Do you have a 𝗟𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿? ~Sandy~
No one POV
The teacher explained something.
Muffled voices.
Pens clicking.
Chalk against the blackboard.
Sonny fell from the clouds and turned to his best friend, Jack.
"Sorry what?"
"Are you sleeping or what?"
"I zoned out. Didn't sleep much last night"
Sonny went back to ignore his teacher.
"At what time did you-"
"Jack you know the answer or are we disturbing your nice conversation with Mr. Robertson?" The teacher cut him off.
"Well actually..."
"Shut your mouth and follow the lesson" the teacher scolded him then she went back to explaining whatever the lesson was about.
Jack rolled his eyes and dropped the conversation.
Sonny zoned out a couple of times during class and he couldn't point out the problem, he just had a lot on his mind.
"The other day my brother found 50 pounds on the how could he be so lucky?! It's not fair, I need them more than him!" Jack said while eating his lunch.
"Yeah, you need them to buy weed..." Brook commented.
"Hey! Without me parties would be very boring" Jack said offended.
Jack and Brook kept bickering like 2 children while Sonny just stared at nothing.
He looked at how the trees' leaves were swinging calmly cause of the breeze of September.
He looked at the sun that was high in the sky and looked like a huge yellow dot.
Then he looked at the people.
Some were happily eating lunch, others were playing football on the green field that has been perfectly cut and then there was him feeling alone even when he was surrounded by lots of people.
It's a common feeling, people say, but that feeling always scared the living shit out of Sonny.
When he is left alone with his own thoughts, he's sure that only bad things could happen.
Sonny loves being alone but not feeling alone...does that makes sense?
"I'm gonna go smoke"
Sonny stood up and walked towards the back of the school building.
He inhaled and breathed out, letting the smoke penetrate his lungs.
He knows it's not healthy but it makes him feel better mentally so why stop?
He stayed there for about 5 minutes when a guy approached him.
"Sorry, do you have a lighter?"
Sonny just gave him the light purple lighter and watched the guy lighting up his cigarette.
He was blonde, definitely bleached, with baggy clothes that made him look even shorter and icy blue eyes.
"Thanks, mate" the guy replied and he stayed there, next to Sonny smoking his cigarette.
"I'm Andy by the way" the guy presented himself.
Silence fell between them but strangely it wasn't awkward and Sonny found something interesting about the new guy.
"I have P.E. now but honestly I'd rather clean the school's bathroom so do you want to ditch with me?"
Sonny didn't expect that but still found himself saying yes so he sent a text to warn Jack, then left with a stranger for god knows where.
"So where are we headed to?"
"It's a surprise" Andy said and dragged Sonny to their destination.
After a while, they arrived at a skate park that once was a parking lot apparently.
"What is this place?" Sonny looked around.
"The best place in town. I found it while...well, I was going through a shitty period so I wandered around till I got here"
While he talked, Andy grabbed a spraying can and started to draw something.
Sonny just watched, his eyes glued on Andy's movements while the color stocked to the wall creating a beautiful combination.
"How long have you been in town? Cause I never saw you at school before"
"About a month ago but this is my first week at school. Had to deal with some...bureaucratic stuff" Andy replied, spraying some white around.
Sonny nodded then sat down and lit up a joint.
After about 20 minutes, Andy was done and both of them stared at the wall with their heads tilted to one side.
At first, it just looked like a weird and random mix of colors almost like a child did it but Sonny was sure it had a sense, he's not an expert but he still found the work beautiful.
"'s not that bad" Andy commented with the joint between his lips.
"I think it's beautiful in its own way"
"You're basically saying that it's ugly but you don't want to say it out loud"
"Not true..." Sonny defended cause he genuinely found it beautiful.
When Sonny got back home, he laid in bed with a huge grin on his face, he didn't know what it was but he felt good...happy.
The next day Sonny was so lost in his thoughts that he barely registered the presence of anyone, included his best friend.
"Mate, are you ok? You look like you've been high for 3 days in a row" Jack asked while they were walking around the football pitch.
"What? No...just had a lot on my mind..." Sonny replied and in that moment he saw Andy on the stands, probably sketching something.
"'re just weird like you're not actually here but since it's nothing what about coming to mine? We can binge-watch 'The walking dead'"
But Sonny ignored him cause he got a message.
-I found a new cool spot. Wanna come? :)
It was from Andy but how did he get Sonny's number?
The boy thought about what to text back and another second after...
"Sorry, today I can't. Need to help my mom with something"
Jack said nothing cause what was he supposed to say, his best friend was being weird.
-later that day-
"For a second I thought you were gonna bring your friend too" Andy put off the cigarette and jumped off the mid-wall he was sitting on.
"Ah, Jack...emmm no. He- he had stuff to do..."
Andy didn't really believe Sonny but found him stuttering incredibly cute.
"Well, it's time to do a little trip" Andy smirked and they walked side by side through the city.
They ended up in front of an old electricity pole that clearly wasn't safe or stable.
"Are you insane or what?" Sonny wasn't climbing that.
"Come on. I tried to climb it already and it's safe, no one is gonna fall. Also, the view from up there is breathtaking" Andy tried to convince the curly boy who eventually gave in.
Sonny wasn't scared at all, he was a man, right?
He can do it...ok maybe he was a bit scared of falling but he decided not to think about it.
Andy got to the top first but Sonny was struggling in the last bit so the other boy offered him a hand to pull him up.
For some reason when Sonny was "safely" on the top, he didn't think about how beautiful the view was or how high they were.
He was focused on how his hand was tingling from Andy's touch.
His hands are so small, soft and delicate, Sonny bets that they are even softer than a cloud.
"This is makes me feel important being up here like I can see the whole city. It makes me powerful...does that make sense?"
Sonny nodded but he was too whipped for the boy and completely out of nowhere.
Sonny isn't a cold person, he's sure he can love someone one day but the feeling was weird.
It's not like the simple kind of love, it's that feeling that you have when you talk about something you're passionate about and they stay there and listen.
It's like the sun that melts snow after months and months of winter.
It's like home, a shelter from the rain but also from pain.
Sonny just met this guy and his mind already associated him to home?
Maybe he should shut off his brain.
"How does it make you feel?" Andy asking taking out a cigarette.
"Don't really know...good? I love being alone but not feeling lonely and being here while watching the busy city from afar...with feels nice"
"Deep shit" Andy laughed and Sonny punched his arm as a joke.
"I was trying to be nice. Asshole" Sonny said offended.
"But you really are the first nice person here" Andy let out a cloud of smoke.
"Yeah, people here can be assholes. They are too fake or snobby. Thank god Jack is the only exception"
"Oh, so I'm fake and snobby too?" Andy turned around to look at Sonny.
"Well, I don't know you..."
"Ok...then follow me"
Was everything Andy said before climbing back down.
Sonny wondered if the boy just walks away like this every time or just with him...
"This place is...oh my god. Who did all those graffiti?" Sonny was starstruck.
It was an abandoned place, he noticed that Andy has an obsession with them, full of graffiti.
It was an explosion of bright colors and it was really cool.
"I did them"
Sonny grazed his fingers lightly on a wall, feeling all the bumps of it and he couldn't believe the fact that someone could be so fucking talented.
"Wish I could be as talented as you in something"
"Well, you can always learn, it's not that hard. You just have to follow your gut"
So Andy dragged Sonny to probably one of the last blank spots.
The blonde boy grabbed a can and handed it to Sonny.
"Just breathe in and relax...your hand will move by itself"
But Sonny just stared at the wall without knowing how to start.
Andy noticed the struggle so he stood behind and grabbed Sonny's hand with the can to guide him.
The movement was slow but relaxed.
"'s not that hard, just let it go" Andy whispered since Sonny's ear was less than an inch from his lips.
They did some random lines but Sonny decided to trust the process, also he couldn't physically say a word, not with Andy that close.
A couple more lines later, they stopped and Sonny turned around to face Andy.
"H-how is it?" He stuttered.
Andy looked at the wall behind Sonny for a second then his eyes were back on the boy which made his skin burning.
"I think it's perfect..." but it wasn't about the painting.
They could feel the tension, both of them wanted it but while a force pulled them close another one wanted to pull away.
None of them ever felt this way about someone and it was so overwhelming that Sonny stopped breathing.
"Fuck it" Andy mumbled then grabbed Sonny's shirt and pulled him in for a kiss.
It was heated, they both needed it but it wasn't just tongue and lips, it was like everything fell in place.
Sonny's hands went to Andy's jaw while the other boy boldly rested them on his ass.
A couple of moans escaped but they were too into it to feel any embarrassment.
They pulled away, both out of breath but with a huge smile.
Andy thought that Sonny's smile was as bright as the sun so he kissed it.
Sonny blushed, he was acting like a 12-year-old girl after her first kiss but he was too happy to care.
"Do you know me more now?" Andy smirked while taking a black spraying can.
"Mm...not really maybe need some more time with you...that way I'll know everything" Sonny teased and Andy didn't wait more than a second to drop the can and attack Sonny's lips.
-next day-
"You look happy today...way too happy" Jack said squinting his eyes.
He suspected something about his best friend.
"No for real, what happened to you?"
"Nothing, I can't be happy for once?" Sonny rolled his eyes at his best friend, he should be grateful that for once he wasn't grumpy.
"No of course you can. I'm just curious about the reason since yesterday you left me, missing some quality time with your favorite human"
Then Sonny felt an arm snaking around his shoulder.
It was Andy.
"Thought I was your favorite human..."
Sonny froze for a second, it wasn't how he pictured everything after the...kiss.
"Em...hi?" Jack said confused about who this boy was.
"Hi, I'm Andy"
Andy acted like it was the best day of his life, zero worries or drama, just positive things but Sonny was slightly panicking cause he didn't tell Jack anything.
For god's sake, he didn't even know what was going on with Andy...
"Jack I'll see you later ok? I- we have a...a project to do" Sonny was an awful liar but Jack just left without questions.
"Shit..." Sonny ran a hand through his curls, now Jack will definitely hate him.
"Hey..." Andy took Sonny's hand in his or else the boy would have e gone bald.
"'s just that the I still haven't talked to him and I don't know what-"
" need to calm down. You'll talk to him later and I'm sure that he won't get mad. I didn't want to pressure you"
Andy's voice was calm and reassuring, exactly what Sonny needed.
"Ugh, I just want to go away" Sonny said burying his face in Andy's shoulder.
"You can do it. Go in class, talk to Jack then after school I'll bring you to get ice cream ok?"
Sonny nodded and Andy's kissed him quickly before disappearing.
It was lunchtime and still, Jack was ignoring Sonny.
Both of them hated the situation but Sonny in a particular way cause it was his fault, he fucked everything up.
He spent the whole morning thinking about what to say to Jack, how to explain everything but it was a huge nonsense to him.
So when he saw Jack eating his lunch alone, he froze in his spot with the tray.
'I'm sure that he won't get mad'
Andy's words were like a mantra in his head so Sonny breathed in and went to the table.
"I'm sorry" Sonny started and Jack looked up from his chicken sandwich.
"I'm sorry for not being honest and telling about Andy...I-I wanted to but everything was new and going so fast that I didn't have time to stop and think"
Jack stayed in silence.
"You're my best friend and I should have told you, it's just that..."
Sonny had no idea about what he was saying, he was just throwing up random words.
"You suck at apologies" Jack said and Sonny smiled at that.
"I'm not mad at you, could never. Just disappointed cause maybe you felt like you couldn't trust me with it"
"What? No...I- it's just that I didn't know how to tell you" Sonny admitted.
"Obviously I trust you"
Sonny stood there in front of Jack and Andy passed by with a couple of other people.
"You like him a lot uh?" Jack teased and Sonny sighed sitting down.
"Is it normal that whenever I'm with him I have to throw up?"
"Um, not really but I understand what you mean" Jack rested a hand on his best friend's back.
Sonny was frustrated so he stole Jack's sandwich, who glared at him.
"Today we are going to get ice cream but is it a date or what?" Sonny said with his mouth still full.
"Ask him" Jack scooted a bit away cause it was gross the fact that Sonny was speaking with half of his sandwich in his mouth.
"Can I just disappear?"
"Sorry, you can't. It's how life works" Jack smiled.
-at the date?-
"Hi, gorgeous" Andy said as soon as he saw Sonny.
"How are you? There's something off...something went wrong with Jack?" Andy was genuinely worried cause he cared about Sonny, more than he could admit.
"No, everything is good with Jack. It's just that..." Sonny sighed.
"Is this a date?" Finally, Sonny spat out.
Andy smiled fondly cause Sonny really warmed his heart.
"If you want it to be one then yes...if not then it's just a 'date' between bros that casually kiss" Andy joked hoping that Sonny could relax a bit.
"Cookie and cream is not a basic flavor!"
Sonny was offended cause Andy has been judging him for at least 10 minutes.
"My sister always gets that flavor and she's the most basic person I know" Andy kept on going but Sonny pouted and turned the other way.
"Ok I'm sorry, you're not basic" Andy rolled his eyes.
"Nope it's too're mean"
Andy got closer to Sonny, who tried to move but Andy trapped him against a wall.
"Me...mean? To you?" Andy asked with an innocent tone.
"Mm so maybe I should be more kind..."
Sonny didn't know what Andy was trying to do but it was working.
Andy started to kiss slowly Sonny's neck, dragging his lips and leaving red marks.
Sonny bit his lip to stay quiet but inside butterflies were everywhere.
"Still mean..." the curly boy breathed out and Andy stopped.
Sonny's eyes were glossy and Andy's lips were red like cherries, the curly boy couldn't tear his eyes off them.
So he attacked them.
The kiss was heated but still full of love, he have never kissed anyone the way he kisses Andy.
"Thank god I found the courage to ask for a lighter" Andy stated pecking Sonny's lips one more time.
This oneshot is extremely long and for no reason.
Anyway...had a pretty busy week but I have tons of stories to edit so I just need the time to do that and post everything.
The other day I read a couple of my old stories and for some reason they were so cringe ahahah🙈
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