Chapter 1: Chloe
"It's Greenie day!" Newt says with a grin. "Do we think it's a boy or a girl?"
"I dunno." I say with a small smile. I've been the only girl in the maze for a month. It's been all boys for around a year and a half now I came. "I hope its a girl."
In my month of being in the maze I've made around four friends. Newt, Minho, Frypan and my work partner Winston. Winston is a slicer meaning he kills the animals for us to eat. I don't kill them I care for them, feed and water them and brush them. I've also made quite a few enemies.. I rejected a gladers advances a few weeks ago and now his whole friend group hates me.
"What time will the greenie come up?" I ask.
"Usually somewhere between 11-4."
"so." I think for a moment. "We have an hour till they could come."
I turn on my heel walking back to the barn. I'm soon welcomes by the sound of animals. I grab my basket and head to the chickens.
"Alright Chickaletta lets see what you got." I place the basket on the ground and quickly scoop the chicken up with one hand and grab the eggs with the other. The chicken angry clucked. "oh shush." I tell it.
I repeat the pattern until I've collected all the eggs. I climb up the ladder to the loft with the egg basket in hand. I make it up and sit down and count the eggs.
"1..2..3.." after awhile I finish counting. "47 eggs in total. That's almost a new record."
I climb down from the loft with the eggs and walk to the kitchen.
I knock on the door. "SPECIAL DELIVERY!"
The door opens and Frypan is there. "Do you have the eggs and milk?"
"... You needed milk...?"
"Yes.." he says slowly. I shove the eggs into his hands and run back to the barn. I grab and the milk bucket I quickly milk the cow then run back to Frypan carefully not to spill.
"Ok." I pause out of breath. "Gosh I hate being asthmatic- anyway here's your milk." I hand him the bucket."
Frypans smiles. "Thanks Chloe."
"No problem." I say. "Do you think the Greenies a girl or boy?"
"I don't know." I say. "I hope it's a girl but who knows."
Frypan nods. "That's valid."
I nod. "I'm going to hopefully finish with the farm stuff before they arrive so I got to go!"
I run to the barn. Just kidding I speed walk to the barn.
WINSTON!" I yell.
"WHAT?!" He screams walking out of the slaughter room. "What do you want?!"
"Do you know where I put my bucket?" I ask.
"Your.. bucket...?" He asks. "Your asking where you put your bucket.."
"Your going to need to be more specific then that. What bucket?"
"The grey one."
"The grey one." He repeats.
"Yes." I say. "My grey bucket. Where is it?"
"I don't shucking know!" He yells.
"The grey bucket used for feeding the animals."
"Oh it's over there." He points over to the corner of the barn where we keep all the animal feed.
"Oh.." I say quietly. "Thank you."
Winston shakes his head walking back to the slaughter house.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"I don't know!" Winston yells slamming the door to the blood house shut.
"Great talk." I mutter to myself.
I walk over to the bucket and pick it up. I hear a meow I look down in it to see Olive the black kitten in the bucket. "Ma'am this is a food bucket not a bed."
Olive hops out of the bucket with a meow. I collect the food in the bucket and go around the barn feeding the animals.
"..And.. Done!" I throw the bucket on the floor and climb up into the loft. Also my bedroom.
The boy's didn't know where to put me so for this past month I've lived up in the loft. I lock the barn door at night so no one can get in. My room has a mattress, a few crates with clothes and a haybale beside the mattress acting as a bedside table. Gally said if more girls start showing up he'll make us our own area to live.
I collapse on my bed I hear another meow. "What do you want?" I ask the cat.
Olive's green eyes widen. "What?"
She doesn't answer. "Where's you mama? Or you siblings? even your dad?"
I don't get an answer. I sigh getting out if my bed I scoop Olive up and climb down the ladder.
All of a sudden a alarm goes off. Olive hisses. "Hey its ok.."
I run out of the barn. "Is that the Greenie alarm?"
"YEAH!" Nick yells. I run to the box.
The Gladers run forward I stay in the back. "Please be a girl.." I mutter. "I can't stay here alone much longer.."
"IS IT A GIRL?!" A Glader asks.
"It is.." Nick says. I turn and look down into the box. Sure enough a girl is there in the corner hyperventilating while softy humming.
"I'm going down." I tell Nick before jumping in the box, Olive shrieks.
The girl yelps when I land in the box.
"Hi." I smile.
The girl just looks at me.
"I'm Chloe.." I say. "You probably don't remember your name. That's normal."
"Why?" The girl says her voice croaky.
"uh.. Why what..?"
"Why can't I remember anything?" she asks.
"I don't know.." I admit. "I've only been here a month."
"Will I get my memories..?" She asks.
"Only your name." I say softly.
"Oh.." She says. "Where am I?"
"The Glade." I say. "You and I are the only girls."
"Wh-What??" She asks. "How many boys are there?"
"Around 60.." I say. "Most of them are nice. I swear!"
"Really?" she asks.
"Yeah." I say. "Want to get out of the box? No body likes it in here."
"Yeah." She says standing up slowly.
"Can you hold her for me?" I hand the girl Olive.
"Oh, ok?" She takes the kitten.
"NICK!" I scream up the box. "LET US OUT OF HERE!"
"Ok!" He yells. He throws the rope down.
"Put your foot in the little loop." I tell her. "Just let me get up first."
She nods.
I put my foot in the loop. "Don't you frickin drop me.. PULL ME UP!"
The boys start to pull me up. I get out of the loop and reach down the hole. "Put your foot in, wait hand me Olive first."
"Olive..? Oh the cat!" She hands the cat to me and gets pullef up out of the box. As soon as she gets up all the hands start to come.
I'm pushed back as the boys try to grab the girl. I hear the girl scream in horror.
I put Olive in my hood and push through the Gladers punching, kicking and elbowing.
All the hands stop. "BACK UP!"
Almost all the Gladers back up except for one. The same one I rejected.
"Why?" He asks with a goofy smirk.
"Because I said so." I snap. "Don't you shucking touch her. Or me. Or any girl."
He smirks again but that smirk is soon wiped of his face when the new girl kicks him right in the groin.
I look from him on the floor to the new girl also on the floor. I walk over to them and help the new girl off the floor.
"Let's go." I tell her. "We can get you cleaned up and what not."
The girls nods. "Thank you."
"Of course." I say. "Just in the barn, that's where I live. I'll tell Gally to start making the house."
"You live... In a... Barn..?"
"Yes and well no.."
"I live in the loft above the barn."
"Oh.." she says. "Interesting.. Are you not scared some boy will come in?"
"I lock the doors and have butcher knives on stand by."
"Oh ok wait knives?"
"Yeah. I've never had to use them but Nicks given me permission to if it comes to it."
"Nicks the boy with the glasses?" She asks.
"Yeah," I say. "Do you want to get checked out by the med-jacks or get food?"
"What's a med-jacks?" She asks.
"Doctor." I say. "Call them Med-jacks because the first med was named Jack."
"What happened to him?"
"He died.." I say softly. "I didn't know him though."
"Oh.. people die here?" She asks.
"Yeah. Got a whole grave yard. Call it the dead heads."
"Interesting... I guess we can go see the med-jacks" She says. "Where are they?"
"Over there." I point to the hut in the corner of the glade.
"All the way over there?"
"Yup." I say. "Lets go!"
The two of us run to the other side of the glade.
"Wait.. Slow down!!" I gasp. "I'm asthmatic!"
"oh.. Opps." She says. "sorry."
"It's ok! Your pretty fast. You could be a good runner."
"What's a Runner?"
"Someone who goes out into the maze and runs in it." I say. "I don't really know what else they do."
"Wait maze?" She asks. "What do you mean maze?"
"Outside of these walls are a maze." I say. "At least that's what I'm told."
"You've never been in it?" she asks.
"I'm not allowed. Only Runners can go in it."
"Oh. What's in the maze?" She asks.
"Grievers, nasty things from what I'm told." I say. "I'm sorry thats all I know about them."
"Its ok." She says. "How long have you been here?"
"A month." I say. "The only girl for a month."
"How did you survive?" She asks.
"I don't know." I admit. "It's been hard."
"I can imagine." she says. "Is this the place?"
"Yuppers." I say. "JEEF, CLINT"
"Yeah?" Jeff asks walking out of the back room. "What do you nee- Wait are you the new girl?"
"Yeah?" The new girl says. "Why?"
"Just wondering." Jeff says. "So your here for your checkup?"
The girls turns to look at me. "Yeah she is" I say.
"Alrighty then!"
Jeff completes the girls checkup and I give her a tour.
"Soon it will be the bonfire." I say.
"Bonfire?" she asks.
"Yeah." I say. "Its a party for you. Looks like its starting."
"What?" she asks.
I take her hand. "Lets go!"
We run to the fire place. I can feel the grin on my face. This past month I've been so lonely being the only girl in the glade. Now that I finally have a friend with me maybe it won't be so bad.
We sit down on the log.
"Wait.." She says gripping her head.
"Are you ok?" I ask. "What's wrong?"
"My name.." She says. "It's Lizzy."
This Chapter was written by me from Chloe's point of view.
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