Author [@7lyrics]
From The Hit Queen Series, 7lyrics is an amazing writer who puts her vision in words.
One of her books GLITCH has recently reached 5.2 million reads and deserves every single one. she is the sweetest person and a big thank you to her for agreeing to do this and taking time from her busy schedule.
If you haven't read any of her books then you really need too.
Without further ado...
What inspired you to start writing?
Well, I've always have had a big imagination. And I've always loved books and movies and I got on wattpad and started reading and even though I loved the books they all seemed to mirror each other. I had always wanted to start writing but I just didn't know where to start. After I read "Alpha Meets The Rogue" I decided to take that lead and start writing!
Did you have any writers' block along the way? how did you get past them?
Oh, all the time. The hardest chapters are always the chapters in between major ones. Honestly, the best way I have found to get over writer's block is to either read another book or watch a movie or tv series. Seeing as I write fantasy my go-to is shows like supernatural. I've found that things like that can give inspiration
Do you see yourself in any characters and why?
I see myself in both Navi and Annie. I had a lot of issues as a teen. I had bad depression and anxiety. So I poured a piece of my own anxiety and depression from when I was a teenager into Navi. I was also very unsure of myself to the point I loathed myself. Annie is more how I see myself now. Slowly finding comfort in her own skin. Slowly finding her voice. Which is kinda why there is a transition in the story. At first, it's all about Navi. It focuses on her self loathing and depression and pain. Then it introduces Annie in more depth. and finally, in the end, it focuses more so on Annie. They both have a very special place in my heart. In short, Navi is how I see my self in my teens and Annie is how I see myself now
How old are you?
I'm 21. I started writing when I was around 15/16
Can you remember what you felt when you first started writing? what did you feel?
Confusion and hatred honestly. When I first started writing I was 15ish so I was still in a depression and hated myself so I over criticized myself more than I needed to. My writing was not at all what it is now. In fact, I plan to go back and rewrite Escape of a Raven and Melting His Heart and the first part of Glitch. But when I got back into writing about a year or so ago. It felt amazing. The feeling of getting lost into your own world that you built, and knowing you get to share this world with others is an amazing feeling. It's very relaxing and freeing. I could forget whatever troubles I had in real life and sink into my fantasy and write. The best way to describe it is like getting lost in a good book, except you are the writer, you are the god and these are your creations.
How long does it take you to write a book on average?
Oh, that's a tough one. It really depends on the book and where I am in life. Glitch took me the longest because I stopped writing in the middle of it. It took me at least 2 years before I even published it. "To fall" only took me a couple of months to finish. I had it more planned out and I was in a really good place in life. I feel Rogue could be finished in a couple of months as well. Just depends on how life goes!
What's your outside life like?
It's pretty good actually. I am a hairdresser, I'm married. With holidays coming up we will probably be very busy but other than that my husband and I are very laid back so our lives our normally pretty easy going, we don't do much, which is why I have so much time on my hands to write!
Where do you get your ideas from?
Multiple stuff. Sometimes listening to someone's conversations they will say something and it can spark a whole scene idea. Other times, books, tv shows. The same thing, something can happen and it sparks a whole scene or character idea.
What does your family think about your writing?
My family has no idea. It's honestly a guilty pleasure/secret of mine. My husband knows I write but has never read my books. I'm still very critical of my work I never think it's good enough, so I keep it to myself.
What do you think makes a good story?
Character development. Someone can have an amazing plot but if the characters are dry or they don't grow the book has a high chance of flopping. I'll stop reading a book or watching a show if there is no character development.
What's your favourite genre?
Fantasy/werewolf pretty much
What's the hardest thing to write for you and why?
Love. Love scenes are so hard for me. Any romance stuff is so hard. When I write romance it always seems forced when I reread it. I'm not a hopeless romantic. I'm kinda awkward so romance is not my strong suit
Do you work on an outline or do you just write with the flow?
A little of both. I have a very loose outline of major plots points that I want to get to. Things in between I just kinda go with the flow. I also pre-write chapters. So, for example, I'll have chapter 23 written before chapter 10 written. It helps give me direction and keeps me on track.
Do you have anything you want to say to readers?
I want to say thank you. For giving my story a chance, for the amazing comments they leave. They inspire me to continue writing even when I feel like my stories aren't all that great.
And lastly, Do you have any advice for new writers
Do not read your story more than 3 times. It's going to seem repetitive and seem like it sucks which in reality it doesn't it just seems that way cause you know what is happening. When editing completely rewrite it instead of reading for errors. You're more likely to miss stuff if you just read through it.
Well, that's it. Again, A big thank you to 7lyrics, go check her out.
Don't forget to vote, share, and comment and stay tuned to 7lyrics
hopefully there'll be a special update soon.
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