Author [@salvawhoreslxt]
Welcome, everyone. Today we have the lovely salvawhoreslxt
A big thank you to her for taking the time to answer these questions.
If you haven't read her books then please do. They're amazing...
Without further ado...
1. What inspired you to start writing?
I used to love creative writing when I was in my primary years of school. I remember the first story I ever wrote at school was one about pirates, I genuinely enjoyed it so much and then I found myself often writing stories just for fun and to keep my entertained.
2. Did you have any writers' block along the way? How did you get past them?
I've had writer's block countless times. I think one of the most important things when dealing with writers block is just to allow you some time to do other things. I used to push myself to write, regardless of my mood, but now I've learned that it's better to just wait and write when you're feeling creative.
3. Do you see yourself in any characters and why?
Tragically, yes. I see myself in most of the characters I've created, or I base them around who I would like to be. Klara Adams, from my Gravity series is one of the characters I think is the most like me. She's loyal to her friends, would quite literally do anything for them but also isn't the type of girl to be pushed and easily swayed.
4. How old are you?
I just turned 21 in June.
5. How old were you when you started writing?
I've written since a pretty young age, but I don't think it was until I was about 16 that I started posting my work online. I used before I actually knew about Wattpad.
6. Can you remember what you felt when you first started writing?
What did you feel?
The first time I started writing, I published a Vampire Diaries book called the Fallen which I've now unpublished, but the support I got on that book was truly overwhelming and I felt amazing.
7. What's your outside life like?
Outside of Wattpad, I work in Healthcare which can be pretty demanding at times and can also leave me with not a lot of time to prewritten/update books but I wouldn't change my job for the world. I have a relatively small circle of friends, but in my opinion it's quality over quantity any day.
8. Where do you get your ideas from?
A lot of my books have been inspired by other people's works or quite simply just a TV show plot that I admired and wanted to adapt a little. The majority of the time I'll be settling down for bed and then an idea for a new chapter or a book while just hit me.
9. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
When I'm not writing I'm friends or working. I watch a lot of Netflix as well as YouTube, I'm also incredibly guilt of keeping up with most of the internet drama without having any idea what's going on.
10. What does your family think about your writing?
I've never really told anyone that I write, I'm not really sure what they would say. It's just a well kept secret, I guess.
11. What do you think makes a good story?
Passion and originality. I think a good story is all about being passionate about what you're writing about and to not be afraid of writing something out of fear that nobody will like it.
12. What's your favourite genre?
My favourite genre without a doubt is Fan Fiction.
13. Do you write on Wattpad or do you use software (like Microsoft word)?
Quite a while ago, I used to write on Google Docs because I had issues with Wattpad where I'd write things and they'd disappear but now I just write on Wattpad since its much easier now.
14. What's the hardest part for you to write, and why?
Probably intimate scenes, I don't have a reason as to why I think that if they're done write they're amazing but I don't think I do them justice.
15. Do you work on an outline or just go with the flow?
Sometimes I outline chapters because it makes it easier for me to add in my own little twists and things, but I am guilty of going with the flow quite a lot.
16. Do you have anything specific you want to say to readers?
To my readers I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything; every comment, vote, you've honestly kept me updating and posting. You give me motivation when sometimes I just want to give up on a book entirely. I can't thank you enough!
17. and lastly, do you have any advice for new writers.
Don't be put off if your story doesn't immediately attract readers. I was guilty of giving up with Wattpad the first few times I posted because I didn't think anyone liked my stories, but it's all about patience and everything comes soon thereafter.
There you have it, don't forget to vote, comment and share. Also if you want a specific author to be interviewed then please let me know.
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