Today's the day.
Jimin sucks in a breath of the fresh air. They're about to enter the maze. Every pair has their own side that they enter from, and they run in when the sparks fly into the air. The professors like to use their wands to make a spark all at once as if 'lighting' the contestants home. "Ready baby?" Jimin asks.
"Not at all. Hold my hand?" He laughs and instantly does as he's told, pecking her lips in the process.
It's been a month and a half since they've started dating. Isn't that insane? Jimin beams and gives her hand a squeeze. Less than a minute out. "Can we fuck in the maze this time?" she asks with raised brows.
He chuckles, "We can fuck to celebrate baby. How about that?"
She pecks his cheek and nuzzles up against him, "I'd love nothing more Mimi." Ahh he loves that name. Mimi. It's so fucking cute.
They wait in silence, the anxiety starting to build up. Then, a flash of gold fills the sky, some cheers heard. That's right - there's people waiting at the end of the maze. If they get through, they'll find the whole school waiting.
Jimin and Y/n take off, rushing into the giant hedge maze and laughing together. "Oh we're so winning honey!" Jimin calls. She giggles and nudges him while running, sprinting down the many passageways.
Jimin guides them down, Y/n memorizing where they've gone as they go. God she's so fucking hot. She's so intelligent and quick-witted. He snickers while thinking about her. But... he can't shake the sense that something's wrong. It may be early evening, but it's definitely darker than it should be. The clouds are much much darker, they're covering the skies, voiding any of the setting sunlight from touching the area. He gulps down his nerves. It's not real, right? His nerves are just paranoia... right?
He slows their pace, looking around as the wind brushes by. "Babe? What's wrong?" Y/n asks, "we shouldn't slow down, we have a lot to get through and little time to do it."
"I know baby I just... something's wrong. Do you feel it?"
She sighs and nods, "Draw your wand." He does, her doing the same in-sync with him. They walk past the nearest corners, looking around carefully. It's like there's a dark energy in the air. He doesn't trust it.
"Get behind me," he says. She's quick to obey, watching their flank. What the hell is going on? His heart pumps, his mind swelling with dangerous thoughts. "Baby you stay right next to me okay?" he whispers.
She gives his hand a squeeze and uses her other hand to hold her wand tighter. "I'm not letting go of you as long as you don't let go of me," she replies. He brings her hand to his mouth and kisses it, nodding before paying attention again.
The two of them go deeper into the maze. They end up getting a good ten minutes into it before everything seems to take a drastic turn. Jimin swallows his fear as they approach the next corner. Right as he's about to go down it, something grabs him and throws him back. He yelps in shock, landing on his back. "Y/n! Baby!" he cries, hopping to his feet and grabbing his wand. He looks up in time to see a man holding his wand to her throat, two other men surrounding her, one holding her wand.
"P-Please, don't hurt her," Jimin says, holding his wand up shakily.
"Drop the wand boy," the one holding his baby commands.
Jimin complies with tears in his eyes. "Don't hurt her..." he whispers.
One of the men grabs his wand, the other one striding in the center of them. "You're coming with us," he says, holding one object in his hand. A portkey. Oh God no, please no.
"Please, we didn't do anything, we're just trying to win a stupid school competition. Let her go, take me. Let her go please!" Jimin begs.
"Put your hands on the portkey. You have three seconds," he says instead. They force Y/n to put her hand on it, so Jimin does the same. He can't let her go alone. Y/n meets his eyes, panic in her expression. Jimin's about to question her when she elbows her captor in the face and grabs her wand from out of his hand.
The Latin passes her lips, the other two men getting knocked back. "Come on!" she yells, grabbing Jimin's wand from off the ground and sprinting away. Jimin's quick to follow, running as fast as he can.
"You're a badass babe!" Jimin calls.
"Compliment me after we're out of this!" she calls back, them taking multiple turns. Some spells go off, the sound of them hitting the hedges around them filling the air. "Shit! Keep moving! Don't let them hit you!" Y/n says, turning a sharp corner.
As soon as they turn it, they run into someone, Y/n falling over. Jimin hoists her up and looks to see Dahyun there, her partner no where to be seen. "Dahyun, run!" Y/n yells, pulling the other two away. Jimin helps Dahyun get adjusted to running before grabbing Y/n's hand again. They keep running and running until the cheering gets louder along with the spells breaking by their bodies. They have to go through a portal to get into the crowds, the sound of the portal and the cheering beyond it too tempting to resist.
"So close!" Jimin shouts, navigating down the path. They turn another corner, the portal coming into view.
"Keep going!"
They sprint together, the enemies gaining on them. "Shit they're fast!" Dahyun says.
They're about to get to the portal when all three of them get knocked over. Shit! They must've gave up and threw a spell at their feet to knock them down. Jimin groans, shaking his head and looking up. The portal's right there. "Come on, run!" he cries, crawling to his feet and running into the blue light...
Jimin gasps as he jumps through the portal, landing on his knees and coughing. Immediately, applause fills his eardrums. His adrenaline is spiking, tears flooding down his face. He whimpers and cries on the ground, the crowd slowly realizing something is wrong. Several members of his house come over, about to grab him when Jimin abruptly stands. "Y/n!? Baby!" Jimin calls. A Slytherin, Jax, grabs his elbow.
"Y-Y/n! Baby!" he yells louder, looking around for her. That's when his heart stops. She's still inside. He thought for sure he was still holding her hand, but that knockback spell must've dulled his senses. Jimin gulps and turns, ignoring Jax and is about to go back in when the other Slytherin holds him in place.
"What the hell are you doing? Why would you go back in?" Jax asks in amazement.
"She's trapped!" They don't understand, so he has to make them. "Professors! Please! Help!"
Jimin tries to go again, but Jax holds him in place. "Dude, she's your enemy," he says. The professors on the other hand grab their wands, talking amongst each other and deciding the best course of action. Ugh these assholes! Can't they understand that Y/n's in danger?!
"I'm going back!" Jimin shouts.
Jax only tightens his grip, "Don't do that, there's no reason to go back for a Gryffindor."
Jimin sniffles, his fight slowly leaving him. "But... she's my Gryffindor." Jimin softly cries while watching the portal, hoping that she'll come out soon...
You pant and try to writhe out of the man's grasp, tears leaving your eyes. "Dahyun!" you call in pain. She's struggling to get away from the one pinning her down. You try kicking, but to no avail. "We'll be okay!" you try, but it sounds weak.
"How?" Dahyun calls back, whimpering from the force of being pinned down.
"Jimin's here! Jimin!" you cry, looking around for him, "Jimin! Help me! Please!" The man slaps you, a whine of pain leaving your lips. He doesn't stop there.
He punches you over and over, blood littering your face. "JIMIN!" you scream, sobbing shamelessly. The man stops hitting for a few moments to grab the portkey, preparing to leave. You reach for your wand, but he kicks it away like it's nothing. You sniffle and cry, searching for Jimin. That's when it hits you. He left. He left you here, not caring about whether you're okay or not. Your eyes go from hopeful to devastated, the pain of the punches nothing compared to what Park Jimin just did to your heart.
Right as you're about to accept your fate, a spark goes off, the man getting blown away from you. The man on Dahyun falls over too, the last man who was watching your flanks already downed. Your eyes widen. Jungkook.
The Ravenclaw rushes forward and helps Dahyun, the less injured of you two, to her feet. Then he runs to you. "Shh it's okay baby girl I got you," Jungkook whispers, picking you up. "Grab your wands," Jungkook says to Dahyun, who grabs them.
You wrap your arms around Jungkook's neck and bury your head into his chest, the man carrying you to the portal. You, Jungkook, and Dahyun go through at the same time, the blue light engulfing you. You gasp at the feeling of the portal teleporting you to the next area, solid ground hitting Jungkook's combat boots mere seconds after you entered. You cry against his chest, the crowd panicking around you, professors rushing over.
"Jungkook..." you mutter, blood dripping out of your nose.
"Shh, shh, it's okay love. You're okay," he says, rocking you back and forth.
"What the hell is the meaning of this?" one of the professors asks.
"We were attacked!" Jimin's voice cries, "which is what I've been trying to tell you, but you wouldn't listen to your crying student! I asked for help and I get nothing!" You peek out from Jungkook's arms weakly, seeing Jimin's bawling form approaching you.
"Baby? Baby girl?" Jimin asks, crying harder at the sight of your pitiful form. He reaches to brush some hair out of your forehead, but you're too angry to care. Not necessarily at him, just the whole situation. The pain in your body is lashing out now, taking over your mind and soul. In the moment, you even find yourself pissed at Jungkook, your savior.
"Don't," you mumble loudly enough for him to hear.
With that one word, his heart breaks. "Baby..."
"Don't call me that," you say.
"N-No please-"
"Get away from the portal!" a professor calls.
Multiple professors storm into the portal with their wands raised, two of them guarding the gates while the rest evacuate the crowd. Soon enough, everyone is being ushered along. Jungkook keeps you in his arms, Jimin staring with pain in his eyes. "Please..." he murmurs.
"Take me to the infirmary Koo."
Jungkook nods, glancing between you and Jimin with unease. "Okay... I will. Let's go." Jungkook rushes away with you in his arms, leaving a heartbroken Jimin behind. But you on the other hand... you're pissed. He left you there. And because of that you almost died.
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