Kisses, Secrets, And A Big Blue Dude
3rd Person's POV
The Judge is kneeling in a corner facing a bunch of storage racks as Spike wheels nearby and stops about twenty feet from him. He pushes himself a few feet closer then turns around and huffs.
"I'm not happy, pet. Angel and the Slayer are still alive. They know where we are, they know about the Judge. We should be vacating."
Drusilla walks up to him and takes his hand, "Nonsense. They'll not disturb us here. My Angel's too smart to face the Judge again."
Spike glances over his shoulder then looks away scowling, "What's Big Blue up to anyway? He just sits there."
The Judge replies immediately, "I am preparing."
Spike rolls his eyes, "Yeah..." He turns and wheels over to the Judge, "It's interesting to me that 'preparing' looks a great bit like sitting on your ass."
The Judge says nothing and doesn't move.
Spike wheels facing him frowning, "When do we destroy the world already?"
"My strength grows, and with every life I take it will increase further."
"So let's take some. I'm bored."
Drusilla starts moaning.
Spike looks back at her in worry, "Dru?"
Drusilla collapses to the floor and begins to cry, "Angel..."
Spike rolls over to her and stares down in concern, "Dru? What is it?... Dru!"
Dru looks up at the ceiling and stares in awe.
Spike frowns, "Darling... Do you see something?"
Her crying gives way to an evil smile.
The rain lets up as Angel falls to the pavement and props himself up on his hands.
He can't hold himself up and collapses to the ground.
Angel frightened cries out, "Oh, no..."
A lady standing in a doorway sees him and slowly walks over to him.
"Hey. You okay?"
Angel suddenly freezes and lifts his head slowly smirking but the lady can't see. He mumbles, "It's good to be back."
The lady bends down to look at him in concern once she sees him lift his head, "You want me to call 911?"
Angel suddenly stands up swiftly with his back still to her, "No. The pain is gone."
The lady stands with her arms crossed as she takes a hit of her cigarette, "You sure?"
He spins around, vamp face on. He grabs her and violently bites her on the neck to feed. After he's sufficed, he drops her dead body, tilts his head up, blowing out the smoke he's just inhaled through her neck from her lungs.
"I feel just fine."
Xander walks into the library making Giles look up at him.
"Well, the bus depot was a total washout. And may I say what a lovely place to spend the night. What a vibrant cross-section of Americana."
Jenny and Willow look at him concerned. Cordelia sits on the counter also looking worried. But mainly because Laney had told her in secrecy that she was going to help Angel and Buffy.
Giles sighs, "No vampires transporting boxes?"
Xander shakes his head, "No, but a four-hundred-pound wino offered to wash my hair." He looks at everyone's grim faces and frowns, "What's up? Where's Buffy?"
Willow grimaces, "She never checked in."
"If the bus depot is as empty as the... docks and the airport..." Giles looks around and freezes realizing something, "We're missing another one..."
Willow looks around and catches Cordelia's eye making the popular girl quickly look away and mess with her nails.
"Where is Laney? I assume she went home after the whole debacle."
Willow crosses her arms over her chest and glares at Cordelia, "Cordelia... know anything?"
Cordelia sighs looking around letting out a light awkward chuckle, "Well Giles you assume incorrectly..."
Giles rubs his forehead and groans slightly, "Please don't tell me that she went with them?"
Cordelia smiles, "With them, no... after them, yes."
Willow gasps turning to Cordelia, "She went after them and it's been hours now since we heard from both of them and you weren't gonna tell us?"
Cordelia shrugs, "We have a best friend code."
Xander sighs, "Screw your code. Why would she go after them?"
"Because they needed help obviously..."
Everyone's head snaps to the door seeing Laney stand with her arms crossed over h r chest as she stands with a cocked hip.
"And thank goodness I did. The Judge guy's already been assembled."
Giles stands up staring in disbelief, "No..."
Laney nods walking over to sit on the table, "Yes... and the Judge dude is super ugly, totally scary looking, and really blue."
Xander curses, "Then Buffy could be... Okay, we gotta find 'em." He thinks, "Um, we gotta go to that place, that, uh, that factory. That's where they're holed up, right?" He looks back at Willow and Jenny as the two glance at one another.
Laney frowns in confusion, "Wait I'm so super lost. Where is Buffy?"
Willow shrugs, "She hasn't called or texted or anything. We assumed she might be in danger. Her and Angel."
"Oh well I helped them out. But Spike's guys were still after us... I thought we would be okay."
Xander shakes his head standing up hastily, "Alright, Let's go."
Cordelia stares at him blankly. "And do what? Besides be afraid and die."
Xander huffs, "Well, nobody's asking you to go, Cordelia. If the vampires need grooming tips we'll give you a call."
"Damn... well that was rude."
Giles sighs, "Cordelia has a point. Now, i-i-if Buffy and Angel were, were... harmed, then we don't stand to fare much better."
"Yeah? Well, those of us who were born with feelings are gonna do something about this."
Jenny scorns Xander.
"Alex you're so dramatic it's not even funny." Laney sighs sitting back with her arms behind her on the table.
Willow stands, "No, Xander's right! My God, you people are all... Well, I'm upset, and I can't think of a mean word right now, but that's what you are!"
Laney raises an eyebrow and holds up a finger in the air, "Why? Because we don't wanna die too. Sorry no offense to Buffy but if she wants to continue on this loner journey then who am I to stop her? She knows how dangerous it is to go alone, yet still does. So it's up to Laney and other times the Scooby Gang to save the day... they were fine when I last saw them... maybe they just aren't answering."
Giles takes this into consideration, "Well if that were true it would be very irresponsible seeing as the Judge is now out there."
Willow shakes her head, "Buffy wouldn't do that. Laney you act like she hasn't saved all of our lives more than once. What about when your ex-"
Cordelia slaps Willow's arm and scolds her, "Don't even go there."
Willow sighs seeing the flash of emotion pass Laney's face, "Sorry I just mean-"
Laney shrugs, "Whatever. I get what you mean. You'd trust Buffy over me. Real nice, sis."
"That's not what I-"
Xander groans, "Okay enough with the family drama... I still think Buffy is in trouble. If she's out there hurt, we need to find her."
Willow nods, "So that's that... we're going to the factory!"
Xander nods, "Yeah!"
He follows and as they reach the door just then Buffy comes into the library.
Laney shakes her head mumbling, "Idiots..."
"We were just going to rescue you."
Willow nods agreeing with Xander before throwing the rest of the group a look, "Well, some of us were."
Giles stammers looking to Laney, "Well, I-I would have... if Laney did not let us know what happened."
Jenny nods, "Same. So... if Buffy's here. Where's Angel?"
Buffy freezes and looks around at the group, "He didn't check in with you guys?"
Giles shakes his head, "No."
Laney rolls her eyes, "Neither did you..."
Cordelia slides off the counter, "What happened?"
"The Judge, i-is... No assembly required. He's active."
"Nobody listens to me."
Giles whispers, "Oh, damn it." He removes his glasses and turns to Willow and Xander, "You both owe Laney an apology..."
Laney huffs standing up from the table, "Apology... groveling... begging on your knees would be nice."
Cordelia stands beside Laney and pats her shoulder, "Down girl."
Buffy sighs continuing, "The judge... He nearly killed us. Laney got us out."
"Why didn't you call? We, we, we thought..."
Buffy frowns, "Well, we, we had to hide. Uh, we got stuck in the sewer tunnels, and with the hiding, we just split up..."
Laney's head snaps up to Buffy giving her a 'what the hell' stare. Buffy shakes her head as if telling her to be quiet. Laney rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest.
"Uh, no one's heard from him?"
Laney notices Buffy wringing her hands together nervously.
Willow shakes her head giving Buffy a reassuring smile, "I'm sure he'll come by."
Buffy nods, "Yeah, I'm, I'm sure you're right."
Giles steps forward, "Buffy, the Judge, we, we must stop him."
"I know."
Jenny sits back in her chair, "What can you tell us?"
Buffy shrugs, "Not much. I, um... I kicked him. It was just like a sudden fever. If he'd got his hands on me..."
Giles shakes his head, "In time, he won't need to. The stronger he gets, he'll be able to reduce us to charcoal with a look."
"Aw kinda like Medusa turning people to stone... how cool."
Xander turns to Laney and frowns, "You're one off chick."
Laney scowls at him, "Oh you hush bug boy."
Buffy smiles at the two then adds, "Also, not the prettiest man in town."
Giles sighs turning to walk into his stacks of books, "I better continue researching, must look for a weak spot. The rest of you should get to your classes."
Jenny nods standing, "Yeah, I better go, too."
They all start out. Buffy is the first one out the door.
"Buffy, wait up!" Willow hurries after Buffy as Xander holds the door open.
Jenny stops on the way out and turns to Giles, "I'll, uh, go on the 'Net and search for anything on the Judge."
Giles smiles, "Thank you."
Xander yells from the doorway, "After classes I'll come back and help you research."
Cordelia pats Xander on the shoulder as she walks out, "Yeah, you might find something useful if it's in an 'I Can Read' book."
Xander looks like he's ready to kill her.
As the two leave, Laney turns to Giles, "Thanks for trusting in me, Doc."
Giles shakes his head at her antics, "You haven't given me a reason not to."
Laney nods.
"But also you are very stubborn. What if something went wrong when you went to save Buffy and Angel. What if the Judge touched you and you were the one that were turned to dust?"
"Never leave anyone behind, Giles. I knew they would be in trouble. They see through colored lenses for some reason. They take action first whereas I see the logic first. I know not everyone would do the same for me... But I couldn't just leave them for dead. That's not the kind of person I am."
Giles nods, "I know... but sometimes you should think of yourself."
In a nearby hall, Buffy is about to go up the stairs when Willow catches up and stops her.
"You don't think Angel would have gone after the Judge himself, do you?"
Buffy shakes her head, "No, he'd know better than that. Maybe he just needed... I don't know. I just, I wish he'd contact me. I need to talk to him."
They start up the stairs. Jenny looks around the corner and watches them go up.
Drusilla is laid out on her back on the big table. Spike wheels himself around to her. She looks up at the ceiling blissfully.
Spike smiles leaning on the edge of the table, "Are we feeling better, then?"
Drusilla sighs, "I'm naming all the stars."
"You can't see the stars, love. That's the ceiling. Also, it's day."
"I can see them. But I've named them all the same name." Drusilla tilts her head to him, "And there's terrible confusion."
Spike frowns, "Did you see any further? Do you know what happens to Angel?"
Angelus appears at a side door clearing his throat, "Well, he moves to New York and tries to fulfill that Broadway dream. It's tough sledding, but one day he's working in the chorus when the big star twists her ankle."
Spike groans, "You don't give up, do you?"
Angelus slowly comes over, "As long as there's injustice in the world, as long as scum like you is walking..." Angelus notices the wheelchair and smirks stoping a few feet away, "well, rolling the streets... I'll be around. Look over your shoulder. I'll be there."
Spike chuckles, "Uh, yeah. Angel, um... look over your shoulder."
Angelus turns around, and the Judge puts his hand on his chest.
"Hurts, doesn't it?"
Angelus looks back at Spike, "Well, you know, it kinda itches a little."
Spike glares at the Judge, "Don't just stand there. Burn him."
"Gee, maybe he's broken." Angelus suggests.
Spike turns to Drusilla, "What the hell is going on?"
Drusilla's face takes on a look of realization.
The Judge removes his hand from Angelus' chest, "This one... cannot be burnt. He is clean."
Spike huffs in disbelief, "Clean? You mean, he's..."
Judge shakes his head and turns away, "There's no humanity in him."
Angelus faces Spike and shrugs with a nonchalant face, "I couldn't have said it better myself."
Drusilla stares dreamily, "Angel."
Angelus smirks, "Yeah, baby. I'm back."
Spike stares in shock, "Is it really true?"
"It's really true." Angelus laughs and walks around the table.
Drusilla follows him with her gaze still as dreamy as ever, "You've come home."
Spike wheels around following him, "No more of this 'I've got a soul' crap?"
Angelus strikes a match on the table then lights a cigarette, "What can I say, hmm? I was going through a phase."
Spike smiles, "This is great! This is so great!"
Drusilla walks on the table waving her arms as Angelus laughs, "Everything in my head is singing! We're family again."
Angelus helps her off of the table as she turns to lean into Spike, "We'll feed. Grrr...And we'll play."
Spike chuckles, "I've got to tell you, it made me sick to my stomach seeing you being the Slayer's lap dog."
Angelus growls and grabs Spike by the shirt. Then he kisses him on the forehead and steps back. Spike busts up laughing. Angelus and Drusilla join in.
Drusilla smiles, "How did this happen?"
Angelus shakes his head taking a hit of his cigarette, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Oh, who cares? What matters is now he's back! Now it's four against one, which are the kind of odds I like to play."
Angelus chuckles, "Well four against two... you're forgetting the small sparky one."
Spike smirks, "The little slayerette... I wonder what effect she had on you-"
Drusilla rolls her eyes no longer interested in the conversation regarding the two human girls. She leans toward Angelus as she lays on the table, "Psst. We're going to destroy the world. Want to come?"
Angelus plays with his cigarette, "Yeah. Destroying the world. Great. I'm really more interested in destroying the Slayer and her little protรฉgรฉ."
Spike shrugs, "Well, they are in the world, so that should work out."
"Give me tonight. Hmm?"
Spike frowns in confusion, "What do you mean?"
"Lay low for a night. I guarantee you by the time you go public they won't be anything resembling a throat."
Spike smiles intrigued, "You've really got a yen to hurt these girls, haven't you?"
Spike started to slightly feel indifferent. The Slayer he would kill in an instant. He was all for ridding the world of her and her goodness.
But the Slayerette continued to intrigue him. He couldn't help but be thrown off by Angelus' fury towards her. Sure the Slayer made him love again. But the Slayerette... he had no clue what she did to the sour sod.
Angelus chuckles angrily shaking his head, "The Slayer made me feel warm and loved. Bleh. Makes me wanna smash her head in right now." Angelus clenches his fists together as he thinks about the short brunette whose gleaming smile had brought him joy, "And the other one... She made me feel like a human being. That's not the kind of thing you just forgive."
Angelus' phone rings making him pull it out as he smokes a cigarette nonchalantly. He smirks as he opens the flip phone and holds it up to Dru and Spike's view.
"Well lookie here... perfect timing. Little Slayerette is calling."
"And what are you going to do?"
Angelus smirks looking at Spike, "Cause a little havoc."
In the library, Cordelia walks by the counter looking through a book. Xander is lying on top of the counter, also studying a book. Giles is in his office reading through yet another book. Laney is laying upside down in a chair as she plays with a pencil.
Willow is on the phone with Buffy, "Ok. No, no, he didn't, but I'm sure he'll... Well, Buffy, he probably has some plan, and he's trying to protect you. Well, I-I don't know what. I'm not in on the plan. It's his plan. No. Don't even say that! Angel is not dead."
Xander waves his hand to get Willow's attention, "Say 'hi' for me."
Willow speaks into the phone, "Yeah, of course we'll be here. Okay, bye." She turns to Xander as she hangs up and frowns, "Say 'hi' for me?"
Xander shrugs with a small smile, "What's the word?"
Willow sighs, "She's checked every place she can think of. She even beat up Willy the snitch a couple of times-"
"Oh so she can beat him to a pulp but she was upset when Ken-doll and I wanted to... that's so totally fair." Laney sits up annoyed, "Not..."
Willow sighs, "That doesn't mean anything now... Angel's vanished."
Giles stands in his doorway, "But he does do that on occasion, no?"
Laney nods in agreement.
Willow nods, "Oh, yeah, but she's extra wigged this time. I guess 'cause of her dreams. God, what if something really happened to him?"
"He seemed fine when I saw him."
Willow snaps her head over to Laney and frowns, "When you see him? When did you see him?"
Laney shrugs, "Last night."
Willow mouths to her, "Before the Buffy sitch or after?"
Willow now knew about Buffy and Angel sleeping together because of how anal Buffy had been acting.
Laney mouths, "Before."
Giles sighs, "Is she gonna join us here?"
Willow nods, "Yeah. She's just stopping at home first."
Xander slams his book shut and jumps off of the counter, "Nada."
He heads for the stacks with it. Xander finds Cordelia on his way to return the book to its place on the shelves.
"Did you find anything?" He asks as he shelves the book.
Cordelia shakes her head, "This book mentions the Judge, but nothing useful. Big, scary, no weapon forged can stop him, took an army to take him down. Blah, blah, blah."
Xander huffs, "We need some insight, a weak spot."
"Well, we're not gonna find it here." She shelves the book as Xander comes over to her. She turns to face him.
Xander frowns getting closer to her, "Sorry I snapped at you before."
Cordelia scoffs, "Well, I'm reeling from that new experience."
"I was crazed. I wasn't thinking."
"I know. You were too busy rushing off to die for your beloved Buffy. You'd never die for me."
Xander chuckles, "No, I might die from you. Does that get me any points?"
Cordelia stares at him deadpanned, "No."
Xander touched her arm pulling her closer, "Come on, can't we just kiss and make up?"
"I don't wanna make up."
He sighs nodding then backs away and starts to go, but she stops him.
"But I'm okay with the other part." She smiles.
Xander smiles back and they start to kiss. After a few moments Cordelia giggles and smiles and they pull apart.
Feeling as if someone was watching, Cordelia and Xander turn to the side. Both their mouths drop in surprise as they see Willow and Laney standing behind them, completely confused and upset.
Xander gapes staring at the two.
One who was in love with him but he only saw as a friend.
The other who he had relations with but chose to love Buffy rather than her.
"Laney... Willow, uh..."
Willow darts off making Laney shake her head and follow after. Xander curses and looks to Cordelia.
Cordelia shakes her head, "You go after Willow. I got Laney."
Xander nods and runs after Willow.
He catches up with her outside the library down the hall, "We were just... Willow! Willow!"
Cordelia realizes they've been found out and begins to consider the implications as she hurries after Laney.
"Willow, come on!"
Willow stops and confronts him, shaking her finger, "I knew it! I knew it! Well, not 'knew it' in the sense of having the slightest idea, but I knew there was something I didn't know. You two were fighting way too much. It's not natural!"
Xander nods, "I know it's weird..."
Willow stares at him in disgust, "Weird? It's against all laws of God and Man! It's Cordelia! Remember? T-the 'We Hate Cordelia' club, of which you are the treasurer."
Xander sighs, "Look, I was gonna tell you."
Willow chuckles painfully, "Gee, what stopped you? Could it be shame?"
"All right, let's overreact, shall we?"
"But I'm..."
Xander holds his hands up in a surrendering motion, "Willow, we were just kissing. It doesn't mean that much."
Willow shakes her head as she backs away, "No. You picked my sister over me. Then you picked Buffy. Now...Cordelia? I-It just means that you'd rather be with someone you hate than be with me."
She runs from the hall, leaving Xander just standing there to consider her words. He reluctantly turns to go back into the library.
Laney hurries out the library with Cordelia on her heels. Cordelia grabs Laney's arm making the girl stop in her stride and rip her arm from Cordelia's grip.
"Don't touch me..."
Cordelia frowns as her eyes start to tear up looking at Laney who's now red eyes had let a few droplets of tears go.
"Laney pleas-"
"Please what, Cordelia? Don't hate me. Don't be upset. Listen to what I have to say? Trust me?"
Cordelia doesn't say anything.
Laney shakes her head looking at her best friend in disappointment, "I did! Look where that got me!"
Laney points at the necklace on Cordelia's neck that she had gotten her. They both had the same one. And most of the time wore it and never took it off.
"I gave you that and you just spit on our friendship."
"It-its not what it..." Cordelia stammers, "okay it is what it looked like. B-but but I-I... you don't understa-"
"What do I need to understand? What do I need to comprehend? You let me down once again... why would you do that?"
"I crossed the line I know... I can't even tell you how sorry I am. How much I wanted to tell you. How I wanted to... it shouldn't have happened... I-I just... it did happen and I'm so sorry. But you can't be angry with me because you don't even like hi-"
"It's not about liking him! It's about the principle! He hurt me. He broke me." Laney cries as her voice cracks, "You we're there to hold me after he broke my heart. You're my best friend and you hurt me worse than I ever thought you could... again... I'm not upset because I still like him. I'm not angry because you two are hooking up. I'm hurt because you didn't tell me. You didn't talk to me. You hid it from me. You know what he did to me and you are pursuing him without even considering how I would feel. I would've been upset but eventually cheered you on and been there for you. But you completely ruined it. You cheated with my first boyfriend. Then you sleep with the boy who chose my friend over me. Another boy who chose my friend over me. Both times the girl was you..."
Cordelia sniffles as a tear falls down her cheek. She reaches out to Laney who takes a quick step back while wiping her face and staring at her blankly.
"Don't talk to me. Don't call me... just leave me alone... I'll forgive you eventually... it's what I always do. I'm cursed with having such a big heart, that even when I'm suffering... I don't want others to. You have nobody Cordelia. It's me and you... that's it. If you don't look in the mirror and change then you're going to live a lonely life. And I'm not going to be there." Laney wraps her arms around herself as she stares at the floor, "You really hurt me... you're my best frien- n-no you're my sister... and I love you, b-but I can't even stand to look at you right now..."
Without another word or glance, Laney bumps past Cordelia and begins to walk towards the entrance of the school. Xander jogs around the corner and halts seeing Laney. She continues on past him as he begins to stammer out an apology.
"Fuck off, Xander."
Laney bumps Xander's shoulder and walks around the corner.
Xander sighs and looks to Cordelia who was now full on crying as she held her friendship necklace in her hand. A second later, Xander feels a tap on his shoulder. Just as he turns around, his head snaps to the side. His eyes burn as his face begins to feel hot. His nose was on fire and felt like it was gushing blood.
"That's for my sister..."
Laney swiftly brings her leg up and knees Xander in the crotch. Not too hard but enough to make her feel better.
"And that's for me..."
Xander falls to the ground groaning while holding his crotch as he watches Laney stride away.
Cordelia and Xander are left alone in the hallway to think about the rift they had caused.
The two knew that it would be a while before the Rosenberg sisters forgave them. And they realized that Laney would be the toughest of the two to beg for forgiveness. Laney would hold this against them for the rest of their lives.
But who could blame her. She was right.
They hurt her again.
But what they didn't fully understand was that Laney wasn't the same young girl she was months ago. She was worse. And she would show them just how much she had changed.
Laney looks in her mirror as she wipes the makeup from her face. Mascara runs down her face as she huffs and looks at the ceiling.
Why her?
Why does everything continue to be hell?
She's a good person. She does good things. Maybe it's the fact that she cares too much about everyone. Like Giles said, maybe she needs to care about herself.
After cleaning her face, Laney goes back into her room and begins to change. She stands in her black lace bra and frowns as she feels a light wind hit her back. A chill runs down her spine as she quickly pulls on her shirt and snaps her head to the window.
Angelus stands at her window looking down at the floor playing as if he was still the good Angel.
Laney gasps holding her chest, "You ass! You totally scared the begeebies out of me!"
Angelus glances up and then back sorry, "Shoot I'm sorry. Are you done?"
Laney smiles nodding then realizes he couldn't see her, "Yeah I'm done. Thanks."
Angelus laughs internally. He knew how to play the innocent puppy dog like Angel so well. But to Laney's surprise she had no idea that he had actually been leaning on the corner of the wall in her room. He had stared and waited. The girl intrigued him to the point of him wanting to do what he had done to Dru. But that would have to wait.
"Angel where have you been? Buffy's about to flip her shit. She's literally losing it." Laney sits at the edge of her bed.
Angelus shrugs then sits beside her, "I had a lot on my mind. I'm sure you know what happened."
Laney sighs, "Do you regret it?"
"No... I just know that everything is going to change."
"Maybe it'll change for the better. She really loves you. She thinks you're worth the risk."
Angelus nods standing up again as Laney watches him, "Am I?"
"Of course!" Laney stands up and grabs his arm making him freeze, "You're a great guy! You're always there for her, for us... the Scooby gang. You risk your life for us. What's wrong with her risking hers for you?"
"What about you?"
Laney frowns confused, "What do you mean?"
"Why do you risk your life? You have so much to look forward to."
"Angel y-you... you're worth it, believe me."
Angelus peeks over his shoulder at Laney who smiles at him softly.
"I wouldn't lie."
Angelus nods then turns back to her window. This was too easy.
Laney frowns noticing something when she finally saw Angel's face in the moonlight, "Hey... Look at me."
"Why?" he laughs.
Laney chuckles poking his back, "Just look you goof."
Angelus shakes his head moving a few steps away from her, "No you're being weird."
"Stop moving Angel. Just look at me."
Laney grabs Angel by the chin and pulls his head to face her. As she looks into his eyes she can't help but feel her stomach knot up. She wasn't sure if it was a warning at the time... but the future her? Oh how she wished she had realized.
"What?" He asks with a boyish grin.
Laney shakes her head with a soft smile, "Sorry nothing. J-just your eyes. They're missing something. The glow... it's like it's gone..."
Angelus makes a Hmm sound and shrugs, "I-I uh it's the flourescents."
Laney tilts her head to the side and laughs letting him go, "The flourescents? What is this twilight?"
(*yes I know this is before that time lol. It's still funny. Like a wall break.)
"Yeah yeah. Back to the real issue at hand."
"Which is?"
Angel shrugs pointing at her, "You."
"M-me..." Laney stammers out.
"Somethings wrong with your eyes... you look like you've been crying."
Laney sighs feeling caught as Angel's hand grazes her red cheeks under her swollen eyes.
"I-I um... I just was upset."
"Why? Someone hurt you?"
Laney chuckles at his protective tone, "It's not physical pain... I saw Cordelia and Xander kissing. This is the second time a guy that was interested in me winds up with her. It just felt like..."
"Like she betrayed you?"
Laney nods, "Yeah. And then Xander... Ha don't even get me started on him and his issues."
Angelus shrugs, "You want me to beat him up?"
Laney smiles shaking her head as she sits down on her bed, "No..."
"You sure? I can toughen him up a bit. Scare him maybe?"
"Hmmm let me think about it."
"Alright fine... you got thirty seconds to make a decision."
Laney gasps laughing, "Thirty seconds. No..."
Angelus nods with a playful smile. He was too good.
"Now you got twenty."
"Okay okay... I'll let it go this time. Next time I'll take your offer, promise."
"Boo no fun."
"What? Me no fun? You're the usual buzzkill mister." Laney scoffs, "What happened to you?"
"Things change." Angelus retorts in a more seious tone that makes Laney feel uneasy but also makes her feel confused at why the sudden tone change.
"Well it's getting late. Not trying to kick you out but... get out." Laney smiles.
Angelus chuckles. "Sure thing. I'll go see Buffy now... let her know I'm okay."
Angelus slips one leg out the window then turns to Laney and grins as if he were still Angel, "Sweet dreams..." He then turns to the outside and smirks, "Slayerette..."
Laney freezes as she hears Angel whisper one word that sent chills down her spine. As her head snaps up, she curses inwardly seeing him gone.
Slayette was the word that she had only heard one person call her.
When Spike said it... sad to say it made her feel slightly amused and a little dare she say turned on.
But to hear it from Angel made her feel like something was wrong.
She didn't know if that was a joke or a clue. But she would soon figure it out.
How are we feeling?!?
Angelus is here and ready to wreck havoc!!
Laney has found out about Cordelia and Xander.
Future predictions?
Any special requests...
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