It scares me what I'm willing to do for you *1 ~Honny~
No one POV
"It scares me what I'm willing to do for you"
"It's just a tattoo and it's not like your first one"
Harper looked at Sonny's arms covered in black ink.
Sonny decided to get a tattoo for Harper, it was simple but cool.
"Can you tell me again what language it is?"
"An indigenous language. My family still talks with it sometimes"
Once done, Sonny admired the work that said 'Harper' in his native language.
"How does it look?"
"Perfect" Harper smiled and pecked his lips softly.
When they stepped out of the tattoo shop, Sonny got a message but ignored it taking Harper's hand in his.
"What do you want to do?"
"Just go home and cuddle please"
Harper did his best puppy eyes and the other boy couldn't say no so they hopped on the motorbike and drove home.
Harper was fast asleep on sonny's chest when he got the call.
"'s not the right time...shit...ok I'm on my way"
Sonny got out of his boyfriend's hold without waking him up then packed a bag and left the loft.
"Where is she?"
"We locked her up in a room, she's out of control"
Sonny walked in the room and the girl almost attacked him if it wasn't for the chain.
"Did you find out who transformed her?"
"We think it was one from the other pack"
Sonny stood in silence to think, the full moon was near and he had to deal with a newbie.
"Emm...I have to think. Keep her here and I'll be back"
The other wolf simply nodded, deciding to trust his alpha.
Sonny went back to the loft just in time.
"Why did you wake up without me?" The younger boy pouted.
"Was just making tea" Sonny poured some hot water in the mugs.
The curly boy went back and forth to check on the newbie while making sure Harper didn't suspect anything.
It was tiring but he had to do it.
"Ok tomorrow there's a full moon, I want everyone to control her. Don't do anything stupid. I'm gonna be here the whole night just in case" Sonny ordered.
He had to tell Harper an excuse to stay away a couple of days.
He's an alpha and he can control himself but he didn't want to risk anything around Harper.
"I'm going on a business trip for about 3 days ok?"
"Do you really have to?" Harper had glossy eyes.
"Yes baby...but I'll be back soon, I promise and I'll call every day" Sonny promised hugging his boy.
It was for the best, he couldn't know.
So Sonny passed 3 days with the pack, taking care of the new girl and just spending time with his 'family'.
The girl turned out to be a nightmare more than Sonny expected.
"Do you remember your first full moon?" Liam asked laughing.
"Oh come on, I was a child basically"
"I had to buy tons of chains which were useless at the end" Liam smiled at the memory with his best friend.
"Shut up. We all went through it and I know it's not nice for her right now"
Sonny really felt sorry for her cause she didn't choose to be like this.
"We found a smell on the clothes she was wearing that night, maybe you could check" Liam changed the subject.
So after 3 days, the boy went back to Harper who jumped on him as soon as he saw his boyfriend.
"Missed you" Sonny kissed his lips as they've been apart for centuries.
"You are the one that left me"
"It was for work"
"It's the same" Harper buried his face in Sonny's neck and got drunk with his scent.
"Ok let me unpack..."
"No, Now we cuddle. You can do it later"
And he dragged Sonny to the couch.
They were so close that their bodies mingled together, arms and legs tangled.
Harper couldn't stop leaving kisses all over Sonny's collar bone and whenever the boy started to slightly suck, he would hiss.
"You're not so innocent uh?"
Harper smiled innocently as he didn't just abuse his neck which was crimson red.
The love they felt for each other was tender and sweet, gentle as a rose that just bloomed but Sonny was also protective over his boy, he couldn't help it, it was in his nature and Harper didn't actually mind.
He never felt as loved as when he was with Sonny and a world without him wouldn't make sense.
It's cheesy and for some people, it would sound disgusting but it wasn't an addiction more like a necessity just like whenever you're thirsty and have to drink but the perfect bubble was about to pop cause Sonny kept going on "business trips".
At first, Harper was fine with it even though he missed his boy but it was getting suspicious so Harper did something that he would never do, he went through Sonny's stuff.
He looked in the drawers and in the wardrobe not even knowing what he was looking for.
Then he noticed a small plastic bag with a tiny crop top in it.
It was a female shirt and definitely not Harper's.
Why was he keeping a shirt in a bag?
But why was the shirt there in the first place?
Harper didn't know how to feel, should he cry?
Burn the shirt?
Did Sonny really cheat on him?
Then he noticed an address written with a black mark on the bag and he had a sick idea.
He arrived in front of a huge house in the woods, probably an estate.
He went to ring the doorbell before changing his mind.
A boy around his age opened the door and eyed him confused.
"Can I help you?"
"Emm..." Harper didn't plan this part.
"Has a guy named Sonny ever been here?"
At sonny's name the boy's face lit up and Harper knew that he knew something.
"Between you and me...I have to know if he's cheating on me..."
"Oh, so you guys are together?" The boy asked and Harper nodded.
"Ok well, I saw him a couple of times but come inside maybe I can tell you who he is cheating with" the boy said with a persuasive tone and Harper couldn't say no.
He had to know the truth.
"Jamie, I can't stay here the whole week, I have to go back to Harper. Call me if there's an emergency"
Jamie nodded then went back to monitor the girl.
But when Sonny came back home, Harper wasn't there and he didn't even answer his phone.
Sonny was worried, he didn't even leave a note.
He didn't know what to do except for waiting but when 5 hours passed by and outside was already dark, Sonny went to follow his scent.
He memorized it so it wasn't hard but Sonny didn't like it one bit when he saw where the scent was leading him.
He banged on the door furiously and when someone opened it, he grabbed their neck and asked where Harper was.
"You better not have touched him" Sonny was fuming.
A scream echoed in the house and he knew it was Harper so he rushed towards the boy.
Cantwell was less than an inch close to the blonde boy and Sonny gave up his secret, the transformed and wasted no time attacking the other alpha.
Usually, two alphas against each other lead to a battle that never ends but Sonny had a reason, he had Harper.
The other boy, in the meanwhile, looked at the scene both fascinated and scared but Cantwell hurt Sonny's side and a tear escaped his eye.
Both of the wolves turned back into humans when they realized it was leading to nowhere.
"I'll fucking kill you!"
"Oh calm down. I didn't touch your boy, at least not yet" Cantwell smirked caressing Harper's cheek.
Sonny glared at him with red eyes, the bastard had to stay away.
"Just set him free, he's not even a werewolf. You can't torture him"
Sonny had to find a way to get Harper out.
"Not yet but he'll be a werewolf soon..."
and Sonny knew what he meant, Cantwell wanted to bite him so he could be Harper's alpha but that couldn't happen.
"Bastard!" Sonny attacked his neck and tightened his grip.
"Take me instead of him!"
"No no. That's not how it works. You took away one of my wolves so I have to do the same now"
"I'll give her back"
"Too late Robertson"
To say that Sonny was frustrated was an understatement.
"But I'm feeling kind so I'll give you guys some time then you'll have to leave and never come into my house like that ever again"
When Cantwell left, Sonny rushed to his boy who had tears in his eyes.
"Hey baby...hey hey"
"It's ok. I promise I'll get you out and nothing will happen to you"
Sonny kissed him repeatedly.
"I don't understand...are you a wolf?" Harper asked with a shaky voice.
"I'll explain later ok? Now we have to escape"
And they did, Sonny ran as fast as he could with Harper sitting on his back.
When they arrived at Sonny's pack estate, he ordered them to lock everything and brought Harper to his room.
"Are you hurt? Anything?"
Harper showed his wrists that were turning a deep purple and a tiny cut on his cheekbone.
"I'm gonna kill him..."
"It's ok..."
"No, it's not ok Harp. You got in danger and it's my fault" Sonny grabbed the first aid kit.
"I was the one that choose to go there...I-I thought you were cheating on me..." Harper confessed and Sonny stopped his movements.
"What? Why?"
"I found a girl's shirt and that address..." Harper looked so small and Sonny couldn't stay mad at him.
"I would never cheat on you. Not even in a million years"
He tilted his chin up so that they could look into each other.
"You have to check your wound"
"I'm fine. We feel pain differently and I'm an alpha so I heal faster, I'm gonna be ok"
Everyone else would have run away but not Harper.
Sonny explained to him everything and told him all the necessary, Harper just listened carefully trying to get all the pieces.
So once Harper was aware of the situation, the two boys moved temporarily out of the loft cause it wasn't safe there anymore.
One day he met the newbie and felt sorry for her cause she was trapped but he knew it was for her safety.
"She is a strong one even for an omega" Jamie commented.
"Omega means that you're the weakest link right?"
"Yeah but it's not something to be ashamed of. Everyone has its role and she truly is strong almost as a beta"
"So if I turn into a werewolf, I'll be able to protect myself?"
"Yeah...we are stronger than humans and newborns are the most dangerous cause they can't control themselves" Jamie explained and it was exactly what Harper wanted to hear.
"I want you to bite me or whatever"
"Hi to you too babe" Sonny put away the book he was reading.
"Turn me into one of you" Harper insisted and Sonny laughed.
"I won't do that"
"If I'm a werewolf I'll be able to protect myself"
Sonny ignored his boyfriend so to get attention Harper climbed on his lap.
"I'm serious, I want you to do it"
"It doesn't work like that. Not everyone survives the transformation and being a newborn is a nightmare. It's too painful, no" Sonny pulled Harper up so he could escape but the blonde boy wrapped his arms around his waist, chest against back.
"I'm begging you babe...turn me into a werewolf..."
Harper's breath was hot against Sonny's neck and that made him shiver.
"Please" Harper was truly begging and Sonny knew he couldn't say no, he gave in.
"One condition have to listen to me, don't be stubborn"
Harper nodded his head and they did it.
Sonny's white teeth sunk into Harper's neck, who gasped slightly.
The bite didn't hurt but the pain started after.
Harper got a bad fever and the pain in his chest was unbearable.
Sonny hated seeing his boy like that but it was the right decision.
"Babe..." Harper gasped.
"What, my love?" Sonny sat on the bed taking his hand in his.
"Just cuddle me"
And Sonny did as he was told.
He played with his hair and held tight his hand.
"It hurts" Harper cried and Sonny did a thing he usually doesn't do, he took away some of the pain and God, he didn't remember that it hurt so bad.
"When is it gonna end?"
"At the first full moon, I'll hurt less" Sonny reassured him with a kiss, Harper was strong enough.
Sonny was right, it hurt less at the first full moon but he struggled to keep his blood cold.
Sonny tried everything to keep him calm but it was useless and honestly, it was a problem cause a newbie out of control is as destructive as a tornado.
A few months passed by and Harper was allowed to be free.
Sonny brought him to the woods and the boy loved the wind on his face, the light fur that covered his body and the fact that he was able to hear the waterfall miles away from him.
"How does it feel?" Sonny asked telepathically since wolves don't talk.
Harper rested the front of his snout on Sonny's.
"Thank you"
Sonny nuzzled into him and it couldn't get better than that.
Harper's eyes were green, deep green and everyone would have gone lost in them while Sonny's eyes were just a plain green.
"I love your eyes and you..."
"Love you too" Harper licked him then ran away.
It wasn't how Sonny pictured everything but it felt right, the two of them running in the forest carefree and just being happy.
I'm positive again...yee🙃
I have to quarantine for another 7 days so I guess more time to write and edit stories.
I don't even remember how I came up with the idea of this one but I hope you guys like it.
Leave ideas or suggestions if you have any.
Love you. 🐺
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