My heart
I suddenly felt my heart break, it was my heart was killing me. This was the most painful feeling I have ever felt in life,"umm hobi hyung Okay? I'm really worried he's crying"
"He's going to okay y/n don't worry I'm checking on him now" me being the mama Jin I am I rushed upstairs to calm hoseok down.
I never seen him cry so much in my life time, I really hope he's okay. But if I were him I would crying too, honestly I'm trying not to have a break down. Yes I love y/n that much but I sadly need to let her go.
I make it to hoseok door and I knock on his door softly,"hobi are you okay?" I visibly shiver at his violent sobs."n-n-no I am NOT okay"
I hear his sobs getting louder but then I started to hear more quieter cries but there weren't from hoseok they were from... y/n
"Hoseok please stop crying your making y/n cry I hear her cries from downstairs" I again knock on the door but a little more firmly.
But I was stopped when the door suddenly burst opens,"where is she?" Hoseok looked a mess you could tell the he was crying, actually he was still crying.
"She's downstairs you can hear her cries from here" Hoseok left his door frame and walked past me swiftly, and he rushed down the steps.
"Is everyone okay down here? I heard crying" me and hoseok make it down the stairs at the same time to witness the most heart breaking thing.
It was y/n sobbing softly and blaming herself softly, the others were trying to calm her down but nothing was working,"y-y/n?"
Y/n P.O.V
After hoseok went upstairs sobbing loudly and Jin went after him I instantly felt guilty. I never meant to hurt hoseok, I could still hear his sobs from downstairs.
"Y/n you didn't do anything wrong he is just sad at the moment don't blame yourself" he's not okay he's practically sobbing through the fucking walls!
"But h-he was o-o-okay before I even came down here" I didn't notice I was crying but I soon felt tears coming down my face which lead to a few sobs.
"Hey y/n please don't cry it's okay hoseok is gonna be fine" even though my newly boyfriend was trying to help me it doesn't seem to work.
Soon all five of the members tried to calm me down but it was just making it worse, but I look up when I hear Jin voice.
"Is everyone okay down here? I heard crying" I was speaking softly blaming myself for making hoseok cry even if I didn't know what I did.
I still blame myself for it,"y-y/n?"I look up once again but to only see blurry figures of hoseok since my tear were covering my vision.
"y-y-yes?" I managed to speak out even though I'm crying,"please don't cry it's not your fault okay?" I hear hoseok voice and it helps me calm down. I got up from the couch and hugged him tightly.
I feel that he flinches but he does return the hug,"are you okay hobi?" I let go of him and look up for when he answers my question.
"I will be y/n I promise but I just wanna go to sleep know if that's okay" I nodded and I fully detach myself from him, but before he walks upstairs I grab his hand and stood on my tippy toes.
I planted a small kiss on his forehead and smiled,"goodnight hobi feel better soon okay?" He nodded and blushed which I find cute though.
I stare as hoseok travels up the stairs, but I still have a sad smile on my lips."he's not okay isn't he?"
I turn my attention towards Jin expecting him to answer my question,"he will be soon okay, but in the mean time you have to go home"
I nodded and I realized that yoongi is driving me home,"oh yoongi your driving me home right?" Yoongi looks up but he seems a little off. Hmm maybe he's worried about hoseok.
"Yeah I'll go get the car ready" he pushes past me and the others headed to the door,"Well I have to go goodbye guys!"
I smile and wave but I don't leave without giving jimin a small peck on the lips,"bye babe" I instantly blushed at the sudden nickname that jimin gave me.
"Goodbye!" I did another small wave before heading out the house, I see Yoongi's car in the distance and I start to head to it. But I look back at the house one last time before continuing my journey to Yoongi car.
I hope hoseok is okay I don't want to see him hurt.
Well... there you go, jimin and y/n are still together but hoseok on the other hand still loves you. But how will the car ride with yoongi go?
And are you sure that jimin is the one? You decide!! Bye lovelies 💖
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