Emily's POV
The soft tune of "Chiquitita" by ABBA,played through my room,as I sat down on my bed in a pair of shorts and a comfy sweater.
The time flashed 8:08, on the bedside table beside me.
I had just gotten back from Melanie's place,after hanging out with just her and Aliyah. It was amazing to see the both of them so happy together...You could tell by the way they look at each other,that they genuinely do care for one another. And,as I've said before,Mel deserves everything. After,all that she's done for me,she really does deserve all the happiness in the world. And,I'm glad that Aliyah is the one that brings that to her.
I hum along softly to the tune,as I pick up my sketch book and pencil.
I loved to sketch and draw something or the other,before I call it a day. It just gives me a sense of peace and calm,that I can't explain.
"Em's you there? It's me!!"
What on earth?
I stop the music,and listen intently to the voice coming from below.
"Its Harry! Don't make me wait all night,love"
I breathe a sigh of relief, before walking over to the window, and opening it up.
"What's up Styles?" I laugh,leaning against the windowsill.
"I thought you were gonna leave me here,out in the cold" he pouts.
"I would never" I gasp playfully, clutching my chest. " I just wanted to make sure you weren't... A kidnapper or something "
"Right,yeah.." he chuckles,looking up.
"So,are you gonna come down,or are we gonna talk like this for the rest of the night?"
"Where do you wanna go at this time?"
"The tracks..Where else?" He says,giving me a knowing look and shrug.
"I would love to..But..my parents.." I huff,looking behind me.
"Come on..They'll never know,I promise" he winks.
I bite my lip,as I think about the consequences I would face,if they found out.
But,then I realized,that facing a little argument with my mum,was worth sneaking out with him.
I mean..I've done it before, haven't I?"
"I can tell you,that I've done my research...and tonight, I'll be able to identify the constellations, " he says proudly, sticking his nose up in the air,as we walk onto the railway tracks.
"That's great," I giggle softly,hugging my waist. "Now,you aren't going to tell me a bunch of made up names for them,are you?"
"No,no.." he chuckles,remembering last time." Well,sit down,and let me prove it to you"
I sit down on the metal beside him,tugging my shorts below my thighs,and pulling my sweater down as well. I sit down crosse legged,my arms placed against my shorts,as Harry looks up at the sky,scanning the area for stars.
"Hm..I think..I think,I spotted one?" He says,more like asks.
"Was that a question?" I smirk.
"....Yeah?" He says,a cheeky smile spreading across his face.
I huff,moving closer to him,"Alright, where do you see them?"
He hums as he thinks,before lifting my arm up slowly, to point at the sky.
The moment his hand comes in contact with my skin,my stomach fills with this feeling,that I can't explain.
It wasn't butterflies. Oh no, it felt so much more special than that.
Soon,I try to brush those thoughts away,and focus on the dark sky above me.
I sit up straight,squinting up in an effort, to find what Harry was talking about.
"You still don't see it?" He sighs,still holding my arm,that was now placed on his lap.
I hum while shaking my head,my eyes still focused on the nigh sky above me.
"It's right over there,next to - " Harry begins,but stops all of a sudden,causing me to look back down at him.
"What's wrong?" I question.
He doesn't answer,when I realize that his gaze was fixed upon something else.
"Em...What's..What's that..?" He asks,his voice breaking ever so slightly.
My eyebrows furrow,until I see his eyes,fixed upon the scattered scars on my thighs.
"Its..erm..No,nothing really," I stutter,harshly tugging my shorts to cover them up.
"Emily.." Harry says,looking up his eyes full of worry.
"It's just..I got into a small ,accident...when..I was younger.." I lie,closing my eyes, to embarrased to even look his way at the moment.
"Em,please don't lie to me.." he pleads, taking my hand in his.
"Look at me love,please"
I leave out a shaky breathe,before looking into his eyes , while I bite my lip,holding in the whimpers that escaped them.
"I...I can't explain..I..you wouldn't understand..you'd only think I'm -"
I begin,managing to get my words out but stop as he speaks up.
"Of course not..No,I would never,ever judge you for that ,love...Even though it..it physically hurts me,to know that you..you..Your just..Your too perfect for that,Em..You don't deserve..any of that," he shakes his head,his own eyes welling up with tears.
My hearts warms,at the thought of him caring so deeply. But,that didn't change the way I thought about what I had done.
I thought it was disgusting.
But,at the same time part of me believed that I deserved it.
I keep silent,tears escaping my eyes,as he wipes the away with the pads of his thumb.
"Please,talk to me beautiful.." he begs,taking a deep breathe.
I look up,and nod slowly,my breathe hitching in my throat.
"I...I suffer.." I begin,but continue to choke up every second. "I suffer from an eating disorder..." I finish,looking down,feeling embarrased and ashamed of myself.
Harry looks into my eyes,his own filled with sadness. "That's why you...?"
I nod,another tears slipping down my face. "It was the only way,I could escape the pain...you know?" I say,a sob leaving my lips as the last few words left my mouth. "It was the only thing that took the pain away," I cry,as Harry pulls my arms towards him,engulfing me in a hug.
He strokes my back softly,whispering and telling me that it would be okay,as I sobbed into his chest.
"I'm.. I'm so..I'm sorry," I choke,clutching onto his tshirt.
"Hey,no..No,don't apologize, love...Don't ever apologize..None of this is your fault,you understand me? None of this.."
I let out a small whimper,not being able to talk at the moment.
Although I was crying,it felt like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders. I needed this. I needed him to know. And,I couldn't be more thankful to him,for just leaving it at this. No questions. No judgment. Nothing. It made me feel like he genuinely, understands.
We just sat there,for minutes together,as he still held me in silence.
I felt better,the longer he held me without letting go.
And,I pray to god that he never let's go...
A/n I realize, that this might have been a sensitive chapter for some of you...but I would just like you to know that,you are not alone.
You are cared for.
You are loved.
And most importantly,You are enough.
All the love - V
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