Yuri.
Natsuki loved Yuri because of just how understanding she was, Sure she wouldn't usually verbally comfort her, But that was mainly due to Natsuki being too stubborn to hear Yuri out; Instead the plum haired girl only comforted her through physical touches, gifts and attention. Natsuki would always love that about Yuri..
Then there was Monika who was dating the lovely Sayori, While the shorter girl was quiet 'childish' one might say, And hides up her feelings behind a cheerful persona, Monika loved how childish Sayori would act. And she knew Sayori enough to know how to comfort her, After.. The ending.. She regretted everything and after the things she did, Sayori was there for her..
Sayori was always in awe around Monika, Even when she liked MC beforehand.. There was always something in the back of her mind that deeply wanted Monika's attention! And now that she has it, How could she let the girl go? Sayori loved how mature Monika is and how she would seem like the more.. Well how should we word this? 'Top' in the relationship when in reality it's Sayori, And the girl loved how flustered Monika could get most of the time.
Back then, The four were close friends but at the same time rivals competing for a man's attention,The attention of a man who didn't like them at all and turned out to not be much of a fan in any form of relationship. As the girls thought back on it all it was honestly embarrassing, It gave them the cringe feeling inside their chest like they had a cringey scene faze or went through the 'middle school hero arc' faze in highschool.
"How did we even like him anyway? I mean.. The guys fun and all but Yuri's Sooo much better!" Natsuki looked over to Yuri with a large grin as she watched Yuri laugh and lean forward as she lightly flicked Natsuki's forehead. "I'd disagree, I think you're the better one here." She smiled as Natsuki huffed and gently whacked her hand away.
Monika and Sayori looked at each other for a moment and simply chuckled along with the other two, Deciding to not ruin this little moment and break their reality into shreds.. You see, Monika and Sayori were fully aware of everything that happened but Natsuki and Yuri? They knew slight things but their main memories were wiped and Sayori had said to keep it hidden from them both.
The four of them continued talk and chat along some more as they finished this picnic up and looked at the time, Monika sighed seeing this double date was coming to an end before Yuri mentioned having a quick dip in the lake. Everyone else agreed and instantly ran down the hill and towards the small pond/river towards the bottom.
Their clothes wet as they joked around, Swam or sat there watching and just had a blasting time together as the sun began to fully set. Yuri had made sure to take photos of every moment for them all, Yuri having one of natsuki on her shoulders. Monika stammered and being a blurred image as Sayori laughed. A few more photos of them alone or with their girlfriend and finally a good amount of pictures of them as a group. It was honestly such an amazing day and double date.
Yuri: *Pins Natsuki to the shelf without really realising*
Natsuki: .. *Eternal fangirling and breast pillows*
Monika: Ha! Well obviously i'm the more mature in the relationship so it's quiet obvious that i would be the more 'dominant' as well-
Sayori: You sure about that bbg?
Sayori: Y'all remember when we wanted to date that basic ass bitch and were so obsessed over him?
The others: We don't talk about that time of our lives Sayori.
AUTHOR NOTE: Mkay, Low-key i'm thinking of this as BAD but that could just be me. Anyway, I'm not the best with how double dates work (surprisingly never seen them in a book before: Unless we're counting fucking "Boyfriends" yes, The webtoon, But.. uuuhh yeah no)
So to make up for this shitty, Short, None really descriptive or interactive chapter i'll be making two more seperate ones for Yuri and Natsuki and then Monika and Sayori (I have no plans on when i'll have these done but i assure you that these WILL be made: And mainly to put my own mind at ease)
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