The Demon and his Cupid 😈😇 ~Honny~
No one POV
Norway is a cold place where days aren't that long and sometimes you don't even see the sun for days but it's the closest place to Asgard that exists on earth.
That's why they sent Harper there.
He prepared himself for his whole life for this mission, he learned all about human culture only for one purpose: kill his enemy...Hatred.
Harper has a lot of brothers and sisters, he doesn't even know how many there are but he knows that his mother loves them all or else she wouldn't be the goddess of Love.
Harper can't complain much about his life cause his mother gave them everything she could to give them the best life ever in Asgard but once Harper grew up, things changed.
He was born to kill even though he was taught to love but it was for a greater good.
Hatred was taking over the world and his mother had to do something.
So that's why Harper had to fit in and he wasn't planning on failing.
On the other hand, Sonny had a lot to complain about.
Not having a fixed home, growing up with people that are supposed to be your siblings but they feel like a bunch of strangers and having a mother that only knows how to hate.
He grew up to be a killer, to spread chaos and hate and getting rid of Love was just another thing on the list.
For Sonny, it wasn't an exception, instead it was like a fun activity.
It doesn't happen every day to kill a God so he was actually excited.
"Are you gonna do it for real?" Lea, his sister, asked on the phone.
Lea has always been the weakest link in the group.
Everyone knows that being vulnerable is not a thing for the offspring of Hatred but Lea was empathic, sometimes she felt guilty and worst of all she wanted to fall in love.
But their mother couldn't get rid of her, she's the daughter of both Hatred and War so she's under the protection of her father and no one, not even Hatred, can go against him.
While Sonny...well he never knew who his father was but honestly he didn't care.
"Lea that's a dumb question" Sonny was sharpening his favorite dagger.
"In the world, there are positive and negative feelings. Happiness can't exist without sadness so we can't-"
"Lea don't you dare. Our mother gave me a mission and I'm gonna do it" Sonny firmly said.
"Well I think you're making a mistake"
Lea was right, Sonny did make a mistake.
He fucked up and the worst was that his brain refused to accept it.
"I know you're in there asshole!" Harper banged on the door.
"Open. The. Door"
Creatures of love are usually kind and loving but lately, he was really close to hate...
"Jeez...calm the fuck down Cupid" Sonny opened the door, he just got out of the shower.
"Don't call me that and you're unbelievable" Harper was furious.
"Did you really send your sister as a spy? Are you for real?! We are not that dumb"
"Oh Lea...yeah well she decided to go there herself" Sonny took off the towel mid hallway showing off his perfect bum.
"What does that mean? She can't do that- hey! Can you listen to me for a second?"
Sonny turned around and Harper did everything in his power to not look down.
"I fucking hate you"
"No can't hate, that's my job..." Sonny pulled the boy closer by his waist, tease.
"Sonny, I'm fucking serious..."
Kiss on the neck.
"M-my mother is blaming it on me..."
Sonny moved to his jaw.
"She's loving and kind but she's losing faith in me"
Now the collarbone.
"Are you listening?"
"Mmm...yeah but you need to shut the fuck up now Cupid"
Harper's breath hitched cause Sonny unbuttoned his pants and closed the gap between them.
Harper knew it was wrong, Sonny was his enemy, his mission was to kill him but obviously, he had to go out there and fuck him.
Harper stared at the ceiling, the sheets covering him till his waist and Sonny asleep next to him.
He sighed and thought 'yep. I'm fucked'
No pun intended.
"God,'re thinking too much" Sonny turned the other way taking all the sheets.
Harper got up and ran a hand through his long golden hair, his mum was gonna kill him.
"Hey...are you ok?" Sonny's voice was surprisingly calm.
"Why do you even care?" Harper went to find his pants.
"Was my sex bad?"
"Not everything is about you ok?"
"Then what is it?" Sonny was losing his temper but Harper wasn't having any of it.
"Sonny let it go! You don't listen anyway..."
The boy sat on the mattress that didn't have any bed frame, maybe Harper should confess everything, maybe one of his siblings could do it cause the truth was: Harper couldn't do it.
"I have to go" he coldly said taking his jacket, this wasn't him but maybe being around Sonny for so long changed something.
The other God stood there without knowing what to think.
They didn't see each other for 3 days.
They could have lied to themselves and convinced their minds, their hearts that the presence of the other wasn't important but in reality, they were in withdrawal.
Harper hated himself for betraying his mother but he missed the cold-hearted asshole who had perfect curls and sculpted abs.
And Sonny, he felt...something, something that wasn't hate but quite the opposite actually.
He was aware that it was wrong and his mother would have killed him if she found out but he didn't want to feel any different.
So they stayed apart, each one in their respective apartments doing absolutely nothing.
They wanted to give in a couple of times but both of them were too proud to do anything.
"He's the asshole right?"
"I did absolutely nothing, he's the one that complains all the time while I listen to him and he has the nerve to say the opposite? Bullshit" Sonny said to his coffee machine.
He was definitely going insane and needed to find something to do that didn't involve the blonde boy.
-about a week later-
Harper didn't want to do it, he wanted to slap himself and turn around but at the same time, he had to do it.
His heart was yelling at him to do it.
"That asshole owes me..." he said to himself.
Then he found the courage to knock on Sonny's apartment door but before he could do it, the door opened leaving him with his arm still up.
For the first time ever Harper was happy to hear that name, nothing changed between them.
"I- it's Lea...she's...she's with us now..." He struggled to talk cause a thousand things were running in his mind.
"Ok...tell me something I don't know"
"No, what I'm saying is that no one trusts her so she needs to prove her loyalty with something...maybe with some important information that involves me and you" Harper said still on the doorstep.
"It's Lea...she's not like me but more like you..." Sonny walked back into the messy apartment.
"But we do everything for family. If my mum asks for something I won't hesitate to do it" Harper followed him closing the door.
"Then what about me?"
The blonde boy arched his brow.
"Then why didn't you kill me as soon as you saw me?"
He didn't know what to say, maybe cause he didn't want to say it.
"That's not the point. The point is that Lea could tell everything and fuck everything up"
"Don't worry, things will be over soon" Sonny coldly said putting his feet on the little coffee table.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"End of this week. It's gonna happen. Love or Hatred, both can't exist"
Sonny's coldness was alarming, he usually was like that but never with Harper...Harper was the only exception.
"I..." Harper couldn't function.
"Just away if you don't want to show up to the battle, I won't blame you..."
Where did Sonny go?
Who was the guy that wanted to kill him all of the sudden?
Where was the demon he fell in love with?
Harper couldn't stay there one more minute but before he left, he looked at Sonny's eyes.
He hoped, he prayed the Gods to find some sadness, a hint of regret, something but they were just blank.
"Fine...I'll see you this week..."
A moment of silence followed the loud slam of the door and something impossible happened...a tear rolled down Sonny's cheek.
Crying was for the weak but once it started, he wasn't able to stop it.
He cried and sobbed so much it felt like he was drowning, he couldn't breathe.
It went on like that for at least 2 days...2 days where Sonny barely left his bed, 2 days where he kept hugging the pillow Harper used to lay on.
God, he was so pathetic but that stupid Cupid made him feel things he never felt before, he doesn't even care about Lea and she's always been kind to him for the Gods' sake.
Sonny needed a plan as soon as possible but how the fuck are you supposed to kill the person that means everything to you?
-the day-
Sonny didn't want to go...he didn't want to do it but he couldn't go against his mother either.
The dark and humid place didn't allow him to see anything but he knew that his mother was watching him to make sure he finished his job.
"You don't have to witness, mother" his voice echoed.
"And lose the chance to see one of the children of Love die? Never" her voice was like a burning knife in your chest, first it burns then you see blood.
They didn't wait long for Harper, in fact, the boy stumbled towards Sonny a couple of minutes after.
A dim light was turned on and finally, Sonny was able to see something but he didn't expect that sight.
Harper was a mess.
His long golden hair turned into a short disaster with uneven chops.
His clothes weren't his usual that fit in his light academia vibes as he always calls it.
And his face...his eye bags were dark and heavy, his lip cut and a huge purple mark was all around his left eye.
Sonny felt like when you jump off a plane without a parachute.
He dropped the dagger and ran to Harper faster than Thor's lightning.
"What happened? Who did this to you?" Sonny grabbed Harper's face to look at it but the boy hissed.
"Cupid. Who did this to you?" Sonny asked a second time with a more firm tone.
"Why do you even care uh? You wanted to kill me so..."
"Your face is all beaten up and your lip is bleeding..." Sonny ran lightly a thumb over the lip, a red stain on his finger.
"Side effects of getting into a fight" the boy said wiping his blood off.
"Cupid what the fuck...why did you do it?"
"Didn't want to cry so physical pain sounded like a solution"
Sonny sighed cause it wasn't fair.
"I'm gonna beat the fuck up whoever did it to you...I-"
"Are you done? Are you done pretending to care?" Harper was done with those lies.
"I do care asshole" Sonny slightly raised his voice.
"You know..." Harper took out a flask from his pocket.
"...I'm so stupid. I genuinely thought you could feel something apart from hate but that's impossible, right? Your mother is Hatred...what did I expect?" He took a long sip of his drink.
"Is that alcohol?"
Harper kept drinking.
"Also what the fuck is your problem? Your mother is Love and the asshole here is you!" Sonny closed his hand into a tight fist.
"Come on...hit me. Let out all your anger on me and kill me!" Harper yelled.
Sonny pushed Harper against a wall and punched...the wall...
"You can't even hit me, coward..."
The demon grabbed Harper's shirt collar and gripped it so tight that his knuckles went white.
"Do it. Do it so you can put an end to this pain" Harper begged this time, tears pooling in his eyes.
"Please do it...I don't want to live if I have to kill you so kill me"
"STOP!" Sonny let go of his shirt and screamed.
He screamed so loud that probably even in the underworld they heard him.
Then silence.
Sonny looked at the dagger in the ground, the dagger his mother gave him...
"You're right, I should do it..." he said grabbing the dagger but he wasn't talking about Harper.
"NO!" The other boy cried.
The shiny blade went through Sonny's chest, pain painted all over his face.
"No no with me. Hey!" Harper ran towards Sonny, who fell to the ground.
The blonde boy held the demon close to his chest and that scene was enough for Hatred to understand the truth.
"Sonny...why did you do it?! I- God"
Blood was slowly staining Sonny's clothes and Harper's hands.
"Cause you thought me what love is and-" he coughed blood "I love you"
As soon as he said those words a white light brightened the place and Harper held Sonny even closer.
"Son...Hatred...and child of Hatred..."
Love's voice sounded so angelic that Sonny thought he was dead and in heaven even though he would never end up there.
"Mum...he's dying..." Harper cried, he cried so many tears that the other boy could have swam in them.
Love said nothing just gave her dear son a white rose.
"I need a red rose my son"
The boy never questioned his mother but it wasn't the moment for bullshit!
"Color it with blood...both of your blood"
Sonny stopped breathing so Harper did what he was ordered to do.
He grabbed the dagger and cut his hand letting the blood drip on the rose.
"Thank you, son"
She took the flower and kissed Sonny's forehead.
The kiss brought life, literally cause the curly boy opened his eyes and it felt like when the sun is kissing your face during a cold day, that feeling of mild warmth...
"Still here"
Harper hugged him close to his chest.
"And about you Hatred...we need to find an agreement to live together in this world, the Gods decided so. Also, the boys are under my protection now" Love stated with her usual elegance.
"You can take that traitor of a son...what a disgrace" she spat, her words like a knife and disappeared.
"Come home son and bring your lover" Love smiled and kissed her son's cheek lovingly.
Once quietness was back, Harper slapped Sonny.
"Hey! Why did you do that for?!"
"You're an asshole"
"You always call me that..."
"You left me. What were you thinking?!" Harper didn't know what he would have done if Sonny really died.
"To save you dumbass. I wouldn't have died for anyone else..." the curly boy whispered the last part.
"Sorry what? Didn't hear you..."
"Fuck off, Cupid"
Sonny got up with some difficulties since his chest hurt like hell.
"You're not coming?" He turned around to look at Harper.
"I don't know. Wherever you want to go Cupid" the demon offered a hand to pull Harper up.
"Will you ever stop calling me that?"
"No. It's what you are and it's cute"
Sonny was way too proud for fining that name.
"You should be glad that I love you" Harper rolled his eyes.
"Awww I'm honored"
There were an inch apart.
"Say it again..." Sonny demanded.
"I love you..."
"I love you too Cupid" the demon softly said to his Cupid.
I'm trying to post as many stories as possible so here I am again.
I'm kinda proud of this one, tried to do something slightly different so I hope you guys like it.
Take care of yourself <3.
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