Emily's POV
I walk downstairs to the kitchen, putting on my denim jacket.
I debate on whether I should or not,but soon come to a decision and,make myself a small bowl of granola, and put it down as fast as I can,since I was running late,for class.
Well,not really..but I liked being early,so I could take a seat way in the back,because I know that a lot of students like to sit there since they can do whatever the hell they want,without the teacher noticing. Although, I was doing it for different reasons.
It was the second week,and things were going pretty well so far. As for the mystery boy,who I now know as Harry,would give me a warm smile each time he sat down next to me,which I didn't understand why,since I never really speak to him..which I assume would drive off any other person,but he was different. And I liked that.
I walk over to the school building, as usual and go straight to my locker,putting my books in.
I'm pulling out the books I need,when i hear the sound of footsteps, running up to me.
I turn around to be faced with a ,pouty Melanie, with her arms crossed.
"Mum forget to pack you a juice box,today?" I joke, causing Mel to roll her eyes playfully.
"I just found out that Three out of the Five boys ,we saw on the field the other day are taken." She huffs,leaning against the lockers.
"And your upset,because?" I nod,
"Including,the one with the gorgeous, quiff of black hair," she swoons,leaning her head back.
I chuckle,and pull her up.
"Aw,I'm sorry Mel,but what about the other Two? You said only Three were taken..and,also..Where on earth did you get all this information, from?" I question.
"That's not important right now,woman." She jokes,walking along with me to our classes.
"Well,I had my eyes set on the sexy,black haired one.." she starts,this time,causing me to playfully roll my eyes.
"The other guys are cute too...but - "
"You really wanted to get with the "sexy ,one with the black hair" " I say,finishing for her.
She gives me an apologetic smile,before changing the subject to how she hates her Biology teacher,since she thinks he calls up most of the girls in class,only to check their ass out.
That is a conversation, that I'll never get into again. Let's just leave it at that.
We part our ways,before going to our language classes, for which I was again,quite early for.
I sit down,as a couple more students enter the classroom,including Harry.
He makes his way over to the back,and sits down beside me.
For some reason,every time I'm around him..I get flustered..and nervous. And he hasn't even said a word to me yet!
I awkwardly, reach down for my backpack, trying to get my books out,when it falls over,causing some of the contents to spill.
"Damn,it" I quietly curse,before picking my stuff up.
Harry reaches out to help me, when he begins to put some of my books back into the bag.
"Thanks," I say shyly, as I put my keys back into the front zip.
"Not a problem,love" he smiles,as he continues to help.
He picks up one of the books slowly,and examines it.
"Pride and prejudice?" He questions,with a polite smile.
"Yeah..it's actually my third time reading it," I say,confidently.
Finally, without sounding like I just saw a ghost.
"It is a good book," he agrees, placing it on my desk. "I've read it twice,myself "
"It is.." I smile,before Ms.Smith enters,causing me and Harry to face the other way.
I sigh,walking across the room,before hopping onto my bed.
It was one of those days again.
Sometimes I would just feel like absolute shit.
I'd look in the mirror and see another person. Someone who I thought I had overcome,but I guess not.
I bury my face into the pillow,and try to push all of my thoughts away,but I just couldn't.
Memories of crying myself to sleep, waking up in the morning,not wanting to live through another painful day,flood through my mind.
I went through all of this.
I went past all of this.
But sometimes,I felt like,I was going through the pain all over again.
A silent tear,slips from my eyes as I take a deep breathe.
I wasn't going to let it consume me again. I just wasnt.
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