Magnus POV:
I laid, spread out on Alex's couch, bored to death. Yes, I'm already dead but we're not gonna get into that topic right now. Anyway, I was bored. Odin decided that we all needed one day a week to do as we please. Sure, I could go to Midgard, but Sam and Amir were doing some couple-y thing together, and Blitz and Hearth were busy running the store. Ugh.
Alex came around the corner, plopping down on the couch with me. Currently he (Alex was a he at the moment) was wearing his favorite pink and green sweater vest, green jeans, and Converse. He laid next to me, the couch barely big enough for the both of us.
"You as bored as I am?" Alex questioned, flopping over to face me.
"Yeah. There. Is. Absolutely. Nothing. To. Do."
"I feel you. And I may just have an idea." He stood up, making way to the little kitchenette most rooms had. He pulled out a cooking book from God only knows where, holding to up like it was an amazing prize to win on a game show. I took it, observing the book for a few moments. Simple Recipies for Tasty Treats! Alright, seems legit.
I grabbed the book, flicking through the pages. Brownies? Too sweet. Cake? Too much. I scanned the pages before landing on the perfect one. Cookies.
"Alright, we're gonna make cookies. Shouldn't be that bad."
—- A large mess later ——
I laughed as I threw flour at Alex. We had tried making cookies, but several things happened. First, we had the wrong type of chocolate. Then, Alex added almond extract instead of vanilla extract, which we were both allergic to. Then, we set the mixer too high, blowing flour everywhere. I had dodged, causing Alex to get the brunt of the mess. Of course, he wanted revenge, which led to an all out flour war.
By the time we finished, we both sat on the counter, exhausted. Alex leaned over, kissing my cheek delicately.
"You had chocolate on your cheek." He said with a cheesy smile. I rolled my eyes, leaning over, kissing him passionately. He almost instantaneously kissed back. There was the opening of a door, but we were a little too engrossed in our current business to notice.
I heard the click of a camera. I peeked open an eye, horrified when I saw a particular floor 19 observing us.
"A-Alex??" I stutter in obvious terror.
"Yes, Magnus?" He questioned, oblivious to the crowd. I poked him, and he groaned in annoyance.
"Magnus, we were in the middle of-" He cut off, looking up.
"SHI-" We dove under the counter, hearing the giggles of the group. I rolled my eyes.
"Screw it." I pulled him closer, picking up where I left off.
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