I knew you would find me and save me ~Randy~
No one POV
"We are just a couple of hours into the shift and I'm already tired"
Rye plopped on the sofa.
"We still have more than twenty"
Chloe smiled but deep down she was crying, her job was everything to her but a 24 hours shift sometimes felt like suicide.
"I just wanna go home..."
Rye complained.
"So I guess you and Andy are in your honeymoon phase"
Mikey commented from the kitchen.
"No...we are just really close and hate being apart"
Rye defended.
"It's normal, especially with a job like ours"
"Thanks, cap"
At least someone tried to understand him.
The majority of the day, they had to deal with useless emergencies like 'my cat is stuck on the tree' or 'my friend is stuck in the swing'.
"Why can't people call for serious matters..."
Mikey got off the truck, the loud thud of his boots against the floor echoed in the firehouse.
"Still half a shift to go"
But the following 12 hours were about to turn into a nightmare.
A tornado was about to hit and it meant a disaster was about to come.
Sirens went off every second and the city never had so many fire trucks driving around.
Except for the 153, they had to stay at the firehouse and wait.
"Cap, we can't stay here and just wait"
"A tornado is coming our way so we have to wait. We'll help once it'll pass by"
Max said while cooking.
"Cooking? For real?"
"It helps to focus and calm the nerves, you should try"
Chloe thought that cap couldn't be weirder, but she was wrong.
Rye in the meanwhile couldn't keep his eyes away from the news.
Reporters standing in between destroyed houses while in the back, firefighters tried to help whoever had been stuck in that nightmare.
He was worried.
"Come one...answer the phone..."
After a couple rings, Andy finally picked up.
"Hey baby, everything ok?"
"Just finished painting a piece, took me a while but I'm finally done"
The boy sounded extremely proud.
"So you're at home"
"Where else should I be?"
"Emm...don't want to alarm you but you should leave the house. It's not safe there"
Panicking was useless.
Andy breathed in.
"...I'll leave now. Call you later ok?"
"Yeah, love you and be safe"
Rye let out a sigh once the call ended.
"You ok mate?"
"Just worried for Andy"
"He'll be fine. Don't think about the worst"
Mikey patted his shoulder.
Finally, the 153 was able to go on calls but the scene was apocalyptic.
The truck could barely drive through the streets.
"How are we supposed to find someone?"
"We have to focus, any movement is important"
Max said focusing on the street.
It truly was a disaster and when they drove into a neighborhood, there were people everywhere in search of help.
"Mikey, Rye go help the ones that are stuck inside the houses. Chloe, medical assistance"
Everyone nodded at the orders given.
Rye and Mikey managed to save everyone that needed help when his phone rang, it was Andy.
"Baby are you ok?"
No reply from the other line.
"Andy? Are you there?"
Only a low breathing was audible.
"Baby, are you injured? Talk to me"
Was all Rye needed to hear.
The firefighter called running to the fire truck.
"What's wrong?"
"Andy...he-he needs help...I-"
"Rye calm down. Breathe and tell me where is he"
The boy showed Andy's phone location and in no time they drove there.
It wasn't good, Andy's car ended up on a tree and it wasn't gonna stay there forever.
"Rye, stop"
Max stopped him when he launched himself out of the truck.
"We have to think about it carefully. No impulsive decisions"
Rye couldn't even watch it.
"We can tie the car to the nearest trees to secure it, then use the ladder"
Mikey suggested and cap approved the plan.
So they moved as fast as possible to save Andy.
"You go on the ladder first"
Mikey said to Rye, who never climbed so fastly.
"Hey, baby...I'm here. Just hang on, we are gonna get you ok?"
Andy tried to reach for Rye's hand.
"Don't move. I promise we'll get you"
Rye looked at his eyes, at least one of them had to stay positive.
Chloe in the meanwhile checked on Andy's status.
"Andy, does it hurt somewhere?"
He barely let out a gasp.
So she looked at his abdomen and looked at Andy's watery eyes.
"We will get you out. Rye will get you out"
Once back down Chloe told cap the situation.
"It's not good. A branch is in his abdomen and he can barely talk. We don't have much time"
Max tried to think but every solution sounded risky, way too risky.
"Cap, what are we waiting for?"
"Rye, we don't know how to move...it's too risky"
Max felt like shit.
"Bullshit, I saved people that were in worst situations"
"If we move him the wrong way, he's gonna die"
Chloe didn't want to be that harsh but someone had to be realistic.
"I don't care. We have to try"
Rye refused to give up, he won't give up on Andy.
Max breathed in and tried to focus.
"Ok. I want a second ladder on the other side. Chloe, you will check Andy's vitals. Mikey call for a crane and Rye you will cut the branch"
It wasn't the safest plan but it was better than nothing.
"I'm back baby, we are almost there. You're doing amazing"
Rye tried not to cry.
"No no, save your energy"
"I'm sorry..."
All his words came out lower than a whisper.
"We have to move him now"
Chloe said after Andy closed his eyes.
"Mikey, is it in position?"
Rye spoke through the radio and once he got the 'go ahead' he started to cut the branch.
"Rye, I've got no pulse"
He was so focused that all his worries had no room to be, he had to cut that damn branch.
"Done. Move him!"
Chloe's movements were fast but precise and in no time she started CPR.
"Come on Andy...don't give up on us now"
She kept saying pushing all her body weight on the boy.
She stopped and looked up
"He has to make it, keep going"
"Rye...I'm sorry"
Max rested a hand on his shoulder.
An agonizing silence invaded them and Rye stared at the body.
The pain he felt at that moment probably was worse than a branch in the stomach.
He wanted to throw up, cry, scream cause the pain in his chest was unbearable.
Rye held Andy close to his chest, right where he was feeling pain and prayed, he prayed for a miracle.
Then a beep and another one...
"I've got a pulse"
Chloe said checking the monitor.
"Oh my god..."
Rye let out a breath he didn't know was holding.
"We are ready to move him cap"
"Ok. Drive them to the hospital"
Max smiled, everyone was relieved.
"Hi, baby..."
Rye caressed Andy's head once they were in the ambulance.
"You're fine now"
"I knew you would find me and save me"
Andy smiled cause he was so fucking glad to have Rye in his life.
I know, I know...I've been away for a whole month and I'm so sorry but had to deal with a lot of stuff.
Finally, I'm free and you guys don't even know how relieved I am right now.
I also went through a moment where I didn't know what to write, probably my worst writer block but now I'm kinda ready to write again (hoping that the stories turn out good).
For now I'm gonna post some old stories since I had a couple of them already edited so I'm gonna post two of them tonight only for you guys. 🥰
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