𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝑦𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑦 👑 ~Ot5~
Ot5: Andy, Brook, Rye, Sonny & Jack
No one POV
"Promise me to call me at least once a week" his mom said with tears in her eyes.
"Ok, mom, no need to cry. I'll be fine here and I'll come back home to visit whenever I can"
"I know honey...I know"
They hugged one last time then Jack was alone in his dorm with all his luggage.
He stared at the other side of the room and wondered who his roommate was, what type of person he could have been.
"Oh shit you're already here" a voice said scaring the shit out of Jack.
"Thought you would have come next week but it's ok. I'm Alex and go by they/them pronouns" they gave Jack a friendly smile.
"Jack and he/him pronouns are ok for me"
"So...just take whatever you need from my side, I don't mind sharing if you need something"
"Thank you"
Jack didn't expect Alex to be this kind to him.
"Come on, let's do a tour since this school is bigger than Buckingham palace"
And with that Alex dragged Jack out of the dorm.
The school looked exactly like every other old college in England.
Classical architecture elements, huge buildings that looked towering and the only place with a bit of life was the garden in the center.
Alex pointed at a couple of buildings and explained them to Jack as they were a tourist guide.
"Probably most of your classes will be in there, here every course has its own building...kinda"
Jack nodded every time trying to remember all the information.
Then Alex stopped in their tracks which caused Jack to bump into their back.
Alex looked at a bunch of guys that were walking through the garden.
"Who are they?" Jack was more than confused.
"The most popular guys in school...they are like royalty here. The brunette one is Rye, his dad is like one of the owners of the school or some shit like that. The blonde one is Andy, basically the genius of school. He is student president and if he wants to he could already get a degree and finish college"
Jack followed everything carefully.
"The other blonde is Brook. He is nice and very friendly, the party animal. Someone even caught him doing cocaine once...then last but not least there's Sonny...he looks like a dream"
Alex was looking at the guy with heart eyes which was kinda creepy.
"What about him?"
"Well, apart from being drop-dead gorgeous I don't know much. He rarely talks to people, is really reserved and usually in a bad mood...that's what I heard"
Alex's attention was back on Jack and they went to finish the tour.
Jack was both excited and scared for his first lesson but tried to keep it cool, he didn't want to embarrass himself.
The teacher wasn't going that fast, thank god but Jack didn't follow much cause Sonny was in the class too, a couple of rows in front of him.
He was taking notes on a small notebook and for some reason, Jack was really invested in that.
When the bell rang, Sonny stood up and walked out with just the small notebook and the pen tucked behind his ear.
Jack had to meet up with Alex but his eyes were fixed on Sonny's tall figure.
Andy appeared in the hallway with his leather bag heavy on his shoulder.
He could barely hear them but still managed to follow the conversation.
"I'll take it for you"
"Thanks, babe...need to find someone though" Andy said then his eyes scanned the sea of people in search of someone.
Then he stopped as soon as he met Jack's gaze.
"Shit" Jack mumbled.
And before he'd could do anything, Andy was saying 'hi' to him.
"Emmm hi..."
"Don't worry, I won't bite. Just wanted to ask you something" he trailed off.
"I manage the school newspaper and it's really important so we try to find the best writers for it. I heard that you got a scholarship and I read some things you wrote, you'll be perfect" Andy said and Jack didn't know what to say.
"You can think about it obviously. If you want this afternoon we can meet up here so I can explain everything better so you can get an idea"
Andy handed him a small card.
"Ok, I'll try to be there"
"Good. See you" Andy smiled then walked away hand in hand with Sonny.
"Did you just talk to Andy Fowler?" Alex was shocked.
"Actually I'm gonna meet him up later. He offered me a position in the school's newspaper"
"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you!" Alex was truly happy for their new friend.
It was 5 pm and Jack was in front of a really old but majestic door.
He was in a new building and it took him a bit to find the place since Alex was busy with a project and couldn't guide him there.
He knocked a couple of times and waited nervously.
After a bit of fumbling someone opened the door, it was Rye.
"Hi...can I help you?" He looked pretty confused.
"Emmm...is Andy here? We had to meet up here..."
"Oh yeah sorry. He told me about it but completely forgot, come in"
Jack walked slowly inside, this whole situation was weird.
"He'll be here soon, just make yourself comfortable. Want anything to drink?"
"No, I'm fine thanks"
"Who is it, babe?" Another voice echoed in the apartment.
"Oh is the cute guy Andy invented over" Brook appeared on the stairs with just a shirt on that was too big for him.
"Brook..." Rye scolded him but Brook rolled his eyes in response.
"Ignore Rye, he had a rough day so he's a pain in the ass now" Brook sat down next to Jack.
"Heard you" the boy said from another room.
"Love you too"
"So...I'm Brook"
"Jack" he shyly said.
"So you must be confused..."
"I mean a bit but it's not my position to ask questions"
Jack didn't want to get in between anyone's business.
"Nah don't worry...the thing is simple: I'm in a relationship with Rye, who you just met, Andy and Sonny, you'll meet him later"
That explained a lot.
Then Rye walked in with two mugs of tea.
"Thanks, babe" Brook kissed his boyfriend's hand.
"I'm gonna go organize the gala. It's driving me crazy"
And with that Rye went upstairs.
"Every year he organizes a gala, you can come with us if you want" Brook sipped quietly his tea.
"I'll think about it"
They stayed in silence for a while, Jack felt out of place cause everything there looked and felt expensive.
His dorm was nothing compared to that apartment.
While Brook looked completely fine.
Thank god someone opened the door and broke the weird silence.
"Baby please don't be upset the whole evening. It's ok" Andy said to Sonny who was close behind him.
"Oh, you're here. Sorry that you had to wait"
"It's ok don't worry, Brook kept me company" Jack stood up from the couch.
"Brook why aren't you wearing pants?" Sonny asked glaring at him.
"I'll explain later" he smirked and Jack really wondered how did he end up in that situation.
"Excuse them, sometimes they don't have a filter"
Andy put down his bag and took out his laptop putting it on the coffee table.
So the boy explained everything about the behind-the-scenes and what they do about the newspaper.
"What I'm asking you is to write every month or whenever you can so we can put it in our creative section"
"Oh, so no report or stuff like that?"
"Nope, the school wants to show off their talents whenever they can so..."
Jack couldn't believe it, there were people that considered him a talent.
He couldn't refuse the opportunity.
"You don't have to answer me now. We were actually planning on eating here altogether, why don't you join us?"
"Emmm...." Jack didn't know if it was a good idea.
"Come on, we don't bite. I promise"
Jack eventually accepted the invite and he found himself drinking scotch and discussing literature with Andy, whoever is smart has a place in Jack's heart.
At dinner everything was chill, they were all chatting except for Sonny that was a bit quieter but Jack learned that it was just who he was.
"Where are you going Jackie boy?" Brook asked when he saw the boy getting up from the chair.
"It's kinda late...should probably go back to my dorm"
"Oh no, we just started. It's time to go out!" He said excitedly.
So they dragged Jack to a club and they were in the VIP section, obviously.
They did a couple of shots and ordered a bunch of drinks, maybe way too many...
"Come on. I want to dance" Brook whined and managed to drag Rye, Andy and Jack to the dance floor.
The raven boy wasn't used to that but Brook helped him let go and soon or later, Andy was grinding on him while Brook and Rye were making out, Sonny at the table sipping his drink.
"You know...the way you shyly move makes me go crazy" Andy slurred, his hot breath hitting Jack's neck.
"Probably it's weird for you but-"
Rye interrupted Andy by kissing his neck from behind.
"You guys look extremely hot like this" he commented.
Jack barely registered what they said, he drank too much.
"I'm gonna look for Brook" Andy sliced away from Jack's hold who lost balance but Rye caught him.
"You ok?"
"You know...Alex said that you guys are like royalty...I shouldn't be with you...not enough for your pretty face..." Jack slurred, he shouldn't have said that.
Alcohol was taking over.
"Need fresh air" he added then walked outside leaving Rye there.
"Hey, sweetie! Wanna go for a ride?"
A car pulled up.
Jack looked at the bunch of guys in the car without any specific reaction.
"Come on" the guy insisted.
Jack got closer to the car but an arm around his waist dragged him away.
"You better fucking leave" Sonny threatened with a harsh tone.
They drove away immediately and Sonny sighed heavily.
"You can't do that-" Sonny turned around towards Jack but the boy was laying on the sidewalk.
Sonny mentally cursed then went to pick up the boy after sending a message to Rye.
'There's a problem. Going home. Take care of the other, love you'
Finally the uber stopped in front of the school and Sonny carried Jack bridal style to their apartment.
"Jack...Jack...you need to drink this..." he tried to make Jack drink some water but the boy was being too stubborn.
"Please...drink it, for me" Sonny had to beg and eventually it worked.
Sonny didn't sleep that night, too worried for the others and too busy looking at Jack sleeping.
Thank god, around 5 am the others were back.
Brook stumbled inside without his shoes and Rye was carrying Andy.
"What happened?" Sonny wasn't that concerned since it happens often but he still worried.
"Too much to drink" Brook laughed.
"Ok baby but shh...Jack is sleeping"
"Jack..." Brook whispered then went to lay next to the raven boy.
Sonny undressed him and in no time the blonde boy curled up against Jack's side.
"God, I'm exhausted" Rye plopped down on the couch after tucking Andy in bed.
"Brook was out of control more than usual and Andy falling asleep didn't help"
"A car stopped and they tried to pick up Jack, thinking he was some sort of escort or something" Sonny sat next to his boyfriend.
"Oh god..."
"Got there before anything could have happened"
Rye rested his head on Sonny's shoulder.
"You know...I like Jack a lot and I mean like like..." Rye admitted.
"Yeah, he's cute" Sonny wasn't used to openly talk about feelings but deep down he truly liked the boy.
"He thinks he's not enough for us though"
And then a moment after the both of them fell asleep on the couch, cuddled up.
-later in the morning-
Jack woke up with an awful headache, he thought he was dying.
Next to him, Brook was peacefully sleeping, his hair disheveled and his long eyelashes brushing his rosy cheeks.
He kissed his forehead before getting up and making his way to the kitchen.
"You're up" Sonny quietly said turning down the music to not bother Jack's head.
"Yeah...whatever I did last night, I'm sorry" the raven boy sat on the counter.
"Don't worry we are used to those things, have you seen Brook?" Sonny laughed and handed Jack a glass of juice.
"Anyway just carried you home after you almost got in a random car"
"Just some assholes trying to pick you up, they thought you were an escort"
Jack buried his face in his hands, that didn't really happen.
"Hey...it's ok. Thank god I was there in time"
Sonny stood in between his legs and took his hands in his.
"Can I stay home forever?" Andy's voice echoed in the kitchen.
He looked way too cute with the oversize hoodie on.
"How are you feeling baby?" Sonny walked towards him to peck his lips.
"I'm sorry" he kissed his lips again.
"How are you feeling Jack?" Andy asked taking a sip of juice from his cup.
"Meh...I've been better"
The boy nodded and stood in between Jack's legs with his back against the marble counter.
-a month later-
That night was the spark that started everything so Jack found himself walking hand in hand with Rye in the hallway while everyone stared at them.
"Ignore them..." Rye said low tightening his hold.
Jack wasn't that bothered but it was weird, he wasn't used to all those eyes on him.
"Andy has an important meeting for something I don't even know and Brook is going to lunch with some friends so it's just us 3"
"Ok...I have to talk to Alex after class but I'll see you at home"
"Bring them if you want. It's them right?" Rye slightly panicked.
"Yeah. It's correct" Jack laughed at how precious his boyfriend was.
"Are you for real?!?" Alex screamed whispering.
"Yeah but be quiet"
"God, I look like shit and they are fancy people..."
"Calm down, you don't have to dress up or anything"
They actually never dress up, Brook was the only one but it's Brook being extra so...
When the bell rang and all the students were exiting the class, Sonny was already outside waiting for his boyfriend.
"Thought we were meeting at home" Jack said confused.
Sonny just grabbed his face and kissed him sweetly.
"Had practice so headed here right after" he explained.
"By the way I'm Sonny"
"I'm Alex" they replied as they were talking to the queen of England.
Jack just laughed silently then took Sonny's football jacket and slid it on.
"Let's go"
"Is he always this bossy?" Alex asked Sonny.
"Don't let me even start and it's been a month" the boy rolled his eyes.
Jack wanted a simple lunch but he knew it was impossible for his boyfriends, for god's sake they even bought champagne.
"You eat like this every day?!" Alex couldn't believe his eyes.
"If Rye wants to cook it if Brook is here" Jack explained putting down his bag.
"Hi, mi Amor" Rye appeared with an apron on and kissed Jack.
"I thought I was your Amor" Sonny pouted.
"I can have more than one Amor" Rye kissed the other boy too.
"This is too cute for me" Alex commented.
They had a great lunch and Alex fit in perfectly with them but had to leave early due to another project.
"I like them..."
Jack looked at Sonny immediately, getting up from his cuddled position against his side.
"Not like that baby" he laughed.
"Mmm..." Jack glared.
"It's cute how you get jealous" Sonny smirked then attacked his lips.
"You guys are disgusting" Rye gagged.
"I'm disgusting?" Jack walked closer teasing the boy.
Rye said nothing just bit his lip.
Ops forgot to add the note when posted ahahah.
Well, I have covid so I'm stuck in my room right now...I hope this gives me more time to edit the stories.
Nothing but to say except for stay safe and got if you love my stories👑
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