Chapter 29 - The Heart of an Angel
Y/N = Your Name
* 3rd Person's P.O.V
(Y/N's Dream)
Y//N was just laying in a field of flowers, she grabbed a handful of flowers. Y/N moved the flowers to her nose and sniffled them. She sighed in relief, Y/N got up and saw a deer. " Hey! Come back" The deer ran off and Y/N ran after it. Y/N chased the deer through a forest. " I'm gonna get you!" She laughed. Y/N didn't notice how dark the forest was getting. Suddenly, the deer was gone. Y/N stopped running, she looked around. The deer was nowhere in sight. " Where did you go?" Y/N said. She started walking, Y/N heard crows squawking. ' Oh my...I hope no monster comes out of nowhere She thought while shivering. Y/N heard a church bell ringing, " Who's that?" she gasped. Y/N heard footsteps behind her, she turns around and sees two shadows. They were walking up to her. "Come here...." Y/N heard one of them said. Without hesitation, Y/N started running away. " Help! Somebody help!" She screamed. Y/N trips over a rock and rolls down a hill. " Ow!" She hits a tree and cried. Y/N got up and rubbed her head. She looks up and saw a scary tree. There were no leaves and its branches looked like claws. Y/N heard a voice moaning in pain. She turns her head to see a figure laying on the ground. They were so far from the tree, Y/N ran towards the figure. She got closer and closer....until the figure became clear. Y/N gasped at the figure, it was Lucius. Lucius was laying in a pool of his own blood. " Lucius!" Y/N went up to him. She started crying, " Y/N?" Lucius coughs hard. " Yes, Lucius! It's me" Y/N replied. " I'm so happy to see you" Lucius gave you a weak smile. " What happened?" Y/N asked. " I'm sorry, I tried to protect you..." Lucius replied." Lucius! Don't leave me" Y/N cried." Don't cry, all things must come to end." Lucius placed his hand on her cheek." Goodbye, my queen" He coughs hard. Lucius drops his arm to the ground. " No! Lucius" Y/N sniffled. She closed his eyelids and cried softly. Y/N didn't leave at all, she just cried, and cried, and cried. Y/N would never live a happy life again.
( End of Dream)
June 6, 1972
Y/N was just lying in her bed, she wakes up with a scream. ' Not another nightmare' Y/N breaths heavily. She heard a knock on her door, Y/N got up and walked towards the door. She opens the door to see Nancy Wagner. She was holding a plate of eggs and bacon. " Good Morning Y/N!" Nancy smiled. " Good Morning Miss. Wagner" Y/N answered. " I made you some breakfast," Nancy said. She gives Y/N her breakfast, " Thank you, Miss. Wagner" Y/N said. " Don't forget to clean the dish. I'll be downstairs if you need me" Nancy replied. She walks away and Y/N closes the door. She sat on her bed and started to eat. Y/N heard another knock on her door, " Come in" she said. The door opens and Charles Wagner walks in. He had a wooden cross and a tool kit. " Good morning Mr. Wagner!" Y/N said. " Good morning Y/N" Charles Wagner walks past you. He pulls out a hammer and nail. Charles Wagner was nailing the cross on your wall. " What are you doing?" Y/N was chewing on her food. " Your room didn't have the cross. So, I brought one for you" Charles Wagner said. " There," He places the tools away. " Miss. Wagner brought me some breakfast to eat" Y/N said." That's good" Charles Wagner turns to you. " Keep that cross there okay?" He said. Y/N nods," I've got to go" Charles Wagner picks up his toolbox. He walks past you, " Be good okay?" Charles grabs the door and faces you. " Okay Mr. Wagner" Y/N said. Charles noticed your bracelet was glowing. ' What the...' He thought " Is something wrong?" Y/N asked. " No..." Charles blinks and shook his head. He closes the door and leaves.
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