Author [@SarahGeorge89]
Welcome, everyone. Today we have the lovely SarahGeorge89
A big thank you to her for taking the time to answer these questions.
If you haven't read her books then please do. They're amazing...
Without further ado...
What inspired you to start writing?
2 things, mainly. 1. I started running out of stories that I wanted to read, so I ended up writing them myself. 2. I was going through a really bad time personally/mentally, and I needed an escape, or more like, I needed something to keep me sane. Writing became a routine and as weird as it sounds, I found friends in my characters. Knowing that others fell in love with the characters, too, was what kept me going which is why I will always be thankful for the Wattpad community.
Did you have any writers' block along the way? how did you get past them?
Absolutely! I'm currently in the throes of one. It is one of the worst feelings in the world because you're really passionate about something but your brain just doesn't want to play ball. To get over it, I tend to take a step back and walk away from a story to see if I can re-engage with the characters, the story, etc. More often than not, I miss my characters too much and I always end up coming back to them. If that doesn't work, I try to start a routine and focus on a new story, one that I love too much to give up on. I'm working on this pathway right now.
Do you see yourself in any characters and why?
Whether I like it or not, there are parts of me in most of my characters - male or female! The one most like me is probably Sophie Delaney from "Hello". She's strong yet vulnerable. Sarcastic and sincere in equal measures. And she's not one to shy away from speaking her mind at all times, to heck with the filter between her brain and her mouth.
How old are you?
Too old... 30!
How old were you when you started writing?
I started at about 14 years old but never managed to finish what I started. I was about 23 before I wrote a full 90,000-word story, start to end.
Can you remember what you felt when you first started writing? what did you feel?
The main feeling was of being overwhelmed. Mixed with: paranoia, nervousness, anger, fear (the fear is real!) and relief. Writing is a rollercoaster of emotions. And I hate rollercoasters. And emotions, for that matter.
What's your outside life like?
1. My life is so normal it's verging on boring. I work during the day and write when I have time/not suffering from writer's block.
Where do you get your ideas from?
My ideas come from various places and I can be inspired by almost anything. I started writing the stories that I wish others had written because they were what I wanted to read but I've also started major projects while drunk on New Year's Eve/Morning in my best friend's spare bedroom because I thought it would be a great idea to pick up my phone and log into Wattpad. I mean, why not, right?! I've been inspired by quotes, photos and lyrics. If it 'talks' to me, I'll listen and then start building a story around what I hear.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
When I'm not writing, I'm either watching movies, reading books or listening to music. I live close to the beach so I take my dogs there in the summer, but I also live close to some woodlands and take them there in winter. My best friend had a baby this year and I'm completely obsessed with being around her, but not so much that I want one of my own. I like coming home to peace and quiet, and lots of sleep! I'm also a pretty good baker!
What does your family think about your writing?
My family don't know that I write. I've always been an introvert and really private, even with my family, so I've never told them. My best friend knows I write and she's read some of my works but I don't think she knows just how often I write, like, when I'm in full writing mode, I'll spend hours a night/week writing. My boyfriend knows and he's super supportive. But apart from them, no one else in my circle of friends and family know about my writing.
What do you think makes a good story?
For me, a good story has to have believable characters, ones that come to life when you read about them. Yes, you also need a great storyline, setting, etc. but it's the characters that engage you, pull you in and won't let you leave. You have to become invested in the characters, otherwise, readers get bored, give up, and never go through the journey with the character.
What's your favourite genre?
Easy. Chicklit. Such a cliché, huh?
What's the hardest thing to write for you and why?
The first chapter. Or the first five, really. Getting the hook of the story. That's always the hardest because you never know if the readers are going to engage with what you've written. It's always scary and as a writer, you go through so many emotions but doubt is the worst.
Do you work on an outline or do you just write with the flow?
I have the briefest of outlines and always know how the story will end but when it comes to writing, I tend to go with the flow for the most part. I've tried to have a strict outline but find that it constrains me too much, to the point that I lose interest and give up. My best writing comes when I'm just in the moment, living with the characters.
Do you have anything specific you want to say to readers?
A huge thank you for being there for me when things were tough and for being the reason that I've remained sane over the last few years. They might not understand just how important they are to me or how grateful I'll always be to them. Their friendship - and that's what I consider it to be - means the world to me. They haven't invented a word that can really sum up everything I want to say
And lastly, Do you have any advice for new writers
Start by writing for fun, not for readership. If you love what you write, so will the readers. Don't try to second guess them and don't fall into the habit of writing what you think they want to read because that's when it becomes a chore and chances are, you'll get it wrong. Stick to your conviction. Get into a routine but try not to get caught up in it. It's ok to have a bad day, week, month, year... a writer is human, after all. But above all, never forget why you write or why you LOVE to write. That will always stay with you.
There you have it, Don't forget to vote, share and comment.
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