𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡 ~Marvey~
Inspired by the song above☝︎︎
Andy POV
It's that time of the month again and no, I'm not talking about period. It happens all the time Harvey is away and it truly breaks my heart seeing my best friend like this. I wish I could do something to help him or to stop his tears but what can I do when his boyfriend is miles away from him?
All 3 of us share an apartment and even tho I third wheel a lot, they are the cutest couple ever.
Harvey is a singer so he tours a lot but when he's home, he spends every second with Mikey, like is their last moment together. They love each other more than anything so being far away from each other is really hard for them.
Harvey made me promise to take care of Mikey whenever he's away but I don't know if I'm keeping my promise, my best friend is having a breakdown once a day and I'm standing here watching him.
I know that Mikey wanted space but I had enough so this time, I went and comforted him.
I entered his room quietly and sat at the end of the bed. He was laying with the duvet covering his head and I knew he had tear-stained cheeks.
"So...do you need anything? I can bring whatever you need..." I softly said.
I felt him shift under the covers and when I turned around, I saw how broken he was. Red puffy eyes, cheeks stained by salty tears, messy hair and a tired face.
I moved and engulfed him in my arms, I just stayed there holding my best friend.
After a couple minutes of silence, he pulled away from the hug and tried to say something but no words came out of his mouth.
"Hey...it's ok. I know it hurts but he'll be back soon, I promise you that" I rubbed his back trying to calm him down.
"I c-can't..." he sobbed loudly.
I tightened the hug so he knew that I was there for him.
"It hurts too much... and I don't know what to do..."
At this point, my t-shirt was soaked with his tears but I didn't care.
"What about we eat something? It will make you feel a bit better" I suggested.
He looked at me a bit hesitant but in the end, he agreed.
So we walked downstairs hand in hand and I started to cook Mikey's favorite meal: steak and chips, simple but still delicious.
While I was cooking, he sat on a barstool and played with his only ring, the one that Harvey gave him.
"What about we listen to some music? Alexa play the song of the day"
Alexa played the song and obv it was Harvey's song. Be okay was echoing in the room and I tried to turn it off as quickly as possible but Mikey stopped me.
"Andy is ok...I love this song"
I looked at him and nodded.
Once the meal was done, we sat down and ate in a comfortable silence filled with a bit of music.
"So how's the writing going?" Mikey asked me.
"I guess alright. I have a few work in progress but one is almost done" I replied with a smile.
I was relieved that Mikey was feeling better.
We kept on chatting till Mikey got tired and decided to go to bed. I stayed up a bit longer cleaning everything.
Mikey POV
I appreciated everything Andy did for me, I don't know what I would do without him but the pain didn't go away.
As soon as I closed my bedroom door to go to sleep, I remembered the fact that he wasn't here with me. He wasn't here to hold me while sleeping. He wasn't here to kiss me. He wasn't here to hug me in case I was cold. He was far away on tour somewhere around the world.
I sat on my bed and just looked at the white wall in front of me, then I remembered about his shirt.
I got up quickly and went to look for it in the wardrobe, after looking everywhere, I found it. It was my favorite shirt of Harvey cuz he wore it when he asked me out the first time.
I smelled it and it had his cologne on, that sent brought me old memories and a smile popped on my face. I slid the shirt on me and it was huge, Harvey is way taller but he always insists that I should put on his clothes.
Then I laid in bed with his shirt on and suddenly I felt safe like he was there next to me but reality hit me and I started to cry.
I cried none stop and even with music on, I didn't feel better so I took off the shirt.
Why am I like this?
Why I break down completely every time he's away?
When you're in love with someone, you shouldn't be like this.
I was overthinking again so I decided to sleep. If you're sleeping you can't be sad or anything, right?
Time skip -next morning-
I suddenly woke up after I had a dream with Harvey in it. It's unbelievable how much I think about him, like 24/7 but I love him so I guess it's normal, I don't know.
I sat up on the bed and saw that it was about 11 am, not that late.
I wiped away the tears, probably from the dream I had and I was about to put on Harvey's shirt but I couldn't find it. I swear that I put it at the end of the bed but now it's not there anymore, what the hell?
Maybe Andy took it thinking I had to wash it so I chose a random shirt and went to look for him.
"Andy!" I called while walking to his room.
But when I walked in, there was no sight of my best friend.
"Andy! Did you see Harvey's shirt that was in my room?! I need it now" I said loud through the house while I walked downstairs.
When I walked into the kitchen, I couldn't believe my eyes. He was right there in front of me with his shirt on and a beautiful smile on his lips.
"You mean this shirt babe?" Harvey asked.
"When? How? Why? Oh my god!" I managed to say.
I was completely shocked but I still ran towards him and he caught me in his arms.
I was on cloud nine, my boyfriend was right here with me.
"Yesterday night Andy called me saying that you needed me so I took the first flight home. I couldn't perform knowing that you were not ok" he said still holding me.
At that point I cried cuz I was too happy, he flew all the world just for me.
"Why are you crying, babe?" He asked wiping away my tears.
"Cuz you're here with me. I missed you and you don't know how much" I kissed his lips.
I almost forgot how addicting they were.
"I missed you too baby" he said once we pulled away from each other.
But something popped on my mind ruining my mood.
"But you'll leave me soon, right? You have tour" I said with a sad tone, almost crying.
"No, I won't leave you cuz you're coming with me on tour so we can be together 24/7" he smiled at me.
I covered his face with sweet kisses, the best news in the entire world.
"But I want your shirt back, now it's mine" I said looking at his blue eyes.
"Ok ok but I want cuddles, I missed you a lot" he replied and we spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed.
A new story for you guys. I had the idea right before falling asleep so I never stop thinking about new ideas, not even before going to bed. Stream -be okay- by hrvy cuz it's a good song and if you have ideas or suggestions comment them. 🦕
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