𝗘𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝗹 💫 ~Ot5~
First oneshot of the new book...let's go!
I got all the info about insomnia online so don't @ me if something is not completely corrected xxx
Ot5: Andy, Rye, Sonny, Jack & Brook
Song: Eternal by RoadTrip
No one POV
"Andy...baby...you need to wake up. It's late" Rye shook his boyfriend but he didn't move one bit.
"Sonny try to wake up Andy. I have to go to work" Rye said quickly before kissing his other boyfriend's forehead.
Sonny worked at a club so he had all the time and went for a more calm approach.
After a bit, Andy opened his blue eyes.
"There you are" Sonny said softly.
"Morning..." Andy yawned, he was exhausted.
"It's late baby...you have practice in an hour"
Andy groaned and hid his face in one of the ultra-soft pillows.
Football is his passion but lately, he was too tired to even walk, let alone run around a field.
Eventually, he got up and ready for practice.
Him and Sonny were the only ones at home so it was oddly quiet.
"Do you really need that much coffee?" Sonny asked just before Andy was about to step out.
"Emm...yes" he replied after looking at his two to-go cups.
He is aware that caffeine isn't good for his body but he needed it or else he would fall asleep mid-practice.
Football practice was uneventful but Andy was dying.
Every inch of his small body hurt and it felt like he didn't practice in months.
"I just need some sleep" he said to himself and went straight to shower.
He attended his late-night lessons without even paying attention but who cares, the only thought in Andy's mind was his bed and cuddles from his boyfriends.
Once home he barely made it to the couch then closed his eyes to find some peace.
"Andy! Your shoes!" Jack yelled entering the small living room.
The Irish boy put a no-shoe policy as soon as they bought the house but Andy was too tired to follow the rules.
"Andy!?" Jack shook his boyfriend who jolted awake.
"I'm up!" Andy said squinting his eyes at the bright light.
"Are you ok?" Jack asked, this time with a softer tone.
"Yeah...just tired" and with that Jack carried the shorter boy to bed.
The days passed by and Andy didn't get better.
He had trouble sleeping and he always felt so damn tired.
He said it was nothing and all the boys chose to believe him but clearly, something was off.
Things during practice were off too.
Andy was distracted, slow and it looked like he forgot how to play football.
"Fowler you need to get back on track or else we are gonna lose this Saturday" the couch sternly said at him.
Andy was aware that they had a match and that his boyfriends were coming to watch him, Sonny had to ask his boss for a free day, so he needed to step up the performance.
He tried his best to pick up his life but it was impossible and he was too stubborn to ask for help, always acting like everything was ok.
"Saturday we are gonna be there but I noticed that you're always tired lately...are you sure that you're gonna be ok for the match?" Brook asked while they were eating dinner.
"Yeah...sure...it's just practice that is killing me but I'm ok" Andy replied and somehow Brook believed him.
"I'm excited" Jack chimed in.
"We know it, babe. You always talk about football...probably more than Andy" Brook said laughing.
Jack pouted cause Brook ruined his excitement but Rye rested his hand on top of his to comfort his boy.
They kept chatting till Sonny came home from work so that meant that it was really late.
That night Andy slept with Brook and Rye but he couldn't fall asleep, it was impossible.
He kept on turning and tossing in the covers and it was driving him crazy.
"Shh...it's ok...close your eyes" a deep voice said to his ear, Rye.
"Can't sleep...need some tea but you go back to sleep"
Rye mumbled something and went to cuddle Brook.
Andy thought that he was going insane with all of this sleeping story but he didn't know what to do.
"Andy...baby..." a low voice said and Andy jolted awake but the room was pitch black.
He couldn't see anything.
Then steps and someone flickered the light on.
"Are you ok?" Sonny asked from the staircase.
"The cup fell and it woke me up but are you ok? Why aren't you sleeping?"
"Oh...I...I don't know " Andy replied confused.
He didn't even realize that he blanked out.
"Let's go back to bed, we'll clean up tomorrow" Sonny led him to bed and finally Andy fell asleep.
It was match day and Andy had a pretty rough week but now he had to focus, for the team.
Everyone was there for him and he didn't want to disappoint anyone.
The match started and it was going ok, Andy was determined to win.
Second time arrived faster than anyone expected and Andy was already exhausted.
He was slow, his eyes could barely follow the ball and his breathing was uneven but he couldn't give up, not right now.
He was able to hear his boyfriends chanting his name and when his teammates passed him the ball, everyone was chanting.
He had to score but he was barely able to run, it was like his body refused any movement.
He suddenly stopped in the middle of the field and everything was spinning, he felt dizzy and before he was aware of it he was on the ground.
Everyone gasped and Jack sprinted to him, the others close behind.
"Andy!" The Irish boy screamed.
"Someone call a doctor" Rye said with a calmer tone.
"Jack give him some space" Brook pulled the boy away, who was shaking.
Sonny meanwhile put his hoodie under Andy's head and they waited for the medics.
Finally, they arrived and Andy has been moved to the changing room.
The boys were worried to say at least, thousands of scenarios crossing their minds.
Thank god Andy woke up and Jack didn't waste any time before throwing himself at Andy.
"You scared the shit out of me, of us..."
"Sorry..." Andy's coughed lightly.
"What happened?" Rye asked holding Brook's hand tightly.
"Well...he will have to do some tests at the hospital cause, for now, he just fainted and it could be anything or nothing" the doctor explained, leaving right after.
"Are you sure you are ok?" Sonny asked resting his hand on Andy's back to reassure him.
"Yeah...just need to go home..."
The next day they went to the hospital.
"Ok...so Mr. Fowler-"
"Just Andy" the boy corrected the doctor.
"Andy...I'm gonna go straight to the point. You suffer from a sleeping disorder, insomnia, so your performance and reaction time will be affected so it's gonna be hard for you to play football but not impossible. Also, you might have some minor hallucinations but nothing too serious"
All the boys listened carefully and Andy didn't know what to say.
"Medications can help and we will run some tests regularly to see how things go"
Once the doctor left, Andy was still glued to the plastic chair he was sitting on.
"Babe...it's gonna be ok. We are gonna go through it together as we always did with everything" Sonny tried to reassure his boyfriend but without any success.
The following months were stressful for everyone but especially Andy.
He couldn't sleep, he was extremely tired all the time and in the end, he had to give up football.
Playing with the team was everything for him and now he was left with nothing.
Jack always supported Andy with football, never missing a match cause it was their 'thing' bout now that it was over, the Irish boy had to find something else for Andy to do.
"Jack it's not the same. Nothing will replace football"
"But you can at least try something else" Jack insisted.
Andy sighed and rested his head on the boy's lap.
"I just miss what I had before all of this"
"I know and things will get better, I promise"
But things didn't get better.
Andy's wasn't the same anymore, tiredness completely drained him and even when the others called his name a few seconds would pass before Andy could register what was going on.
His boyfriends were obviously worried but there wasn't exactly a solution.
"What about music?" Brook suggested at one point.
The others arched their brows.
"During high school I had depression but music helped a lot"
"Yeah, it could work" Rye added.
So that was their plan and it kinda worked.
Andy started to play the guitar and it helped him focus, he stopped zoning out.
He was able to express himself with writing and the boys were so happy.
"Can I listen to one of your songs?" Sonny asked with puppy eyes.
"They aren't even that good"
"I'm sure they are amazing" Sonny smiled and eventually Andy gave in.
~ I can still feel ya
Next to me
Like your head on my shoulders
That's unseen
And what if this life is
Just a dream?
We come and we go
Eternally ~
"It's...it's...perfect..." Sonny was shocked.
Andy tried to hide the light blush on his cheeks cause he worked so hard on the song.
"I almost cried...just wow"
"It's not finished yet but at least is something"
"I'm proud of you for not giving up" Sonny said and hugged Andy kissing the top of his head softly.
The blonde boy melted in his arms and he knew that things will be alright.
Andy was getting better, he had a few episodes of hallucinations just as the doctor predicted but he was getting better...
Music helped him and the support of the boys made him feel loved, they even took turns to keep him company whenever he couldn't sleep.
A few weeks later Andy finished the song, Eternal, and he decided to do a surprise.
He arranged a cute picnic at their spot, it was perfect.
Brook cried while Sonny was sobbing loudly when Andy finished the song.
Rye couldn't believe his ears and Jack decided that he loved Andy even more after that.
"You guys have been by my side the whole time and I couldn't be more grateful. I know that this whole thing isn't over yet but thanks to you guys I know that I can do it. I love you guys more than anything" Andy was crying too at this point.
"We love you too" Rye said on behalf of everyone.
They surely had some difficulties but Andy knew that what they had was Eternal.
So this it's the beginning of the second book.
It took me a bit to write this cause I kept rewriting it but I think that it came out ok...
This is a new start and I hope you guys will support me along the way.
Im grateful for all of you and stay safe💫
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