Displayed Emotions
It's 4:21 A.M. but screw it
(au where your hair displays your emotions)
hair color key:
red: general frustration or anger
dark purple: exhaustion
yellow: happiness or joy
orange: bold amusement
pink: romantic feelings
Alex POV
I sat in a booth, typing furiously on my laptop, only stopping to take a sip of coffee every now and then. It was the ass-crack of dawn, but thankfully my favorite bakery opened early enough for me to have a quiet place to get work done. I was the only other person besides the cashier who was cleaning off the counter and the occasional person coming in to grab a coffee. My normally dark green hair was currently a light red, with streaks of near black purple, quite unfortunately displaying my frustration and exhaustion. I sighed, whacking my forehead on my keyboard.
My head flicked up at the sound of a bell ring. Someone about my age walked in, and for some forsaken reason his hair was bright yellow. The sun wasn't even up yet. The cashier took his order, sluggishly moving about, his hair just dark purple, closer to black. Yellow-Hair's gaze flicked over to me, letting me see his face for the first time. My breath caught. I felt a blush blaze on my face.
I heard a chuckle from the cashier. His hair was now flickering into yellow. He pointed to his hair. I glanced into the window, seeing my reflection. My hair was the brightest shade pink I had ever seen. I felt my eyes go wide, flickering back and forth. Yellow-Hair's hair was now a matching color, streaks of yellow still present. We both were blushing like mad, looking at everything but each other. The cashier was now howling with laughter, tears streaming down his cheeks. His hair was was a swirl of yellow and orange, most definitely the brightest thing in the room.
Yellow Hair's coffee was now ready, the cashier sliding it over, his laughter still ringing through the air. His whispered something as he slid the coffee. Yellow Hair walked over, our hair matching shades of pink. Which to say, was the pinkest pink to ever pink. He sat down next to me, running a hand through his hair. He sighed.
"Better do this before I chicken out." He muttered. He leaned over the small table, pressing a deep kiss to my lips. It wasn't long before I melted into it, kissing back. After a moment, he got up, pressing another quick kiss to my lips before walking out. I saw a slip of paper he left on the table.
'Like your hair'
I smiled brightly, streaks of yellow making its way through my pink locks. I glance up to see the cashier giving me a thumbs up, his hair now a bright yellow.
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