Nᴏᴛ ᴀʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ❌ ~Marvey~
Harvey POV
"So Harvey, the next question is a bit personal and the fans really want to know the truth...are you dating or seeing someone?" The interviewer asked.
I froze, I didn't want to answer that but my manager glared at me and I breathed in.
"Emm...no I'm n-not dating anyone..."
My heart broke in a million pieces as soon as I said that.
"What about Loren?"
"We are just best friends, we love each other like brothers"
I tried to put on a fake smile.
After a couple more questions, the nightmare ended and I rushed back to the van ignoring completely my fans.
I love them more than anything but I wasn't in the mood, to be honest.
Once in the van, I put on my headphones blasting sad music but my peace didn't last long. My manager Blair put a hand on my knee to get my attention.
"You stuttered at the interview...they might found out about something. We should get you a fake girlfriend" he spoke.
I looked at him furiously.
"Are you kidding me?! Is this a joke?!" I yelled in the van.
Blair tried to calm me down but I couldn't so as soon as the van arrived at the hotel, I ran inside towards my room. I slammed the door and throw my bag somewhere, I was too mad.
Then the only person I needed in that moment came and hugged me, I broke down in his arms.
"Baby..." he said softly rubbing my back.
My sobs were really loud and I couldn't stop crying, why is this happening to me?
"I-I love you..." I managed to speak.
"Shhh I know Harv and I'm not mad at you for all of this. I love you too and more than you know" he kissed my forehead, cheek and lips.
We stayed in silence just looking at each other but someone ruined the moment.
"I'll go get the door" he said and walked away.
Mikey POV
-are you dating or seeing someone?-
The voice of the interviewer was a loop in my head. Yes, he was dating someone and to be precise he was dating me, Mikey Cobban.
We've been dating for a year now but our relationship isn't allowed. When Blair found out about us, he was really mad cuz I could have ruined Harvey's image and shit like that. I agreed on keeping it a secret only cuz I love Harvey and I don't want to lose him.
Now, whenever he comes back from interviews, he breaks down cuz he lies every time and can say nothing about us.
I can only feel bad for him and to be honest, this breaks my heart but this is how the world goes, unfortunately.
When I opened the door, I saw Blair standing there typing on his phone.
"I need to talk to Harvey" he said firmly.
"He can't right now"
I know Harvey is too exhausted to talk, especially with Blair.
"It's urgent, it's about the interview" he didn't move from his position.
"Blair, he's exhausted so let him be. You can talk to him tomorrow morning" I tried to stay calm.
He rolled his eyes and went back to his room.
I breathed in and walked back to Harv that was laying on the bed, I need to be strong for him. We spent the night watching movies and cuddling then we fell asleep in each other arms.
Harvey POV -next morning-
I woke up before Mikey so I just stayed in bed playing with his hair and watching him sleep till he would wake up. Then I remembered Blair's words.
-we should get you a fake girlfriend-
I don't want to, hiding something is different than faking an entire relationship and I can't do that to Mikey. He's already hurt and if he has to see pics of me and my "girlfriend" then I'll break his heart.
I got out of my thoughts when the little cutie in my arms moved.
"Morning..." he said and pecked my lips quickly.
I smiled but stayed silent, I'm not ready to face Blair.
Eventually, we got ready and walked to the lobby together but not hand in hand.
"Here you are finally...today you have a live performance for Vevo and you'll go with Brittany" he stated.
A girl walked towards us and smiled at me, I wanted to grab Mikey's hand so bad.
"What is this?!" Mikey stepped in.
"Brittany will fake date Harvey till the rumors go away" Blair explained.
I was shocked and frozen but I noticed that Mikey was mad, furious.
"Come on the van is waiting for you outside" Blair said and quickly walked out of the hotel.
I gave Mikey a weak smile and walked out with Brittany next to me. Obv I won't take her hand or stuff like that, I just won't do it.
The paparazzi were already outside waiting for me and all 3 of us just walked through them.
In the van was awkward, Blair just looked at his phone like nothing happened, Brittany fixed her makeup and me and Mikey just sat next to each other in silence. I put my hand on his thigh but he kept his gaze outside of the window. What did I get myself into?
Finally, we arrived at the palace of Vevo and we just did what we did before at the hotel. Walk through paparazzi. I did a soundcheck and prepared myself for the performance.
In the green room, there were just me and Mikey but there was too much tension, I need to do something. I got closer and wrapped my arms around him.
"Harvey I'm not in the mood and you should focus on your performance" he coldly said.
I get it, he's mad and I can't blame him for that.
Mikey POV
I'm not mad with Harv, just pissed about all of this bullshit. I can't even hold my boyfriend's hand and now he has a fake girlfriend. I just hope it's all a nightmare cuz this is killing me.
While watching Harvey perform, I cried and just broke down inside in silence. Brittany was next to me but Harvey's eyes were locked on me and I noticed that he was hurt too but what he did next shocked me.
Mid song he stopped and interrupted the music.
"I want to tell something to the world, to all the people that are watching me live...yes, I'm dating someone and that someone is Mikey Cobban. I'm tired of being fake, I just want to be myself so if you love someone else be proud of it. Love is love"
His eyes were locked with mine that were crying happy tears.
Blair was so mad but we couldn't care less.
Harvey ran to me and kissed me passionately.
"I love you" I said to him.
"I love you too" he said back.
Now we can finally be ourselves and nothing will stop us.
My book is actually first in the #marvey charts and even tho is not a real ship I still like them together. Love is love is my fav phrase ever and it's also really true.🏳️🌈
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