That's why you've been acting weird *2 ~Ot5~
Ot5: Brook, Jack, Andy, Rye & Sonny
This was a request from Rabastan_Lestrange I hope you like it, stay strong xxx
Jack POV
I stopped in front of the main entrance and stared at the door for a while.
"Come on Jacky, you don't have to be nervous..." Rye said patting my shoulder.
Andy grabbed my hand and looked at me with a soft smile then we all walked in together.
Walking down the hallway with all that people staring at me was definitely overwhelming but I had the boys by my side so it was ok.
We stopped in front of my new locker and Rye gave me the combination.
"Ok, so this is your schedule with all the classes. None of us have classes with you today but we'll meet here to go to lunch together, after that we'll go and see football practice ok?" Andy said in one breath.
"Ok, need to overwhelm him" Sonny laughed.
"Thanks, Fovvs..." I said taking my schedule.
Then a bunch of guys approached us and I tensed so instinctively I grabbed Andy's hand.
"Hey, Beaumont...the coach has to talk with us" a really tall guy with a football jacket said to Rye.
"Oh is he the guy you were talking about the other day?" another guy asked and I gulped nervously, God send help.
"Yep. He's my boyfriend Jack" Rye said and the guy who asked about me put out his hand to shake mine.
I pulled out my shaky hand with a bit of hesitation but the guy just smiled at me friendly.
"Well, I have to go guys. See you later" Rye waved then left with the football team.
"Jack is ok...the team knows about us and they are Rye's friends so they won't bully you" Brook tried to reassure me but I still need time to process what just happened.
Then as Brook said that a bunch of girls came up to us, some of them had a cheerleading uniform on.
"Omg is he THAT Jack?!" a girl with a really expensive bag asked.
"Yep. He's THAT Jack" Brook replied with a proud grin.
"Aww...he's cute and tall, he should be part of our team" she said, eyes locked on me.
"Trust me, it's not a good idea" Brook laughed.
"Sorry babe, still love you" he added but I wasn't offended cuz I'm really clumsy and sports aren't my thing.
"Well, I'll go now guys" he ended and left with the girls.
Once they were far away, I spoke.
"What the fuck just happened? I mean I knew Rye was on the football team but I thought he was just in it not that he's best friends with the whole team and same with Brook, he's a popular kid?! Are you 2 kings of this school too?"
I was shocked cuz I didn't expect all of this.
Both Andy and Sonny laughed then Sonny explained.
"Well, Rye is the quarterback so obv the whole team respects him and Brook is in with the cheerleaders which means that he's automatically popular but me and Andy are normal, don't worry"
"Thank god..." I said relieved then the bell rang.
"We'll meet here at lunchtime" Andy reminded then disappeared into the crowd with Sonny.
I closed my locker and made my way towards my first class.
The first couple of lectures weren't that bad, I mean I've always been the quiet kid so for now I'm just keeping a low profile.
I was walking back to my locker as Andy instructed when someone tapped my shoulder and I flinched making my books fall to the ground.
"I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to scare you" a soft voice apologized.
When I turned around I saw a really pretty girl with long wavy hair and a bunch of books held close to her chest.
"No worries..." I said low while picking up my stuff.
"I'm Abby...we are in the same history class and I wanted to talk to you cuz you're new right? But you rushed out as soon as the class ended" she said while I opened my locker.
"Emmm...I didn't want to be late since today is my first day..."
She seems nice but I didn't know what to say cuz I'm always super awkward around people, mainly strangers.
But Sonny arrived to save me.
"Hey, Abby!"
"Hey, Sonny. How are you doing?"
Why my boyfriends are friends with the entire school?
"I'm alright. I noticed that you met Jack..."
"Em, yeah kinda. We have history together and since he's new I wanted to make sure he fits in well here" Abby said turning towards me.
Then she walked away after hugging Sonny.
"She's in my art class, she's nice. Also, Abby is the students' president and she's asexual so that's why we keep saying that you're safe here..." Sonny said taking my hand and dragged me outside.
"Really?!" I asked surprised cuz this school feels like a dream.
I didn't expect it to be like this.
"Really. Now we have to rush or Brook will get upset if we miss his practice"
Time skip -a month later-
I think changing school was the best decision I've ever made cuz everything is perfect now.
I see my boyfriends every day, I'm not a popular kid but somehow I feel loved cuz the cheerleaders always invite me to their pajama parties with Brook and the rest of the school says hi to me whenever I pass by.
Then I became close friends with Abby and she's amazing.
She gets me cuz she's been bullied for her sexuality before and even tho my boyfriends are really understanding and supportive, it's not the same.
I also found out that Abby started a no-bulling policy when she became students' president and that's why no one has been pushed or stuff.
On top of all of that, this weekend Rye has a really important match so all of us are going to support him and it doesn't even sound real.
I mean me, my boyfriends and my best friend at a school event together, I couldn't be happier.
Ops this was a bit short but I still love it. I'm working on all of the request, I promise just need a bit of time to write everything but new ideas and story are always accepted so don't be scared to comment them or dm me. I hope everyone is ok and if you need anything I'm always here.☺️
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