You Look Like... 《8》
If you follow me, you probably already got the message about reading the last few paragraphs of this chapter. Those are really crucial to the plot and Y/n as a main character.
Other than that, I hope you all enjoy this long-awaited chapter.
My diagnosis is that no one has been treating you well
So what do you prescribe?
Love, the only medicine
Is this a lie?
Second Person Perspective.
Sitting at the shared table in the back of the math class, you twirled the pink glitter pen between your fingers while blowing a bubble of strawberry-flavored gum. Now, this is a peculiar setting. You were in your seat before Huey Freeman. When normally, for every class, Huey is the first one inside and the first one out. Today wasn't that day. Usually, Huey would meet you by your locker and walk with you the rest of the way to class, but today he didn't show up.
You excepted to see him in his seat, but his chair was never touched. It's never like Huey to be second, let alone late for anything. He's very punctual with his time, simply because he hates being late. Blowing a larger bubble with your gum, it popped when you jumped to the sudden sound of the classroom door being forced open.
Every person looked to the front door to spot Huey, who looked quite disheveled. Mrs. Green would eye him up and down before turning her attention back to the whiteboard. "Why, hello Mr. Freeman. Thank you for joining us." Huey ignored her as he dragged himself to his seat. He looked drained. More than usual.
Placing your pen down you pushed open Huey's seat, watching him immediately slump onto it. "Hey Huey, are you okay? You look like shit." You stated as you placed your hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine." He snapped.
A wafting wave of heat came off of him from just being in his view. "Mhm. You don't look like it, but whatever you say." You'd dismiss your concern with a shrug of your shoulders. Huey would take out his math textbook, and without even a second passing, he buried his face within the pages. Literally.
"...Huey?" You called, poking his shoulder. Only a snore emitted from him. With a grin, you slipped off your jacket and threw it over Huey's shoulders. Huey slept through the lecture for the rest of the class period as you kept your attention on the lesson. Once the bell rang at the end of class, you stood at Huey's side, rubbing his back to wake him up.
"Hey Huuuueeeeyyyy, it's time to leave now." You cooed. Huey murmured a groan and grunt as he slowly raised his head from the textbook. The thin page from the textbook stuck to his face before he swatted it away. With heavy breathing, he slowly packed his things before realizing the weight of your jacket on his shoulders. He looked at you with a raised brow as he put on the jacket completely, surprisingly it was big enough to fit.
"You were sleepy, and I didn't have a blanket to give you. Thug won't let me bring a blanket to school." You said. Huey managed to chuckle before hacking the worst cough to hear. Cringing at the sound, you reached your hand out to feel his forehead. The heat was all you felt. "Huey you're sick." You stated. "I'm not sick." He argued.
Glaring at each other, you placed your hands on your hips while Huey forced himself up from his seat and threw his bag over his shoulder. "I'm fine, I took some medicine last night." He said, walking slowly to the front door. You walked by his side, rolling your eyes at what he said.
"Huey, ginger ale, and crackers won't fix whatever you got going on, 'cause you still got it." You told as the both of you left the classroom and walked out into the hallway. Huey rolled his eyes and kept walking. He forced himself to walk a bit faster, before feeling his legs nearly give out under him.
Catching himself against the wall, you immediately placed support on his lower back and took his free hand. Panting heavily, Huey forced himself up and pulled away from you only using the wall as his support. "I'm...f-fine." He spat.
"Tch, fine! Turn around and walk to your class, since you're sooooo fine! But if you were sick, which you are, you go to the nurse and tell her to call Mr. Freeman to pick you up because you're sick!" With a stomp, you turned away in a huff and sped off to your class all while Huey turned away and began to walk.
"To wrap that all together, your alternate assessment will be due next month on Tuesday. Plenty of time, I suggest you all get this done before midterm exams so you all aren't staying up late." The bell would ring after your teacher's passive comment to some of the students who turn in things at the last minute.
Students quickly rushed out of the room while you took your time to get your things situated. Nathan would notice the knot your forehead made when your eyebrows were tensed together. You were thinking about something. But what?
"Hey, Y/n?" The pale blonde called.
Did Huey make it to class on time? Or did he go to the nurse? If he didn't, I hope he passed out and was taken there. You thought to yourself. Nathan stared down at you before crouching down in front of you, bringing you from your thoughts.
"This is what I have to do to have your attention?" He smirked with a chuckle. You giggled and apologized as you swayed the strap to your canvas bag over your shoulder. "Sorry Nathan, I've just been thinking a lot." Nathan stood up and walked with you out of the class to meet up with the others.
"What's on your mind?" He asked. "Huey's sick, and he wouldn't go to the freaking nurse after nearly falling. So, if he's at the table Imma need your and Cindy's help to drag him there." You quickly told.
"An attempt to fight Huey? Been a while since the last one." Nathan said with a grin as he popped his knuckles. Your eyes gently raised in surprise at the news. "You and Huey fought before?" Nathan shrugged at your question. "Yeah, but was way before we could tolerate each other." With the tone of his voice, you could tell you shouldn't ask any further questions about this fight. Well, maybe Huey will have answers then.
Thankfully, Nathan moved the awkward tension to show you a funny video on his phone as you walked to the tables outside the cafeteria. Approaching the table, you saw that Cindy was lazily feeding herself fries while Jasmine sat beside her, eating from the same fry tray. They both shared earbuds as they watched something on Cindy's phone.
While Riley was picking at his lunch with a bored expression. Huey was nowhere in sight. "Why's everyone so quiet? Please tell me Huey died from whatever he has." Nathan snickered, immediately coughing when you harshly jabbed your elbow into his side with a glare.
"Nah, Huey gets to skip school 'cause he's siiiick," Riley said, obviously in a sour mood that his older brother got to skip out. Taking your seat next to Riley, Nathan would follow in pursuit. Today, he sat in Huey's seat.
"You know Huey would go to school on the weekends if he wanted to, he's actually sick Reezy." You told the annoyed boy. He'd just roll his eyes and watch you take out your made lunch. A new routine you developed was giving Riley a double fudge brownie every lunch. Which seems to be all he eats during lunch. Unless there's something he wants from the cafeteria. Handing Riley the wrapped brownie with the cut of your BLT sandwich, he'd hum a "thank you" to which you nodded.
Cindy would take out an earbud and look at the new spot Nathan took today. "Where's Huey? You two switch spots or something?" She asked. "Sick. Last time I checked, he didn't write his name on this spot." Nathan would say getting an eye roll from Riley and Cindy. "Is Huey skipping lunch?" Jazmine asked sipping from a straw attached to a carton of strawberry milk.
"No, he's sick and went home earlier to get better." You told before taking a sip from your cherry soda. "Bro, I'd take any chance to skip school, especially with that math test coming up," Cindy said with a groan, contemplating how she'd get past her math test. "I'll help you study Cindy, since I take honors, I can give you my old study guide!" Jazmine chirped. Her words were music to Cindy's ears. With the four of you sharing math work with Cindy, Riley wore a smile that stretched ear to ear at an idea.
Once the clock reached three and the final bell rang, students rushed out of their classrooms to where they were destined to be. After saying goodbye to Nathan, Cindy, and Jazmine you and Riley walked to your personal driver that waited patiently for you both. "What you said? I wasn't listening." You told biting into the cheeseburger you bought from the cafeteria.
Rolling his eyes followed by an exhausted sigh Riley repeated his plan, "I'm gonna pretend to be sick to skip the test tomorrow, easy." He told. "Oh! Or, or, you can just study." You said, taking another bite from your burger. With a blank expression, Riley flicked the front of your forehead with his middle finger, making you wince from the slight pain. "YoU cAn JuSt StUdY! Get yo ass in this car." He mocked as you laughed while getting into the backseat of the limo, Riley following in pursuit.
The ride to the Freeman household was never a drag. Finally arriving, you both walked into the house to see a letter from Mr. Freeman hanging from the colorful bunny magnet that you stuck to the fridge.
"Went to the store to get medicine. The food is for Huey, not Riley!- Stop touching his food, Riley! The note literally said it's not for you!" You scolded, swatting the boy's hand away from the plate. "Tch, fuck am I supposed to eat then?" He complained, staring at the tray that held a bowl of chicken soup, a glass of orange juice, and a biscuit.
Shrugging your shoulders you placed the note onto the tray and took it into your grasp. "Make a sandwich, and if you make something, make one for me too, thank youuuuu." You sang while walking out of the kitchen. "I ain't yo' butler hoe!" He yelled from the fridge. "I'll make you my maid instead if you call me a hoe again!"
Was your retort as you walked up the stairs to the shared bedroom of the brothers. Approaching the door, you gently knocked to a rhythm to hear a groan in reply. "It's Y/n, I have the food Grandad left for you." You said, balancing the tray in one hand while opening the door.
Doing so, you were greeted with the sight of Huey struggling to get out of bed, just before laying back against his pillow in defeat. Just the mere sight of him made you feel pity, as he only felt pathetic. He wore a simple black sweater that was pulled at the collar so it wasn't tight around his neck. His nose was a burned red and his face was flushed. The bags under his eyes darkened and seemed to grow.
Upon entering the room, not a single word was said between the two of you. What was there to even say? Granted you both left things on a petty note, which was unnecessary to do. You approached Huey's bed through the middle gap that separated his side of the room from Riley's.
At the foot of his bed was your jacket which was still in perfect condition. You completely forgot you gave that to him. Placing the tray on your lap as you sat beside him on the bed, all you could say was "You look like shit." Huey lifted his head in moderate shock as he managed to cough a bitter chuckle that sounded like crumbling gravel. "Thanks, Y/n.."
"I didn't mean it like that- well, kinda. But- never mind. I'm sorry, for saying you look like shit, and yelling at you earlier. I was just upset that you weren't taking care of yourself." Huey hummed to your apology, not much reassurance in that. "If it means anything, I picked up your homework from all your teachers and your tests." You said while lifting the bowl of soup to Huey.
"You got an A on your science test by the way," Your words managed to crack a smile on Huey's flushed face. Attempting to lift his arms to take the bowl he was struck with defeat and let his arms fall at his side. "I'll eat later." He said with an irritated sigh.
"Huey, you have to eat now. I can just feed it to you if you want." You would lift the spoon from the bowl with a fair amount to feed. Not caring enough to argue, Huey slowly opened his mouth and allowed you to feed him. During that time, you'd ramble about whatever so you didn't just have to hear the spoon make contact with the bowl. Slowly, Huey sat up straighter and leaned closer as the bowl was growing empty.
Once he was finished, Huey was sitting up straight, finishing off the biscuit and the orange juice by himself. Having the minimal strength to do it by himself made him seem like a rabid animal or a man who hasn't eaten in ages. Riley would step into the room, on his right shoulder was the red strap to his backpack, and on his left was the sage green strap to your canvas bag. In his hands was a smaller meal tray, that had one large plate and two glasses, filled to the brim with orange juice.
Seeing his brother go manic on the remains of his meal, his lips painted a mocking smile. "Ain't no way it's that good." He said. Huey ignored him as he wiped the corner of his mouth with the napkin before laying against his pillows, feeling much better. For the time being that is.
"Thank you, Y/n," Huey said as Riley placed the food tray on the nightstand between the two beds. "You're welcome Huey, and what are you doing Riley?" You asked. Riley would grunt as he pulled the wooden nightstand against the carpet floor to be in front of you. Your backpack was at your feet and Riley's bag was laying carelessly on the edge of his own bed.
On the nightstand was the tray of the two over-filled glasses of orange juice, and now that you have a closer look, you could see the large plate was carrying smiley face nuggets and fries. With each pull of the nightstand, the juice would nearly spill from the glass. "You got eyes, movin' it so we can eat. Damn." With a final huff, he finally had the nightstand in the space before you.
Not caring to argue, you reached for a nugget and dipped it in the puddle of honey mustard on the plate. "Thank youuuuuu." You said, eating the friendly snack and picking up your bag to take out homework and iPad. Riley sat on his bed choosing to go on his game boy instead of doing his work. After handing Huey his assignments for the day, you all broke into separate tasks with a mild conversation.
Your iPad played music as you all worked on the schoolwork. Well, Riley was more of writing out a plan to make his grandfather believe he was sick. You were typing in endless numbers in your calculator, even looking to google for an answer to your math homework.
Usually, Huey is the one who helps you with your math homework, but since he wasn't feeling any better, you didn't want to bother him. Huey was managing to finish some of his work, working at a pace slower than usual. That was until he felt a sinking feeling at the bottom of his stomach that then soared to burn his throat.
With a spring of energy, he ran to the spare bathroom in the shared bedroom. The bathroom door banged against the wall just as Huey fell to his knees before the toilet and hurled. Alarmed, you and Riley were quick to rush to his aid, despite his inaudible demands to not help him.
As much as Riley wanted to leave him, even at his brother's demand, you forced Riley to stay in place by tugging at his ear to express your demand in helping. Once Huey was finished hugging the toilet as if he was drunk on a weekend, you took him to the sink to brush his teeth and wash his face. Through gagging Riley flushed whatever remained and closed the toilet lid, cringing in disgust.
Laying Huey in his bed, his teeth chattered as he groaned with his body shaking from nausea and his overwhelmed senses. Laying the blanket over him, you applied the lukewarm rag over his burning face, to soothe him in any way you could. He could hardly utter a single word. "Bro if he dies, I'm sellin' his shit," Riley said, standing next to you.
"Shut up Riley." Was all you said before neatly stacking Huey's work and books on his desk. Riley rolled his eyes and followed your lead in situating the bedroom before leaving Huey to rest in the dark. Sitting on the living room couch, watching aimlessly at whatever the TV displayed, your mind only stayed focused on Huey's condition. You were doubtful that it could just be the flu, what if it was something worse?
The demand snapping of fingers in front of your face shook you from your worrying. You turned to Riley with alarmed eyes, surprising him as well. "W-What is it? Did something happen?" You asked, pinching at the loose fabric of your large jeans. "Nah, nothin', that show you like is on." Was all he said, leaning back onto the couch and looking at the TV with a bored expression.
You looked at the TV to see it was the animated show of two mismatched children, one gullible and oblivious boy, and one unsympathetic and cruel girl, who both are friends of the bringer of death, who also has a Jamaican accent. As much as you loved the show, something else came into question. Riley never puts on what you want to watch, only if he's threatened by Huey or just beat him into doing so.
With a relaxed smile, you leaned back onto the couch and laid your head on his shoulder. "Thanks, Riley." You whispered, paying your attention to the cartoon. Nudging closer to you, Riley muttered a rebuttal under his breath that you didn't care enough to prove wrong.
The afternoon glow faded into the coming of a lilac sky with a growing ombre that faded to a deep blue. Outside the homes, each street light turned on one by one, attracting every white moth to its glow. Driving down the black road was a ruby red 1975 Lincoln Continental, with a shine that glowed with the moonlight. The car parked in the driveway of the Freeman household, taking its rightful place.
Stepping out of the car was the elder, and owner of the home, Robert Freeman. Drained and tired from a long day, in his hands were bags from a pharmacy, grocery store, all you could think of. You could say he was taking unnecessary measures for his grandson's illness, but he believed it was necessary for the sake of his and Y/n's health. Oh yeah, and his other grandson.
In the living room, your head moved from Riley's shoulder to his lap, peacefully dozing off. Riley laid his head on the couch armrest, with a pillow under his head to avoid the hardness of the rest. Sitting on the coffee table, was a white porcelain mug filled with piping hot water. In the cup was a gray and white digital thermometer, that glowed a red beeping light due to the temperature.
The sound of keys fumbling at the front door, and muffled swearing sent an alarm in Riley's drowsy mind. Time to proceed with his plan. Shoving you aside, he reached behind the couch to take out an average blanket. Bundling himself with the blanket, he reached over to the coffee table to grab the thermometer, sticking the end in his mouth, despite the burn it gave to his tongue.
You'd rub at your tired eyes, yawning as you stretched out your back. You had the easiest part of the plan. Dump the water and tell Mr. Freeman that Riley was sick, then he was in the clear. Still drowsy, you took the mug from the table and dumped the water into the pot of a fake plant. Standing up, your legs nearly buckled underneath you, thankfully you were able to hold yourself upright.
Dragging yourself to the front door, you could hear Mr. Freeman curse at the door and the keys as he struggled to open the door. It made you utter a giggle from your dry throat as you unlatched the locks and opened the door. "Hello, Mr. Freeman." You greeted. Mr. Freeman's scowl softened to a smile at the sight of you. "Why hello sweetie pie, thank you for opening the door for me. Nothing bad happened while I was gone?" He asked as he walked into his home.
Closing the door behind him, you locked the latches whilst you spoke, "No, everything is okay. Except for Huey, he doesn't look any better, but he was able to eat his food and do some of his homework." You followed behind Mr. Freeman and stopped beside him when he paused at the sight of Riley. His smile tightened into a scow as his eyebrows furrowed.
"Boy, what's wrong with you?" He called to Riley, who only groaned in response. What did you have to do again? Oh yeah, that. "And I think Riley is sick too." You added. "Mhm." Was all Mr. Freeman hummed as he handed you a small bag. "That candy is just for you sweet pea, for making sure Huey ate." With a smile, you hugged the grandfather as if he was your own. "Thank you, Mr. Freeman!"
Chuckling, he would return the hug and pat your head. "Now, go on home, I'll take care of Riley." His tone would drop on Riley's name.
The next morning, it took you quite a while to wake up, once you did, you did everything at a slower pace than usual. At the breakfast table, you didn't even have an appetite for the plentiful spread that the cooks prepared. Looking down at the floor, you profusely apologized for not eating. Taking notice of your morning change, Luna lifted your head, making you stare up at her. "What's wrong baby? You love pancakes." She told. Her thumb gently caresses your cheek, being careful not to scratch you in any way with her sharp nails.
"I don't know...I'm just not hungry." You shrugged, yawning once more. "Prolly because of all that candy you have been eating, pack two bottles of water for her today and one juice. All that sugar will make you sick Nyx." Otis said, placing a bowl of grapes beside your plate of pancakes. "He's right hun, maybe cut down on some of the candy, you'll feel better." Luna encouraged, kissing your temple to give more encouragement.
Smiling at her gentleness and care, you proceeded to eat a fair amount of grapes from the bowl. Once satisfied, you called Otis's name, who was glued to his phone. Once he gave you his attention, you asked, "Can I take the bus with Riley to school today?" "What about the Huey boy?" Luna interjected just before he could answer. "Who the hell is Huey?" Otis asked.
Rolling your eyes, reliving this situation, for the tenth time. "Huey is Riley's older brother, and he's sick right now. So can I go with Riley to school?" You asked once again, the annoyance in your voice is evident. "Ight, ight, fine. Stay safe, okay?" With a smile, you nodded and jumped from your seat to hug your older cousins goodbye before making your way to the kitchen to find Kiara, closing your lunchbox. "Morning Kiara." You said, making the woman turn to you with a smile that disappeared to a look of worry at the sight of you.
"Oh my, Y/n, how are you feeling?" She asked, holding her palm against your forehead with your lunch box in her other. "I'm fine, just sleepy." You said, giving a nonchalant shrug to her worry. "Hmmm, I'll have some tea prepared for you when you come home, and soup for dinner." She said, attaching your lunch box to your canvas bag.
With a whine, you looked at Kiara with pleading eyes. "Can I at least have ice cream for dessert?" You begged. Kiara only gave a warm smile and rang her fingers through your hair. "Oh, está bien cariño, solo por esta noche." Taking a moment to understand what she said, she giggled and spoke again. "Yes, you can have ice cream tonight." "Yes! Thank you, Kiara, love you, tell everyone I love them!" You gave her a quick hug before running out of the kitchen, past the dining room to the front doors.
"How are you this morning Mr, Freeman?" You asked, skipping behind him to the kitchen. The smell of maple bacon, fresh squeezed orange juice, and eggs made you gag. The crazy thing is, you loved bacon and juice in general, but the smell and sight just made you sick. "I've been fine, but the boy doesn't seem to be gettin' any better though. Riley, come down and eat boy! I ain't waiting on you once it's seven thirty!"
You sat on a bar stool that was beside that kitchen island with an imperial brown marble top that shined the reflection of the bright lights. "You hungry baby?" Robert asked. "I'm okay Mr. Freeman, thank you." You gave him a smile, which he returned. Just as you were about to take out a bottle of water from your bag, you heard feet shuffling against the floor and groaning approached the kitchen.
Entering the kitchen, groaning and whining in pain was Riley. He looked awful. The shirt he wore was stretched out at the collar, and his face was moist with sweat. His nose and eats burned a deep red, whilst his body swayed, unable to keep a steady balance. His eyes squinted at the kitchen light as he stumbled his way into the kitchen.
"Owwww...ouuuu.." Riley whined as he limped into the kitchen, rubbing his forehead and holding his stomach. "You're going to school Riley," Robert deadpanned as he kept his focus on plating his breakfast plate. Riley only passed by him and made his way toward you. He sat on the stool next to you and wrapped his arms around you, the heat from his body suffocating you. "Aye ma, you got any candy to make me feel better..?" The sound of his voice was painful. As if rocks and chipped glass cut threads into his vocals or if he smoked cigarettes like it was a hobby.
With his body pressed against yours, you turned to lift his head from the crook of your neck and palm his forehead. Feeling the heat make straight contact with your palm. "Awww... you're sick too." You said sadly to which Riley weakly nodded before burying his face into your neck once again. You looked to Mr. Freeman who slid a bowl of cereal towards Riley's way, not an ounce of concern on his face.
"Mr. Freeman, he's really sick this time, he's burning up." You said, seeing the grandfather only roll his eyes at his grandson. "That boy ain't fooling me, he's just doing this to get out of school." Saying so, Riley would lift his head to stretch open his mouth to add more proof to his grotesque condition. Reeling back in shock and disgust, Robert cringed. With a sigh, he complied, "Dammit fine, you can stay home, but no TV or games, I ain't playing with you, boy!" Robert told.
To his words, Riley pulled himself away from you and began to deliriously prance around the kitchen. "Oh look I'm good again, I can go to school and shit.." Slowly he began to sway from side to side, slurring his words. "Aye, ma?" He called. "Yeah?" You said. "Catch me." These were his last words before face-planting onto the kitchen floor. With briefly panicked screams, you and Robert scrambled to get Riley, who also managed to get a bloody nose from the fall.
Great, now both of the brothers were sick with God knows what. Robert searched through every closet to find doctors' gloves and a gas mask to wear while he disinfected the house. "Well, if Huey and Riley are sick, I guess I'm heading to school on my own then. Bye-bye, Mr. Freeman!" You said while walking to the front door.
"What!? You can't leave me here with them! They'll get me too!" The old man panicked as he dashed ahead of you, and barricaded the door with himself. From the looks of it, he looked like a kooky old man, which made you giggle. "Mr. Freeman, I have to go to school, I need my homework and theirs too. Buuuuut, if you drive me to school I can help you after! I promise." You swore, placing your right hand over your chest. "All right fine, don't hold out on me now sweet pea." He told, handing you one of the spare face masks as he opened the front door.
"I won't Mr. Freeman!"
You arrived at school, late to your first period, but that didn't matter to you. Stepping out of the car, you approached the driver-side window, which was slowly going down as you approached. "You forget something?" Robert asked. "Nope! Just when you get home, go to my house and ask to see Miss Kiara, tell her about the boys and she'll help you." You instructed. "All right, be safe sweet pea, I'll see you after school." Were Robert's last words to you before you both wished the other goodbye and carried on to your separate ways.
Walking to the front office, you felt a pit swirl in your stomach, making you feel nauseous with each step you took. Your head began to ache, with a pounding that only irritated you. "Ugh, what's wrong with me today?" You groaned, entering the school office. Behind the front desk was Ms. Doyle, among the entire school, everyone knew her as the nicest receptionist at the school. She made a relationship with every student that came into the office and always left a lasting impression that was always positive.
"Well look who it is, Lil 'nificent. How are you today baby?" She asked as you dragged yourself to her desk with a dropping smile. "I'm...really tired all of a sudden. Can I see the nurse?" You asked, leaning against the top of her desk. The plump woman would look to you with her round lips pursed in worry. "Aww, what's wrong? Not feelin' well?" She asked.
With a silent nod, Ms.Doyle began to write on a pink slip of paper and hand it to you. "Here you go love, I'll handle your tardies, feel better okay?" Taking the slip, you gave her a nod with a smile. "I will, thank you, ma'am." With that, you made your way to the school infirmary. The nurse allowed you to rest on one of the beds for a class period, once the bell rang you'd have to go to class. Complying with her rules, you laid back on the bed with your bag, taking out your headphones and iPad to listen to music while you rest.
"Feel better Miss Marwood." Said the nurse from her desk as you left the infirmary. Not in the mood to reply, you made your way to every teacher of Riley and Huey's. Finally reaching the last teacher, which was Riley's math teacher. "Oh, so the Freeman boy is sick? With what?" He asked as he handed you two stapled papers of math equations. "I'm not sure, but him and his brother are-" Your voice crackled and erupted into a painful cough that alarmed the teacher himself.
"Are you sure you aren't sick yourself Miss Marwood? You don't look well." He said. "No, I'm fine sir, I've just been eating too much candy." Yeah, that should be it. It better be too. "You kids and your sweets. Tell Riley when he makes full recovery, he will have to take the test either during his lunch or after school. Now head off to lunch, make sure to have yogurt to help with your cough." He advised. With a quiet thank you, you packed the last piece of work in your bag and left.
"I might as well get my science stuff.." You muttered to yourself, making a left turn to where your locker was. God, why was your throat so dry? And why is everything going slower than normal? Shaking your head and heaving a dry cough, you prayed that you weren't sick.
"There you are." You turned away from your locker to find Nathan making his way over. "Where have you been? You come late and ditch class without texting me? I would've skipped with you, Y/n." Nathan stressed, standing in front of you with a look of irritation that washed away from the expression on your face. "Nate, I don't own a phone, plus you know I would text you about anything. I skipped classes to go to the nurse to sleep, and I came late because Riley got sick too." You said, the tone of your voice losing the sweet song that would chime in the pale blonde's ears. It sounded hoarse as if it pained you to speak.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Nathan sighed before biting at his lower lip. "Look, I'm sorry for being a dick about you being late. Can I make it up to you with something from the cafeteria? They have a chocolate and vanilla theme for dessert today." He told his crisp blue eyes frantically moving from the ground to look at you.
"Can we get yogurt today? I don't want anything sweet." You would close your locker after getting the last things you needed. "No sweets? Are feeling okay?" Nathan asked, stepping in front of you, and placing the backside of his hand on your forehead. He felt the heat you were building and pulled his hand back to take your hand.
"Y/n, you're si-" "Nuh uh, I'm not sick. I just need yo-yogurt.." You slurred on your words as you moved to begin walking to the cafeteria. With a simple shift in your footing, your vision blurred as you felt your heart rate raise with your breathing. Your second step never made contact with the ground as you lost complete balance and consciousness. Nathan, still holding onto your hand, keeping you from falling face-first onto the tile floor with his arm supporting your weight at your lower back.
"Shit- Y/N!"
The sun rose from its depth of darkness, illuminating the orange sky of the early morning. A gorgeous gradient shined through the massive windows of your bedroom before the curtains were pulled over the glass. The new day was the least of your concerns, if anything you wanted this day to end.
Awaking to a stuffed nose, a parched throat, and a trembling frame, you could care less about the beautiful morning. You weren't here earlier. You were walking to the cafeteria with Nathan to get yogurt, then all of a sudden you were in your room, hearing too many voices. Why can't everyone shut up? Standing around you, watching you pant and shake, Otis, Kiara, and Luna stared down at you in pity.
Luna, the major germaphobe that she is had on a doctor's mask and gloves. "Aw, poor thing, this fever bug is getting everyone. First the boys, now her." Kiara said, looking at the red point of your temperature on the thermometer. "Reezy and them got it too?" Otis asked, only getting a nod from the maid.
"I knew we should have had her homeschooled. This wouldn't have happened if we just got her a private teacher." Luna stressed, pacing around your room with her arms crossed protectively around herself. "Don't even start with that homeschool bull again, she needs to be social and shit. Every kid gets sick." Just as he said that you hacked a horrendous cough that made the three adults real back. "Well, Mr. Freeman said the first one to get sick was Huey, then Riley. So it's most definitely contagious." Kiara spoke, hesitantly applying a damp rag to your forehead.
"Ight bet, keep Nyx comfy I'll go and talk to the old nigga. Come on Luna." Otis told, dragging his sister with him out of your room, the door shutting behind them as they left. Kiara would sit at the edge of your bed and look at you with a worried smile.
"Would like anything? Something to drink maybe?" Kiara said. You only shook your head as you forced yourself to sit up in bed and make grabby hands to your TV remote. "Can I watch TV please..?" You asked. Immediately, Kiara got up to grab the remote from its place, along with your 3DS, just in case. "Of course, you don't have to ask to use your own TV Nyx. Here, I'll bring you some tea and soup and-"
"Can you watch TV with me? I don't wanna be alone." You said, your tone sounding dead and dull, yet she could tell you yearning for company. Kiara would give you a gentle smile with a nod. "Of course Y/n."
For an hour or so, Kiara joined you in watching whatever you wanted on your TV before leaving to get your meal for the evening. Before you ate, she had you bathe and change into one of the most adorable pajama sets you own. You completely forgot you owned this. Once you were well dressed, you sat in bed with your penguin plush in your arms.
Soon enough, Kiara made you a bowl of coconut ginger carrot soup, with freshly made breadsticks. As for your beverage, she made a warm cup of echinacea tea, which surprisingly looked appetizing. All were safely organized onto a bed tray table before you. "Now, don't just eat the breadsticks, make sure to have soup too."
"I will, thank you, Miss Kiara."
Change of Perspective
Huey's Pov.
"Oh, the Freeman brothers! Looks like your grandfather took Miss Luna's advice, please come in." Kiara would step aside and open the door wider for us to enter. I'd thank her as Riley only nodded. Me and Riley were forced out of our room, had to pack an overnight bag, and were rushed over to Y/n's house.
Why? I don't know. I assume it was some sort of quarantine attempt that they're doing, which is the smartest thing I've seen anyone in this neighborhood do. Riley had gotten whatever sickness I have, which didn't take long to pass onto Y/n. I hope she didn't get the worst of it.
"Before you boys go to Y/n's room, are you both hungry? There is still warm food on the stove, and if you have anything in mind that will make you both feel better, I'd be happy to make it." Kiara said. I looked to Riley, who took up on her offer. "Yeah, I can eat." He said. "I would like to eat something as well," I added.
She would nod with a kind smile before allowing us to go upstairs to Y/n's room. Now that I've been within the mansion, it's a lot quieter now. Before Y/n had shown up, it was never quiet, but now you could a pen drop five rooms down. "Yo, fuck are we doin' here?" Riley asked as we approached Y/n's room.
His voice had grown hoarse and deep, not as deep as mine had become, but deep enough to be unsettling. "We're being quarantined." Was all I said as I knocked on Y/n's bedroom door before entering. We stepped into her dimly lit room, which had just a few of the curtains drawn over the massive windows.
Yet the windows closer to her bed were still strung up, allowing a view of the setting sky to be seen. On the massive flat screen, it showed a man who wore bright red headphones and he shouted, "NOW LET'S BUCKLE THE FUCK UP! CAUSE HERE WE GO!!" Ah that YouTuber, she enjoys his videos.
She finally looked our way once the door closed behind us. "You look like shit." The three of us said in unison, each of us managing to laugh among sore throats. She would pat the empty space next to her for us to join with an inviting smile. Riley didn't hesitate to kick off his shoes and drop his duffle bag onto the couch before taking a spot next to Y/n in bed.
I would place my things down in an organized manner before sitting next to her. She was dressed in a matching satin pajama set that was cream color with brown bears in random spaces, and her hair was in a silk cream bonnet. In every way she was charming.
"What are you guys doing here? We didn't plan a sleepover." She said as she tore apart a breadstick and dipped it in a bowl of soup. Riley would take the other half and eat it as he spoke with a mouthful. "Some quarter shit."
"It's quarantine." I corrected. "Since we're all sick, they're grouping us all together to keep others from getting sick," I told. "Ooooh, so it's like a sleepover!" She cheered, with a joyous smile. With a sigh, I complied. "Yes, like a sleepover."
Minutes passed before Miss Kiara entered the bedroom with a large folding tray in her hands. It was two bowls of soup with two china glasses filled with tea, and one plate with four breadsticks. Further to the side were two sets of neatly folded clothes. "More soup?" Y/n asked with a whine.
Miss Kiara would chuckle and shake her head as placed the tray before us. "No, this is for the Freeman boys. It's best not to overeat when you're sick. I also brought you boys some spare pajamas to change into if you'd like." Kiara said as she took the previous tray from the bed. "We gotta change now?" Riley groaned as Y/n took one of the pajama sets from the tray.
She held up one of the satin pajama sets shirts, which was all black with the same spacious brown bear pattern that Y/n had with her own. Oh god no. The sight of Y/n's eyes widening with a growing smile made me cringe. Here it comes.
"We're gonna be matching! That's so cute! Y'all have to wear it! Please? It'll be really cute!" She would look between me and Riley with each word she said. "Hell nah, we'll look gay as hell," Riley said. "No, we won't! We'll look amazing! Huey agrees with me, right Huey? You'll wear it right?" Why me of all people?
She would look at me with those (e/c) eyes shining with the brightest hope for my approval. Why do her eyes vex me with every glance? How sick am I? Am I willing to lose my pride and self-dignity for a girl, who wants me to wear matching pajamas?
"It's just pajamas, Riley." Yes, yes I am.
Y/n would cheer as I took the shirt and pants to match. Riley said another argument with Y/n simply telling him to shut up while I went to her bathroom to change. Despite the design of it, it was very comfortable. The material was of a fine kind, despite its childish persona. Whatever, Y/n likes it. What the hell am I saying? I'm not doing this because she likes it, I'm doing this because I want to. Exactly. I wanted to wear these pajamas, and I'm going to.
After folding my previous clothes neatly, I left the bathroom to see Riley reluctantly snatch the second pajama set from the tray. "Fine, damn. Don't ask me for shit again after this." He spat as Y/n only smiled happily.
"Thank you, Riley!" She'd say so sweetly to the point it sound like a mockingbird. Riley swore under his breath before entering the bathroom as I went to pack away my clothes, making sure to take my phone and book from my bag. Approaching the bed, I was greeted with her joyful smile, it damn near made me smile. "What?" I said.
"You look really nice in it. Handsome, to be honest." She'd say bluntly, struggling to hide a cough as she spoke. Slowly she'd crawl out of bed, taking my hand and pulling me to her massive full-length mirror by her overly massive walk-in closet.
Standing in front of the mirror, she'd look at me with a smile and hold her hand out to receive something. Rolling my eyes, I gave her my phone to hear her giggle with glee. "Just don't take too many this time." I reminded.
"You hardly take pictures anyway, come on, pose!" She held the phone before her face with her hand on her hip, leaning her body against me. Making the bold action, my arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer to me. With a smile, she said, "Smile!" Like a fool under a spell, I smiled.
(The matching pajamas! Bear with me on the poses. And no, the pun was not intended.)
It actually ended up being a decent photo.
Joyfully, she would proceed to take more pictures, mainly of herself. Not like I minded. She doesn't have a phone, she only uses her iPad and desktop to text. Soon enough, Riley joined us by the mirror in the gray set of matching pajamas. Y/n stood in between us, mindlessly playing a game that she downloaded onto my phone. Note to self: make a private folder for mobile games for Y/n's short attention span.
"We look gay," Riley said, breaking the silence. For once, I agree with him. "But we match! So it's cute." Y/n argued, standing in the space between me and Riley. She'd link arms with the two of us before taking a surprise at the three of us together. Riley managed to pose with some ridiculous gang sign, and Y/n smiled with a peace sign while I did nothing. As long as she's happy.
Eventually, we all took place in Y/n's bed and resumed watching TV and eating before Miss Kiara came in to take the finished plates. In the midst of watching TV, a pointless debate sparked between me and Riley. Any argument between us is pointless because I'm always right.
"Nigga fuck you and that book shit, Y/n would say the same thing," Riley argued. Like hell she would, she's not that naive. "No, she wouldn't. What reason would she have to agree with you?" I snapped, glaring at him. We shared intense glares with one another before turning back to Y/n for which side she'd choose.
"Y/n?" We both called to see her laying in between us, peacefully sleeping among our arguments. "Bitch done passed out," Riley said, immediately yelping when I hit him to distract him from guarding the remote. "Yeah, it's time to sleep anyways," I said with a cough as I turned off the TV
Riley had no fight back as he fell back into the bed and took half go the large blanket. I would do the same and have my position faced Y/n, dozing off at the sight of her sleeping. "Huey," Riley called. "Yeah?" I replied. "I don't like being sick." He said.
"Nobody does," I replied. Complete silence. "Huey." He called once again. "Tch, yeah?" I said. "You're gay." Rolling my eyes I did the most immature thing and fought back. "And so are you." Just before Riley gave his rebuttal, Y/n spoke. "Shut up please." Her voice softly demanded.
Following her demand, we stayed silent and drifted off to sleep.
Change of Perspective
Second Person Point of View.
The next morning, the three of you were sent to the doctor's office with Otis, Luna, and Robert. Riley eagerly talked with Otis about his upcoming album, Luna stressed with Robert, while Huey reassured you about, what he calls, "irrational fear" of doctors.
"Y/n, needles aren't that bad. You'll hardly feel it anyways." He reassured. "You do feel it, Huey! But, it's not needles, it's just hospitals! It's always cold and white, and smells like medicine." You would gag at just mentioning it. Huey managed a chuckle as he closed his book. "You'll be fine, besides, we're already here."
Just like perfect timing, the chauffeur stopped in front of the doctor's office and quickly opened the doors for you all. "Come on Nyx, you don't want to stay sick forever, do you? I can't deal with that." Luna insisted as she took your hand in her, just to prevent you from slowing your pace. "I guess..." You murmured.
Once you three were checked In for your appointments, the doctor stepped out of the hall with a clipboard in hand. "I see the Freeman brothers and Miss Marwood. From the looks of your symptoms, it could be a simple flu and could be because the three of you haven't had shots or checkups in years. Why is that?" He questioned, his eyes looking to the three adults.
"Well, Riley just doesn't bother with doctors in general and Huey just doesn't sick too often." Mr. Freeman made sure not to add how risky his insurance is to the doctor. Taking his explanation, the doctor looked at Otis and Luna.
"She rarely gets sick, okay? Are they going to be alright? It's not anything serious right?" Luna stressed. "Yes, ma'am. I assure you, your niece and the boys will be just fine. Just some simple antibiotics with a simple shot they should be good as new. Now, these nurses will take them into the rooms for the procedure to begin."
You were left with the nurse in floral-designed scrubs, with a hot pink lanyard that carried her ID. "Hiya Y/n, I'm Patrice, ready to get a check-up today?" She asked as you walked with her to your designated exam room. "No. I don't wanna get a shot." You told honestly to the woman's surprise.
"I don't blame you, but trust me, you won't feel a thing. Go on in." She told as she open the door to the room. Tucked on the right side wall was an examination table, with a thin sheet covering the middle. The bland white walls had large animal decal stickers on the walls, emphasizing that this was a children's doctor's office. The sheet crinkled, and you're pretty sure it ripped when you sat on the table.
Patrica would close the door and turn to you while fitting the bright green glove onto her hand with a smile. "Alright, just lay down and relax." Moments later, a blood-curdling scream ran through the building as Patrica rushed out of the exam room, holding her nose that bled profusely.
"Aw shit, Nyx, stay here!" Otis demanded Luna as he ran to the room you were in, ignoring the demands from the doctor to return. Rushing through the doorframe, his frantic eyes darted around the dim room. "Nyx! Where you at? You ain't in trouble girl just come out." Stepping into the room, he looked for any sight of you.
The most alarming things he spotted were the tore sheet of thin paper over the examination table and small droplets of blood that lead from the examination table out of the room. Yet, one drop of blood drew beneath the table, where the sound of muffled sounds became prominent to Otis. Carefully, he approached the table, kneeling down to find you curled up in a trembling ball of fear. It was gut-wrenching for him to see.
"C'mon Nyx, it's me, girl. Get out from under there." Otis whispered, hesitantly reaching his hand out to grab you. You allowed him to pull you out from under the table by your hand, and take you in his embrace. Carrying you on one arm, he used his free one to grab a few paper towels from the dispenser on the wall. "Stop cryin' Nyx, you're gonna be okay. Look at me." Otis's tone with you was never malicious, cold, or even demanding. It was always gentle and kind, even now.
You kept your eyes closed as your sobs become mere sniffles as he wiped your face from your tears. Once your crying ceased, to where you just sniffled and coped with a dry throat, Otis let out a shaky sigh as kissed your forehead and embrace you fully. "It's gonna be alright baby, you're gonna be alright. Imma make sure everythin' gonna be alright." With those last words, you wrapped yourself around him, never wanting to let go.
"Miss Luna, please, I'm just asking, for a moment of your time before you leave." Doctor practically begged as managed to stop the stubborn woman from walking completely out of the hospital. "If my niece isn't dying from any sort of disease or has an allergy I'm unaware of-"
"No ma'am, I can assure you, her health is fine. But from the documents, you both supplied, she is in your care, temporarily, correct?" The doctor queried. Luna gritted her teeth as turned back to give a bitter glare to the man. "Yeah, what's it to you?" She grilled.
"It's just that. When she was being checked up by the nurse, Patrica claimed that Y/n behaved in a manner seen among children that have suffered abuse. Now, I understand that-" Now, it was her turn to interrupt.
"There's no way you're standin' here thinkin' we're some fuckin' sickos! That's our niece!" Luna snarled, the disgust prominent in her voice. "And I understand that! I was trying to say, I'm aware she was put into your brother's care because of the abuse she's gone through in her primary household. Just with the way she's acting, and her reaction to the check-up, she could've gone through something more than just physical abuse!" The doctor yelled in a hushed voice.
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