𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 Anxiety ~Ot5~
Ot5: Andy, Rye, Jack, Brook and Sonny
Not really trigger warning but slight mentions of anxiety kinda
Jack POV
I was on the couch looking at my phone since I was really bored when one of the boys invaded my personal space for some cuddles, it was Andy.
"Hey..." I softly said putting my phone down.
He looked at me with his big blue eyes which I found adorable and he just nuzzled his face into my chest.
"Ok someone just wants cuddles...ok"
We stayed there in a comfortable silence for who knows how long but our little moment was interrupted by Rye's loud voice.
"Guys! In the living room. It's urgent!" he called through the house.
"Oh sorry guys didn't mean to wake you up" he apologized pecking mine and Andy's lips.
"It's ok, we were just cuddling"
Then everyone came into the room and Rye started to speak.
"My boss is hosting a big party tonight and I have to go. He said that I can invite you guys so...what do you think?"
"I'm down for a party" Sonny said and Brook agreed.
Andy just nodded from his position in my arms but I was a bit hesitant.
I'm not a party guy and I don't really like being around tons of people.
"Jacky, if you don't want to go we can stay home" Rye's voice calmed me.
All the boys know about my social anxiety.
It's not that bad but sometimes when I'm in public places it gets overwhelming.
"No, it's ok. We can go" I finally said.
"Thanks" Rye said and kissed my lips passionately.
"Everyone get ready cuz we will leave in 30 mins. Wear something elegant" he added and everyone went to their rooms to get dressed.
Andy got up from the sofa and I whined a bit at the loss of warmth but eventually went to get ready too.
Rye stopped me at the top of the stairs by hugging me.
"I know you don't like going out but if you start to feel uncomfortable just tell me ok?" he cupped my face with his big and strong hands.
I relaxed at his touch, Rye has this power over me and he makes me feel safe.
I simply nodded and hugged him again taking in his intoxicating scent.
Time skip -at the party-
We all walked in together and Rye presented us to his boss.
He looked like one of those nice old men and not someone bossy or scary, so I liked him.
"Hey Rye, you made it and you brought guests" he said happily greeting Rye with a warm hug.
"You know...he talks a lot about you guys. He doesn't know any other topic" the old man said looking at us this time.
We all blushed like crazy but eventually presented ourselves, maybe it's not gonna be that bad as I thought.
He seems like a cool boss.
Rye followed his boss into a larger room and he grabbed my hand so I followed him.
Brook asked me quickly if I wanted something to drink but I declined, I wasn't in the mood for drinking.
I sat next to Rye on an incredibly soft sofa and a bunch of people, probably Rye's colleagues, surrounded us which made me a bit nervous cuz I felt everyone's eyes on me even tho it wasn't the case.
Then someone got my attention.
"Hi, I'm James ..." he presented himself.
I didn't reply right away cuz he caught me off guard.
"Are you here with someone?" he asked with a polite tone ignoring the fact that I didn't reply.
"emm...yeah?" it sounded more like a question but I pointed towards Rye that was speaking to some people near us.
"Oh, I work a lot with Rye and he always talks about you...you're lucky to have him"
I didn't really know what to say to that but thank god Brook came to save me.
"Hey babe..." he got close to me and sneaked an arm around my waist.
He looked at James up and down and presented himself in a pretty cold tone, Brook was definitely jealous.
James was a bit confused and decided to leave probably Brook's death glare made him run away.
"What was that?" I laughed after James was far away.
"What? He was for sure checking you out" Brook defended taking a sip of his champagne.
I rolled my eyes and found it pretty funny cuz Brook sometimes can be overdramatic.
"Where are Andy and Sonny?" I asked.
"Outside smoking...do you want to go out and join them or stay here with Rye?"
"I can stay here with Rye, I'm doing ok..." I reassured him.
He nodded his head and pecked my lips softly.
When Brook left, Rye smiled at me and gestured me to come closer to him.
Once next to him he held my hand and I stood there listening to the conversation that was going on but people started to ask me questions.
For example, what do I do for living? Or for how long I've known Rye? Where am I from?
To be honest, it was a lot to process at once and I started to feel nervous so I squeezed Rye's hand which he understood and he helped me reply to them.
It was all too much and if I didn't leave at that moment, I would have gone crazy so Rye told me to go find the others and that's what I did.
Once I stepped outside in the big backyard, I breathed in the fresh air and to be honest it was pretty cold outside but I needed to find the boys.
It was harder than I thought cuz it was really dark outside and while I was looking around I bumped into James.
"Oh, hi again" he said with his happy and calm tone.
"Hi..." I didn't know what to say cuz I'm pretty awkward with people mainly strangers and James is kinda weird.
"Does your other boyfriend hate me? Cuz he was pretty cold before" he asked.
"No..." I said low almost like a whisper.
He looked at me like I was some freak and that made me even more nervous.
Silence fell between us and I just wanted to go home or to one of the boys and cry.
Obv it wasn't James' fault but he was starting to freaking me out and I tried so hard to held the tears back and hoped that one of the boys came here to save me but it didn't happen.
Also, the cold didn't help at all and I started to shiver which James noticed and I cursed under my breath at that.
"Are you ok?" he asked probably noticing something was off.
"If you're cold we can go inside or you can take my jacket..."
I shook my head no and wanted to scream for help, not that James was being rude or something but I was completely unable to move.
Then after what seemed like ages, Sonny came to save me.
"Hey...everything alright?" he asked with his usual soft tone.
I simply nodded cuz I wasn't able to talk and James replied with a yes.
I looked at my boyfriend with scared eyes and he read my mind, thank god.
"Well now we have to go so...it was nice to meet you" Sonny said calmly but I knew that he didn't like James at all.
While we were walking towards the other boys, Sonny felt that I was freezing so he gave me his jacket and wrapped his arm securely around me.
"Thanks" I quietly said.
"No problem babe" and he kissed my head.
Once we joined Andy and Brook we went to find Rye.
Andy noticed that I was slightly shaking from the cold but also for the anxiety so he grabbed my hand to calm me down, Andy rarely speaks but he knows what to do to make me feel better.
"He didn't bother you right? Cuz if he did something to you I swear-" Brook started.
"Brooky, I'm fine. I just panicked a bit but it wasn't his fault. I just need to go home, that's all" I reassured him.
"I never liked him" he coldly stated.
Once we found Rye, Andy got closer and whispered to him something.
Then he said bye to everyone and gave me a worried look while we were going towards our car.
"I'm ok Rye. Just need home and peace"
"Ok baby, I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable someway. I love you" he kissed my cheek and we drove home.
When we arrived, I changed my clothes and prepared myself to go to bed.
Then I met Andy in the hallway and asked him if we could cuddle.
"Of course baby. Do you want the others to join?"
"If they want to..."
In the end, I ended up asleep in Andy's arms with the other boys next to me.
It was ok now.
School kept me busy for a while so I wasn't able to upload but tmr is the last day of school before Christmas break so I'll have more time to write and think of ideas. Probably gonna do a Christmas themed story. Hope everyone is safe and ok and thank you so much for all the support💖
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