before aisa, as the woman confidently strutted towards the center of training grounds in her black slacks and white button up.
"y-your highness, what brings you here today?", takeuchi, the commander of kaijō, nervously asked.
aisa halted in her tracks, as her eyes snapped over to the single man still pridefully standing.
"why're you still standing?"
"h-huh? oh, my apologi—"
"not you, him", aisa pointed, as everyone's eyes widened in shock at the sight of a haughty haizaki.
"haizaki! what are you doing?! you're going to get us all beheaded!!", the captain of fukuda sōgō — ishida hideki — harshly whispered.
"sorry, but I don't kneel before women unless it's during sex", haizaki dauntlessly proclaimed, as almost every knight in the vicinity had visibly frozen up.
"your highness, apologies for his deplorable behavior. I assure you that we'll punish him for disrespecting you", shirogane eiji, the commander of rakuzan, had promised.
aisa glanced over at aida (commander of seirin) and araki (commander of yōsen).
"he doesn't kneel before you two either?", the blonde princess questioned.
"no he doesn't, your highness", the two women answered in sync.
"your highness, would you like me to—"
aisa raised her hand, stopping akashi from speaking any further.
"what's your name?", aisa inquired, calmly walking over towards the dark-haired male, whose locks were twisted like cornrows.
"haizaki shōgo, the name that you'll be scre—"
aisa immediately kicked the male's left shin, causing him to unconventionally kneel before her.
the first princess tilted her head to the side, feigning confusion and innocence, as she turned to rakuzan's captain.
"huh? akashi, are haizaki and I having intercourse right now?", the red-eyed woman asked.
"no, your highness", akashi bluntly answered.
"how odd, because I recall someone saying that they didn't kneel before women unless they were fucking them", aisa hummed.
"yet it seems like they're kneeling before a woman right now, even though they aren't having sex", aisa mocked with a grin, as haizaki gritted his teeth in exasperation.
"I was going to be nice, princess, but it seems like you don't deserve it!", haizaki snarled, as he attempted to grab onto something of aisa's.
the blonde then snapped her head towards her two knights.
the two immediately unsheathed their swords, tossing them to the princess, as she passive aggressively threw one towards haizaki.
"you must be a gift from kurieitā, because I was having a shitty afternoon, and here you are, allowing me to take my anger out on you", aisa grinned, as haizaki first attempted to test her raw abilities by blindly swinging at her.
once he knew that aisa could easily dodge them, he upped his technique a bit.
the first princess ducked, as haizaki swung akashi's sword above her head, narrowly missing.
"to be honest, I thought the kitani siblings would be more of a challenge, but it seems that I was wrong", haizaki snorted.
once the dark-haired man had assumed that hanamiya's sword was too heavy for aisa to wield — simply because she was supporting it with both hands — he had swung downwards, forcing all his weight onto the attack.
during aisa's perpendicular suppression to haizaki's borrowed weapon, the woman had formed a brilliant idea — one where she'd not only get a laugh out of, but one where even hanamiya would be amused.
pretending to struggle against haizaki's strength, aisa started to allow her hands to slightly shake, causing the defeat of her steady grip.
haizaki's cocky grin had only widened, as he forced the sword out of aisa's hands, to which the princess had even fallen onto her bottom, to make herself seem more weak.
a horrorstruck expression was casted upon aisa's face, eliciting a feeling of victory for haizaki, as he held the blade against the woman's neck.
"w-wait!! I-I'm sorry...I-I..."
haizaki had nearly bursted out laughing, until he had heard a snort come out of aisa.
aisa's expression then contorted into a devious grin, even going as far as to sticking out her tongue in a mocking manner.
'ah, that's why captain chose her', hara and the rest of his teammates realized.
"did you seriously think that I'd apologize? you should be saying sorry to me instead", aisa huffed, casually standing up, as she brushed off the dust on her pants.
haizaki then raised a brow in utter confusion, as he was sure that aisa was scared, considering how the blade was still pressed against her porcelain skin.
aisa's eyes then flickered upwards, her smile disappearing, as she mindlessly grabbed the blade and pulled it towards her, causing haizaki to stumble against his will.
"oh come on! is this the best that you can do?", aisa teased, kneeing haizaki in the stomach, as she practically stole the sword from the male's hand.
as haizaki choked out some saliva, aisa wasted no time sweeping the ground that haizaki stood on, to which his legs were smacked by aisa's foot.
now it was his turn to fall onto his bum, as aisa stepped onto haizaki's sternum, making it hard for him to breathe.
though he tried to remove aisa's foot, he found it oddly difficult to complete such a task.
just as he was about to attempt to break aisa's ankle with his bare hands, aisa had straddled the man, sticking akashi's sword dangerously close to haizaki's head.
"you'll come to learn that the battleground is not the only place I dominate", aisa warned, as she hastily relieved haizaki of his position.
picking up hanamiya's sword, aisa returned the two weapons to her knights, as the commanders and knights all watched in absolute silence.
"anyone else want to challenge me and get their faces smeared across the floor today?", aisa asked, as no one dared step up.
"as expected of your highness", takeuchi complimented, swiftly taking a handkerchief out and wiping away his sweat.
"WHAT ARE YOU ALL STARING AT?! GET BACK TO PRACTICING!!", the commander of kaijō demanded.
as everyone tried to busy themselves, aisa had momentarily dismissed akashi and hanamiya, to which the two of them had went to go converse with their comrades.
after all, it has been a while, especially since they started dedicating their entire day to aisa, and aisa only.
"your highness, if I may...", one of the knights had daringly spoke up, slowly approaching the first princess.
"who are you?", aisa asked, taking a seat under the shaded station — provided for the commanders so that they could take a break every so often while still keeping an eye on their people.
"takao kazunari, midorima shintarō's best friend, and a member of the shūtoku squad!", the easygoing male introduced.
"midorima's best friend?? he never mentioned anything about you...", aisa suspiciously mumbled.
"he tends to do that. he's a bit of a tsundere, in case you haven't noticed", takao exposed, to which that had earned him a slight smile from aisa.
"takao, you said...now what business do you have with me?"
"I simply noticed that your hand was still bleeding, and I was wondering if I could help patch it up", takao offered.
"ah...I have completely forgotten about it...", aisa hummed, sticking her hand out, as takao took it as a sign to start treating it.
the black-haired male kneeled before aisa, pouring a bottle of water that aisa presumed was his, over her wound.
she didn't flinch, even though it hurt like a bitch.
"your highness has a high pain tolerance", takao noted.
"you can call it that I suppose", aisa responded, as she watched takao gently wipe away the liquid, and whip out a roll of bandages from his pocket.
"do you always just have those around?"
"shin-chan likes taping his fingers, so I'm kinda obligated to bring a roll around, since he always seems to run out", takao explained.
"what a great friend you are. midorima's lucky", aisa smiled.
"does your highness need a friend? I can be your highness's great friend as well", takao playfully said.
aisa lightly giggled in amusement.
"that's a first coming from a male", aisa stated.
"really? is it because they're intimidated by your highness's boldness?", takao asked.
"ah yes, most certainly", aisa sarcastically replied, as hara — who was occasionally glancing over at the princess — had elbowed his captain.
"hey, what the hell?", hanamiya questioned, clicking his tongue in the process.
the man was currently explaining how he got smacked in the face by the empress, so hara disturbing his story time was not very appreciated.
"is there some way that you can introduce me to the princess?", hara asked.
"oh, me too!!", yamazaki chimed in.
"no. go find some other chick to fuck", hanamiya rejected.
"who said that I wanted to fuck her?!", hara defended.
"says your record of fucking basically every girl you land your nonexistent eyes on", hanamiya retorted.
"well I just want to meet her. I think she's cool, and I want to fight her", yamazaki explained.
"and get your ass beat? be my guest", hanamiya scoffed.
"hey! I—"
"captain, don't you think you're being a bit overprotective of her? what makes her so special?", furuhashi stated, his expression (and eyes) looking as dead as ever.
"I'm not overprotective, and I never said she was special", hanamiya denied.
"huh? who's that guy with her? he looks like he's flirting with her", hara casually questioned, causing the others to turn around.
"I'm not falling for it", hanamiya scoffed.
"ehhh? isn't that takao from shūtoku?", yamazaki commented.
"don't think that just because you used a specific name and squad that I'd fall for it".
"captain, he's holding the princess's hand", furuhashi pointed out.
"he seriously is", seto confirmed, to which hanamiya was starting to believe them, especially since seto had chimed in.
gritting his teeth, the dark-haired captain begrudgingly took a peek behind him, only to click his tongue in vexation.
"who the fuck is he?"
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