HATE. ~Ot6~
Ot6: Andy, Brook, Jack, Sonny, Harper, Rye
No one POV
The boys were sat on the big sofa in the TV studio, ready to start the interview.
Harper and Jack were the most nervous, they have always been nervous during interviews cuz they don't know what type of question they will ask.
"It's gonna be alright guys..." Andy reassured them with a smile right after.
"1 minute and we're live!" One of the technicians yelled.
The interview was going well, the lady asked some simple questions and everything was going smoothly but a question ruined the happy mood in the studio.
"So this is the last question and everyone wants to know the answer...which one of you guys is taken? Cuz on the internet none of you say anything but there must be someone special" the lady asked.
All the boys raised their hands and she was surprised.
"Oh, so all of you guys are taken...who are the lucky girls?"
"Emmm...there aren't any girls. We are all in a relationship together" Rye explained.
"But isn't that cheating?" The lady laughed, thinking that the boys were joking.
"No, we love each other equally and is not cheating if we are all aware of it" Andy stepped in.
The lady looked even more confused and the audience just stayed silent.
"Ok...so no girls...but what do your fans think about all of this?" She wasn't stopping with the questions.
"Well, we never really told them openly so we will know the respond after this interview but they are really happy when we are cuddly and lovey with each other" Brook said and he seemed the least worried, he was actually having a great time.
The interview went on but it was a bit awkward after the boys' confession, the lady seemed to not accept it and she continued to ask uncomfortable questions.
Rye POV -a few weeks after-
After that interview, we got some hate. Everyone thinks that we are cheating on each other or that we weren't happy as a couple so we had to involve more people, obv those statements are false.
I love all of the boys and they know that I could never choose between them.
A few fans continued to support us but at the house it wasn't easy, all of us were stressed and worried and we argued more than usual.
"Guys what if we never came out on live TV?" Harper asked nervously breaking the silence in the room.
"Don't ever say that it was a mistake cuz I won't ever regret being myself" Andy firmly said.
"I know but we could have come out in a different way maybe..." Jack tried to defend Harper somehow but that made Andy even madder.
"Oh, so you wish that none of this happened?!" The shorter boy snapped.
Obv he was referring to our relationship.
"Ok, everyone needs to calm down...we shouldn't fight with each other for this" Brook stepped in.
He hates it when we argue with each other.
Andy stormed out of the room and Sonny followed right behind to calm him down, the stress is killing us.
I turned towards Harper and comforted him with a hug.
"Is not your fault babe. We are all stressed" I rubbed his back and kissed his head.
I just want this nightmare to end.
Time skip -a few days later-
The week went on pretty easy without major arguments and I started to think that maybe we got over the drama but something told me that it wasn't over as I thought.
I pushed away my stupid worries and grabbed the car keys cuz we are all going to the mall except for Jack and Andy.
"Rye we are late" Brook whined from the back seat.
"Sorry, I couldn't find the keys"
He rolled his eyes at me but I know he loves me.
At the mall, we walked around for a bit till Harper found his favorite shop ever so we decided to go inside.
Harper was actually being serious for once and he looked at all the clothes, sometimes showing me while Sonny and Brook were messing around. At one point I lost them but they were gonna be fine so I stayed with Harper.
"What if I buy this?" He asked me looking at the jumper he picked up.
"You'd look more than perfect" I said kissing his lips softly.
He blushed and continued with his shopping but I heard people arguing not far away from us so we decided to check if everything was alright.
There was this lady yelling at Brook while Sonny was defending our boyfriend. I told Harper to wait here while I got closer.
"You guys should be ashamed. Being with more than one person isn't possible and this is not the way to be a role model towards all those people that you call fans" she spat looking at Brook.
"Excuse me but I think you should leave alone my boyfriends" I stepped in between her and Brook.
"You guys are insane. It's embarrassing to walk around and see you guys in public, you should stay at home or even better be in a real relationship" she didn't stop being rude.
I told Sonny to pull Brook away since he looked traumatized.
"I don't wanna be rude Miss but we can be whatever we want and love whoever we want so if you don't like that then it's your problem" and with that, I walked back to my boyfriends.
Brook was crying in Sonny's arms while Harper tried to calm him down but it wasn't working.
"It's ok, now we're gonna go home and everything is gonna be fine" I said picking Brook up.
I walked towards the car with Sonny and Harper close behind.
The drive home was dead silent since no one knew what to say, the situation was bad.
Once I parked the car, Sonny picked Brook up cuz he fell asleep and as soon as I locked the car, Andy stormed out of the house in full panic mode.
Oh no another problem.
"Andy, what's wrong?" Harper asked.
"Jack's...his parents..." he was struggling to breathe properly.
So Harper pulled out the emergency inhaler that he always carried and gave it to Andy while rubbing his back to calm him.
"Jack's parents found out about us through the interview and they didn't support him...he's devasted..." Andy managed to say.
"Ok...Sonny put Brook in bed and we'll handle this" I said trying to stay as calm as possible.
Once we walked in, I saw a devasted Jack and I've never seen him like that.
"Babe...you have to calm down. We'll fix everything" I said getting closer carefully.
"No! They hate me Rye..." he broke down at the end and I just held him.
I mouthed to the other 2 to go upstairs while I sorted this out.
"Listen, I have an idea but you have to be strong and to trust me
I kissed his forehead and he nodded.
Time skip -a year later-
It's been a year since all that drama and we couldn't be happier.
Everyone is doing their own job, we moved house, made up with Jack's parents and our fans are still supporting us no matter what.
We were stuck in a dark place but this year is gonna be better cuz at the end of the day I have my boyfriends by my side and that's all that I need.
You have the right to love whoever you want and don't ever let someone ruin your happiness.
Sorry for the lack of updates but this week I didn't have any inspiration and didn't want to do anything. But somehow I managed to write this and not gonna lie, is not my best work but I hope you still like it. Comment some ideas if you have any. 💐
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