Chapter 36 - The End is Near!
Y/N = Your Name
* 1st Person's P.O.V
( Lucius's P.O.V)
I was sitting in the tea room with Y/N. Deputy Terrence was talking on his stupid phone. He said " All units, on secure the perimeter. We have a suspect in flight, Charles Wagner, Caucasian, in the early 40s. Proceed with caution, the suspect may be armed and dangerous." Deputy Terrence added " Oh, Try to get a child psychologist in here too. We've got two kids who seem pretty serious stuff." He hangs up the phone and turns to us. Deputy Terrence said " Okay kids, there's nothing to be afraid of. Just try to relax." I turn to my side, Y/N's skin was turning pale. I asked her " Are you okay?." Y/N coughed " No. I can't breathe." I noticed her bracelet was missing. I was worried, I whispered " Don't worry. We're gonna get out of here." I looked around, I saw a lot of head statues. I used my telekinesis and lifted the statue. Deputy Terrence pulled out his gun " What the hell?." He shot at the statue but, I quickly moved it. The bullet knocked off the cross. I looked at the big statue and threw it towards the fan. The fan started to break, Y/N gasped " Oh my!." I looked at the fan and used my telekinesis. The fan dropped and started to spin around. Deputy Terrence dodged. When he turned around, the fan went up to Deputy Terrence and slice off his head. His body dropped as his head rolled off. I and Y/N got up from our seats, I felt my powers growing. I created a huge fireball from my hands and started to light the place. The fire started to spread, I gave off an evil smirk. I thought ' Finally....time to leave this hell hole.'
* 3rd Person's P.O.V
Meanwhile, in the Lobby room, Charles Wagner and the priests were surrounded by the fire. " Leave you unholy spirit! I command you to leave these children alone" Father Lagel holds up his cross. Charles Wagner was trying to dodge the fire. ' Where the hell are those kids?' he looks around.
* Meanwhile
Lucius and Y/N were in the tea room, Y/N was coughing hard. " We've got to go," Lucius said. He started running down the halls. " Wait!" Lucius heard Y/N said. He turned around, Y/N was just limping. " Y/N!" Lucius runs up to her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her away. " Hold it right there" Lucius heard a voice said. He looked up and saw the priests, Lucius stands in front of Y/N and shoots a fireball at them. The priest falls back. Lucius quickly leads Y/N to the staircase. " Stay here. I'll be right back" he places her on the stairs. Lucius was about to leave but, Y/N grabs his arm. Lucius looks at her and saw her sad face. " Please don't leave" Y/N started to sniffle. " I don't want to lose you" she cried. " Either do I" Lucius bends down to Y/N. " But, I have to stop this" he grabs her by the face. Lucius wiped Y/N's tears. " I love you" he moved his face towards hers. " I love you too" Y/N smiled. Lucius smiled, they both kissed. They started to make out a little. Lucius pulls away and smiles. He runs off, " There you are!" Y/N heard a voice said. She turns around to see Charles Wagner. He looked upset, Charles runs up to Y/N and grabs her by the throat. " You little brat! You ruined everything" he said.
Lucius was fighting the priests, he shoots a fireball at Father Dicosimo. " The power of Christ compels you" Father Lagel points his cross at Lucius. Lucius starts creating a fireball, Father Discosimo grabs out a bottle of holy water. He throws it at Lucius. Lucius screams in pain. He felt his skin burning. Lucius glares at Father Dicosimo, he summons a huge ball of flame and shot it at him. Father Dicosimo falls down and screams in agony. " Father Discosimo!" Father Lagel cried. He looks at Lucius and pulls out his holy water. " Begone Demon" Father Lagel throws it at him. Lucius backed away as he covered his face. " In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you!" Father Lagel yelled. Lucius's skin was covered in red marks. He runs out of the room, Father Lagel follows him. A piece of the ceiling was falling, it falls on top of Father Lagel and crushes him. Lucius was breathing heavily. He turns around, Lucius felt his heart-stopping. Y/N was laying on the ground. She had head trauma. " Y/N!" Lucius runs up to her. He placed Y/N's head on his lap, " Y/N?" Lucius asked. " L-Lucius...." Y/N slowly opened her eyes. " It's okay, I'm right here" Lucius held her. " You came back" Y/N coughed. " P-please, Don't leave me" Lucius felt his eyes watering. " Don't cry, I'll be fine" Y/N placed her hand on his cheek. " Promise me, Lucius, You'll never forget me" she smiled. " Okay...I promise" Lucius sniffled. He kisses Y/N's cheek, Y/N chuckled. Lucius noticed her hand was slowly dropping. Y/N's hand hit the ground, Lucius felt his heart dropped. " Y-Y/N?" he said. " Y/N!" Lucius shook her. " This isn't funny...." he cried. Lucius held Y/N to his chest and cried.
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