20 Fun Facts
1. Broke my right collarbone in 4th grade (year 5) outside while tackling my best friend playfully on the frosty(hard) dirt and grass. Me and my best friend both cried that day. She came out unharmed.
2. I have a False Map Turtle that my father caught in a river as a baby that probably would've been eaten. Had him for about 7 years now.
3. I get called a hermit because I hide out in my room very often. But the chances of me getting sick while my family is sick are slimmer. They've been sick about three times and I've hidden in my room those three times and haven't got sick.
4. I'm a stuttering mess, I mix, mumble and forget words.
5. The palms of my hands are always incredibly sweaty, thanks to my dad. Sad to say, it makes me insecure because I have friends that I wanna hold hands with. But a plus, I can scare away people.
6. Whenever I'm nervous or embarrassed I always smile. It's weird but I just do it and don't know how to stop.
7. I'm usually a very funny person who smiles, but when me and someone, like my parents, are having a very serious discussion then my face basically shows little to no emotion. My dad calls it a poker face.
8. I always read on Wattpad or Ao3, but when I'm forced to sit down and read an actual book I can't. It's very weird.
9. If you follow me on Wattpad, I'll follow you back.
10. If I was born male, my current name would be Preston.
11. Not a fan of makeup. I will only wear eyeliner if I'm forced, or my close friends ask me to.
12. I don't hate any animals with a passion.
13. Not a fan of kids, don't plan to have any of my own.
14. I cheated on a test once in 3rd grade (Year 4). Haven't done it since.
15. I could go and rewatch my favourite childhood shows and movies and still be interested in them.
16. I want so badly to go swimming with sharks. Shark cage, or just jumping into the water and touching them.
17. Almost died at age 3 due to an overdosage of anaesthesia given to me by doctors.
18. I have been best friends with a girl for 14 years now.
19. I prefer chocolate over sugar.
20. I haven't read or watched Harry Potter but I have read and watched the Percy Jackson series.
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