"Sam, I really don't think this is a good idea." I say as I dodge another drunk person. Sam simply rolled her eyes and pulled me through a crowd. Somehow, she had dragged me to a college party. Just because I'm in college doesn't mean I need to go to college parties. I could be in my dorm, right now, with my book and cup of tea, but nooooo, I need to be social.
"C''mon, you'll thank me later. Look, the kitchen is empty, I'll drop you off and pick you back up when the party is over." I huffed but followed her. Sitting down at the rather bleak, rather alcohol filled wooden table, I sat on my phone, watching one drunk person after the other come in, either throwing up or getting some more to drink, then coming back to my throw up later. What piqued my interest was when a non drunk, very cute guy came in.
"Hey, you're Alex, right? Sorry, I know Sam, and she showed me selfies of you guys."
"Oh, uh, yeah. She dragged me here." I say, slightly flustered.
"Oh, not loving the party?" He casually questioned with a small smirk.
"No. I generally don't like parties to begin with, but this is worse. There's too much alcohol, drunk people, and it's basically not even a party, and-" I cut off as he smiled wider and wider.
"Should I stop?"
"No, please continue."
"Alex, there you are!" Sam cried in relief as she ran in. "Oh, hey Magnus. Cool Party."
I froze.
"What do you mean, cool party?" I asked warily.
"Well, I DID throw this party..." He trailed off. I gasped.
"Holy crap, I'm so sorry. I had no idea." I sped out. He just smiled.
"It's alright. I think it's cute." He said with a smirk. God, that smirk. Sam looked between the two of us.
"Oooh, I ship it." She muttered.
"Sam, shut up. You," I pointed to Magnus before grabbing his shirt and pulling him into a kiss. He melted into it, as did I, sliding my hand into his very soft hair.
"Get a room."
"Sure, Sam, I'm gonna stay here tonight, see you tomorrow morning."
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