Band Reunion *1 ~Jacklyn~
Brook POV
Ok, this goes here. The glasses are all in the right place. The food is almost done. My hair is decent. I don't smell weird. Ok, I think that's it.
"Brook stop being paranoid. Everything is perfect" Harper said trying to calm me down.
"Everything needs to go smoothly. There's gonna be the band reunion and I don't want the boys to think I'm a loser" and it was the truth.
All of them were living amazing lives while I was here doing nothing.
Rye and Sonny are smashing the charts with their songs, plus Randy is real and they look so happy together.
Andy's dream became true, in fact, he's a producer now.
Mikey decided not to follow a musical career, instead, he became ambassador of a charity company and now he helps children or families that need help.
Harper is a songwriter and is working with a couple of famous artists.
Jack, he's doing great. He released an amazing album and recently I heard that he's engaged with Kirsty, I'm happy for them.
"Brook, you're not a loser and the boys would never think that. Even if the band ended, we are all mates" Harper said and he was kinda right.
"ok, I just need to calm down before they arrive"
then, as soon as I finished the sentence, someone rang the doorbell. Great, they are already here.
I opened the door and there was Rye with Andy, Mikey and Sonny.
"Brook!" Rye said giving me a big hug.
"I missed you Rye" I said pulling away from the hug.
then I hugged the others and we all walked into the living room.
"So how is it going guys? What did we miss?" Rye asked with a weird smirk.
"Nothing much. Me and Brook live together and I'm a full-time songwriter so everything is going great" Harper replied ignoring Rye weird smirk.
"Oh, you should do a studio session with me and Rye. It would be great and I loved all the songs you wrote during the band days" Sonny said and for some reason, Harper blushed a bit but to be honest I didn't wanna know all the details of what was going on.
"And what about you Brook? Some exciting news?" Andy asked.
and for the second time, the doorbell interrupted me but I was glad cause I didn't know what to reply to Andy's question.
"Jack!" Mikey said out loud.
"Guys!" he replied.
"Come on in. We were just talking about random stuff" Harper said walking back to the living room.
"Can I be honest? This is weird like the og Roadtrip and the new one all together" Jack pointed out.
We all laughed but it was a good thing cause we all became friends and there wasn't any drama or beef between us.
"By the way congratulations on your new album! It's amazing" Sonny said.
"Yeah, it's sick mate" Rye added.
"Thanks. I'm very proud of it and it looks like the fans love it so I'm happy"
" it true that you and Kirsty...?" Andy asked.
"Yeah...well it wasn't planned but I wanted to tell you guys in person, I guess and obv all of you are invited to the wedding when we will plan it" he said.
when Jack said that my mood dropped.
As I said before I'm super happy for him but I still love him kinda so it hurts.
We weren't in a relationship or anything but I knew that there was something between us.
"Well, the food is ready" Harper said changing subject since the room went silent for some reason.
We ate and chatted about random stuff like the old days but I noticed that Jack kept looking at me with sad eyes. It wasn't a big deal so I ignored it.
After dinner, we kept chatting and we drank something altogether. It really felt like the old days but you could feel that something changed, not sure if in a good or bad way.
Near midnight Andy and Rye decided to go home and Mikey left too.
"Harp if you are in the mood we can go to the studio and do a little session now" Sonny suggested.
"If it's not a problem, I'm down" Harper replied looking at me.
"You can go. I'll clean everything up"
and they left the house.
There was only me and Jack left, great.
I started to pick up the glasses on the coffee table since the boys left a mess and Jack decided to help me.
"You don't have to go home?" I asked a bit coldly.
"You don't want me here?" he sassed back.
"No, I thought that maybe Kirsty was worried" I suddenly got nervous.
"She's out with her friends so she won't be home tonight" Jack said putting the glasses in the sink.
"Ah ok"
"Brook, why are you so weird around me? Did I do something?" he asked a bit worried.
"No, you didn't do anything and I'm not weird" I said keeping on with the cleaning.
Jack stopped me grabbing both my hands and looked at me in the eyes.
"Brook, you are a horrible liar. Tell me what's wrong..."
I got super nervous and couldn't look at him in the eyes then I did the most stupid thing in this world, I kissed him.
It was a quick kiss but I left the house right after.
What was I thinking?
He has a fiance and I kissed him, I can't believe myself.
I ran as fast as I could away from the house but someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. I tried to get away from Jack's grip but he was too strong.
"Brook stop! It's ok" he said hugging me.
"No, Jack. You cheated on Kirsty and it's my fault. I'm selfish and a loser" I broke down in his arms.
He held me and calmed me down but I was still sobbing.
"You're not a loser and... I didn't cheat on's complicated" he said calmly.
I looked at him confused with tears in my eyes.
"The wedding is just a cover for management and she's actually hanging out with her ex right now. I didn't want to tell anything cause I didn't want to ruin everything. Me and Kirsty are like best friend so we don't hate each other" he explained.
I was shocked and I didn't know what to say.
He wiped away one of my tears and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.
"Brook please say something...anything..." he pleaded.
I just kissed him again and this time he kissed back. It was actually our first proper kiss and it felt amazing.
"So since Kirsty isn't home tonight you can stay over. I already know that Harper will be busy with Sonny all night" I said.
"I think it's a great idea and yeah, we need to find out what is going on between them"
and then we walked back to my house hand in hand.
For some reason I didn't feel like a loser at that moment, maybe cause Jack was by my side.
I disappeared for a while and now I'm actually back at school yee. I already hate it there so if my updates aren't that regular is because of that. This is a story I wrote a while ago so I hope it's good. 🦥
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